@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using UnityEngine;
+namespace COM3D2.MeidoPhotoStudio.Plugin
+ internal class SceneManager : IManager
+ {
+ public static bool Busy { get; private set; } = false;
+ public bool Initialized { get; private set; } = false;
+ private MeidoPhotoStudio meidoPhotoStudio;
+ private SceneModalWindow sceneModal;
+ private int SortDirection => SortDescending ? -1 : 1;
+ public static Vector2 sceneDimensions = new Vector2(480, 270);
+ public bool KankyoMode { get; set; } = false;
+ public bool SortDescending { get; set; } = false;
+ public List<Scene> SceneList { get; private set; } = new List<Scene>();
+ public int CurrentDirectoryIndex { get; private set; } = -1;
+ public string CurrentDirectoryName => CurrentDirectoryList[CurrentDirectoryIndex];
+ public List<string> CurrentDirectoryList
+ {
+ get => KankyoMode ? Constants.KankyoDirectoryList : Constants.SceneDirectoryList;
+ }
+ public string CurrentBasePath => KankyoMode ? Constants.kankyoPath : Constants.scenesPath;
+ public string CurrentScenesDirectory
+ {
+ get => CurrentDirectoryIndex == 0 ? CurrentBasePath : Path.Combine(CurrentBasePath, CurrentDirectoryName);
+ }
+ public SortMode CurrentSortMode { get; private set; } = SortMode.Name;
+ public int CurrentSceneIndex { get; private set; } = -1;
+ public Scene CurrentScene
+ {
+ get
+ {
+ if (SceneList.Count == 0) return null;
+ return SceneList[CurrentSceneIndex];
+ }
+ }
+ public enum SortMode
+ {
+ Name, DateCreated, DateModified
+ }
+ public SceneManager(MeidoPhotoStudio meidoPhotoStudio)
+ {
+ this.meidoPhotoStudio = meidoPhotoStudio;
+ this.sceneModal = new SceneModalWindow(this);
+ }
+ public void Activate() { }
+ public void Initialize()
+ {
+ if (!Initialized)
+ {
+ Initialized = true;
+ SelectDirectory(0);
+ }
+ }
+ public void Deactivate() => ClearSceneList();
+ public void Update()
+ {
+ if (Utility.GetModKey(Utility.ModKey.Control))
+ {
+ if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.S)) QuickSaveScene();
+ else if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.A)) QuickLoadScene();
+ }
+ }
+ public void DeleteDirectory()
+ {
+ if (Directory.Exists(CurrentScenesDirectory))
+ {
+ Directory.Delete(CurrentScenesDirectory, true);
+ }
+ CurrentDirectoryList.RemoveAt(CurrentDirectoryIndex);
+ }
+ public void OverwriteScene() => SaveScene(overwrite: true);
+ public void ToggleKankyoMode()
+ {
+ this.KankyoMode = !this.KankyoMode;
+ CurrentDirectoryIndex = 0;
+ UpdateSceneList();
+ }
+ public void SaveScene(bool overwrite = false)
+ {
+ if (Busy) return;
+ if (!Directory.Exists(CurrentScenesDirectory)) Directory.CreateDirectory(CurrentScenesDirectory);
+ meidoPhotoStudio.StartCoroutine(SaveSceneToFile(overwrite));
+ }
+ public void SelectDirectory(int directoryIndex)
+ {
+ if (directoryIndex == CurrentDirectoryIndex) return;
+ CurrentDirectoryIndex = directoryIndex;
+ UpdateSceneList();
+ }
+ public void SelectScene(int sceneIndex)
+ {
+ CurrentSceneIndex = sceneIndex;
+ CurrentScene.GetNumberOfMaids();
+ }
+ public void AddDirectory(string directoryName)
+ {
+ if (!CurrentDirectoryList.Contains(directoryName, StringComparer.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
+ {
+ CurrentDirectoryList.Add(directoryName);
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.Combine(CurrentBasePath, directoryName));
+ UpdateDirectoryList();
+ }
+ }
+ public void Refresh()
+ {
+ Constants.InitializeScenes();
+ UpdateSceneList();
+ }
+ public void SortScenes(SortMode sortMode)
+ {
+ CurrentSortMode = sortMode;
+ Comparison<Scene> comparator;
+ switch (CurrentSortMode)
+ {
+ case SortMode.DateModified: comparator = SortByDateModified; break;
+ case SortMode.DateCreated: comparator = SortByDateCreated; break;
+ default: comparator = SortByName; break;
+ }
+ SceneList.Sort(comparator);
+ }
+ public void DeleteScene()
+ {
+ if (CurrentScene.FileInfo.Exists)
+ {
+ CurrentScene.FileInfo.Delete();
+ }
+ SceneList.RemoveAt(CurrentSceneIndex);
+ }
+ public void LoadScene()
+ {
+ meidoPhotoStudio.ApplyScene(CurrentScene.FileInfo.FullName);
+ }
+ private int SortByName(Scene a, Scene b)
+ {
+ return SortDirection * string.Compare(a.FileInfo.Name, b.FileInfo.Name);
+ }
+ private int SortByDateCreated(Scene a, Scene b)
+ {
+ return SortDirection * DateTime.Compare(a.FileInfo.CreationTime, b.FileInfo.CreationTime);
+ }
+ private int SortByDateModified(Scene a, Scene b)
+ {
+ return SortDirection * DateTime.Compare(a.FileInfo.LastWriteTime, b.FileInfo.LastWriteTime);
+ }
+ private void UpdateSceneList()
+ {
+ ClearSceneList();
+ if (!Directory.Exists(CurrentScenesDirectory))
+ {
+ Directory.CreateDirectory(CurrentScenesDirectory);
+ }
+ foreach (string filename in Directory.GetFiles(CurrentScenesDirectory))
+ {
+ if (Path.GetExtension(filename) == ".png") SceneList.Add(new Scene(filename));
+ }
+ SortScenes(CurrentSortMode);
+ }
+ private void UpdateDirectoryList()
+ {
+ string baseDirectoryName = KankyoMode ? Constants.kankyoDirectory : Constants.sceneDirectory;
+ CurrentDirectoryList.Sort((a, b) =>
+ {
+ if (a.Equals(baseDirectoryName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) return -1;
+ else return a.CompareTo(b);
+ });
+ }
+ private void ClearSceneList()
+ {
+ foreach (Scene scene in SceneList) scene.Destroy();
+ SceneList.Clear();
+ }
+ private void QuickSaveScene()
+ {
+ if (Busy) return;
+ byte[] data = meidoPhotoStudio.SerializeScene(kankyo: false);
+ if (data == null) return;
+ File.WriteAllBytes(Path.Combine(Constants.configPath, "mpstempscene"), data);
+ }
+ private void QuickLoadScene()
+ {
+ if (Busy) return;
+ meidoPhotoStudio.ApplyScene(Path.Combine(Constants.configPath, "mpstempscene"));
+ }
+ private System.Collections.IEnumerator SaveSceneToFile(bool overwrite = false)
+ {
+ Busy = true;
+ byte[] sceneData = meidoPhotoStudio.SerializeScene(KankyoMode);
+ if (sceneData != null)
+ {
+ string screenshotPath = Utility.TempScreenshotFilename();
+ MeidoPhotoStudio.TakeScreenshot(screenshotPath, 1, KankyoMode);
+ do yield return new WaitForSecondsRealtime(0.2f);
+ while (!File.Exists(screenshotPath));
+ string scenePrefix = KankyoMode ? "mpskankyo" : "mpsscene";
+ string fileName = $"{scenePrefix}{System.DateTime.Now:yyyyMMddHHmmss}.png";
+ string savePath = Path.Combine(CurrentScenesDirectory, fileName);
+ if (overwrite && CurrentScene != null)
+ {
+ savePath = CurrentScene.FileInfo.FullName;
+ }
+ else overwrite = false;
+ Texture2D screenshot = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
+ screenshot.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes(screenshotPath));
+ int sceneWidth = (int)SceneManager.sceneDimensions.x;
+ int sceneHeight = (int)SceneManager.sceneDimensions.y;
+ Utility.ResizeToFit(screenshot, sceneWidth, sceneHeight);
+ using (FileStream fileStream = File.Create(savePath))
+ {
+ byte[] encodedPng = screenshot.EncodeToPNG();
+ fileStream.Write(encodedPng, 0, encodedPng.Length);
+ fileStream.Write(sceneData, 0, sceneData.Length);
+ }
+ UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(screenshot);
+ if (overwrite)
+ {
+ File.SetCreationTime(savePath, CurrentScene.FileInfo.CreationTime);
+ CurrentScene.Destroy();
+ SceneList.RemoveAt(CurrentSceneIndex);
+ }
+ SceneList.Add(new Scene(savePath));
+ SortScenes(CurrentSortMode);
+ }
+ Busy = false;
+ }
+ public class Scene
+ {
+ public const int initialNumberOfMaids = -2;
+ public Texture2D Thumbnail { get; private set; }
+ public FileInfo FileInfo { get; set; }
+ public int NumberOfMaids { get; private set; } = initialNumberOfMaids;
+ public Scene(string filePath)
+ {
+ FileInfo = new FileInfo(filePath);
+ Thumbnail = new Texture2D(1, 1, TextureFormat.ARGB32, false);
+ Thumbnail.LoadImage(File.ReadAllBytes(FileInfo.FullName));
+ }
+ public void GetNumberOfMaids()
+ {
+ if (NumberOfMaids != initialNumberOfMaids) return;
+ string filePath = FileInfo.FullName;
+ byte[] sceneData = MeidoPhotoStudio.DecompressScene(filePath);
+ if (sceneData == null) return;
+ using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(sceneData))
+ using (BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(memoryStream, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8))
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ if (binaryReader.ReadString() != "MPS_SCENE")
+ {
+ Utility.LogWarning($"'{filePath}' is not a {MeidoPhotoStudio.pluginName} scene");
+ return;
+ }
+ if (binaryReader.ReadInt32() > MeidoPhotoStudio.sceneVersion)
+ {
+ Utility.LogWarning(
+ $"'{filePath}' is made in a newer version of {MeidoPhotoStudio.pluginName}"
+ );
+ return;
+ }
+ NumberOfMaids = binaryReader.ReadInt32();
+ }
+ catch (Exception e)
+ {
+ Utility.LogWarning($"Failed to deserialize scene '{filePath}' because {e.Message}");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void Destroy()
+ {
+ if (Thumbnail != null) UnityEngine.Object.DestroyImmediate(Thumbnail);
+ }
+ }
+ }