4 years ago 3 commits to master since this release
Though the version number is the same as the recently released MultipleMaids 23.1, modifiedMM does not currently have any of the new features/fixes/changes of MultipleMaids 23.1. ModifiedMM is based on MultipleMaids 22.2.
4 years ago 4 commits to master since this release
There's a little weirdness with editing GP-01 Fb face parameters if shift_f7
is false
in the config where interacting with the slider does not change the face parameters. This seems to only occur when hiding the GUI while having already navigated to the 'face' tab in MM. This can be remedied by leaving the MM window visible.
Not sure of how to fix it yet though.
4 years ago 5 commits to master since this release
job status when mods_only
option is enabled
setting4 years ago 7 commits to master since this release
4 years ago 8 commits to master since this release
4 years ago 11 commits to master since this release
4 years ago 12 commits to master since this release
This update works on 1.47+
5 years ago 16 commits to master since this release
5 years ago 17 commits to master since this release
The way save data is loaded has been modified slightly to accommodate the new props that can be spawned. This means that scenes saved with this and future versions of MM (anon edit) are not backwards compatible with MM versions prior to this.
5 years ago 26 commits to master since this release