using System; using System.IO; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Reflection; using System.Linq; using System.Xml.Linq; using UnityEngine; using static TBody; namespace MeidoPhotoStudio.Plugin { public class Meido { private bool initialized; private float[] BlendSetValueBackup; private readonly FieldInfo m_eMaskMode = Utility.GetFieldInfo("m_eMaskMode"); public MaskMode CurrentMaskMode => !Body.isLoadedBody ? default : (MaskMode) m_eMaskMode.GetValue(Body); public DragPointGravity HairGravityControl { get; private set; } public DragPointGravity SkirtGravityControl { get; private set; } public bool HairGravityActive { get => HairGravityControl.Active; set { if (HairGravityControl.Valid) HairGravityControl.gameObject.SetActive(value); } } public bool SkirtGravityActive { get => SkirtGravityControl.Active; set { if (SkirtGravityControl.Valid) SkirtGravityControl.gameObject.SetActive(value); } } public static readonly string defaultFaceBlendSet = "通常"; public static readonly string[] faceKeys = new string[24] { "eyeclose", "eyeclose2", "eyeclose3", "eyebig", "eyeclose6", "eyeclose5", "hitomih", "hitomis", "mayuha", "mayuw", "mayuup", "mayuv", "mayuvhalf", "moutha", "mouths", "mouthc", "mouthi", "mouthup", "mouthdw", "mouthhe", "mouthuphalf", "tangout", "tangup", "tangopen" }; public static readonly string[] faceToggleKeys = new string[12] { // blush, shade, nose up, tears, drool, teeth "hoho2", "shock", "nosefook", "namida", "yodare", "toothoff", // cry 1, cry 2, cry 3, blush 1, blush 2, blush 3 "tear1", "tear2", "tear3", "hohos", "hoho", "hohol" }; public enum Curl { Front, Back, Shift } public enum Mask { All, Underwear, Nude } public event EventHandler UpdateMeido; public int StockNo { get; } public Maid Maid { get; } public TBody Body => Maid.body0; public MeidoDragPointManager IKManager { get; } public Texture2D Portrait => Maid.GetThumIcon(); public bool IsEditMaid { get; set; } public PoseInfo CachedPose { get; private set; } = PoseInfo.DefaultPose; public string CurrentFaceBlendSet { get; private set; } = defaultFaceBlendSet; public int Slot { get; private set; } public bool Loading { get; private set; } public string FirstName => Maid.status.firstName; public string LastName => Maid.status.lastName; public bool Busy => Maid.IsBusy || Loading; public bool Active { get; private set; } public bool CurlingFront => Maid.IsItemChange("skirt", "めくれスカート") || Maid.IsItemChange("onepiece", "めくれスカート"); public bool CurlingBack => Maid.IsItemChange("skirt", "めくれスカート後ろ") || Maid.IsItemChange("onepiece", "めくれスカート後ろ"); public bool PantsuShift => Maid.IsItemChange("panz", "パンツずらし") || Maid.IsItemChange("mizugi", "パンツずらし"); private bool freeLook; public bool FreeLook { get => freeLook; set { if (freeLook == value) return; freeLook = value; Body.trsLookTarget = freeLook ? null : GameMain.Instance.MainCamera.transform; OnUpdateMeido(); } } public bool HeadToCam { get => Body.isLoadedBody && Body.boHeadToCam; set { if (!Body.isLoadedBody || HeadToCam == value) return; Body.HeadToCamPer = 0f; Body.boHeadToCam = value; if (!HeadToCam && !EyeToCam) FreeLook = false; OnUpdateMeido(); } } public bool EyeToCam { get => Body.isLoadedBody && Body.boEyeToCam; set { if (!Body.isLoadedBody || EyeToCam == value) return; Body.boEyeToCam = value; if (!HeadToCam && !EyeToCam) FreeLook = false; OnUpdateMeido(); } } public bool Stop { get => !Body.isLoadedBody || !Maid.GetAnimation().isPlaying; set { if (!Body.isLoadedBody || value == Stop) return; if (value) Maid.GetAnimation().Stop(); else { Body.boEyeToCam = true; Body.boHeadToCam = true; SetPose(CachedPose.Pose); } OnUpdateMeido(); } } public bool IK { get => IKManager.Active; set { if (value == IKManager.Active) return; IKManager.Active = value; } } public bool Bone { get => IKManager.IsBone; set { if (value == Bone) return; IKManager.IsBone = value; OnUpdateMeido(); } } public event EventHandler GravityMove; public Quaternion DefaultEyeRotL { get; private set; } public Quaternion DefaultEyeRotR { get; private set; } public Meido(int stockMaidIndex) { StockNo = stockMaidIndex; Maid = GameMain.Instance.CharacterMgr.GetStockMaid(stockMaidIndex); IKManager = new MeidoDragPointManager(this); IKManager.SelectMaid += (s, args) => OnUpdateMeido(args); } public void Load(int slot) { if (Busy) return; Slot = slot; if (Active) return; FreeLook = false; Maid.Visible = true; Body.boHeadToCam = true; Body.boEyeToCam = true; Body.SetBoneHitHeightY(-1000f); if (!Body.isLoadedBody) { Maid.DutPropAll(); Maid.AllProcPropSeqStart(); } StartLoad(OnBodyLoad); } private void StartLoad(Action callback) { if (Loading) return; GameMain.Instance.StartCoroutine(Load(callback)); } private IEnumerator Load(Action callback) { Loading = true; while (Maid.IsBusy) yield return null; yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame(); callback(); Loading = false; } private void OnBodyLoad() { if (!initialized) { DefaultEyeRotL = Body.quaDefEyeL; DefaultEyeRotR = Body.quaDefEyeR; initialized = true; } if (BlendSetValueBackup == null) BackupBlendSetValues(); if (!HairGravityControl) InitializeGravityControls(); HairGravityControl.Move += OnGravityEvent; SkirtGravityControl.Move += OnGravityEvent; if (MeidoPhotoStudio.EditMode) AllProcPropSeqStartPatcher.SequenceStart += ReinitializeBody; IKManager.Initialize(); SetFaceBlendSet(defaultFaceBlendSet); IK = true; Stop = false; Bone = false; Active = true; } private void ReinitializeBody(object sender, ProcStartEventArgs args) { if (Loading || !Body.isLoadedBody) return; if (args.maid.status.guid == Maid.status.guid) { MPN[] gravityControlProps = new[] { MPN.skirt, MPN.onepiece, MPN.mizugi, MPN.panz, MPN.set_maidwear, MPN.set_mywear, MPN.set_underwear, MPN.hairf, MPN.hairr, MPN.hairs, MPN.hairt }; // Change body if (Maid.GetProp(MPN.body).boDut) { IKManager.Destroy(); StartLoad(reinitializeBody); } // Change face else if (Maid.GetProp(MPN.head).boDut) { SetFaceBlendSet(defaultFaceBlendSet); StartLoad(reinitializeFace); } // Gravity control clothing/hair change else if (gravityControlProps.Any(prop => Maid.GetProp(prop).boDut)) { if (HairGravityControl) GameObject.Destroy(HairGravityControl.gameObject); if (SkirtGravityControl) GameObject.Destroy(SkirtGravityControl.gameObject); StartLoad(reinitializeGravity); } // Clothing/accessory changes // Includes null_mpn too but any button click results in null_mpn bodut I think else StartLoad(() => OnUpdateMeido()); void reinitializeBody() { IKManager.Initialize(); Stop = false; // Maid animation needs to be set again for custom parts edit GameObject uiRoot = GameObject.Find("UI Root"); var customPartsWindow = UTY.GetChildObject(uiRoot, "Window/CustomPartsWindow") .GetComponent(); Utility.SetFieldValue(customPartsWindow, "animation", Maid.GetAnimation()); } void reinitializeFace() { DefaultEyeRotL = Body.quaDefEyeL; DefaultEyeRotR = Body.quaDefEyeR; BackupBlendSetValues(); } void reinitializeGravity() { InitializeGravityControls(); OnUpdateMeido(); } } } public void Unload() { if (Body.isLoadedBody && Maid.Visible) { DetachAllMpnAttach(); Body.jbMuneL.enabled = true; Body.jbMuneR.enabled = true; Body.quaDefEyeL = DefaultEyeRotL; Body.quaDefEyeR = DefaultEyeRotR; if (HairGravityControl) { HairGravityControl.Move -= OnGravityEvent; HairGravityActive = false; } if (SkirtGravityControl) { SkirtGravityControl.Move -= OnGravityEvent; SkirtGravityActive = false; } ApplyGravity(, skirt: false); ApplyGravity(, skirt: true); SetFaceBlendSet(defaultFaceBlendSet); } AllProcPropSeqStartPatcher.SequenceStart -= ReinitializeBody; Body.MuneYureL(1f); Body.MuneYureR(1f); Body.SetMaskMode(MaskMode.None); Body.SetBoneHitHeightY(0f); Maid.Visible = false; IKManager.Destroy(); Active = false; } public void Deactivate() { Unload(); if (HairGravityControl) GameObject.Destroy(HairGravityControl.gameObject); if (SkirtGravityControl) GameObject.Destroy(SkirtGravityControl.gameObject); Maid.SetPos(; Maid.SetRot(; Maid.SetPosOffset(; Body.transform.localScale =; Maid.ResetAll(); Maid.MabatakiUpdateStop = false; Maid.ActiveSlotNo = -1; } public void SetPose(PoseInfo poseInfo) { CachedPose = poseInfo; SetPose(poseInfo.Pose); } public void SetPose(string pose) { if (!Body.isLoadedBody) return; if (pose.StartsWith(Constants.customPosePath)) { string poseFilename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pose); try { byte[] poseBuffer = File.ReadAllBytes(pose); string hash = Path.GetFileName(pose).GetHashCode().ToString(); Body.CrossFade(hash, poseBuffer, loop: true, fade: 0f); } catch (Exception e) when (e is DirectoryNotFoundException || e is FileNotFoundException) { Utility.LogWarning($"{poseFilename}: Could not open because {e.Message}"); Constants.InitializeCustomPoses(); SetPose(PoseInfo.DefaultPose); OnUpdateMeido(); return; } catch (Exception e) { Utility.LogWarning($"{poseFilename}: Could not apply pose because {e.Message}"); SetPose(PoseInfo.DefaultPose); OnUpdateMeido(); return; } SetMune(true, left: true); SetMune(true, left: false); } else { string[] poseComponents = pose.Split(','); pose = poseComponents[0] + ".anm"; Maid.CrossFade(pose, loop: true, val: 0f); Maid.GetAnimation().Play(); if (poseComponents.Length > 1) { Maid.GetAnimation()[pose].time = float.Parse(poseComponents[1]); Maid.GetAnimation()[pose].speed = 0f; } SetPoseMune(); } Maid.SetAutoTwistAll(true); } public KeyValuePair SetFrameBinary(byte[] poseBuffer) => GetCacheBoneData().SetFrameBinary(poseBuffer); public void CopyPose(Meido fromMeido) { Stop = true; SetFrameBinary(fromMeido.SerializePose(frameBinary: true)); SetMune(fromMeido.Body.GetMuneYureL() != 0f, left: true); SetMune(fromMeido.Body.GetMuneYureR() != 0f, left: false); } public void SetMune(bool enabled, bool left = false) { float value = enabled ? 1f : 0f; if (left) { Body.MuneYureL(value); Body.jbMuneL.enabled = enabled; } else { Body.MuneYureR(value); Body.jbMuneR.enabled = enabled; } } private void SetPoseMune() { bool momiOrPaizuri = CachedPose.Pose.Contains("_momi") || CachedPose.Pose.Contains("paizuri_"); SetMune(!momiOrPaizuri, left: true); SetMune(!momiOrPaizuri, left: false); } public void SetHandPreset(string filename, bool right) { string faceFilename = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(filename); try { XDocument handDocument = XDocument.Load(filename); XElement handElement = handDocument.Element("FingerData"); if (handElement?.Elements().Any(element => element?.IsEmpty ?? true) ?? true) { Utility.LogWarning($"{faceFilename}: Could not apply hand preset because it is invalid."); return; } Stop = true; bool rightData = bool.Parse(handElement.Element("RightData").Value); string base64Data = handElement.Element("BinaryData").Value; byte[] handData = Convert.FromBase64String(base64Data); IKManager.DeserializeHand(handData, right, rightData != right); } catch (System.Xml.XmlException e) { Utility.LogWarning($"{faceFilename}: Hand preset data is malformed because {e.Message}"); } catch (Exception e) when (e is DirectoryNotFoundException || e is FileNotFoundException) { Utility.LogWarning($"{faceFilename}: Could not open hand preset because {e.Message}"); Constants.InitializeHandPresets(); } catch (Exception e) { Utility.LogWarning($"{faceFilename}: Could not parse hand preset because {e.Message}"); } } public byte[] SerializePose(bool frameBinary = false) { CacheBoneDataArray cache = GetCacheBoneData(); bool muneL = Body.GetMuneYureL() == 0f; bool muneR = Body.GetMuneYureR() == 0f; return frameBinary ? cache.GetFrameBinary(muneL, muneR) : cache.GetAnmBinary(true, true); } public Dictionary SerializeFace() { Dictionary faceData = new Dictionary(); foreach (string hash in faceKeys.Concat(faceToggleKeys)) { try { float value = GetFaceBlendValue(hash); faceData.Add(hash, value); } catch { } } return faceData; } public void SetFaceBlendSet(string blendSet) { if (blendSet.StartsWith(Constants.customFacePath)) { string blendSetFileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(blendSet); try { XDocument faceDocument = XDocument.Load(blendSet, LoadOptions.SetLineInfo); XElement faceDataElement = faceDocument.Element("FaceData"); if (faceDataElement?.IsEmpty ?? true) { Utility.LogWarning($"{blendSetFileName}: Could not apply face preset because it is invalid."); return; } HashSet hashKeys = new HashSet(faceKeys.Concat(faceToggleKeys)); foreach (XElement element in faceDataElement.Elements()) { System.Xml.IXmlLineInfo info = element; int line = info.HasLineInfo() ? info.LineNumber : -1; string key; if ((key = (string)element.Attribute("name")) == null) { Utility.LogWarning($"{blendSetFileName}: Could not read face blend key at line {line}."); continue; } if (!hashKeys.Contains(key)) { Utility.LogWarning($"{blendSetFileName}: Invalid face blend key '{key}' at line {line}."); continue; } if (float.TryParse(element.Value, out float value)) { try { SetFaceBlendValue(key, value); } catch { } } else Utility.LogWarning( $"{blendSetFileName}: Could not parse value '{element.Value}' of '{key}' at line {line}" ); } } catch (System.Xml.XmlException e) { Utility.LogWarning($"{blendSetFileName}: Face preset data is malformed because {e.Message}"); return; } catch (Exception e) when (e is DirectoryNotFoundException || e is FileNotFoundException) { Utility.LogWarning($"{blendSetFileName}: Could not open face preset because {e.Message}"); Constants.InitializeCustomFaceBlends(); return; } catch (Exception e) { Utility.LogWarning($"{blendSetFileName}: Could not parse face preset because {e.Message}"); return; } } else { ApplyBackupBlendSet(); CurrentFaceBlendSet = blendSet; BackupBlendSetValues(); Maid.FaceAnime(blendSet, 0f); var morph = Body.Face.morph; foreach (var faceKey in faceKeys) { var hash = Utility.GP01FbFaceHash(morph, faceKey); if (!morph.Contains(hash)) continue; var blendIndex = (int) morph.hash[hash]; var value = faceKey == "nosefook" ? Maid.boNoseFook || morph.boNoseFook ? 1f : 0f : morph.dicBlendSet[CurrentFaceBlendSet][blendIndex]; morph.SetBlendValues(blendIndex, value); } morph.FixBlendValues(); } StopBlink(); OnUpdateMeido(); } public void SetFaceBlendValue(string faceKey, float value) { TMorph morph = Body.Face.morph; var hash = Utility.GP01FbFaceHash(morph, faceKey); if (!morph.Contains(hash)) return; var blendIndex = (int) morph.hash[hash]; if (faceKey == "nosefook") Maid.boNoseFook = morph.boNoseFook = value > 0f; else morph.dicBlendSet[CurrentFaceBlendSet][blendIndex] = value; morph.SetBlendValues(blendIndex, value); morph.FixBlendValues(); } public float GetFaceBlendValue(string hash) { TMorph morph = Body.Face.morph; if (hash == "nosefook") return (Maid.boNoseFook || morph.boNoseFook) ? 1f : 0f; hash = Utility.GP01FbFaceHash(morph, hash); return morph.dicBlendSet[CurrentFaceBlendSet][(int)morph.hash[hash]]; } public void StopBlink() { Maid.MabatakiUpdateStop = true; Body.Face.morph.EyeMabataki = 0f; Utility.SetFieldValue(Maid, "MabatakiVal", 0f); } public void SetMaskMode(Mask maskMode) => SetMaskMode(maskMode == Mask.Nude ? MaskMode.Nude : (MaskMode) maskMode); public void SetMaskMode(MaskMode maskMode) { bool invisibleBody = !Body.GetMask(SlotID.body); Body.SetMaskMode(maskMode); if (invisibleBody) SetBodyMask(false); } public void SetBodyMask(bool enabled) { Hashtable table = Utility.GetFieldValue(Body, "m_hFoceHide"); foreach (SlotID bodySlot in MaidDressingPane.BodySlots) table[bodySlot] = enabled; Body.FixMaskFlag(); Body.FixVisibleFlag(false); } public void SetCurling(Curl curling, bool enabled) { string[] name = curling == Curl.Shift ? new[] { "panz", "mizugi" } : new[] { "skirt", "onepiece" }; if (enabled) { var action = curling switch { Curl.Shift => "パンツずらし", Curl.Front => "めくれスカート", _ => "めくれスカート後ろ" }; Maid.ItemChangeTemp(name[0], action); Maid.ItemChangeTemp(name[1], action); } else { Maid.ResetProp(name[0]); Maid.ResetProp(name[1]); } Maid.AllProcProp(); HairGravityControl.Control.OnChangeMekure(); SkirtGravityControl.Control.OnChangeMekure(); } public void SetMpnProp(MpnAttachProp prop, bool detach) { if (detach) Maid.ResetProp(prop.Tag, false); else Maid.SetProp(prop.Tag, prop.MenuFile, 0, true); Maid.AllProcProp(); } public void DetachAllMpnAttach() { Maid.ResetProp(MPN.kousoku_lower, false); Maid.ResetProp(MPN.kousoku_upper, false); Maid.AllProcProp(); } public void ApplyGravity(Vector3 position, bool skirt = false) { DragPointGravity dragPoint = skirt ? SkirtGravityControl : HairGravityControl; if (dragPoint.Valid) dragPoint.Control.transform.localPosition = position; } private void BackupBlendSetValues() { float[] values = Body.Face.morph.dicBlendSet[CurrentFaceBlendSet]; BlendSetValueBackup = new float[values.Length]; values.CopyTo(BlendSetValueBackup, 0); } private void ApplyBackupBlendSet() { BlendSetValueBackup.CopyTo(Body.Face.morph.dicBlendSet[CurrentFaceBlendSet], 0); Maid.boNoseFook = false; } private CacheBoneDataArray GetCacheBoneData() { CacheBoneDataArray cache = Maid.gameObject.GetComponent(); void CreateCache() => cache.CreateCache(Body.GetBone("Bip01")); if (cache == null) { cache = Maid.gameObject.AddComponent(); CreateCache(); } if (cache.bone_data?.transform == null) { Utility.LogDebug("Cache bone_data is null"); CreateCache(); } return cache; } private void InitializeGravityControls() { HairGravityControl = MakeGravityControl(skirt: false); SkirtGravityControl = MakeGravityControl(skirt: true); } private DragPointGravity MakeGravityControl(bool skirt = false) { DragPointGravity gravityDragpoint = DragPoint.Make( PrimitiveType.Cube, * 0.12f ); GravityTransformControl control = DragPointGravity.MakeGravityControl(Maid, skirt); gravityDragpoint.Initialize(() => control.transform.position, () =>; gravityDragpoint.Set(control.transform); gravityDragpoint.gameObject.SetActive(false); return gravityDragpoint; } private void OnUpdateMeido(MeidoUpdateEventArgs args = null) { UpdateMeido?.Invoke(this, args ?? MeidoUpdateEventArgs.Empty); } private void OnGravityEvent(object sender, EventArgs args) => OnGravityChange((DragPointGravity)sender); private void OnGravityChange(DragPointGravity dragPoint) { GravityEventArgs args = new GravityEventArgs( dragPoint == SkirtGravityControl, dragPoint.MyObject.transform.localPosition ); GravityMove?.Invoke(this, args); } } public class GravityEventArgs : EventArgs { public Vector3 LocalPosition { get; } public bool IsSkirt { get; } public GravityEventArgs(bool isSkirt, Vector3 localPosition) { LocalPosition = localPosition; IsSkirt = isSkirt; } } public readonly struct PoseInfo { public string PoseGroup { get; } public string Pose { get; } public bool CustomPose { get; } private static readonly PoseInfo defaultPose = new PoseInfo(Constants.PoseGroupList[0], Constants.PoseDict[Constants.PoseGroupList[0]][0]); public static ref readonly PoseInfo DefaultPose => ref defaultPose; public PoseInfo(string poseGroup, string pose, bool customPose = false) { PoseGroup = poseGroup; Pose = pose; CustomPose = customPose; } } }