using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using UnityEngine; namespace COM3D2.MeidoPhotoStudio.Plugin { internal class LightManager { private List lightList = new List(); private int selectedLightIndex = 0; public int SelectedLightIndex { get => selectedLightIndex; set { selectedLightIndex = Mathf.Clamp(value, 0, lightList.Count - 1); lightList[SelectedLightIndex].IsActiveLight = true; } } public string[] LightNameList => lightList.Select(light => LightName(light.Name)).ToArray(); public string ActiveLightName => LightName(lightList[SelectedLightIndex].Name); public DragPointLight CurrentLight { get { return lightList[SelectedLightIndex]; } } public event EventHandler Rotate; public event EventHandler Scale; public event EventHandler ListModified; public event EventHandler Select; // TODO: enabling and disabling gizmos for a variety of dragpoints public void Activate() { GameMain.Instance.MainCamera.GetComponent().backgroundColor =; AddLight(GameMain.Instance.MainLight.gameObject, true); } public void Deactivate() { for (int i = 0; i < lightList.Count; i++) { DestroyLight(lightList[i]); } selectedLightIndex = 0; lightList.Clear(); GameMain.Instance.MainLight.Reset(); Light mainLight = GameMain.Instance.MainLight.GetComponent(); mainLight.type = LightType.Directional; DragPointLight.SetLightProperties(mainLight, new LightProperty()); } public void AddLight(GameObject lightGo = null, bool isMain = false) { GameObject go = lightGo ?? new GameObject(); DragPointLight light = DragPoint.Make( PrimitiveType.Cube, * 0.12f, DragPoint.LightBlue ); light.Initialize(() => go.transform.position, () => go.transform.eulerAngles); light.Set(go.transform); light.IsMain = isMain; light.Rotate += OnRotate; light.Scale += OnScale; light.Delete += OnDelete; light.Select += OnSelect; lightList.Add(light); CurrentLight.IsActiveLight = false; SelectedLightIndex = lightList.Count; OnListModified(); } public void DeleteActiveLight() { if (selectedLightIndex == 0) return; DeleteLight(SelectedLightIndex); } public void DeleteLight(int lightIndex, bool noUpdate = false) { if (lightIndex == 0) return; DestroyLight(lightList[lightIndex]); lightList.RemoveAt(lightIndex); if (lightIndex <= SelectedLightIndex) SelectedLightIndex -= 1; if (noUpdate) return; OnListModified(); } public void SetColourModeActive(bool isColourMode) { lightList[0].IsColourMode = isColourMode; } public void ClearLights() { for (int i = lightList.Count - 1; i > 0; i--) { DeleteLight(i); } selectedLightIndex = 0; } private void DestroyLight(DragPointLight light) { light.Rotate -= OnRotate; light.Scale -= OnScale; light.Delete -= OnDelete; light.Select -= OnSelect; GameObject.Destroy(light.gameObject); } private string LightName(string name) { return Translation.Get("lightType", name); } private void OnDelete(object sender, EventArgs args) { DragPointLight theLight = (DragPointLight)sender; for (int i = 1; i < lightList.Count; i++) { DragPointLight light = lightList[i]; if (light == theLight) { DeleteLight(i); return; } } } private void OnRotate(object sender, EventArgs args) { OnTransformEvent((DragPointLight)sender, Rotate); } private void OnScale(object sender, EventArgs args) { OnTransformEvent((DragPointLight)sender, Scale); } private void OnTransformEvent(DragPointLight light, EventHandler handler) { if (light.IsActiveLight) { handler?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } private void OnSelect(object sender, EventArgs args) { DragPointLight theLight = (DragPointLight)sender; int select = lightList.FindIndex(light => light == theLight); if (select >= 0) { this.SelectedLightIndex = select; this.Select?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } private void OnListModified() { ListModified?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty); } } }