using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; using BepInEx.Configuration; using Object = UnityEngine.Object; namespace COM3D2.MeidoPhotoStudio.Plugin { using Input = InputManager; public class SceneManager : IManager { private static byte[] tempSceneData; private static string TempScenePath => Path.Combine(Constants.configPath, "mpstempscene"); public static bool Busy { get; private set; } public static readonly Vector2 sceneDimensions = new Vector2(480, 270); private static readonly ConfigEntry sortDescending; private static readonly ConfigEntry currentSortMode; private readonly MeidoPhotoStudio meidoPhotoStudio; private int SortDirection => SortDescending ? -1 : 1; public bool Initialized { get; private set; } public bool KankyoMode { get; set; } public bool SortDescending { get => sortDescending.Value; set => sortDescending.Value = value; } public List SceneList { get; } = new(); public int CurrentDirectoryIndex { get; private set; } = -1; public string CurrentDirectoryName => CurrentDirectoryList[CurrentDirectoryIndex]; public List CurrentDirectoryList => KankyoMode ? Constants.KankyoDirectoryList : Constants.SceneDirectoryList; public string CurrentBasePath => KankyoMode ? Constants.kankyoPath : Constants.scenesPath; public string CurrentScenesDirectory => CurrentDirectoryIndex == 0 ? CurrentBasePath : Path.Combine(CurrentBasePath, CurrentDirectoryName); public SortMode CurrentSortMode { get => currentSortMode.Value; private set => currentSortMode.Value = value; } public int CurrentSceneIndex { get; private set; } = -1; public MPSScene CurrentScene => SceneList.Count == 0 ? null : SceneList[CurrentSceneIndex]; public enum SortMode { Name, DateCreated, DateModified } static SceneManager() { sortDescending = Configuration.Config.Bind( "SceneManager", "SortDescending", false, "Sort scenes descending (Z-A)" ); currentSortMode = Configuration.Config.Bind( "SceneManager", "SortMode", SortMode.Name, "Scene sorting mode" ); Input.Register(MpsKey.OpenSceneManager, KeyCode.F8, "Hide/show scene manager"); Input.Register(MpsKey.SaveScene, KeyCode.S, "Quick save scene"); Input.Register(MpsKey.LoadScene, KeyCode.A, "Load quick saved scene"); } public SceneManager(MeidoPhotoStudio meidoPhotoStudio) { this.meidoPhotoStudio = meidoPhotoStudio; Activate(); } public void Activate() { } public void Initialize() { if (!Initialized) { Initialized = true; SelectDirectory(0); } } public void Deactivate() => ClearSceneList(); public void Update() { if (Input.Control) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(MpsKey.SaveScene)) QuickSaveScene(); else if (Input.GetKeyDown(MpsKey.LoadScene)) QuickLoadScene(); } } public void DeleteDirectory() { if (Directory.Exists(CurrentScenesDirectory)) Directory.Delete(CurrentScenesDirectory, true); CurrentDirectoryList.RemoveAt(CurrentDirectoryIndex); CurrentDirectoryIndex = Mathf.Clamp(CurrentDirectoryIndex, 0, CurrentDirectoryList.Count - 1); UpdateSceneList(); } public void OverwriteScene() => SaveScene(overwrite: true); public void ToggleKankyoMode() { KankyoMode = !KankyoMode; CurrentDirectoryIndex = 0; UpdateSceneList(); } public void SaveScene(bool overwrite = false) { if (Busy) return; Busy = true; if (!Directory.Exists(CurrentScenesDirectory)) Directory.CreateDirectory(CurrentScenesDirectory); MeidoPhotoStudio.NotifyRawScreenshot += SaveScene; MeidoPhotoStudio.TakeScreenshot(new ScreenshotEventArgs() { InMemory = true }); void SaveScene(object sender, ScreenshotEventArgs args) { MeidoPhotoStudio.NotifyRawScreenshot -= SaveScene; SaveSceneToFile(args.Screenshot, overwrite); } } public void SelectDirectory(int directoryIndex) { directoryIndex = Mathf.Clamp(directoryIndex, 0, CurrentDirectoryList.Count - 1); if (directoryIndex == CurrentDirectoryIndex) return; CurrentDirectoryIndex = directoryIndex; UpdateSceneList(); } public void SelectScene(int sceneIndex) { CurrentSceneIndex = Mathf.Clamp(sceneIndex, 0, SceneList.Count - 1); CurrentScene.Preload(); } public void AddDirectory(string directoryName) { directoryName = Utility.SanitizePathPortion(directoryName); if (!CurrentDirectoryList.Contains(directoryName, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { string finalPath = Path.Combine(CurrentBasePath, directoryName); string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(finalPath); if (!fullPath.StartsWith(CurrentBasePath)) { string baseDirectoryName = KankyoMode ? Constants.kankyoDirectory : Constants.sceneDirectory; Utility.LogError($"Could not add directory to {baseDirectoryName}. Path is invalid: '{fullPath}'"); return; } CurrentDirectoryList.Add(directoryName); Directory.CreateDirectory(finalPath); UpdateDirectoryList(); CurrentDirectoryIndex = CurrentDirectoryList.IndexOf(directoryName); UpdateSceneList(); } } public void Refresh() { if (!Directory.Exists(CurrentScenesDirectory)) CurrentDirectoryIndex = 0; if (KankyoMode) Constants.InitializeKankyoDirectories(); else Constants.InitializeSceneDirectories(); UpdateSceneList(); } public void SortScenes(SortMode sortMode) { CurrentSortMode = sortMode; Comparison comparator = CurrentSortMode switch { SortMode.DateModified => SortByDateModified, SortMode.DateCreated => SortByDateCreated, _ => SortByName, }; SceneList.Sort(comparator); } public void DeleteScene() { if (CurrentScene.FileInfo.Exists) { CurrentScene.FileInfo.Delete(); } SceneList.RemoveAt(CurrentSceneIndex); CurrentSceneIndex = Mathf.Clamp(CurrentSceneIndex, 0, SceneList.Count - 1); } public void LoadScene(MPSScene scene) => meidoPhotoStudio.LoadScene(scene.Data); private int SortByName(MPSScene a, MPSScene b) { return SortDirection * LexicographicStringComparer.Comparison(a.FileInfo.Name, b.FileInfo.Name); } private int SortByDateCreated(MPSScene a, MPSScene b) { return SortDirection * DateTime.Compare(a.FileInfo.CreationTime, b.FileInfo.CreationTime); } private int SortByDateModified(MPSScene a, MPSScene b) { return SortDirection * DateTime.Compare(a.FileInfo.LastWriteTime, b.FileInfo.LastWriteTime); } private void UpdateSceneList() { ClearSceneList(); if (!Directory.Exists(CurrentScenesDirectory)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(CurrentScenesDirectory); } foreach (string filename in Directory.GetFiles(CurrentScenesDirectory)) { if (Path.GetExtension(filename) == ".png") SceneList.Add(new MPSScene(filename)); } SortScenes(CurrentSortMode); CurrentSceneIndex = Mathf.Clamp(CurrentSceneIndex, 0, SceneList.Count - 1); } private void UpdateDirectoryList() { string baseDirectoryName = KankyoMode ? Constants.kankyoDirectory : Constants.sceneDirectory; CurrentDirectoryList.Sort((a, b) => a.Equals(baseDirectoryName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) ? -1 : LexicographicStringComparer.Comparison(a, b)); } private void ClearSceneList() { foreach (MPSScene scene in SceneList) scene.Destroy(); SceneList.Clear(); } private void QuickSaveScene() { if (Busy) return; var data = meidoPhotoStudio.SaveScene(); if (data == null) return; tempSceneData = data; File.WriteAllBytes(TempScenePath, data); } private void QuickLoadScene() { if (Busy) return; if (tempSceneData == null) { if (File.Exists(TempScenePath)) tempSceneData = File.ReadAllBytes(TempScenePath); else return; } meidoPhotoStudio.LoadScene(tempSceneData); } private void SaveSceneToFile(Texture2D screenshot, bool overwrite = false) { Busy = true; byte[] sceneData = meidoPhotoStudio.SaveScene(KankyoMode); if (sceneData != null) { string scenePrefix = KankyoMode ? "mpskankyo" : "mpsscene"; string fileName = $"{scenePrefix}{Utility.Timestamp}.png"; string savePath = Path.Combine(CurrentScenesDirectory, fileName); Utility.ResizeToFit(screenshot, (int) sceneDimensions.x, (int) sceneDimensions.y); try { if (overwrite && CurrentScene?.FileInfo != null) savePath = CurrentScene.FileInfo.FullName; else overwrite = false; using (FileStream fileStream = File.Create(savePath)) { byte[] encodedPng = screenshot.EncodeToPNG(); fileStream.Write(encodedPng, 0, encodedPng.Length); fileStream.Write(sceneData, 0, sceneData.Length); } if (overwrite) { File.SetCreationTime(savePath, CurrentScene.FileInfo.CreationTime); CurrentScene.Destroy(); SceneList.RemoveAt(CurrentSceneIndex); } } catch (Exception e) { Utility.LogError($"Failed to save scene to disk because {e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}"); Object.DestroyImmediate(screenshot); Busy = false; return; } SceneList.Add(new MPSScene(savePath, screenshot)); SortScenes(CurrentSortMode); } else Object.DestroyImmediate(screenshot); Busy = false; } } }