using UnityEngine; using Input = MeidoPhotoStudio.Plugin.InputManager; namespace MeidoPhotoStudio.Plugin; public class DragPointFinger : DragPointMeido { private static readonly Color DragpointColour = new(0.1f, 0.4f, 0.95f, DefaultAlpha); private readonly TBody.IKCMO ik = new(); private readonly Quaternion[] jointRotation = new Quaternion[2]; private IKCtrlData ikCtrlData; private Transform[] ikChain; private bool baseFinger; public override void Set(Transform myObject) { base.Set(myObject); var parentName =' ')[2]; // Base finger names have the form 'FingerN' or 'ToeN' where N is a natural number baseFinger = parentName.Length is 7 or 4; ikChain = new Transform[2] { myObject.parent, myObject }; ikCtrlData = IkCtrlData; } protected override void ApplyDragType() { if (baseFinger && CurrentDragType is DragType.RotLocalY) ApplyProperties(true, true, false); else if (CurrentDragType is DragType.MoveXZ) ApplyProperties(true, true, false); else ApplyProperties(false, false, false); ApplyColour(DragpointColour); } protected override void UpdateDragType() => CurrentDragType = !Input.GetKey(MpsKey.DragFinger) ? DragType.None : Input.Shift ? DragType.RotLocalY : DragType.MoveXZ; protected override void OnMouseDown() { base.OnMouseDown(); jointRotation[JointUpper] = ikChain[JointUpper].localRotation; jointRotation[JointMiddle] = ikChain[JointMiddle].localRotation; InitializeIK(ik, ikChain[JointUpper], ikChain[JointUpper], ikChain[JointMiddle]); } protected override void Drag() { if (isPlaying) meido.Stop = true; if (CurrentDragType is DragType.MoveXZ) { Porc(ik, ikCtrlData, ikChain[JointUpper], ikChain[JointUpper], ikChain[JointMiddle]); if (!baseFinger) { SetRotation(JointUpper); SetRotation(JointMiddle); } else { jointRotation[JointUpper] = ikChain[JointUpper].localRotation; jointRotation[JointMiddle] = ikChain[JointMiddle].localRotation; } } else if (CurrentDragType is DragType.RotLocalY) { var mouseDelta = MouseDelta(); ikChain[JointUpper].localRotation = jointRotation[JointUpper]; ikChain[JointUpper].Rotate(Vector3.right * (mouseDelta.x / 1.5f)); } } private void SetRotation(int joint) { var rotation = jointRotation[joint].eulerAngles; rotation.z = ikChain[joint].localEulerAngles.z; ikChain[joint].localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(rotation); } }