translations.en.json 51 KB

  1. {
  2. "tabs": {
  3. "call": "Call",
  4. "pose": "Pose",
  5. "face": "Face",
  6. "bg": "BG",
  7. "bg2": "BG2"
  8. },
  9. "maidCallWindow": {
  10. "okButton": "OK",
  11. "clearButton": "Clear",
  12. "callButton": "Call"
  13. },
  14. "placementDropdown": {
  15. "normal": "Normal",
  16. "horizontalRow": "Horizontal Row",
  17. "diagonal": "Diagonal",
  18. "circleOut": "Circle (outer)",
  19. "circleIn": "Circle (Inner)",
  20. "fan": "Fan",
  21. "v": "V",
  22. "^": "^",
  23. "m": "M",
  24. "w": "W"
  25. },
  26. "maidPoseWindow": {
  27. "ikToggle": "IK",
  28. "releaseToggle": "Release",
  29. "boneToggle": "Bone",
  30. "flipToggle": "Flip IK",
  31. "fixSkirtToggle": "Fix Skirt"
  32. },
  33. "poseGroupDropdown": {
  34. "normal": "Normal",
  35. "standing": "Standing",
  36. "halfStand": "Half-Standing",
  37. "kneeling": "Kneeling",
  38. "sitting": "Sitting",
  39. "onAllFours": "On All Fours",
  40. "sittingFloor": "Sitting (Floor)",
  41. "sittingChair": "Sitting (Chair)",
  42. "sittingSofa": "Sitting (Sofa)",
  43. "walking": "Walking",
  44. "other": "Other",
  45. "danceDokiDoki": "Doki Doki ☆ Fallin' Love",
  46. "danceEntranceToYou": "Entrance To You",
  47. "danceScarletLeap": "Scarlet Leap",
  48. "danceRhythmix": "Rhythmix to You",
  49. "dance": "Dance",
  50. "danceMC": "Dance (MC)",
  51. "restraint": "Restraint",
  52. "ero": "Ero",
  53. "normal2": "Normal 2",
  54. "ero2": "Ero 2"
  55. },
  56. "poseSave": {
  57. "saveToggle": "Save Pose",
  58. "saveButton": "Add",
  59. "deleteButton": "D"
  60. },
  61. "freeLook": {
  62. "freeLookToggle": "F-Look",
  63. "x": "Look X",
  64. "y": "Look Y"
  65. },
  66. "clothing": {
  67. "accHat": "Hat",
  68. "headset": "Headdress",
  69. "wear": "Top",
  70. "skirt": "Bottoms",
  71. "onepiece": "One-Piece",
  72. "mizugi": "Bathing Suit",
  73. "glove": "Gloves",
  74. "shoes": "Shoes",
  75. "stkg": "Socks",
  76. "bra": "Bra",
  77. "panz": "Panties",
  78. "megane": "Eyewear",
  79. "accHead": "Eye Mask",
  80. "accSenaka": "Back",
  81. "accShippo": "Tail",
  82. "accKami_1_": "Pin 1",
  83. "accKami_2_": "Pin 2",
  84. "accKami_3_": "Pin 3",
  85. "accKamiSubL": "Ribbon L",
  86. "accKamiSubR": "Ribbon R",
  87. "accMiMiL": "Ear L",
  88. "accMiMiR": "Ear R",
  89. "accHana": "Nose",
  90. "accKubiwa": "Choker",
  91. "accKubi": "Necklace",
  92. "accNipL": "Nip L",
  93. "accNipR": "Nip R",
  94. "accUde": "Arms",
  95. "accHeso": "Navel",
  96. "accAshi": "Ankles",
  97. "accXXX": "Genitals",
  98. "body": "Body",
  99. "headwear": "Headwear",
  100. "curlingFront": "Curl Front",
  101. "curlingBack": "Curl Rear",
  102. "shiftPanties": "Shift",
  103. "detail": "Detailed Clothing"
  104. },
  105. "hands": {
  106. "rightHand": "R Hand",
  107. "leftHand": "L Hand"
  108. },
  109. "copyIK": {
  110. "copyLabel": "copy",
  111. "copyButton": "OK"
  112. },
  113. "voiceLines": {
  114. "speak": "Speak",
  115. "speakEro": "H Lines"
  116. },
  117. "maidFaceWindow": {
  118. "faceLock": "L"
  119. },
  120. "faceBlendPresetsDropdown": {
  121. "通常": "General: Normal",
  122. "微笑み": "General: Half Smile",
  123. "笑顔": "General: Big Smile",
  124. "にっこり": "General: Sweet Smile",
  125. "優しさ": "General: Gentle",
  126. "発情": "General: Lust",
  127. "ジト目": "General: Glare",
  128. "閉じ目": "General: Eyes Closed",
  129. "思案伏せ目": "General: Consideration",
  130. "ドヤ顔": "General: Proud",
  131. "引きつり笑顔": "General: Awkward Smile",
  132. "苦笑い": "General: Bitter Smile",
  133. "困った": "General: Distressed",
  134. "疑問": "General: Curious",
  135. "ぷんすか": "General: Upset",
  136. "むー": "General: Mmmm..",
  137. "泣き": "General: Cry",
  138. "拗ね": "General: Sulk",
  139. "照れ": "General: Bashful",
  140. "悲しみ2": "General: Sad",
  141. "きょとん": "General: Confused",
  142. "びっくり": "General: Surprised",
  143. "少し怒り": "General: Kinda Angry",
  144. "怒り": "General: Angry",
  145. "照れ叫び": "General: Shout",
  146. "誘惑": "General: Temptation",
  147. "接吻": "General: Kiss",
  148. "居眠り安眠": "General: Sleep",
  149. "まぶたギュ": "General: Eyes Shut",
  150. "目を見開いて": "General: Eyes Wide Open",
  151. "痛みで目を見開いて": "General: Eyes Open Pain",
  152. "恥ずかしい": "General: Embarrassed",
  153. "ためいき": "General: Sigh",
  154. "目口閉じ": "General: Eyes and Mouth Closed",
  155. "ウインク照れ": "General: Shy Wink",
  156. "ダンス目つむり": "Dance: Eyes and Mouth Closed",
  157. "ダンスあくび": "Dance: Yawn",
  158. "ダンスびっくり": "Dance: Surprised",
  159. "ダンス微笑み": "Dance: Half Smile",
  160. "ダンス目あけ": "Dance: Eyes Open",
  161. "ダンス目とじ": "Dance: Eyes Closed",
  162. "ダンス誘惑": "Dance: Temptation",
  163. "ダンス困り顔": "Dance: Troubled",
  164. "ダンスウインク": "Dance: Wink",
  165. "ダンス真剣": "Dance: Serious",
  166. "ダンス憂い": "Dance: Sorrow",
  167. "ダンスジト目": "Dance: Glare",
  168. "ダンスキス": "Dance: Kiss",
  169. "エロ通常1": "Ero: General 1",
  170. "エロ通常2": "Ero: General 2",
  171. "エロ通常3": "Ero: General 3",
  172. "エロ興奮0": "Ero: Excitement 1",
  173. "エロ興奮1": "Ero: Excitement 2",
  174. "エロ興奮2": "Ero: Excitement 3",
  175. "エロ興奮3": "Ero: Excitement 4",
  176. "エロ好感1": "Ero: Favourable 1",
  177. "エロ好感2": "Ero: Favourable 2",
  178. "エロ好感3": "Ero: Favourable 3",
  179. "エロ期待": "Ero: Anticipation",
  180. "エロ羞恥1": "Ero: Bashful 1",
  181. "エロ羞恥2": "Ero: Bashful 2",
  182. "エロ羞恥3": "Ero: Bashful 3",
  183. "エロ緊張": "Ero: Nervous",
  184. "エロ我慢1": "Ero: Endurance 1",
  185. "エロ我慢2": "Ero: Endurance 2",
  186. "エロ我慢3": "Ero: Endurance 3",
  187. "エロ嫌悪1": "Ero: Hate",
  188. "エロ痛み1": "Ero: Pain 1",
  189. "エロ痛み2": "Ero: Pain 2",
  190. "エロ痛み3": "Ero: Pain 3",
  191. "エロ痛み我慢": "Ero: Enduring 1",
  192. "エロ痛み我慢2": "Ero: Enduring 2",
  193. "エロ痛み我慢3": "Ero: Enduring 3",
  194. "エロ怯え": "Ero: Afraid",
  195. "エロメソ泣き": "Ero: Lewd Cry",
  196. "あーん": "Ero: Ahhnn",
  197. "エロ舌責": "Ero: Tongue Out",
  198. "エロ舌責快楽": "Ero: Tongue Out Pleasure",
  199. "エロ舌責嫌悪": "Ero: Tongue Out Hate",
  200. "エロ舐め通常": "Ero: Lick Normal 1",
  201. "エロ舐め通常2": "Ero: Lick Normal 2",
  202. "エロ舐め愛情": "Ero: Lick Love 1",
  203. "エロ舐め愛情2": "Ero: Lick Love 2",
  204. "エロ舐め快楽": "Ero: Lick Pleasure 1",
  205. "エロ舐め快楽2": "Ero: Lick Pleasure 2",
  206. "エロ舐め嫌悪": "Ero: Lick Hate 1",
  207. "エロ舐め嫌悪2": "Ero: Lick Hate 2",
  208. "エロフェラ通常": "Ero: Fellatio Normal",
  209. "エロフェラ愛情": "Ero: Fellatio Love",
  210. "エロフェラ快楽": "Ero: Fellatio Pleasure",
  211. "エロフェラ嫌悪": "Ero: Fellatio Hate",
  212. "閉じ舐め通常": "Ero: Lick Normal 1 (close)",
  213. "閉じ舐め通常2": "Ero: Lick Normal 2 (close)",
  214. "閉じ舐め愛情": "Ero: Lick Love 1 (close)",
  215. "閉じ舐め愛情2": "Ero: Lick Love 2 (close)",
  216. "閉じ舐め快楽": "Ero: Lick Pleasure 1 (close)",
  217. "閉じ舐め快楽2": "Ero: Lick Pleasure 2 (close)",
  218. "閉じ舐め嫌悪": "Ero: Lick Hate 1 (close)",
  219. "閉じ舐め嫌悪2": "Ero: Lick Hate 2 (close)",
  220. "閉じフェラ通常": "Ero: Fellatio Normal (close)",
  221. "閉じフェラ愛情": "Ero: Fellatio Love (close)",
  222. "閉じフェラ快楽": "Ero: Fellatio Pleasure (close)",
  223. "閉じフェラ嫌悪": "Ero: Fellatio Hate (close)",
  224. "通常射精後1": "Ero: After Ejaculation 1",
  225. "通常射精後2": "Ero: After Ejaculation 2",
  226. "絶頂射精後1": "Ero: After Ejaculation Orgasm 1",
  227. "絶頂射精後2": "Ero: After Ejaculation Orgasm 2",
  228. "興奮射精後1": "Ero: After Ejaculation Aroused 1",
  229. "興奮射精後2": "Ero: After Ejaculation Aroused 2",
  230. "余韻弱": "Ero: Afterglow",
  231. "エロ絶頂": "Ero: Orgasm",
  232. "エロ放心": "Ero: Absent Minded"
  233. },
  234. "faceBlendValues": {
  235. "eyeclose": "Eye Shut",
  236. "eyeclose2": "Eye Smile",
  237. "eyeclose3": "Glare",
  238. "eyebig": "Eyes Widen",
  239. "eyeclose6": "Wink Smile",
  240. "eyeclose5": "Wink Shut",
  241. "hitomih": "Highlight",
  242. "hitomis": "Pupil Size",
  243. "mayuha": "Brows Angle",
  244. "mayuw": "Brows Sad",
  245. "mayuup": "Brows Up",
  246. "mayuv": "Brows Angry 1",
  247. "mayuvhalf": "Brows Angry 2",
  248. "moutha": "Mouth Open 1",
  249. "mouths": "Mouth Open 2",
  250. "mouthc": "Mouth Narrow",
  251. "mouthi": "Mouth Widen",
  252. "mouthup": "Smile",
  253. "mouthdw": "Frown",
  254. "mouthhe": "Pout",
  255. "mouthuphalf": "Grin",
  256. "tangout": "Tongue Out",
  257. "tangup": "Tongue Up",
  258. "tangopen": "Tongue Base",
  259. "hoho2": "Blush",
  260. "shock": "Shade",
  261. "nosefook": "Nose Up",
  262. "namida": "Tears",
  263. "yodare": "Drool",
  264. "toothoff": "Teeth",
  265. "tear1": "Cry 1",
  266. "tear2": "Cry 2",
  267. "tear3": "Cry 3",
  268. "hohos": "Blush 1",
  269. "hoho": "Blush 2",
  270. "hohol": "Blush 3"
  271. },
  272. "faceSave": {
  273. "saveButton": "Add",
  274. "deleteButton": "D"
  275. },
  276. "backgroundWindow": {
  277. "saveLoadButton": "Save\nLoad",
  278. "movementCubeLabel": "Movement Cube",
  279. "lightLabel": "Light",
  280. "red": "Red",
  281. "green": "Green",
  282. "blue": "Blue",
  283. "onToggle": "On"
  284. },
  285. "bgDropdown": {
  286. "adultshop": "Adult Shop",
  287. "aquarium": "Aquarium",
  288. "aquarium_isu": "Aquarium (No Chairs)",
  289. "BackStage": "Backstage",
  290. "Bar": "Bar",
  291. "BarLounge": "Bar Lounge",
  292. "Bathroom": "Bathroom",
  293. "BigSight": "Cosplay Convention",
  294. "BigSight_Night": "Cosplay Convention (Night)",
  295. "boutique": "Boutique",
  296. "Casino": "Casino",
  297. "CasinoMini": "Mini Casino",
  298. "cathedral": "Cathedral",
  299. "ClassRoom": "Classroom",
  300. "ClassRoom_Play": "Classroom (Yotogi)",
  301. "classroom_nodesk": "Classroom (No Desks)",
  302. "com3d2pool": "Pool",
  303. "com3d2pool_night": "Pool (Night)",
  304. "DanceRoom": "Training",
  305. "DressRoom_NoMirror": "Dressing Room",
  306. "empireclub_elevator": "Empire Club Elevator",
  307. "EmpireClub_Entrance": "Empire Club Entrance",
  308. "empireclub_hallway": "Empire Club Hallway",
  309. "EmpireClub_Rotary": "Empire Club Rotary",
  310. "EmpireClub_Rotary_Night": "Empire Club Rotary (Night)",
  311. "fantasyinn": "Fantasy Inn",
  312. "fantasyinn_night": "Fantasy Inn (Night)",
  313. "GameShop": "Game Shop",
  314. "gelaende": "Ski Slope",
  315. "gelaende_night": "Ski Slope (Night)",
  316. "HeroineRoom_A": "Innocence Room",
  317. "HeroineRoom_A_Night": "Innocence Room (Night)",
  318. "HeroineRoom_A1": "Pure Room",
  319. "HeroineRoom_A1_Night": "Pure Room (Night)",
  320. "HeroineRoom_B": "Kuudere Room",
  321. "HeroineRoom_B_Night": "Kuudere Room (Night)",
  322. "HeroineRoom_B1": "Serious Room",
  323. "HeroineRoom_B1_Night": "Serious Room (Night)",
  324. "HeroineRoom_C": "Tsundere",
  325. "HeroineRoom_C_Night": "Tsundere (Night)",
  326. "HeroineRoom_C1": "Rindere Room",
  327. "HeroineRoom_C1_Night": "Rindere Room (Night)",
  328. "HeroineRoom_D": "Yandere Room",
  329. "HeroineRoom_D_Night": "Yandere Room (Night)",
  330. "HeroineRoom_D1": "Bookworm Room",
  331. "HeroineRoom_D1_Night": "Bookworm Room (Night)",
  332. "HeroineRoom_E": "Oneechan Room",
  333. "HeroineRoom_E_Night": "Oneechan Room (Night)",
  334. "HeroineRoom_E1": "Koakuma Room",
  335. "HeroineRoom_E1_Night": "Koakuma Room (Night)",
  336. "HeroineRoom_F": "Genki Room",
  337. "HeroineRoom_F_Night": "Genki Room (Night)",
  338. "HeroineRoom_F1": "Anesan Room",
  339. "HeroineRoom_F1_Night": "Anesan Room (Night)",
  340. "HeroineRoom_G": "Sadist Room",
  341. "HeroineRoom_G_Night": "Sadist Room (Night)",
  342. "HeroineRoom_G1": "Secretary Room",
  343. "HeroineRoom_G1_Night": "Secretary Room (Night)",
  344. "HeroineRoom_H1": "Imouto Room",
  345. "HeroineRoom_H1_Night": "Imouto Room (Night)",
  346. "HeroineRoom_J1": "Wary Room",
  347. "HeroineRoom_J1_Night": "Wary Room (Night)",
  348. "HeroineRoom_K1": "Ojou Room",
  349. "HeroineRoom_K1_Night": "Ojou Room (Night)",
  350. "HeroineRoom_L1": "Osanajimi Room",
  351. "HeroineRoom_L1_Night": "Osanajimi Room (Night)",
  352. "homelesstents": "Homeless Tent",
  353. "HoneymoonRoom": "Honeymoon Room",
  354. "izakaya": "Japanese Bar",
  355. "izakaya_play": "Japanese Bar Messy",
  356. "japanesehouse": "Japanese Style House",
  357. "japanesehouse_night": "Japanese Style House (Night)",
  358. "KaraokeRoom": "Karaoke Room",
  359. "Kitchen": "Kitchen",
  360. "Kitchen_Night": "Kitchen (Night)",
  361. "LargeBathRoom": "Large Bathroom",
  362. "LiveStage": "Live Stage",
  363. "LiveStage_Side": "Live Stage (On)",
  364. "LiveStage_use_dance": "Live Stage (Off)",
  365. "LockerRoom": "Locker Room",
  366. "luxurytoilet": "Luxury Bathroom",
  367. "machikado": "Street Corner",
  368. "machikado_night": "Street Corner (Night)",
  369. "MaidRoom": "Maid Room",
  370. "MainKitchen": "Main Kitchen",
  371. "MainKitchen_LightOff": "Main Kitchen (Lights Off)",
  372. "MainKitchen_Night": "Kitchen (Night)",
  373. "MusicShop": "Music Shop",
  374. "MyBedRoom": "Master's Room",
  375. "MyBedRoom_Night": "Master's Room (Night)",
  376. "MyBedRoom_NightOff": "Master's Room (Lights Off)",
  377. "MyRoom": "Master's Room",
  378. "MyRoom_Night": "Master's Room Night",
  379. "Oheya": "Tatami Mat Room",
  380. "OiranRoom": "Oiran Style Room",
  381. "OpemCafe": "Open Cafe",
  382. "opemcafe_aikiss": "Ai Kiss Collab Cafe",
  383. "opemcafe_aikiss_night": "Ai Kiss Collab Cafe (Night)",
  384. "opemcafe_cristalia": "CRYSTALiA Collab Cafe",
  385. "opemcafe_cristalia_night": "CRYSTALiA Collab Cafe (Night)",
  386. "opemcafe_evenicle2": "Evenicle Ⅱ Collab Cafe",
  387. "opemcafe_evenicle2_night": "Evenicle Ⅱ Collab Cafe (Night)",
  388. "opemcafe_inuyome2": "Wanko no Yomeiri Collab Cafe 2",
  389. "opemcafe_inuyome2_night": "Wanko no Yomeiri Collab Cafe 2 (Night)",
  390. "opemcafe_korolum": "Korolum Collab Cafe",
  391. "opemcafe_korolum2": "Korolum Collab Cafe 2",
  392. "opemcafe_korolum2_night": "Korolum Collab Cafe 2 (Night)",
  393. "opemcafe_korolum_night": "Korolum Collab Cafe (Night)",
  394. "opemcafe_laplacian": "Future Radio and Artificial Pigeons Collab Cafe",
  395. "opemcafe_laplacian_night": "Future Radio and Artificial Pigeons Collab Cafe (Night)",
  396. "opemcafe_nekow": "Nekopara Collab Cafe",
  397. "opemcafe_nekow_night": "Nekopara Collab Cafe (Night)",
  398. "OpemCafe_Night": "Open Cafe (Night)",
  399. "opemcafe_nitro": "Minikui Mojika no Ko Collab Cafe",
  400. "opemcafe_nitro_night": "Minikui Mojika no Ko Collab Cafe (Night)",
  401. "opemcafe_pencil": "Mary-san Collab Cafe",
  402. "opemcafe_pencil_night": "Mary-san Collab Cafe (Night)",
  403. "opemcafe_rance10": "RanceX Collab Cafe",
  404. "opemcafe_rance10_night": "RanceX Collab Cafe (Night)",
  405. "opemcafe_raspberry": "Raspberry Cube Collab Cafe",
  406. "opemcafe_raspberry_night": "Raspberry Cube Collab Cafe (Night)",
  407. "opemcafe_riddlejoker": "Riddle Joker Collab Cafe",
  408. "opemcafe_riddlejoker_night": "Riddle Joker Collab Cafe (Night)",
  409. "opemcafe_sagapla": "Kin'iro Loveriche GT Collab Cafe",
  410. "opemcafe_sagapla_night": "Kin'iro Loveriche GT Collab Cafe (Night)",
  411. "opemcafe_wanko": "Wanko no Yomeiri Collab Cafe",
  412. "opemcafe_wanko_night": "Wanko no Yomeiri Collab Cafe (Night)",
  413. "OutletPark": "Outlet Park",
  414. "park": "Park (No Food Trucks)",
  415. "park_car": "Park",
  416. "park_car_night": "Park (Night)",
  417. "park_night": "Park (Night No Food Trucks)",
  418. "Penthouse": "Penthouse",
  419. "PlayRoom": "Playroom",
  420. "PlayRoom2": "Playroom 2",
  421. "poledancestage": "Pole Dance Stage",
  422. "Pool": "Pool",
  423. "PrivateRoom": "Private Room",
  424. "privateroom2": "Private Room 2",
  425. "privateroom2_night": "Private Room 2 (Night)",
  426. "privateroom2_nightoff": "Private Room 2 (Lights Off)",
  427. "PrivateRoom_Night": "Private Room (Night)",
  428. "Restaurant": "Restaurant",
  429. "Restaurant_Night": "Restaurant (Night)",
  430. "Rotenburo": "Open-Air Bath",
  431. "Rotenburo_Night": "Open-Air Bath (Night)",
  432. "Salon": "Salon",
  433. "Salon_Day": "Salon Day",
  434. "Salon_Entrance": "Salon Entrance",
  435. "Salon_Garden": "Courtyard",
  436. "Sea": "Beach",
  437. "seacafe": "Beach Cafe",
  438. "seacafe_night": "Beach Cafe (Night)",
  439. "Sea_Night": "Beach (Night)",
  440. "Sea_VR": "Beach (VR)",
  441. "Sea_VR_Night": "Beach (VR Night)",
  442. "ShinShitsumu": "Office",
  443. "ShinShitsumu_ChairRot": "Office (Chair)",
  444. "ShinShitsumu_Night": "Office (Night)",
  445. "Shitsumu": "Office",
  446. "Shitsumu_ChairRot": "Office 2 (Chair)",
  447. "Shitsumu_ChairRot_Night": "Office 2 (Chair Night)",
  448. "Shitsumu_Night": "Office (Night)",
  449. "ShoppingMall": "Shopping Mall",
  450. "ShoppingMall_Night": "Shopping Mall (Night)",
  451. "shrine": "Shrine",
  452. "shrine_night": "Shrine (Night)",
  453. "Shukuhakubeya_BedRoom": "Bedroom",
  454. "Shukuhakubeya_BedRoom_Night": "Bedroom (Night)",
  455. "Shukuhakubeya_Living": "Living Room",
  456. "Shukuhakubeya_Living_Night": "Living Room (Night)",
  457. "Shukuhakubeya_Other_BedRoom": "Bedroom 2",
  458. "Shukuhakubeya_Toilet": "Bathroom",
  459. "Shukuhakubeya_Toilet_Night": "Bathroom (Night)",
  460. "Shukuhakubeya_WashRoom": "Washroom",
  461. "Shukuhakubeya_WashRoom_Night": "Washroom (Night)",
  462. "SMClub": "SM Club",
  463. "SMRoom": "SM Room",
  464. "SMRoom2": "Basement",
  465. "Soap": "Soapland",
  466. "Spa": "Spa",
  467. "Spa_Night": "Spa (Night)",
  468. "springgarden": "Spring Garden (No Stalls)",
  469. "springgarden_night": "Spring Garden (Night No Stalls)",
  470. "springgarden_yatai": "Spring Garden",
  471. "springgarden_yatai_night": "Spring Garden (Night)",
  472. "Syosai": "Study",
  473. "Syosai_Night": "Study (Night)",
  474. "Theater": "Theater",
  475. "Theater_LightOff": "Theater (Night)",
  476. "Toilet": "Toilet",
  477. "Town": "Town",
  478. "Train": "Train",
  479. "train_notsurikawa": "Train (No Handles)",
  480. "Villa": "Villa 1F",
  481. "Villa_BedRoom": "Villa 2f",
  482. "Villa_BedRoom_Night": "Villa 2f (Night)",
  483. "villa_bedroom_door": "Villa 2f (Door)",
  484. "Villa_Farm": "Garden",
  485. "Villa_Farm_Night": "Garden (Night)",
  486. "Villa_Night": "Villa 1F (Night)",
  487. "Yashiki": "Inn (Night)",
  488. "Yashiki_Day": "Inn",
  489. "Yashiki_Pillow": "Inn (Night with Pillow)"
  490. },
  491. "props": {
  492. "props1Label": "Props 1",
  493. "props2Label": "Props 2",
  494. "props1AddButton": "Add",
  495. "props2AddButton": "Add"
  496. },
  497. "props1Dropdown": {
  498. "photo_ver/Odogu_HeroineChair_cooldere_photo_ver": "Kuudere Chair",
  499. "photo_ver/Odogu_HeroineChair_junshin_photo_ver": "Junshin Chair",
  500. "photo_ver/Odogu_HeroineChair_muku_photo_ver": "Muku Chair",
  501. "photo_ver/Odogu_HeroineChair_tsumdere_photo_ver": "Tsundere Chair",
  502. "photo_ver/Odogu_Etoile_Chair_photo_ver": "Fluffy Chair",
  503. "Odogu_MariGold": "Marigolds",
  504. "Odogu_SimpleTable": "Simple Table",
  505. "Odogu_SalonSofa_small_photo_ver": "Small Sofa",
  506. "Odogu_SalonSofa_long_photo_ver": "Wide Sofa",
  507. "Odogu_SalonSofa_Dance_photo_ver": "Dance Sofa",
  508. "Odogu_SalonSofa_4P_photo_ver": "Long Sofa",
  509. "Odogu_WineGlass": "Empty Wine Glass",
  510. "Odogu_Nabe": "Pot (Filled)",
  511. "Odogu_Jyouro": "Watering Can",
  512. "Odogu_Kadou": "Table with Flowers",
  513. "Odogu_KadouChair": "Square Stool",
  514. "Odogu_Manaita": "Cutting Board",
  515. "Odogu_StandMike": "Mic",
  516. "Odogu_StandMikeBase": "Mic Base",
  517. "photo_ver/Odogu_Umeko_Mike_photo_ver": "Koala Mic",
  518. "Odogu_NoteBook_photo_ver": "Notebook",
  519. "Odogu_Sankousyo_photo_ver": "Reference Book",
  520. "Odogu_MaidRoomBook001_photo_ver": "Empire's Manners Book",
  521. "Odogu_MaidRoomBook002_photo_ver": "EN to JP Dictionary",
  522. "Odogu_MaidRoomBook003_photo_ver": "Marketing Book",
  523. "Odogu_MaidRoomBook004_photo_ver": "Recipe Book",
  524. "Odogu_MaidRoomBook005_photo_ver": "Flower Arrangement Book",
  525. "Odogu_Enpitsu_photo_ver": "Pencil (Green)",
  526. "Odogu_Enpitsu_Black_photo_ver": "Pencil (Black)",
  527. "Odogu_Enpitsu_Red_photo_ver": "Pencil (Red)",
  528. "Odogu_Keshigomu_photo_ver": "Eraser (Blue)",
  529. "Odogu_Keshigomu_Purple_photo_ver": "Eraser (Purple)",
  530. "Odogu_Keshigomu_Yellow_photo_ver": "Eraser (Yellow)",
  531. "Odogu_Pen_photo_ver": "Pen (Pink)",
  532. "Odogu_Pen_Black_photo_ver": "Pen (Black)",
  533. "Odogu_Pen_Brown_photo_ver": "Pen (Brown)",
  534. "Odogu_Pen_Green_photo_ver": "Pen (Green)",
  535. "Odogu_StickNori_photo_ver": "Glue Stick",
  536. "Odogu_AcquaPazza": "Acqua Pazza",
  537. "Odogu_BirthdayCake": "Birthday Cake",
  538. "Odogu_vichyssoise": "Vichyssoise",
  539. "Odogu_Shortcake": "Shortcake",
  540. "Odogu_Sandwich": "Egg Sandwiches",
  541. "Odogu_MontBlanc": "Mont Blanc",
  542. "Odogu_WineBottle(cap_off)": "Wine Bottle (Cap Off)",
  543. "Odogu_WineBottle(cap_on)": "Wine Bottle",
  544. "Odogu_Smoothie_Green": "Smoothie (Kiwi)",
  545. "Odogu_Smoothie_Red": "Smoothie (Strawberry)",
  546. "Odogu_Cocktail_Blue": "Cocktail (Blue)",
  547. "Odogu_Cocktail_Red": "Cocktail (Red)",
  548. "Odogu_Cocktail_Yellow": "Cocktail (Yellow)",
  549. "Odogu_Coffiecup": "Coffee",
  550. "Odogu_CardsDeck": "Deck of Cards",
  551. "Odogu_CardShooter": "Card Shooter",
  552. "Odogu_Card_c1": "Card A (Club)",
  553. "Odogu_Card_c2": "Card 2 (Club)",
  554. "Odogu_Card_c3": "Card 3 (Club)",
  555. "Odogu_Card_c4": "Card 4 (Club)",
  556. "Odogu_Card_c5": "Card 5 (Club)",
  557. "Odogu_Card_c6": "Card 6 (Club)",
  558. "Odogu_Card_c7": "Card 7 (Club)",
  559. "Odogu_Card_c8": "Card 8 (Club)",
  560. "Odogu_Card_c9": "Card 9 (Club)",
  561. "Odogu_Card_c10": "Card 10 (Club)",
  562. "Odogu_Card_c11": "Card Jack (Club)",
  563. "Odogu_Card_c12": "Card Queen (Club)",
  564. "Odogu_Card_c13": "Card King (Club)",
  565. "Odogu_Card_d1": "Card A (Diamond)",
  566. "Odogu_Card_d2": "Card 2 (Diamond)",
  567. "Odogu_Card_d3": "Card 3 (Diamond)",
  568. "Odogu_Card_d4": "Card 4 (Diamond)",
  569. "Odogu_Card_d5": "Card 5 (Diamond)",
  570. "Odogu_Card_d6": "Card 6 (Diamond)",
  571. "Odogu_Card_d7": "Card 7 (Diamond)",
  572. "Odogu_Card_d8": "Card 8 (Diamond)",
  573. "Odogu_Card_d9": "Card 9 (Diamond)",
  574. "Odogu_Card_d10": "Card 10 (Diamond)",
  575. "Odogu_Card_d11": "Card Jack (Diamond)",
  576. "Odogu_Card_d12": "Card Queen (Diamond)",
  577. "Odogu_Card_d13": "Card King (Diamond)",
  578. "Odogu_Card_h1": "Card A (Heart)",
  579. "Odogu_Card_h2": "Card 2 (Heart)",
  580. "Odogu_Card_h3": "Card 3 (Heart)",
  581. "Odogu_Card_h4": "Card 4 (Heart)",
  582. "Odogu_Card_h5": "Card 5 (Heart)",
  583. "Odogu_Card_h6": "Card 6 (Heart)",
  584. "Odogu_Card_h7": "Card 7 (Heart)",
  585. "Odogu_Card_h8": "Card 8 (Heart)",
  586. "Odogu_Card_h9": "Card 9 (Heart)",
  587. "Odogu_Card_h10": "Card 10 (Heart)",
  588. "Odogu_Card_h11": "Card Jack (Heart)",
  589. "Odogu_Card_h12": "Card Queen (Heart)",
  590. "Odogu_Card_h13": "Card King (Heart)",
  591. "Odogu_Card_s1": "Card A (Spades)",
  592. "Odogu_Card_s2": "Card 2 (Spades)",
  593. "Odogu_Card_s3": "Card 3 (Spades)",
  594. "Odogu_Card_s4": "Card 4 (Spades)",
  595. "Odogu_Card_s5": "Card 5 (Spades)",
  596. "Odogu_Card_s6": "Card 6 (Spades)",
  597. "Odogu_Card_s7": "Card 7 (Spades)",
  598. "Odogu_Card_s8": "Card 8 (Spades)",
  599. "Odogu_Card_s9": "Card 9 (Spades)",
  600. "Odogu_Card_s10": "Card 10 (Spades)",
  601. "Odogu_Card_s11": "Card Jack (Spades)",
  602. "Odogu_Card_s12": "Card Queen (Spades)",
  603. "Odogu_Card_s13": "Card King (Spades)",
  604. "Odogu_Card_joker": "Card Joker",
  605. "Odogu_CasinoChip_10": "Casino Chip (10)",
  606. "Odogu_CasinoChip_100": "Casino Chip (100)",
  607. "Odogu_CasinoChip_1000": "Casino Chip (1000)",
  608. "Odogu_Condom_Open_photo_ver": "Condom (Open)",
  609. "Odogu_Condom_Close": "Condom (Used Open)",
  610. "Odogu_Condom_Pack": "Condom (Used Closed)",
  611. "Odogu_DildoBox": "Condom Wrapper",
  612. "Odogu_Girochin_A": "Guillotine",
  613. "Odogu_Girochin_B": "Guillotine Base",
  614. "Odogu_LongDaiza": "Ottoman",
  615. "Odogu_LoveSofa": "Sex Sofa",
  616. "Odogu_Kousokudai": "Restraint Table",
  617. "Odogu_KousokudaiHgata": "Restraint Table (H)",
  618. "Odogu_KousokuKijyouiChair": "Restraint Chair",
  619. "Odogu_Sukebeisu": "Sukebe Chair",
  620. "Odogu_Mat": "Inflatable Pool Mat",
  621. "Odogu_SankakuMokuba": "Wooden Horse",
  622. "nei_photo_ver": "Nei Doll",
  623. "neirobo_photo_ver": "Nei Doll (Robot)",
  624. "photo_ver/NeiMaid_photo_ver": "Nei Doll (Maid)",
  625. "odogu_sp001_cake": "Cake (Orange)",
  626. "odogu_sp001_food": "Meal Platter",
  627. "odogu_sp001_yakisoba": "Yakisoba",
  628. "odogu_denkigai2018s_coneice_chocomint": "Ice Cream (Mint)",
  629. "odogu_denkigai2018s_coneice_strawberry": "Ice Cream (Strawberry)",
  630. "odogu_denkigai2018s_coneice_vanilla": "Ice Cream (Vanilla)",
  631. "odogu_sp003_nikuman": "Steamed Bun",
  632. "odogu_sp003_seironikuman": "Steamed Buns",
  633. "odogu_sp001_beercan": "Beer Can",
  634. "odogu_sp001_beerjug": "Mug of Beer",
  635. "odogu_denkigai2018s_melondish": "Honeydew",
  636. "odogu_denkigai2018s_syatifloot": "Inflatable Dolphin",
  637. "odogu_denkigai2018s_toropicalicetea": "Tropical Drink",
  638. "odogu_alicesoft_redhoney": "Hanny (Red)",
  639. "odogu_alicesoft_bluehoney": "Hanny (Blue)",
  640. "odogu_alicesoft_greenhoney": "Hanny (Green)",
  641. "odogu_alicesoft_brownhoney": "Hanny (Brown)",
  642. "odogu_denkigai2018s_beachball_blue": "Beach Ball (Blue)",
  643. "odogu_denkigai2018s_beachball_green": "Beach Ball (Green)",
  644. "odogu_denkigai2018s_beachball_red": "Beach Ball (Red)",
  645. "odogu_denkigai2018s_beachball_yellow": "Beach Ball (Yellow)",
  646. "odogu_sp002_oharaibou": "Purification Rod",
  647. "odogu_sp002_tukimidango": "Tsukimi Dango",
  648. "odogu_sp002_susuki": "Silvergrass Vase",
  649. "odogu_sp002_waraningyou": "Straw Doll",
  650. "odogu_sp002_waraningyou_gosunkugi": "Straw Doll (Pin)",
  651. "odogu_sp002_omamori": "Charm",
  652. "odogu_sp002_takebouki": "Bamboo Broom",
  653. "odogu_sp003_snowboard_blue": "Snowboard (Blue)",
  654. "odogu_sp003_snowboard_green": "Snowboard (Green)",
  655. "odogu_sp003_snowboard_red": "Snowboard (Red)",
  656. "odogu_sp003_snowboard_yellow": "Snowboard (Yellow)",
  657. "odogu_sp003_yukidaruma_blue": "Snowpal (Blue)",
  658. "odogu_sp003_yukidaruma_green": "Snowpal (Green)",
  659. "odogu_sp003_yukidaruma_red": "Snowpal (Red)",
  660. "odogu_sp003_yukidaruma_yellow": "Snowpal (Yellow)",
  661. "odogu_sp003_yukigassentama": "Snowball",
  662. "odogu_sp003_yukigassenyama": "Pile of Snowballs",
  663. "odogu_sp003_kumaoyabun": "Snow Bear Chief",
  664. "odogu_denkigai2018w_handaxe_black": "Fantasy Axe (Black)",
  665. "odogu_denkigai2018w_handaxe_gold": "Fantasy Axe (Gold)",
  666. "odogu_denkigai2018w_handaxe_silver": "Fantasy Axe (Silver)",
  667. "odogu_denkigai2018w_handaxe_white": "Fantasy Axe (White)",
  668. "odogu_denkigai2018w_healerwand_black": "Magic Staff (Black)",
  669. "odogu_denkigai2018w_healerwand_gold": "Magic Staff (Gold)",
  670. "odogu_denkigai2018w_healerwand_sliver": "Magic Staff (Silver)",
  671. "odogu_denkigai2018w_healerwand_white": "Magic Staff (White",
  672. "odogu_denkigai2018w_magicbook_black": "Spell Tome (Black)",
  673. "odogu_denkigai2018w_magicbook_brown": "Spell Tome (Brown)",
  674. "odogu_denkigai2018w_magicbook_purple": "Spell Tome (Purple)",
  675. "odogu_denkigai2018w_magicbook_white": "Spell Tome (White)",
  676. "odogu_denkigai2018w_manganiku": "Manga Meat",
  677. "odogu_denkigai2018w_tarubeer": "Mug of Beer (Barrel)",
  678. "odogu_sagapla_qurotyan": "Kyoro-chan",
  679. "odogu_cristalia_arwindow": "AR Window",
  680. "odogu_sp004_tyokobanana": "Chocolate Banana",
  681. "odogu_sp004_ikayaki": "Ikayaki",
  682. "odogu_sp004_ringoame": "Candy Apple",
  683. "odogu_sp004_mizufuusen_yellow": "Water Balloon (Yellow)",
  684. "odogu_sp004_mizufuusen_blue": "Water Balloon (Blue)",
  685. "odogu_sp004_mizufuusen_orange": "Water Balloon (Orange)",
  686. "odogu_sp004_mizufuusen_pink": "Water Balloon (Pink)",
  687. "odogu_sp004_bati": "Taiko Bachi",
  688. "odogu_sp004_maturiutiwa_red": "Festival Fan (Red)",
  689. "odogu_sp004_maturiutiwa_blue": "Festival Fan (Blue)",
  690. "crepeshop": "Crepe Stall",
  691. "crepeshop_night": "Crepe Stall (Night)",
  692. "goza": "Tatami Mat",
  693. "goza_night": "Tatami Mat (Night)",
  694. "kujibikishop": "Lottery Stall",
  695. "kujibikiishop_night": "Lottery Stall (Night)",
  696. "potatoshop": "French Fries Stall",
  697. "potatoshop_night": "French Fries Stall (Night)",
  698. "ringoameshop": "Candy Apple Stall",
  699. "ringoameshop_night": "Candy Apple Stall (Night)",
  700. "shatekishop": "Shooting Gallery",
  701. "shatekishop_night": "Shooting Gallery (Night)",
  702. "takoyakishop": "Takoyaki Stall",
  703. "takoyakishop_night": "Takoyaki Stall (Night)",
  704. "yakisobashop": "Yakisoba Stall",
  705. "yakisobashop_night": "Yakisoba Stall (Night)",
  706. "odogu_vinylpool": "Vinyl Pool",
  707. "odogu_vinylpool_water": "Vinyl Pool (No Water)",
  708. "odogu_sitirin": "Charcoal Grill",
  709. "odogu_sanma": "Grilled Mackerel Pike",
  710. "odogu_toumorokoshi": "Grilled Corn",
  711. "odogu_meioudan_blue": "Fireworks Mortar (Blue)",
  712. "odogu_meioudan_green": "Fireworks Mortar (Green)",
  713. "odogu_meioudan_purple": "Fireworks Mortar (Purple)",
  714. "odogu_meioudan_red": "Fireworks Mortar (Red)",
  715. "watermelon": "Watermelon",
  716. "ramune": "Ramune",
  717. "odogu_gp002_bento": "Wrapped Bento",
  718. "odogu_gp002_candle": "Candle",
  719. "odogu_gp002_crad_four": "Four Cards",
  720. "odogu_gp002_crad_one": "Ace Card",
  721. "gp002_champagne": "Glass of Champagne",
  722. "odogu_gp002_chinesefood": "Chinese Food Platter",
  723. "odogu_gp002_hataki": "Feather Duster",
  724. "odogu_gp002_moyashistir-fry": "Stir Fry Platter",
  725. "odogu_gp002_moyashistir-fry_empty": "Stir Fry Platter (Eaten)",
  726. "odogu_gp002_silkhat": "Top Hat",
  727. "odogu_gp002_silkhat_pigeon": "Top Hat (Dove)",
  728. "odogu_gp002_silvertray_acquapazza": "Acqua Pazza (Platter)",
  729. "odogu_gp002_silvertray_omurice": "Omurice (Platter)",
  730. "gp002_steak": "Steak",
  731. "gp002_sushi": "Sushi Platter",
  732. "odogu_gp002_vrcontroller": "Vive Controller",
  733. "odogu_gp002_zoukin": "Napkin",
  734. "odogu_gp002_zoukin2": "Napkin (Folded)",
  735. "odogu_gp002_crepe": "Crepe",
  736. "odogu_gp002_paperbag": "Paper Bag",
  737. "odogu_lovevibe_panda": "Vibe (Panda)",
  738. "odogu_lovevibe_zou": "Vibe (Elephant)",
  739. "odogu_lovevibe_risu": "Vibe (Squirrel)",
  740. "odogu_charaevent011_burgerbasket": "Hamburgers on Tray",
  741. "odogu_charaevent011_yakitori": "Yakitori",
  742. "odogu_charaevent011_danboru": "Cardboard Box",
  743. "odogu_sp006_bedisu": "Aquarium Sofa Bed",
  744. "odogu_sp006_isu": "Aquarium Sofa",
  745. "odogu_denkigai2019w_camera": "Video Camera",
  746. "odogu_cw003_valentinechoco": "Valentine Chocolate",
  747. "Odogu_Gp01_Box": "Water Box",
  748. "handmirror": "Hand Mirror",
  749. "maidroom_mirror_l": "Standing Mirror",
  750. "maidroom_mirror_s": "Wall Mirror",
  751. "rect_mirror": "Mirror (Rectangle)",
  752. "round_mirror": "Mirror (Round)",
  753. "square_mirror": "Mirror (Square)",
  754. "aquarium04": "Whale Shark",
  755. "fishroot": "",
  756. "honeyempty": "",
  757. "odogu_calender": "",
  758. "odogu_cat": "Cat Doll",
  759. "odogu_dresser": "Dresser",
  760. "odogu_dresserchair": "Dresser Chair",
  761. "odogu_furaidopoteto": "French Fries",
  762. "odogu_gardenumbrella": "Patio Umbrella",
  763. "odogu_gp002_symbola": "Symbol Diamond",
  764. "odogu_gp002_symbola_base": "Symbol Diamond Base",
  765. "odogu_gp002_symbolb": "Symbol Heart",
  766. "odogu_gp002_symbolb_base": "Symbol Heart Base",
  767. "odogu_gp002_whip": "Whip",
  768. "odogu_hamburgercar": "Hamburger Food Truck",
  769. "odogu_hamburgersignboardl": "Hamburger Signboard",
  770. "odogu_hamburgersignboards": "Signboard",
  771. "odogu_heroinechair_ane": "Ane Chair",
  772. "odogu_heroinechair_boku": "Bokukko Chair",
  773. "odogu_heroinechair_buaisou": "Wary Chair",
  774. "odogu_heroinechair_dos": "Sadist Chair",
  775. "odogu_heroinechair_imouto": "Imouto Chair",
  776. "odogu_heroinechair_koakuma": "Koakuma Chair",
  777. "odogu_heroinechair_maidhisho": "Secretary Maid Chair",
  778. "odogu_heroinechair_mukuchi": "Bookworm Chair",
  779. "odogu_heroinechair_ojousama": "Ojousama Chair",
  780. "odogu_heroinechair_osananajimi": "Osanajimi Chair",
  781. "odogu_heroinechair_oshitoyaka": "Ojou Chair",
  782. "odogu_heroinechair_yandere": "Yandere Chair",
  783. "odogu_kakigori": "Shaved Ice",
  784. "odogu_karaoke004_card_1": "Card (Kiss Master)",
  785. "odogu_karaoke004_card_10": "Card (Kabedon)",
  786. "odogu_karaoke004_card_11": "Card (Sexy Pose)",
  787. "odogu_karaoke004_card_12": "Card (Idol Pose)",
  788. "odogu_karaoke004_card_13": "Card (Sexy Police)",
  789. "odogu_karaoke004_card_14": "Card (Propose to Master)",
  790. "odogu_karaoke004_card_15": "Card (Blow Master's Ear)",
  791. "odogu_karaoke004_card_16": "Card (Beg)",
  792. "odogu_karaoke004_card_17": "Card (Dog Beg)",
  793. "odogu_karaoke004_card_18": "Card (Sexy Pose Arms Up)",
  794. "odogu_karaoke004_card_19": "Card (After Sex)",
  795. "odogu_karaoke004_card_2": "Card (Whisper)",
  796. "odogu_karaoke004_card_20": "Card (Kiss Maid)",
  797. "odogu_karaoke004_card_21": "Card (Blow Maid's Ear)",
  798. "odogu_karaoke004_card_22": "Card (Master Strip)",
  799. "odogu_karaoke004_card_23": "Card (Look in Disgust)",
  800. "odogu_karaoke004_card_24": "Card (Air Massage)",
  801. "odogu_karaoke004_card_25": "Card (Give Clothes)",
  802. "odogu_karaoke004_card_26": "Card (Staring Contest)",
  803. "odogu_karaoke004_card_3": "Card (Confess)",
  804. "odogu_karaoke004_card_4": "Card (Jump 3 Times)",
  805. "odogu_karaoke004_card_5": "Card (Moe Cat)",
  806. "odogu_karaoke004_card_6": "Card (Recent Ecchi)",
  807. "odogu_karaoke004_card_7": "Card (Sexy Mozzarella)",
  808. "odogu_karaoke004_card_8": "Card (Seduction)",
  809. "odogu_karaoke004_card_9": "Card (Lewd Sound)",
  810. "odogu_karaoke005_chair_1": "Karaoke Chair",
  811. "odogu_karaoke005_chair_2": "Karaoke Chair Base",
  812. "odogu_karaoke_box": "Karaoke Box",
  813. "odogu_karaoketable": "Karaoke Table",
  814. "odogu_moe_chair": "Stool",
  815. "odogu_moe_chairbase": "Stool Base",
  816. "odogu_personal_om007plus_canvas": "Easel",
  817. "odogu_personal_om007plus_chu-b_lip_black": "Chu-B Lip (Black)",
  818. "odogu_personal_om005_presentbox": "Present",
  819. "odogu_personal_om005_presentbox_broken": "Present (Crushed)",
  820. "odogu_pretzel_sara": "Snack Platter",
  821. "odogu_sexisu": "Sex Stool",
  822. "odogu_yakitoribanner": "Yakitori Banner",
  823. "odogu_yakitoricar": "Yakitori Food Truck",
  824. "odogu_yakitorisignboard": "Yakitori Signboard",
  825. "megane001_z2_scenario_model": "Weird Glasses Thing",
  826. "odogu_chuukaset_chahan_photo_ver": "Fried Rice",
  827. "odogu_chuukaset_gyouza_photo_ver": "Gyoza",
  828. "odogu_chuukaset_mabo_photo_ver": "Mapo Tofu",
  829. "odogu_chuukaset_tea_photo_ver": "Tea",
  830. "odogu_classroomchair_photo_ver": "Classroom Chair",
  831. "odogu_classroomdesk_photo_ver": "Classroom Desk",
  832. "odogu_handcameravv_photo_ver": "Vintage Camera",
  833. "odogu_kitchen_photo_ver": "Kitchen",
  834. "odogu_maidroomchair_photo_ver": "Maid Chair",
  835. "odogu_oxcamera_photo_ver": "OX Camera",
  836. "odogu_pc_photo_ver": "PC Tower",
  837. "odogu_pc_keyboard_photo_ver": "Keyboard",
  838. "odogu_pc_monitor_photo_ver": "Monitor",
  839. "odogu_pc_mouse_photo_ver": "Mouse",
  840. "odogu_planter_lightblue": "Planter (Light Blue)",
  841. "odogu_planter_red": "Panter (Red)",
  842. "odogu_pr_table_photo_ver": "Floor Table",
  843. "odogu_pr_table_chuuka_photo_ver": "Floor Table (Chinese Food)",
  844. "odogu_pr_table_wasyoku_photo_ver": "Floor Table (Japanese Food)",
  845. "odogu_pr_table_yousyoku_photo_ver": "Floor Table (Western Food)",
  846. "odogu_publictoiletbenki_photo_ver": "Toilet",
  847. "odogu_salonscreen_photo_ver": "Big Screen",
  848. "odogu_seikaku_cool": "Feather & Book",
  849. "odogu_seikaku_jyunshin": "Flowers",
  850. "odogu_seikaku_tsundere": "Plushy Basket",
  851. "odogu_sentaku_kago_photo_ver": "Laundry Basket",
  852. "odogu_sentaku_towel_photo_ver": "Towel Stack",
  853. "odogu_sentakumono": "Clothesline",
  854. "odogu_smroom2_sankakumokuba": "Wooden Horse 2",
  855. "odogu_styluspen_black": "Stylus (Black)",
  856. "odogu_styluspen_blue": "Stylus (Blue)",
  857. "odogu_styluspen_green": "Stylus (Green)",
  858. "odogu_styluspen_red": "Stylus (Red)",
  859. "odogu_styluspen_white": "Stylus (White)",
  860. "odogu_styluspen_yellow": "Stylus (Yellow)",
  861. "odogu_tableflower_photo_ver": "Table With Flowers",
  862. "odogu_tabletpc": "Tablet PC",
  863. "odogu_virginroad_photo_ver": "Wedding Aisle",
  864. "odogu_vvlight_photo_ver": "Vive Lighthouse",
  865. "odogu_wasyokuset_gohan_photo_ver": "Bowl of Rice",
  866. "odogu_wasyokuset_hashi_photo_ver": "Chopsticks",
  867. "odogu_wasyokuset_misoshiru_photo_ver": "Miso",
  868. "odogu_wasyokuset_nimono_photo_ver": "Boiled Food",
  869. "odogu_wasyokuset_ocha_photo_ver": "Green Tea",
  870. "odogu_yousyokuset_chickenrice_photo_ver": "Chicken Fried Rice",
  871. "odogu_yousyokuset_coffee_photo_ver": "Coffee (Small)",
  872. "odogu_yousyokuset_cornsoup_photo_ver": "Corn Soup",
  873. "odogu_yousyokuset_hamburg_photo_ver": "Hamburger Steak",
  874. "odogu_yousyokuset_sakiwarespoon_photo_ver": "Spork",
  875. "animal_cat": "Cat",
  876. "animal_dog": "Dog",
  877. "animal_niwatori": "Chicken",
  878. "animal_suzume": "Tree Sparrow",
  879. "animal_suzumefly": "Tree Sparrow (Fly)",
  880. "odogu_bbqgrill": "BBQ Grill",
  881. "odogu_bucket": "Bucket",
  882. "odogu_coolerbox": "Cooler",
  883. "odogu_coolerbox_night": "Cooler (Night)",
  884. "odogu_diary": "Diary",
  885. "odogu_game_darts": "Dart",
  886. "odogu_game_dartsboard": "Dartboard",
  887. "odogu_game_kamihikouki": "Paper Plane",
  888. "odogu_game_nei_heartful": "Nei Doll (Heart)",
  889. "odogu_game_nei_kanban1": "Nei Sign (Ring Toss)",
  890. "odogu_game_nei_kanban2": "Nei Sign (Darts)",
  891. "odogu_game_nei_kanban3": "Nei Sign (Paper Plane)",
  892. "odogu_game_nei_kanban4": "Nei Sign (End)",
  893. "odogu_game_nei_kanban5": "Nei Sign (Call Maid)",
  894. "odogu_game_nei_usb": "Nei Doll (USB)",
  895. "odogu_game_wa": "Ring",
  896. "odogu_game_wanage": "Ring Toss Peg",
  897. "odogu_nabe_huta": "Pot (Lid Closed)",
  898. "odogu_nabe_water": "Pot (Water)",
  899. "odogu_natumikan": "Orange",
  900. "odogu_omurice1": "Omurice",
  901. "odogu_omurice2": "Omurice",
  902. "odogu_omurice3": "Omurice (Daisuki)",
  903. "odogu_omuriceh": "Omurice (Ecchi)",
  904. "odogu_omuricekao1": "Omurice (´• ω •`)",
  905. "odogu_omuricekao2": "Omurice ( *´艸`)",
  906. "odogu_omuriceoppai": "Omurice (Tiddie Man)",
  907. "odogu_pafe": "Parfait",
  908. "odogu_rb_chair": "Stool",
  909. "odogu_rb_chair_night": "Stool (Night)",
  910. "odogu_rb_duck": "Rubber Duck",
  911. "odogu_rb_obon": "Round Tray",
  912. "odogu_rb_tokkuri": "Sake Bottle",
  913. "odogu_saracorn": "Plate of Corn",
  914. "odogu_saraimo": "Plate of Potatoes",
  915. "odogu_saratomato": "Plate of Tomatoes",
  916. "odogu_satumaimo_ha": "Sweet Potato Leaves",
  917. "odogu_sunanoshiro": "Sand Castle",
  918. "odogu_sunanoyama": "Sand Pile",
  919. "odogu_trumptowerbig": "Tower of Cards",
  920. "odogu_trumptowersmall": "Tower of Cards (Small)",
  921. "odogu_tsutsuhanabi": "Fireworks Pipe",
  922. "odogu_ukiwa": "Pool Floatie",
  923. "odogu_vf_crops_corn": "Crops (Corn)",
  924. "odogu_vf_crops_corn_night": "Crops (Corn Night)",
  925. "odogu_vf_crops_gekkabijin": "Crops (Pipe Cactus)",
  926. "odogu_vf_crops_gekkabijin_night": "Crops (Pipe Cactus Night)",
  927. "odogu_vf_crops_gekkabijinflower": "Crops (Pipe Cactus Flowering)",
  928. "odogu_vf_crops_gekkabijinflower_night": "Crops (Pipe Cactus Flowering Night)",
  929. "odogu_vf_crops_himawari": "Crops (Sunflower)",
  930. "odogu_vf_crops_himawari_night": "Crops (Sunflower Night)",
  931. "odogu_vf_crops_natsumikan": "Crops (Orange)",
  932. "odogu_vf_crops_natsumikan_night": "Crops (Orange Night)",
  933. "odogu_vf_crops_suika": "Crops (Melon)",
  934. "odogu_vf_crops_suika_night": "Crops (Melon Night)",
  935. "odogu_vf_crops_tomato": "Crops (Tomato)",
  936. "odogu_vf_crops_tomato_night": "Crops (Tomato Night)",
  937. "odogu_vf_crops_zakuro": "Crops (Pomegranate)",
  938. "odogu_vf_crops_zakuro_night": "Crops (Pomegranate Night)",
  939. "odogu_vf_kanban_ok": "Signboard (OK)",
  940. "odogu_vf_kanban_ok_night": "Signboard (OK Night)",
  941. "odogu_vf_kanban_saibai": "Signboard (Cultivating)",
  942. "odogu_vf_kanban_saibai_night": "Signboard (Cultivating Night)",
  943. "odogu_vf_kanban_taiki": "Signboard (Standby)",
  944. "odogu_vf_kanban_taiki_night": "Signboard (Standby Night)",
  945. "odogu_vf_radio": "Radio",
  946. "odogu_vf_radio_night": "Radio (Night)",
  947. "odogu_villa_coffeemaker": "Coffee Maker",
  948. "odogu_villa_reizouko": "Fridge",
  949. "odogu_villa_table": "Table",
  950. "odogu_villa_tvrimocon": "TV Remote",
  951. "odogu_villa_winecellar": "Wine Cellar",
  952. "odogu_villabr_sideboard": "Nightstand",
  953. "villa_bedroom_door": "Bedroom Door"
  954. },
  955. "props2Dropdown": {
  956. "Mob_Man_Stand001": "Mob Man Stand 1",
  957. "Mob_Man_Stand002": "Mob Man Stand 2",
  958. "Mob_Man_Stand003": "Mob Man Stand 3",
  959. "Mob_Man_Sit001": "Mob Man Sit 1",
  960. "Mob_Man_Sit002": "Mob Man Sit 2",
  961. "Mob_Man_Sit003": "Mob Man Sit 3",
  962. "Mob_Girl_Stand001": "Mob Girl Stand 1",
  963. "Mob_Girl_Stand002": "Mob Girl Stand 2",
  964. "Mob_Girl_Stand003": "Mob Girl Stand 3",
  965. "Mob_Girl_Sit001": "Mob Girl Sit 1",
  966. "Mob_Girl_Sit002": "Mob Girl Sit 2",
  967. "Mob_Girl_Sit003": "Mob Girl Sit 3",
  968. "Salon:65": "Stage Light (Yellow)",
  969. "Salon:63": "Stage Light (Red)",
  970. "Salon:69": "Stage Light (Blue)",
  971. "Odogu_XmasTreeMini_photo_ver": "Mini Xmas Tree",
  972. "Odogu_KadomatsuMini_photo_ver": "Mini New Year's Pine",
  973. "denkigai2015w_mugcup": "Mug (Denkigai 2015)",
  974. "denkigai2015w_standB": "Phone Stand (Denkigai 2015)",
  975. "Odogu_magazin001_FanBook": "Fanbook 1",
  976. "Odogu_magazin002_FanBook": "Fanbook 2",
  977. "denkigai2016s_Poster3d2act2": "Poster (ACT2)",
  978. "denkigai2016s_Mastercard": "Credit Card",
  979. "denkigai2016s_Leathercase": "Phone Case",
  980. "denkigai2016s_Okou": "Incense",
  981. "denkigai2016s_mugcup": "Mug (Denkigai 2016)",
  982. "denkigai2016s_stand": "Phone Stand (Denkigai 2016)",
  983. "denkigai2016s_Mizu": "Canned Water",
  984. "Odogu_denkigai2016w_calendar": "Calendar (Denkigai 2016)",
  985. "Odogu_denkigai2016w_calendar0": "Calendar (Denkigai 2016)",
  986. "Odogu_denkigai2016w_calendar1": "Calendar Jan (Denkigai 2016)",
  987. "Odogu_denkigai2016w_calendar2": "Calendar Feb (Denkigai 2016)",
  988. "Odogu_denkigai2016w_calendar3": "Calendar Mar (Denkigai 2016)",
  989. "Odogu_denkigai2016w_calendar4": "Calendar Apr (Denkigai 2016)",
  990. "Odogu_denkigai2016w_calendar5": "Calendar May (Denkigai 2016)",
  991. "Odogu_denkigai2016w_calendar6": "Calendar Jun (Denkigai 2016)",
  992. "Odogu_denkigai2016w_calendar7": "Calendar Jul (Denkigai 2016)",
  993. "Odogu_denkigai2016w_calendar8": "Calendar Aug (Denkigai 2016)",
  994. "Odogu_denkigai2016w_calendar9": "Calendar Sep (Denkigai 2016)",
  995. "Odogu_denkigai2016w_calendar10": "Calendar Oct Denkigai 2016)",
  996. "Odogu_denkigai2016w_calendar11": "Calendar Nov Denkigai 2016)",
  997. "Odogu_denkigai2016w_calendar12": "Calendar Dec Denkigai 2016)",
  998. "denkigai2017w_karaoke002": "Poster (Karaoke VR2)",
  999. "denkigai2017w_PosterStarter": "Poster (Starter)",
  1000. "denkigai2017w_Poster3d21": "Poster (Starter 2)",
  1001. "Odogu_yashi_juice": "Coconut Juice",
  1002. "Odogu_nangoku_Shell": "Conch Shell",
  1003. "Poster3d2act31_B2poster01": "Poster 1 (ACT3)",
  1004. "Odogu_Onsenmanju": "Manjuu",
  1005. "Odogu_Nihonshu": "Japanese Rice Wine",
  1006. "Poster3d2act31_B2poster02": "Poster 2 (ACT3)",
  1007. "Odogu_DoujinshiTaba": "Doujinshi",
  1008. "Odogu_KISSMarketCatalog": "Kiss Market Catalogue",
  1009. "Poster3d2act31_B2poster03": "Poster 3 (ACT3)",
  1010. "nei_photo_ver": "Nei Doll",
  1011. "neirobo_photo_ver": "Nei Doll (Robot)",
  1012. "neimaid": "Nei Doll (Maid)",
  1013. "Odogu_MaidRoomBook001_photo_ver": "Empire's Manners Book",
  1014. "Odogu_MaidRoomBook002_photo_ver": "EN to JP Dictionary",
  1015. "Odogu_MaidRoomBook003_photo_ver": "Marketing Book",
  1016. "Odogu_MaidRoomBook004_photo_ver": "Recipe Book",
  1017. "Odogu_MaidRoomBook005_photo_ver": "Flower Arrangement Book",
  1018. "Odogu_Enpitsu_photo_ver": "Pencil (Green)",
  1019. "Odogu_Keshigomu_photo_ver": "Eraser (Blue)",
  1020. "Odogu_Pen_Black_photo_ver": "Pen (Black)",
  1021. "Odogu_StickNori_photo_ver": "Glue Stick",
  1022. "Odogu_CM3D2VCCD": "Custom Maid Vocal Collection",
  1023. "Odogu_COM3D2VCCD": "Custom Maid Vocal 3D2 Collection",
  1024. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_accset": "Bride Maid Jewelry Box",
  1025. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_bladset": "Bride Maid Blade (White)",
  1026. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_bladset_z1": "Bride Maid Blade (Red)",
  1027. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_bladset_z2": "Bride Maid Blade (Black)",
  1028. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_bladset_z3": "Bride Maid Blade (Brown)",
  1029. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_bladset_z4": "Bride Maid Blade (Purple)",
  1030. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_portrait": "Uncle's Portrait",
  1031. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_nicepot": "Nice Pot (Light Blue)",
  1032. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_nicepot_1": "Nice Pot (Brown)",
  1033. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_nicepot_2": "Nice Pot (Sky Blue)",
  1034. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_nicepot_3": "Nice Pot (Blue)",
  1035. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_nicepot_4": "Nice Pot (Black)",
  1036. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_nicescroll": "Nice Scroll",
  1037. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_bromide": "Uncle's Photo",
  1038. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_sticker": "Muku Sticker",
  1039. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_sword": "Sword (Blue)",
  1040. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_sword_1": "Sword (Red)",
  1041. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_sword_2": "Sword (Black)",
  1042. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_sword_3": "Sword (White)",
  1043. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_sword_4": "Sword (Brown)",
  1044. "odogu_denkigai2018w_card": "Card",
  1045. "denkigai2019wposter": "Poster (Ojousama)",
  1046. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_jewelrybox_b": "Jewelry Box 2",
  1047. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_minimat": "Uncle Mat",
  1048. "odogu_yomeidokanteidan_coaster": "Uncle Coaster",
  1049. "Particle/pLineY": "Particle (Line)",
  1050. "Particle/pLineP02": "Particle (Line Heart)",
  1051. "Particle/pHeart01": "Particle (Heart)",
  1052. "Particle/pLine_act2": "Particle (Stars)",
  1053. "Particle/pstarY_act2": "Particle (Starfield)",
  1054. "p_kamihubuki_photo_ver": "Confetti",
  1055. "p_mizu001_photo_ver": "Sink Water",
  1056. "p_soap_bukubuku_photo_ver": "Bubbles",
  1057. "p_soap_photo_ver": "Bubbles (Wash)",
  1058. "p_steam002_photo_ver": "Steam (Pot)",
  1059. "p_steam_black_photo_ver": "Smoke",
  1060. "p_steam001_photo_ver": "Steam (Onsen)",
  1061. "p_dance_star_photo_ver": "Starburst",
  1062. "p_soap_bubble01_photo_ver": "Bubbles (Bath)",
  1063. "p_powder_snow_photo_ver": "Snow (Large)",
  1064. "p_powder_snow2_photo_ver": "Snow (Small)",
  1065. "p_yuge_large_photo_ver": "Steam (Onsen Large)",
  1066. "p_smoke_dance_photo_ver": "Smoke (Dance)"
  1067. },
  1068. "movementCube": {
  1069. "label": "Movement Cube",
  1070. "props": "Props",
  1071. "small": "Small",
  1072. "maid": "Maid",
  1073. "bg": "BG"
  1074. },
  1075. "lights": {
  1076. "x": "Light X",
  1077. "y": "Light Y",
  1078. "intensity": "Brightness",
  1079. "range": "Range",
  1080. "spot": "Spot Angle",
  1081. "shadow": "Shadow"
  1082. },
  1083. "lightsPane": {
  1084. "header": "Lights",
  1085. "add": "+",
  1086. "delete": "Del",
  1087. "resetPosition": "R Pos",
  1088. "resetProperties": "R Props",
  1089. "clear": "Clear",
  1090. "colour": "Colour",
  1091. "disable": "Disable"
  1092. },
  1093. "lightType": {
  1094. "main": "Main",
  1095. "normal": "Normal",
  1096. "spot": "Spot",
  1097. "point": "Point"
  1098. },
  1099. "effectBloom": {
  1100. "strength": "Strength",
  1101. "blur": "Blur",
  1102. "hdrToggle": "HDR"
  1103. },
  1104. "effectDOF": {
  1105. "focalLength": "Focal Length",
  1106. "focalArea": "Focal Area",
  1107. "aperture": "Aperture",
  1108. "blur": "Blur",
  1109. "thicknessToggle": "Thickness"
  1110. },
  1111. "effectBlur": {
  1112. "strength": "Strength",
  1113. "blur1": "Blur 1",
  1114. "blur2": "Blur 2",
  1115. "aberration": "Aberration"
  1116. },
  1117. "effectFog": {
  1118. "range": "Range",
  1119. "opacity": "Opacity",
  1120. "strength": "Strength",
  1121. "height": "Height"
  1122. },
  1123. "effectSepia": {
  1124. "toggle": "Sepia",
  1125. "blur": "Blur"
  1126. },
  1127. "background2Window": {
  1128. "envButton": "Environments",
  1129. "itemLabel": "Item",
  1130. "smallBGLabel": "BG (Prop)",
  1131. "propLabel": "Clothes",
  1132. "modsToggle": "Mods"
  1133. },
  1134. "clothingDropdown": {
  1135. "myRoom": "My Room Custom",
  1136. "hat": "Hat",
  1137. "headset": "Headset",
  1138. "top": "Top",
  1139. "bottom": "Bottom",
  1140. "onepiece": "One-Piece",
  1141. "swimsuit": "Swimsuit",
  1142. "bra": "Bra",
  1143. "panties": "Panties",
  1144. "socks": "Socks",
  1145. "shoes": "Shoes",
  1146. "hairAccessory": "Hair Accessory",
  1147. "glasses": "Glasses",
  1148. "eyeMask": "Eye Mask",
  1149. "nose": "Nose",
  1150. "ear": "Ear",
  1151. "gloves": "Gloves",
  1152. "necklace": "Necklace",
  1153. "choker": "Choker",
  1154. "ribbon": "Ribbon",
  1155. "nipple": "Nipple",
  1156. "arms": "Arms",
  1157. "belly": "Belly",
  1158. "ankle": "Ankle",
  1159. "back": "Back",
  1160. "tail": "Tail",
  1161. "genitals": "Genitals"
  1162. },
  1163. "messageWindow": {
  1164. "name": "Name",
  1165. "fontSize": "Font Size",
  1166. "okButton": "OK"
  1167. }
  1168. }