using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; using Ionic.Zlib; using BepInEx; namespace COM3D2.MeidoPhotoStudio.Plugin { using Input = InputManager; [BepInPlugin(pluginGuid, pluginName, pluginVersion)] [BepInDependency("org.bepinex.plugins.unityinjectorloader", BepInDependency.DependencyFlags.SoftDependency)] public class MeidoPhotoStudio : BaseUnityPlugin { private static readonly CameraMain mainCamera = GameMain.Instance.MainCamera; private static event EventHandler ScreenshotEvent; private const string pluginGuid = "com.habeebweeb.com3d2.meidophotostudio"; public const string pluginName = "MeidoPhotoStudio"; public const string pluginVersion = "1.0.0"; public const int sceneVersion = 1000; public const int kankyoMagic = -765; public static string pluginString = $"{pluginName} {pluginVersion}"; public static bool EditMode => currentScene == Constants.Scene.Edit; public static event EventHandler NotifyRawScreenshot; private WindowManager windowManager; private SceneManager sceneManager; private MeidoManager meidoManager; private EnvironmentManager environmentManager; private MessageWindowManager messageWindowManager; private LightManager lightManager; private PropManager propManager; private EffectManager effectManager; private static Constants.Scene currentScene; private bool initialized; private bool active; private bool uiActive; static MeidoPhotoStudio() { Input.Register(MpsKey.Screenshot, KeyCode.S, "Take screenshot"); Input.Register(MpsKey.Activate, KeyCode.F6, "Activate/deactivate MeidoPhotoStudio"); } private void Awake() { var harmony = HarmonyLib.Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(typeof(AllProcPropSeqStartPatcher)); harmony.PatchAll(typeof(BgMgrPatcher)); ScreenshotEvent += OnScreenshotEvent; DontDestroyOnLoad(this); UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded; UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.activeSceneChanged += OnSceneChanged; } private void Start() { Constants.Initialize(); Translation.Initialize(Translation.CurrentLanguage); } private void OnSceneLoaded(Scene scene, LoadSceneMode sceneMode) { currentScene = (Constants.Scene)scene.buildIndex; } private void OnSceneChanged(Scene current, Scene next) { if (active) Deactivate(true); ResetCalcNearClip(); } public byte[] SerializeScene(bool kankyo = false) { if (meidoManager.Busy) return null; byte[] compressedData; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream()) using (DeflateStream deflateStream = new DeflateStream(memoryStream, CompressionMode.Compress)) using (BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(deflateStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)) { binaryWriter.Write("MPS_SCENE"); binaryWriter.Write(sceneVersion); binaryWriter.Write(kankyo ? kankyoMagic : meidoManager.ActiveMeidoList.Count); effectManager.Serialize(binaryWriter); environmentManager.Serialize(binaryWriter, kankyo); lightManager.Serialize(binaryWriter); if (!kankyo) { messageWindowManager.Serialize(binaryWriter); // meidomanager has to be serialized before propmanager because reattached props will be in the // wrong place after a maid's pose is deserialized. meidoManager.Serialize(binaryWriter); } propManager.Serialize(binaryWriter); binaryWriter.Write("END"); deflateStream.Close(); compressedData = memoryStream.ToArray(); } return compressedData; } public static byte[] DecompressScene(string filePath) { if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { Utility.LogWarning($"Scene file '{filePath}' does not exist."); return null; } byte[] compressedData; using (FileStream fileStream = File.OpenRead(filePath)) { if (Utility.IsPngFile(fileStream)) { if (!Utility.SeekPngEnd(fileStream)) { Utility.LogWarning($"'{filePath}' is not a PNG file"); return null; } if (fileStream.Position == fileStream.Length) { Utility.LogWarning($"'{filePath}' contains no scene data"); return null; } int dataLength = (int)(fileStream.Length - fileStream.Position); compressedData = new byte[dataLength]; fileStream.Read(compressedData, 0, dataLength); } else { compressedData = new byte[fileStream.Length]; fileStream.Read(compressedData, 0, compressedData.Length); } } return DeflateStream.UncompressBuffer(compressedData); } public void ApplyScene(string filePath) { if (meidoManager.Busy) return; byte[] sceneBinary = DecompressScene(filePath); if (sceneBinary == null) return; string header = string.Empty; string previousHeader = string.Empty; using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(sceneBinary)) using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(memoryStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8)) { try { if (binaryReader.ReadString() != "MPS_SCENE") { Utility.LogWarning($"'{filePath}' is not a {pluginName} scene"); return; } if (binaryReader.ReadInt32() > sceneVersion) { Utility.LogWarning($"'{filePath}' is made in a newer version of {pluginName}"); return; } binaryReader.ReadInt32(); // Number of Maids while ((header = binaryReader.ReadString()) != "END") { switch (header) { case MessageWindowManager.header: messageWindowManager.Deserialize(binaryReader); break; case EnvironmentManager.header: environmentManager.Deserialize(binaryReader); break; case MeidoManager.header: meidoManager.Deserialize(binaryReader); break; case PropManager.header: propManager.Deserialize(binaryReader); break; case LightManager.header: lightManager.Deserialize(binaryReader); break; case EffectManager.header: effectManager.Deserialize(binaryReader); break; default: throw new Exception($"Unknown header '{header}'"); } previousHeader = header; } } catch (Exception e) { Utility.LogError( $"Failed to deserialize scene '{filePath}' because {e.Message}" + $"\nCurrent header: '{header}'. Last header: '{previousHeader}'" ); Utility.LogError(e.StackTrace); return; } } } public static void TakeScreenshot(ScreenshotEventArgs args) => ScreenshotEvent?.Invoke(null, args); public static void TakeScreenshot(string path = "", int superSize = -1, bool hideMaids = false) { TakeScreenshot(new ScreenshotEventArgs() { Path = path, SuperSize = superSize, HideMaids = hideMaids }); } private void OnScreenshotEvent(object sender, ScreenshotEventArgs args) { StartCoroutine(Screenshot(args)); } private void Update() { if (currentScene == Constants.Scene.Daily || currentScene == Constants.Scene.Edit) { if (Input.GetKeyDown(MpsKey.Activate)) { if (active) Deactivate(); else Activate(); } if (active) { if (!Input.Control && !Input.GetKey(MpsKey.CameraLayer) && Input.GetKeyDown(MpsKey.Screenshot)) { TakeScreenshot(); } meidoManager.Update(); environmentManager.Update(); windowManager.Update(); effectManager.Update(); sceneManager.Update(); } } } private IEnumerator Screenshot(ScreenshotEventArgs args) { // Hide UI and dragpoints GameObject gameMain = GameMain.Instance.gameObject; GameObject editUI = UTY.GetChildObject(GameObject.Find("UI Root"), "Camera"); GameObject fpsViewer = UTY.GetChildObject(gameMain, "SystemUI Root/FpsCounter"); GameObject sysDialog = UTY.GetChildObject(gameMain, "SystemUI Root/SystemDialog"); GameObject sysShortcut = UTY.GetChildObject(gameMain, "SystemUI Root/SystemShortcut"); // CameraUtility can hide the edit UI so keep its state for later bool editUIWasActive = editUI.activeSelf; uiActive = false; editUI.SetActive(false); fpsViewer.SetActive(false); sysDialog.SetActive(false); sysShortcut.SetActive(false); // Hide maid dragpoints and maids List activeMeidoList = meidoManager.ActiveMeidoList; bool[] isIK = new bool[activeMeidoList.Count]; bool[] isVisible = new bool[activeMeidoList.Count]; for (int i = 0; i < activeMeidoList.Count; i++) { Meido meido = activeMeidoList[i]; isIK[i] = meido.IK; if (meido.IK) meido.IK = false; // Hide the maid if needed if (args.HideMaids) { isVisible[i] = meido.Maid.Visible; meido.Maid.Visible = false; } } // Hide other drag points bool[] isCubeActive = { MeidoDragPointManager.CubeActive, PropManager.CubeActive, LightManager.CubeActive, EnvironmentManager.CubeActive }; MeidoDragPointManager.CubeActive = false; PropManager.CubeActive = false; LightManager.CubeActive = false; EnvironmentManager.CubeActive = false; // hide gizmos GizmoRender.UIVisible = false; yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); Texture2D rawScreenshot = null; if (args.InMemory) { // Take a screenshot directly to a Texture2D for immediate processing RenderTexture renderTexture = new RenderTexture(Screen.width, Screen.height, 24); = renderTexture; = renderTexture;; rawScreenshot = new Texture2D(Screen.width, Screen.height, TextureFormat.RGB24, false); rawScreenshot.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, renderTexture.width, renderTexture.height), 0, 0, false); rawScreenshot.Apply(); = null; = null; DestroyImmediate(renderTexture); } else { // Take Screenshot int[] defaultSuperSize = new[] { 1, 2, 4 }; int selectedSuperSize = args.SuperSize < 1 ? defaultSuperSize[(int)GameMain.Instance.CMSystem.ScreenShotSuperSize] : args.SuperSize; string path = string.IsNullOrEmpty(args.Path) ? Utility.ScreenshotFilename() : args.Path; Application.CaptureScreenshot(path, selectedSuperSize); } GameMain.Instance.SoundMgr.PlaySe("se022.ogg", false); yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); // Show UI and dragpoints uiActive = true; editUI.SetActive(editUIWasActive); fpsViewer.SetActive(GameMain.Instance.CMSystem.ViewFps); sysDialog.SetActive(true); sysShortcut.SetActive(true); for (int i = 0; i < activeMeidoList.Count; i++) { Meido meido = activeMeidoList[i]; if (isIK[i]) meido.IK = true; if (args.HideMaids && isVisible[i]) meido.Maid.Visible = true; } MeidoDragPointManager.CubeActive = isCubeActive[0]; PropManager.CubeActive = isCubeActive[1]; LightManager.CubeActive = isCubeActive[2]; EnvironmentManager.CubeActive = isCubeActive[3]; GizmoRender.UIVisible = true; if (args.InMemory && rawScreenshot) NotifyRawScreenshot?.Invoke(null, new ScreenshotEventArgs() { Screenshot = rawScreenshot }); } private void OnGUI() { if (uiActive) { windowManager.DrawWindows(); if (DropdownHelper.Visible) DropdownHelper.HandleDropdown(); if (Modal.Visible) Modal.Draw(); } } private void Initialize() { if (initialized) return; initialized = true; meidoManager = new MeidoManager(); environmentManager = new EnvironmentManager(); messageWindowManager = new MessageWindowManager(); lightManager = new LightManager(); propManager = new PropManager(meidoManager); sceneManager = new SceneManager(this); effectManager = new EffectManager(); effectManager.AddManager(); effectManager.AddManager(); effectManager.AddManager(); effectManager.AddManager(); effectManager.AddManager(); effectManager.AddManager(); meidoManager.BeginCallMeidos += (s, a) => uiActive = false; meidoManager.EndCallMeidos += (s, a) => uiActive = true; MaidSwitcherPane maidSwitcherPane = new MaidSwitcherPane(meidoManager); SceneWindow sceneWindow = new SceneWindow(sceneManager); windowManager = new WindowManager() { [Constants.Window.Main] = new MainWindow(meidoManager, propManager, lightManager) { [Constants.Window.Call] = new CallWindowPane(meidoManager), [Constants.Window.Pose] = new PoseWindowPane(meidoManager, maidSwitcherPane), [Constants.Window.Face] = new FaceWindowPane(meidoManager, maidSwitcherPane), [Constants.Window.BG] = new BGWindowPane( environmentManager, lightManager, effectManager, sceneWindow ), [Constants.Window.BG2] = new BG2WindowPane(meidoManager, propManager), [Constants.Window.Settings] = new SettingsWindowPane() }, [Constants.Window.Message] = new MessageWindow(messageWindowManager), [Constants.Window.Save] = sceneWindow }; } private void Activate() { if (!GameMain.Instance.SysDlg.IsDecided) return; if (!initialized) Initialize(); else { meidoManager.Activate(); environmentManager.Activate(); propManager.Activate(); lightManager.Activate(); effectManager.Activate(); messageWindowManager.Activate(); windowManager.Activate(); } SetNearClipPlane(); uiActive = true; active = true; if (!EditMode) { GameObject dailyPanel = GameObject.Find("UI Root")?.transform.Find("DailyPanel")?.gameObject; if (dailyPanel) dailyPanel.SetActive(false); } else meidoManager.CallMeidos(); } private void Deactivate(bool force = false) { if (meidoManager.Busy || SceneManager.Busy) return; SystemDialog sysDialog = GameMain.Instance.SysDlg; void exit() { sysDialog.Close(); ResetCalcNearClip(); meidoManager.Deactivate(); environmentManager.Deactivate(); propManager.Deactivate(); lightManager.Deactivate(); effectManager.Deactivate(); messageWindowManager.Deactivate(); windowManager.Deactivate(); Input.Deactivate(); Modal.Close(); if (!EditMode) { GameObject dailyPanel = GameObject.Find("UI Root")?.transform.Find("DailyPanel")?.gameObject; dailyPanel?.SetActive(true); } Configuration.Config.Save(); } if (sysDialog.IsDecided || EditMode || force) { uiActive = false; active = false; if (EditMode || force) exit(); else { string exitMessage = string.Format(Translation.Get("systemMessage", "exitConfirm"), pluginName); sysDialog.Show(exitMessage, SystemDialog.TYPE.OK_CANCEL, f_dgOk: exit, f_dgCancel: () => { sysDialog.Close(); uiActive = true; active = true; } ); } } } private void SetNearClipPlane() { mainCamera.StopAllCoroutines(); mainCamera.m_bCalcNearClip = false; = 0.01f; } private void ResetCalcNearClip() { if (mainCamera.m_bCalcNearClip) return; mainCamera.StopAllCoroutines(); mainCamera.m_bCalcNearClip = true; mainCamera.Start(); } } public class ScreenshotEventArgs : EventArgs { public string Path { get; set; } = string.Empty; public int SuperSize { get; set; } = -1; public bool HideMaids { get; set; } public bool InMemory { get; set; } = false; public Texture2D Screenshot { get; set; } } }