#44 Set lower limit for scaling objects from 0.1x to 0x

vor 3 Jahren geöffnet von habeebweeb · 0 Kommentare
habeebweeb kommentierte vor 3 Jahren

Setting the lower limit of scale to 0 shouldn't be a problem but I did notice that manipulating objects at that scale can be difficult.

The camera moves way to fast at a very small scale. The camera also doesn't really zoom in far enough. There's also the problem with the precision of scaling objects a lot smaller than 0.1x where it get's very finnicky.

Setting the lower limit of scale to 0 shouldn't be a problem but I did notice that manipulating objects at that scale can be difficult. The camera moves way to fast at a very small scale. The camera also doesn't really zoom in far enough. There's also the problem with the precision of scaling objects a lot smaller than 0.1x where it get's very finnicky.
habeebweeb hat dieses Issue vor 3 Jahren aus einem Commit referenziert
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