#67 Body change through maid preset breaks IK

Créé il y a 2 ans par habeebweeb · 1 commentaires

This issue happens as a result of Perdition-117/COM3D2.EditBodyLoadFix adding the ability for preset loads to also load body.

This issue and issue #60 are similar in nature.

This issue happens as a result of [Perdition-117/COM3D2.EditBodyLoadFix](https://github.com/Perdition-117/COM3D2.EditBodyLoadFix) adding the ability for preset loads to also load body. This issue and issue #60 are similar in nature.
habeebweeb a commenté il y a 1 an

Given the nature of how the CR/KC body integrates with the game via CR/KC preset loads, it seems like fixing this issue would also fix CR/KC body issues.

Would need to do research first to see though.

Given the nature of how the CR/KC body integrates with the game via CR/KC preset loads, it seems like fixing this issue would also fix CR/KC body issues. Would need to do research first to see though.
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