#14 Add Camera Slots

3 سال پیش باز شده توسط habeebweeb · 1 دیدگاه

One thing I really liked in Honey Select was the additional camera slots.

The slots wouldn't really have new cameras (at least for now). The slots would just store camera transform information with individual camera transform save slot.

Kind of like how each light has information for each light type.

One thing I really liked in Honey Select was the additional camera slots. The slots wouldn't really have new cameras (at least for now). The slots would just store camera transform information with individual camera transform save slot. Kind of like how each light has information for each light type.
habeebweeb نظر 3 سال پیش

Another thing to add is controlling the camera through the GUI. Maybe just adding a roll slider.

Another thing to add is controlling the camera through the GUI. Maybe just adding a roll slider.
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