@@ -1,206 +1,37 @@
+ This file is included as a convenience to prevent C(O)M3D2 BGs from being added to the 'Props 1' dropdown
+ You should consider checking your 'phot_bg_list_add.nei' file in the 'PhotoBG_NEI' folder somewhere in your 'Mod'
+ folder to see if you're missing any of these items and add them. This will have the added benefit of having these
+ BGs show up in the backgrounds dropdown and in studio mode.
- "adultshop",
- "aquarium",
- "aquarium_isu",
- "BackStage",
- "Bar",
- "BarLounge",
- "Bathroom",
- "BigSight",
- "BigSight_Night",
- "boutique",
- "Casino",
- "CasinoMini",
- "cathedral",
- "ClassRoom",
- "ClassRoom_Play",
- "com3d2pool",
- "com3d2pool_night",
- "DanceRoom",
- "DressRoom_NoMirror",
- "empireclub_elevator",
- "EmpireClub_Entrance",
- "empireclub_hallway",
- "EmpireClub_Rotary",
- "EmpireClub_Rotary_Night",
- "fantasyinn",
- "fantasyinn_night",
- "GameShop",
- "gelaende",
- "gelaende_night",
- "HeroineRoom_A",
- "HeroineRoom_A_Night",
- "HeroineRoom_A1",
- "HeroineRoom_A1_Night",
- "HeroineRoom_B",
- "HeroineRoom_B_Night",
- "HeroineRoom_B1",
- "HeroineRoom_B1_Night",
- "HeroineRoom_C",
- "HeroineRoom_C_Night",
- "HeroineRoom_C1",
- "HeroineRoom_C1_Night",
- "HeroineRoom_D",
- "HeroineRoom_D_Night",
- "HeroineRoom_D1",
- "HeroineRoom_D1_Night",
- "HeroineRoom_E",
- "HeroineRoom_E_Night",
- "HeroineRoom_E1",
- "HeroineRoom_E1_Night",
- "HeroineRoom_F",
- "HeroineRoom_F_Night",
- "HeroineRoom_F1",
- "HeroineRoom_F1_Night",
- "HeroineRoom_G",
- "HeroineRoom_G_Night",
- "HeroineRoom_G1",
- "HeroineRoom_G1_Night",
- "HeroineRoom_H1",
- "HeroineRoom_H1_Night",
- "HeroineRoom_J1",
- "HeroineRoom_J1_Night",
- "HeroineRoom_K1",
- "HeroineRoom_K1_Night",
- "HeroineRoom_L1",
- "HeroineRoom_L1_Night",
- "homelesstents",
- "HoneymoonRoom",
- "izakaya",
- "izakaya_play",
- "japanesehouse",
- "japanesehouse_night",
+ "heroineroom_d1",
+ "heroineroom_d1_night",
+ "heroineroom_d",
+ "heroineroom_d_night",
+ "heroineroom_e1",
+ "heroineroom_e1_night",
+ "heroineroom_e",
+ "heroineroom_e_night",
+ "heroineroom_f1",
+ "heroineroom_f1_night",
+ "heroineroom_f",
+ "heroineroom_f_night",
+ "heroineroom_g1",
+ "heroineroom_g1_night",
+ "heroineroom_g",
+ "heroineroom_g_night",
+ "heroineroom_h1",
+ "heroineroom_h1_night",
+ "heroineroom_j1",
+ "heroineroom_j1_night",
+ "heroineroom_k1",
+ "heroineroom_k1_night",
+ "heroineroom_l1",
+ "heroineroom_l1_night",
- "Kitchen",
- "Kitchen_Night",
- "LargeBathRoom",
- "LiveStage",
- "LiveStage_Side",
- "LiveStage_use_dance",
- "LockerRoom",
- "luxurytoilet",
- "machikado",
- "machikado_night",
- "MaidRoom",
- "MainKitchen",
- "MainKitchen_LightOff",
- "MainKitchen_Night",
- "MusicShop",
- "MyBedRoom",
- "MyBedRoom_Night",
- "MyBedRoom_NightOff",
- "MyRoom",
- "MyRoom_Night",
- "Oheya",
- "OiranRoom",
- "OpemCafe",
- "opemcafe_aikiss",
- "opemcafe_aikiss_night",
- "opemcafe_cristalia",
- "opemcafe_cristalia_night",
- "opemcafe_evenicle2",
- "opemcafe_evenicle2_night",
- "opemcafe_inuyome2",
- "opemcafe_inuyome2_night",
- "opemcafe_korolum",
- "opemcafe_korolum2",
- "opemcafe_korolum2_night",
- "opemcafe_korolum_night",
- "opemcafe_laplacian",
- "opemcafe_laplacian_night",
- "opemcafe_nekow",
- "opemcafe_nekow_night",
- "OpemCafe_Night",
- "opemcafe_nitro",
- "opemcafe_nitro_night",
- "opemcafe_pencil",
- "opemcafe_pencil_night",
- "opemcafe_rance10",
- "opemcafe_rance10_night",
- "opemcafe_raspberry",
- "opemcafe_raspberry_night",
- "opemcafe_riddlejoker",
- "opemcafe_riddlejoker_night",
- "opemcafe_sagapla",
- "opemcafe_sagapla_night",
- "opemcafe_wanko",
- "opemcafe_wanko_night",
- "OutletPark",
- "park",
- "park_car",
- "park_car_night",
- "park_night",
- "Penthouse",
- "PlayRoom",
- "PlayRoom2",
- "poledancestage",
- "Pool",
- "PrivateRoom",
- "privateroom2",
- "privateroom2_night",
- "privateroom2_nightoff",
- "PrivateRoom_Night",
- "Restaurant",
- "Restaurant_Night",
- "Rotenburo",
- "Rotenburo_Night",
- "Salon",
- "Salon_Day",
- "Salon_Entrance",
- "Salon_Garden",
- "Sea",
- "seacafe",
- "seacafe_night",
- "Sea_Night",
- "Sea_VR",
- "Sea_VR_Night",
- "ShinShitsumu",
- "ShinShitsumu_ChairRot",
- "ShinShitsumu_Night",
- "Shitsumu",
- "Shitsumu_ChairRot",
- "Shitsumu_ChairRot_Night",
- "Shitsumu_Night",
- "ShoppingMall",
- "ShoppingMall_Night",
- "shrine",
- "shrine_night",
- "Shukuhakubeya_BedRoom",
- "Shukuhakubeya_BedRoom_Night",
- "Shukuhakubeya_Living",
- "Shukuhakubeya_Living_Night",
- "Shukuhakubeya_Other_BedRoom",
- "Shukuhakubeya_Toilet",
- "Shukuhakubeya_Toilet_Night",
- "Shukuhakubeya_WashRoom",
- "Shukuhakubeya_WashRoom_Night",
- "SMClub",
- "SMRoom",
- "SMRoom2",
- "Soap",
- "Spa",
- "Spa_Night",
- "springgarden",
- "springgarden_night",
- "springgarden_yatai",
- "springgarden_yatai_night",
- "Syosai",
- "Syosai_Night",
- "Theater",
- "Theater_LightOff",
- "Toilet",
- "Town",
- "Train",
- "Villa",
- "Villa_BedRoom",
- "Villa_BedRoom_Night",
- "villa_bedroom_door",
- "Villa_Farm",
- "Villa_Farm_Night",
- "Villa_Night",
- "Yashiki",
- "Yashiki_Day",
- "Yashiki_Pillow"
+ "yashiki_Pillow"