@@ -0,0 +1,573 @@
+using System;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using UnityEngine;
+namespace COM3D2.MeidoPhotoStudio.Plugin
+ using ModKey = Utility.ModKey;
+ public class DragPointManager
+ {
+ enum IKMode
+ {
+ None, UpperLock, Mune, RotLocal, BodyTransform, FingerRotLocalY, FingerRotLocalXZ, BodySelect
+ }
+ enum Bone
+ {
+ Head, HeadNub, ClavicleL, ClavicleR,
+ UpperArmL, UpperArmR, ForearmL, ForearmR,
+ HandL, HandR, IKHandL, IKHandR,
+ MuneL, MuneSubL, MuneR, MuneSubR,
+ Neck, Spine, Spine0a, Spine1, Spine1a, ThighL, ThighR,
+ Pelvis, Hip,
+ CalfL, CalfR, FootL, FootR,
+ // Dragpoint specific
+ Cube, Body, Torso,
+ // Fingers
+ Finger0L, Finger01L, Finger02L, Finger0NubL,
+ Finger1L, Finger11L, Finger12L, Finger1NubL,
+ Finger2L, Finger21L, Finger22L, Finger2NubL,
+ Finger3L, Finger31L, Finger32L, Finger3NubL,
+ Finger4L, Finger41L, Finger42L, Finger4NubL,
+ Finger0R, Finger01R, Finger02R, Finger0NubR,
+ Finger1R, Finger11R, Finger12R, Finger1NubR,
+ Finger2R, Finger21R, Finger22R, Finger2NubR,
+ Finger3R, Finger31R, Finger32R, Finger3NubR,
+ Finger4R, Finger41R, Finger42R, Finger4NubR,
+ // Toes
+ Toe0L, Toe01L, Toe0NubL,
+ Toe1L, Toe11L, Toe1NubL,
+ Toe2L, Toe21L, Toe2NubL,
+ Toe0R, Toe01R, Toe0NubR,
+ Toe1R, Toe11R, Toe1NubR,
+ Toe2R, Toe21R, Toe2NubR
+ }
+ private static readonly Dictionary<IKMode, Bone[]> IKGroup = new Dictionary<IKMode, Bone[]>()
+ {
+ [IKMode.None] = new[]
+ {
+ Bone.UpperArmL, Bone.ForearmL, Bone.HandL, Bone.UpperArmR,
+ Bone.ForearmR, Bone.HandR, Bone.CalfL, Bone.FootL, Bone.CalfR, Bone.FootR
+ },
+ [IKMode.UpperLock] = new[] { Bone.HandL, Bone.HandR, Bone.FootL, Bone.FootR },
+ [IKMode.Mune] = new[] { Bone.Head, Bone.MuneL, Bone.MuneR },
+ [IKMode.RotLocal] = new[]
+ {
+ Bone.Head, Bone.CalfL, Bone.CalfR, Bone.Torso,
+ Bone.Pelvis, Bone.HandL, Bone.HandR, Bone.FootL, Bone.FootR
+ },
+ [IKMode.BodyTransform] = new[] { Bone.Body, Bone.Cube },
+ [IKMode.BodySelect] = new[] { Bone.Head, Bone.Body },
+ [IKMode.FingerRotLocalXZ] = new[]
+ {
+ Bone.Finger01L, Bone.Finger02L, Bone.Finger0NubL,
+ Bone.Finger11L, Bone.Finger12L, Bone.Finger1NubL,
+ Bone.Finger21L, Bone.Finger22L, Bone.Finger2NubL,
+ Bone.Finger31L, Bone.Finger32L, Bone.Finger3NubL,
+ Bone.Finger41L, Bone.Finger42L, Bone.Finger4NubL,
+ Bone.Finger01R, Bone.Finger02R, Bone.Finger0NubR,
+ Bone.Finger11R, Bone.Finger12R, Bone.Finger1NubR,
+ Bone.Finger21R, Bone.Finger22R, Bone.Finger2NubR,
+ Bone.Finger31R, Bone.Finger32R, Bone.Finger3NubR,
+ Bone.Finger41R, Bone.Finger42R, Bone.Finger4NubR,
+ Bone.Toe01L, Bone.Toe0NubL, Bone.Toe11L, Bone.Toe1NubL,
+ Bone.Toe21L, Bone.Toe2NubL, Bone.Toe01R, Bone.Toe0NubR,
+ Bone.Toe11R, Bone.Toe1NubR, Bone.Toe21R, Bone.Toe2NubR
+ },
+ [IKMode.FingerRotLocalY] = new[] {
+ Bone.Finger01L, Bone.Finger11L, Bone.Finger21L, Bone.Finger31L, Bone.Finger41L,
+ Bone.Finger01R, Bone.Finger11R, Bone.Finger21R, Bone.Finger31R, Bone.Finger41R,
+ Bone.Toe01L, Bone.Toe11L, Bone.Toe21L, Bone.Toe01R, Bone.Toe11R, Bone.Toe21R
+ }
+ };
+ private Meido meido;
+ private Maid maid;
+ private Dictionary<Bone, GameObject> DragPoint;
+ private Dictionary<Bone, Transform> BoneTransform;
+ private IKMode ikMode;
+ private IKMode ikModeOld = IKMode.None;
+ public event EventHandler<MeidoChangeEventArgs> SelectMaid;
+ public bool Initialized { get; private set; }
+ public DragPointManager(Meido meido)
+ {
+ meido.BodyLoad += Initialize;
+ this.meido = meido;
+ this.maid = meido.Maid;
+ }
+ public void Initialize(object sender, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ if (Initialized) return;
+ InitializeBones();
+ InitializeDragPoints();
+ Initialized = true;
+ meido.BodyLoad -= Initialize;
+ }
+ public void Destroy()
+ {
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<Bone, GameObject> dragPoint in DragPoint)
+ {
+ GameObject.Destroy(dragPoint.Value);
+ }
+ DragPoint = null;
+ BoneTransform = null;
+ Initialized = false;
+ }
+ public void Deactivate()
+ {
+ foreach (KeyValuePair<Bone, GameObject> dragPoint in DragPoint)
+ {
+ dragPoint.Value.SetActive(false);
+ }
+ }
+ public void Activate()
+ {
+ ikMode = ikModeOld = IKMode.None;
+ UpdateIK();
+ }
+ public void Update()
+ {
+ if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Z) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.X) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.C))
+ {
+ ikMode = IKMode.BodyTransform;
+ }
+ else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.A))
+ {
+ ikMode = IKMode.BodySelect;
+ }
+ else if (Utility.GetModKey(ModKey.Control) && Utility.GetModKey(ModKey.Alt))
+ {
+ ikMode = IKMode.Mune;
+ }
+ else if (Utility.GetModKey(ModKey.Shift) && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space))
+ {
+ ikMode = IKMode.FingerRotLocalY;
+ }
+ else if (Utility.GetModKey(ModKey.Alt) /* && Utility.GetModKey(ModKey.Shift) */)
+ {
+ ikMode = IKMode.RotLocal;
+ }
+ else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space))
+ {
+ ikMode = IKMode.FingerRotLocalXZ;
+ }
+ else if (Utility.GetModKey(ModKey.Control))
+ {
+ ikMode = IKMode.UpperLock;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ikMode = IKMode.None;
+ }
+ if (ikMode != ikModeOld) UpdateIK();
+ ikModeOld = ikMode;
+ }
+ private void UpdateIK()
+ {
+ Deactivate();
+ foreach (Bone bone in IKGroup[ikMode])
+ {
+ DragPoint[bone].SetActive(true);
+ }
+ }
+ // TODO: Rework this a little to reduce number of needed BaseDrag derived components
+ private void InitializeDragPoints()
+ {
+ DragPoint = new Dictionary<Bone, GameObject>();
+ Vector3 limbDragPointSize = Vector3.one * 0.12f;
+ Vector3 fingerDragPointSize = Vector3.one * 0.015f;
+ Material transparentBlue = new Material(Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse"))
+ {
+ color = new Color(0.4f, 0.4f, 1f, 0.3f)
+ };
+ Material transparentBlue2 = new Material(Shader.Find("Transparent/Diffuse"))
+ {
+ color = new Color(0.5f, 0.5f, 1f, 0.8f)
+ };
+ Func<PrimitiveType, Vector3, Material, GameObject> MakeDragPoint = (primitive, scale, material) =>
+ {
+ GameObject dragPoint = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(primitive);
+ dragPoint.transform.localScale = scale;
+ if (material != null) dragPoint.GetComponent<Renderer>().material = material;
+ dragPoint.layer = 8;
+ return dragPoint;
+ };
+ Func<Transform[], Transform[], Transform[], bool, GameObject[]> MakeIKChainDragPoint = (upper, middle, lower, leg) =>
+ {
+ GameObject[] dragPoints = new GameObject[3];
+ for (int i = 0; i < dragPoints.Length; i++)
+ {
+ dragPoints[i] = MakeDragPoint(PrimitiveType.Sphere, limbDragPointSize, transparentBlue);
+ }
+ DragJointForearm dragUpper = dragPoints[0].AddComponent<DragJointForearm>();
+ dragUpper.Initialize(upper, false, maid, () => upper[2].position, () => Vector3.zero);
+ DragJointForearm dragMiddle = dragPoints[1].AddComponent<DragJointForearm>();
+ dragMiddle.Initialize(middle, leg, maid, () => middle[2].position, () => Vector3.zero);
+ DragJointHand dragLower = dragPoints[2].AddComponent<DragJointHand>();
+ dragLower.Initialize(lower, leg, maid, () => lower[2].position, () => Vector3.zero);
+ return dragPoints;
+ };
+ DragPoint[Bone.Cube] = MakeDragPoint(PrimitiveType.Cube, new Vector3(0.12f, 0.12f, 0.12f), transparentBlue2);
+ DragPoint[Bone.Cube].AddComponent<DragBody>()
+ .Initialize(maid,
+ () => maid.transform.position,
+ () => maid.transform.eulerAngles
+ );
+ DragPoint[Bone.Body] = MakeDragPoint(PrimitiveType.Capsule, new Vector3(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.24f), transparentBlue);
+ DragBody dragBody = DragPoint[Bone.Body].AddComponent<DragBody>();
+ dragBody.Initialize(maid,
+ () => new Vector3(
+ (BoneTransform[Bone.Hip].position.x + BoneTransform[Bone.Spine0a].position.x) / 2f,
+ (BoneTransform[Bone.Spine1].position.y + BoneTransform[Bone.Spine0a].position.y) / 2f,
+ (BoneTransform[Bone.Spine0a].position.z + BoneTransform[Bone.Hip].position.z) / 2f
+ ),
+ () => new Vector3(
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Spine0a].transform.eulerAngles.x,
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Spine0a].transform.eulerAngles.y,
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Spine0a].transform.eulerAngles.z + 90f
+ )
+ );
+ dragBody.Select += (s, e) => OnMeidoSelect(new MeidoChangeEventArgs(meido.ActiveSlot, true));
+ DragPoint[Bone.Head] = MakeDragPoint(PrimitiveType.Sphere, new Vector3(0.2f, 0.24f, 0.2f), transparentBlue);
+ DragHead dragHead = DragPoint[Bone.Head].AddComponent<DragHead>();
+ dragHead.Initialize(BoneTransform[Bone.Neck], maid,
+ () => new Vector3(
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Head].position.x,
+ (BoneTransform[Bone.Head].position.y * 1.2f + BoneTransform[Bone.HeadNub].position.y * 0.8f) / 2f,
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Head].position.z
+ ),
+ () => new Vector3(BoneTransform[Bone.Head].eulerAngles.x, BoneTransform[Bone.Head].eulerAngles.y, BoneTransform[Bone.Head].eulerAngles.z + 90f)
+ );
+ dragHead.Select += (s, a) => OnMeidoSelect(new MeidoChangeEventArgs(meido.ActiveSlot, true, false));
+ DragPoint[Bone.Torso] = MakeDragPoint(PrimitiveType.Capsule, new Vector3(0.2f, 0.19f, 0.24f), transparentBlue);
+ Transform spineTrans1 = BoneTransform[Bone.Spine1];
+ Transform spineTrans2 = BoneTransform[Bone.Spine1a];
+ Transform[] spineParts = new Transform[4] {
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Spine1a],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Spine1],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Spine0a],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Spine]
+ };
+ DragPoint[Bone.Torso].AddComponent<DragTorso>()
+ .Initialize(maid, spineParts,
+ () => new Vector3(
+ spineTrans1.position.x,
+ (spineTrans2.position.y * 2f) / 2f,
+ spineTrans1.position.z
+ ),
+ () => new Vector3(
+ spineTrans1.eulerAngles.x,
+ spineTrans1.eulerAngles.y,
+ spineTrans1.eulerAngles.z + 90f
+ )
+ );
+ DragPoint[Bone.Pelvis] = MakeDragPoint(PrimitiveType.Capsule, new Vector3(0.2f, 0.15f, 0.24f), transparentBlue);
+ Transform pelvisTrans = BoneTransform[Bone.Pelvis];
+ Transform spineTrans = BoneTransform[Bone.Spine];
+ DragPoint[Bone.Pelvis].AddComponent<DragPelvis>()
+ .Initialize(maid, BoneTransform[Bone.Pelvis],
+ () => new Vector3(
+ pelvisTrans.position.x,
+ (pelvisTrans.position.y + spineTrans.position.y) / 2f,
+ pelvisTrans.position.z
+ ),
+ () => new Vector3(
+ pelvisTrans.eulerAngles.x + 90f,
+ pelvisTrans.eulerAngles.y + 90f,
+ pelvisTrans.eulerAngles.z
+ )
+ );
+ DragPoint[Bone.MuneL] = MakeDragPoint(PrimitiveType.Sphere, new Vector3(0.12f, 0.12f, 0.12f), transparentBlue);
+ DragMune dragMuneL = DragPoint[Bone.MuneL].AddComponent<DragMune>();
+ Transform[] muneIKChainL = new Transform[3] {
+ BoneTransform[Bone.MuneL],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.MuneL],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.MuneSubL]
+ };
+ dragMuneL.Initialize(muneIKChainL, maid,
+ () => (BoneTransform[Bone.MuneL].position + BoneTransform[Bone.MuneSubL].position) / 2f,
+ () => Vector3.zero
+ );
+ DragPoint[Bone.MuneR] = MakeDragPoint(PrimitiveType.Sphere, new Vector3(0.12f, 0.12f, 0.12f), transparentBlue);
+ DragMune dragMuneR = DragPoint[Bone.MuneR].AddComponent<DragMune>();
+ Transform[] muneIKChainR = new Transform[3] {
+ BoneTransform[Bone.MuneR],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.MuneR],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.MuneSubR]
+ };
+ dragMuneR.Initialize(muneIKChainR, maid,
+ () => (BoneTransform[Bone.MuneR].position + BoneTransform[Bone.MuneSubR].position) / 2f,
+ () => Vector3.zero
+ );
+ GameObject[] ikChainArmL = MakeIKChainDragPoint(
+ new Transform[3] {
+ BoneTransform[Bone.ClavicleL],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.ClavicleL],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.UpperArmL]
+ },
+ new Transform[3] {
+ BoneTransform[Bone.UpperArmL],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.UpperArmL],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.ForearmL]
+ },
+ new Transform[3] {
+ BoneTransform[Bone.UpperArmL],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.ForearmL],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.HandL]
+ },
+ false
+ );
+ DragPoint[Bone.UpperArmL] = ikChainArmL[0];
+ DragPoint[Bone.ForearmL] = ikChainArmL[1];
+ DragPoint[Bone.HandL] = ikChainArmL[2];
+ GameObject[] ikChainArmR = MakeIKChainDragPoint(
+ new Transform[3] {
+ BoneTransform[Bone.ClavicleR],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.ClavicleR],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.UpperArmR]
+ },
+ new Transform[3] {
+ BoneTransform[Bone.UpperArmR],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.UpperArmR],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.ForearmR]
+ },
+ new Transform[3] {
+ BoneTransform[Bone.UpperArmR],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.ForearmR],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.HandR]
+ },
+ false
+ );
+ DragPoint[Bone.UpperArmR] = ikChainArmR[0];
+ DragPoint[Bone.ForearmR] = ikChainArmR[1];
+ DragPoint[Bone.HandR] = ikChainArmR[2];
+ GameObject[] ikChainLegL = MakeIKChainDragPoint(
+ new Transform[3] {
+ BoneTransform[Bone.ThighL],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.CalfL],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.FootL]
+ },
+ new Transform[3] {
+ BoneTransform[Bone.ThighL],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.ThighL],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.CalfL]
+ },
+ new Transform[3] {
+ BoneTransform[Bone.ThighL],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.CalfL],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.FootL]
+ },
+ true
+ );
+ DragPoint[Bone.CalfL] = ikChainLegL[1];
+ DragPoint[Bone.FootL] = ikChainLegL[2];
+ GameObject[] ikChainLegR = MakeIKChainDragPoint(
+ new Transform[3] {
+ BoneTransform[Bone.ThighR],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.CalfR],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.FootR]
+ },
+ new Transform[3] {
+ BoneTransform[Bone.ThighR],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.ThighR],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.CalfR]
+ },
+ new Transform[3] {
+ BoneTransform[Bone.ThighR],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.CalfR],
+ BoneTransform[Bone.FootR]
+ },
+ true
+ );
+ DragPoint[Bone.CalfR] = ikChainLegR[1];
+ DragPoint[Bone.FootR] = ikChainLegR[2];
+ // destroy unused thigh dragpoints
+ GameObject.Destroy(ikChainLegL[0]);
+ GameObject.Destroy(ikChainLegR[0]);
+ for (Bone bone = Bone.Neck; bone <= Bone.ThighR; ++bone)
+ {
+ Transform pos = BoneTransform[bone];
+ DragPoint[bone] = MakeDragPoint(PrimitiveType.Sphere, limbDragPointSize, transparentBlue);
+ DragPoint[bone].AddComponent<DragSpine>()
+ .Initialize(BoneTransform[bone], maid,
+ () => pos.position,
+ () => Vector3.zero
+ );
+ }
+ for (Bone finger = Bone.Finger0L; finger <= Bone.Finger4R; finger += 4)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
+ {
+ Bone bone = finger + 1 + i; // Bone.Finger01
+ DragPoint[bone] = MakeDragPoint(PrimitiveType.Sphere, fingerDragPointSize, transparentBlue);
+ Transform[] trans = new Transform[3] {
+ BoneTransform[bone - 1],
+ BoneTransform[bone - 1],
+ BoneTransform[bone]
+ };
+ Func<Vector3> pos = () => BoneTransform[bone].position;
+ bool baseFinger = i == 0;
+ // if (i == 0)
+ // DragPoint[bone].AddComponent<DragJointForearm>().Initialize(trans, true, maid, pos, () => Vector3.zero);
+ // else
+ DragPoint[bone].AddComponent<DragJointFinger>().Initialize(trans, baseFinger, maid, pos, () => Vector3.zero);
+ }
+ }
+ for (Bone toe = Bone.Toe0L; toe <= Bone.Toe2R; toe += 3)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
+ {
+ Bone bone = toe + 1 + i; // Bone.Toe01
+ DragPoint[bone] = MakeDragPoint(PrimitiveType.Sphere, fingerDragPointSize, transparentBlue);
+ Transform[] trans = new Transform[3] {
+ BoneTransform[bone - 1],
+ BoneTransform[bone - 1],
+ BoneTransform[bone]
+ };
+ Func<Vector3> pos = () => BoneTransform[bone].position;
+ bool baseFinger = i == 0;
+ DragPoint[bone].AddComponent<DragJointFinger>().Initialize(trans, baseFinger, maid, pos, () => Vector3.zero);
+ }
+ }
+ ikModeOld = IKMode.None;
+ ikMode = IKMode.None;
+ UpdateIK();
+ }
+ private void InitializeBones()
+ {
+ BoneTransform = new Dictionary<Bone, Transform>()
+ {
+ [Bone.Head] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 Head", true),
+ [Bone.Neck] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 Neck", true),
+ [Bone.HeadNub] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 HeadNub", true),
+ [Bone.IKHandL] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "_IK_handL", true),
+ [Bone.IKHandR] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "_IK_handR", true),
+ [Bone.MuneL] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Mune_L", true),
+ [Bone.MuneSubL] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Mune_L_sub", true),
+ [Bone.MuneR] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Mune_R", true),
+ [Bone.MuneSubR] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Mune_R_sub", true),
+ [Bone.Pelvis] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 Pelvis", true),
+ [Bone.Hip] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01", true),
+ [Bone.Spine] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 Spine", true),
+ [Bone.Spine0a] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 Spine0a", true),
+ [Bone.Spine1] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 Spine1", true),
+ [Bone.Spine1a] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 Spine1a", true),
+ [Bone.ClavicleL] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Clavicle", true),
+ [Bone.ClavicleR] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Clavicle", true),
+ [Bone.UpperArmL] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L UpperArm", true),
+ [Bone.ForearmL] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Forearm", true),
+ [Bone.HandL] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Hand", true),
+ [Bone.UpperArmR] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R UpperArm", true),
+ [Bone.ForearmR] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Forearm", true),
+ [Bone.HandR] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Hand", true),
+ [Bone.ThighL] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Thigh", true),
+ [Bone.CalfL] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Calf", true),
+ [Bone.FootL] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Foot", true),
+ [Bone.ThighR] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Thigh", true),
+ [Bone.CalfR] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Calf", true),
+ [Bone.FootR] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Foot", true),
+ // fingers
+ [Bone.Finger0L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger0", true),
+ [Bone.Finger01L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger01", true),
+ [Bone.Finger02L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger02", true),
+ [Bone.Finger0NubL] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger0Nub", true),
+ [Bone.Finger1L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger1", true),
+ [Bone.Finger11L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger11", true),
+ [Bone.Finger12L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger12", true),
+ [Bone.Finger1NubL] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger1Nub", true),
+ [Bone.Finger2L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger2", true),
+ [Bone.Finger21L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger21", true),
+ [Bone.Finger22L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger22", true),
+ [Bone.Finger2NubL] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger2Nub", true),
+ [Bone.Finger3L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger3", true),
+ [Bone.Finger31L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger31", true),
+ [Bone.Finger32L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger32", true),
+ [Bone.Finger3NubL] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger3Nub", true),
+ [Bone.Finger4L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger4", true),
+ [Bone.Finger41L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger41", true),
+ [Bone.Finger42L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger42", true),
+ [Bone.Finger4NubL] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Finger4Nub", true),
+ [Bone.Finger0R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger0", true),
+ [Bone.Finger01R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger01", true),
+ [Bone.Finger02R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger02", true),
+ [Bone.Finger0NubR] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger0Nub", true),
+ [Bone.Finger1R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger1", true),
+ [Bone.Finger11R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger11", true),
+ [Bone.Finger12R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger12", true),
+ [Bone.Finger1NubR] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger1Nub", true),
+ [Bone.Finger2R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger2", true),
+ [Bone.Finger21R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger21", true),
+ [Bone.Finger22R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger22", true),
+ [Bone.Finger2NubR] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger2Nub", true),
+ [Bone.Finger3R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger3", true),
+ [Bone.Finger31R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger31", true),
+ [Bone.Finger32R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger32", true),
+ [Bone.Finger3NubR] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger3Nub", true),
+ [Bone.Finger4R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger4", true),
+ [Bone.Finger41R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger41", true),
+ [Bone.Finger42R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger42", true),
+ [Bone.Finger4NubR] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Finger4Nub", true),
+ // Toes
+ [Bone.Toe0L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Toe0", true),
+ [Bone.Toe01L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Toe01", true),
+ [Bone.Toe0NubL] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Toe0Nub", true),
+ [Bone.Toe1L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Toe1", true),
+ [Bone.Toe11L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Toe11", true),
+ [Bone.Toe1NubL] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Toe1Nub", true),
+ [Bone.Toe2L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Toe2", true),
+ [Bone.Toe21L] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Toe21", true),
+ [Bone.Toe2NubL] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 L Toe2Nub", true),
+ [Bone.Toe0R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Toe0", true),
+ [Bone.Toe01R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Toe01", true),
+ [Bone.Toe0NubR] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Toe0Nub", true),
+ [Bone.Toe1R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Toe1", true),
+ [Bone.Toe11R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Toe11", true),
+ [Bone.Toe1NubR] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Toe1Nub", true),
+ [Bone.Toe2R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Toe2", true),
+ [Bone.Toe21R] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Toe21", true),
+ [Bone.Toe2NubR] = CMT.SearchObjName(maid.body0.m_Bones.transform, "Bip01 R Toe2Nub", true)
+ };
+ }
+ private void OnMeidoSelect(MeidoChangeEventArgs args)
+ {
+ EventHandler<MeidoChangeEventArgs> handler = SelectMaid;
+ if (handler != null) handler(this, args);
+ }
+ }