@@ -1,3 +1,22 @@
+ This file contains pose categories and their corresponding pose lists.
+ This file will initially have all the poses that MultipleMaids has but can be modified.
+ You probably won't ever need to modify this file unless you're some kind of power user.
+ The structure of a pose list object is:
+ {
+ "uiName": "poseCategoryName",
+ "poseList": [ "the_list", "of_poses" ]
+ }
+ 'uiName' does not need to adhere to camelCase.
+ Since poses in 'poseList' are actual files in the game, they should be in snake_case and all lower case.
+ Do not add custom poses here. They should be placed in the 'Custom Poses' folder.
"uiName": "normal",
"uiName": "normal",