@@ -0,0 +1,701 @@
+using System;
+using System.IO;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Linq;
+using UnityEngine;
+namespace MeidoPhotoStudio.Plugin
+ public enum AttachPoint
+ {
+ None, Head, Neck, UpperArmL, UpperArmR, ForearmL, ForearmR, MuneL, MuneR, HandL, HandR,
+ Pelvis, ThighL, ThighR, CalfL, CalfR, FootL, FootR, Spine1a, Spine1, Spine0a, Spine0
+ }
+ public class MeidoDragPointManager
+ {
+ private enum Bone
+ {
+ Head, HeadNub, ClavicleL, ClavicleR,
+ UpperArmL, UpperArmR, ForearmL, ForearmR,
+ HandL, HandR, /*IKHandL, IKHandR,*/
+ MuneL, MuneSubL, MuneR, MuneSubR,
+ Neck, Spine, Spine0a, Spine1, Spine1a, ThighL, ThighR,
+ Pelvis, Hip,
+ CalfL, CalfR, FootL, FootR,
+ // Dragpoint specific
+ Cube, Body, Torso,
+ // Fingers
+ Finger0L, Finger01L, Finger02L, Finger0NubL,
+ Finger1L, Finger11L, Finger12L, Finger1NubL,
+ Finger2L, Finger21L, Finger22L, Finger2NubL,
+ Finger3L, Finger31L, Finger32L, Finger3NubL,
+ Finger4L, Finger41L, Finger42L, Finger4NubL,
+ Finger0R, Finger01R, Finger02R, Finger0NubR,
+ Finger1R, Finger11R, Finger12R, Finger1NubR,
+ Finger2R, Finger21R, Finger22R, Finger2NubR,
+ Finger3R, Finger31R, Finger32R, Finger3NubR,
+ Finger4R, Finger41R, Finger42R, Finger4NubR,
+ // Toes
+ Toe0L, Toe01L, Toe0NubL,
+ Toe1L, Toe11L, Toe1NubL,
+ Toe2L, Toe21L, Toe2NubL,
+ Toe0R, Toe01R, Toe0NubR,
+ Toe1R, Toe11R, Toe1NubR,
+ Toe2R, Toe21R, Toe2NubR
+ }
+ private static readonly Dictionary<AttachPoint, Bone> PointToBone = new Dictionary<AttachPoint, Bone>()
+ {
+ [AttachPoint.Head] = Bone.Head,
+ [AttachPoint.Neck] = Bone.HeadNub,
+ [AttachPoint.UpperArmL] = Bone.UpperArmL,
+ [AttachPoint.UpperArmR] = Bone.UpperArmR,
+ [AttachPoint.ForearmL] = Bone.ForearmL,
+ [AttachPoint.ForearmR] = Bone.ForearmR,
+ [AttachPoint.MuneL] = Bone.MuneL,
+ [AttachPoint.MuneR] = Bone.MuneR,
+ [AttachPoint.HandL] = Bone.HandL,
+ [AttachPoint.HandR] = Bone.HandR,
+ [AttachPoint.Pelvis] = Bone.Pelvis,
+ [AttachPoint.ThighL] = Bone.ThighL,
+ [AttachPoint.ThighR] = Bone.ThighR,
+ [AttachPoint.CalfL] = Bone.CalfL,
+ [AttachPoint.CalfR] = Bone.CalfR,
+ [AttachPoint.FootL] = Bone.FootL,
+ [AttachPoint.FootR] = Bone.FootR,
+ [AttachPoint.Spine1a] = Bone.Spine1a,
+ [AttachPoint.Spine1] = Bone.Spine1,
+ [AttachPoint.Spine0a] = Bone.Spine0a,
+ [AttachPoint.Spine0] = Bone.Spine
+ };
+ private static readonly Bone[] SpineBones =
+ {
+ Bone.Neck, Bone.Spine, Bone.Spine0a, Bone.Spine1, Bone.Spine1a, Bone.Hip, Bone.ThighL, Bone.ThighR
+ };
+ private static bool cubeActive;
+ public static bool CubeActive
+ {
+ get => cubeActive;
+ set
+ {
+ if (value != cubeActive)
+ {
+ cubeActive = value;
+ CubeActiveChange?.Invoke(null, EventArgs.Empty);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static bool cubeSmall;
+ public static bool CubeSmall
+ {
+ get => cubeSmall;
+ set
+ {
+ if (value != cubeSmall)
+ {
+ cubeSmall = value;
+ CubeSmallChange?.Invoke(null, EventArgs.Empty);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private static EventHandler CubeActiveChange;
+ private static EventHandler CubeSmallChange;
+ private readonly Meido meido;
+ private readonly Dictionary<Bone, DragPointMeido> DragPoints = new Dictionary<Bone, DragPointMeido>();
+ private Dictionary<Bone, Transform> BoneTransform = new Dictionary<Bone, Transform>();
+ private DragPointBody dragBody;
+ private DragPointBody dragCube;
+ private bool initialized;
+ public event EventHandler<MeidoUpdateEventArgs> SelectMaid;
+ private bool isBone;
+ public bool IsBone
+ {
+ get => isBone;
+ set
+ {
+ if (!initialized) return;
+ if (isBone != value)
+ {
+ isBone = value;
+ foreach (DragPointMeido dragPoint in DragPoints.Values) dragPoint.IsBone = isBone;
+ foreach (Bone bone in SpineBones) DragPoints[bone].gameObject.SetActive(isBone);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private bool active = true;
+ public bool Active
+ {
+ get => active;
+ set
+ {
+ if (!initialized) return;
+ if (active != value)
+ {
+ active = value;
+ foreach (DragPointMeido dragPoint in DragPoints.Values) dragPoint.gameObject.SetActive(active);
+ foreach (Bone bone in SpineBones) DragPoints[bone].gameObject.SetActive(active && IsBone);
+ DragPointHead head = (DragPointHead)DragPoints[Bone.Head];
+ head.gameObject.SetActive(true);
+ head.IsIK = !active;
+ dragBody.IsIK = !active;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public MeidoDragPointManager(Meido meido) => this.meido = meido;
+ public void Deserialize(BinaryReader binaryReader)
+ {
+ Bone[] bones = {
+ Bone.Hip, Bone.Pelvis, Bone.Spine, Bone.Spine0a, Bone.Spine1, Bone.Spine1a, Bone.Neck,
+ Bone.ClavicleL, Bone.ClavicleR, Bone.UpperArmL, Bone.UpperArmR, Bone.ForearmL, Bone.ForearmR,
+ Bone.ThighL, Bone.ThighR, Bone.CalfL, Bone.CalfR, Bone.MuneL, Bone.MuneR, Bone.MuneSubL, Bone.MuneSubR,
+ Bone.HandL, Bone.HandR, Bone.FootL, Bone.FootR
+ };
+ int localRotationIndex = Array.IndexOf(bones, Bone.CalfR);
+ for (Bone bone = Bone.Finger0L; bone <= Bone.Toe2NubR; ++bone)
+ {
+ BoneTransform[bone].localRotation = binaryReader.ReadQuaternion();
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++)
+ {
+ Bone bone = bones[i];
+ Quaternion rotation = binaryReader.ReadQuaternion();
+ if (i > localRotationIndex) BoneTransform[bone].localRotation = rotation;
+ else BoneTransform[bone].rotation = rotation;
+ }
+ // WHY????
+ GameMain.Instance.StartCoroutine(ApplyHipPosition(binaryReader.ReadVector3()));
+ }
+ /*
+ Somebody smarter than me please help me find a way to do this better T_T
+ inb4 for loop.
+ */
+ private System.Collections.IEnumerator ApplyHipPosition(Vector3 hipPosition)
+ {
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Hip].position = hipPosition;
+ yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Hip].position = hipPosition;
+ yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Hip].position = hipPosition;
+ }
+ public Transform GetAttachPointTransform(AttachPoint point)
+ => point == AttachPoint.None ? null : BoneTransform[PointToBone[point]];
+ public void Flip()
+ {
+ meido.Stop = true;
+ Bone[] single = new[] { Bone.Pelvis, Bone.Spine, Bone.Spine0a, Bone.Spine1, Bone.Spine1a, Bone.Neck };
+ Bone[] pair = new[] {
+ Bone.ClavicleL, Bone.ClavicleR, Bone.UpperArmL, Bone.UpperArmR, Bone.ForearmL, Bone.ForearmR,
+ Bone.ThighL, Bone.ThighR, Bone.CalfL, Bone.CalfR, Bone.HandL, Bone.HandR, Bone.FootL, Bone.FootR
+ };
+ List<Vector3> singleRotations = single.Select(bone => BoneTransform[bone].eulerAngles).ToList();
+ List<Vector3> pairRotations = pair.Select(bone => BoneTransform[bone].eulerAngles).ToList();
+ Transform hip = BoneTransform[Bone.Hip];
+ Vector3 vecHip = hip.eulerAngles;
+ Transform hipL = meido.Maid.body0.GetBone("Hip_L");
+ Vector3 vecHipL = hipL.eulerAngles;
+ Transform hipR = meido.Maid.body0.GetBone("Hip_R");
+ Vector3 vecHipR = hipR.eulerAngles;
+ hip.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(
+ 360f - (vecHip.x + 270f) - 270f, 360f - (vecHip.y + 90f) - 90f, 360f - vecHip.z
+ );
+ hipL.rotation = FlipRotation(vecHipR);
+ hipR.rotation = FlipRotation(vecHipL);
+ for (int i = 0; i < single.Length; i++)
+ {
+ Bone bone = single[i];
+ BoneTransform[bone].rotation = FlipRotation(singleRotations[i]);
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < pair.Length; i += 2)
+ {
+ Bone boneA = pair[i];
+ Bone boneB = pair[i + 1];
+ BoneTransform[boneA].rotation = FlipRotation(pairRotations[i + 1]);
+ BoneTransform[boneB].rotation = FlipRotation(pairRotations[i]);
+ }
+ byte[] leftHand = SerializeHand(right: false);
+ byte[] rightHand = SerializeHand(right: true);
+ DeserializeHand(leftHand, right: true, true);
+ DeserializeHand(rightHand, right: false, true);
+ leftHand = SerializeFoot(right: false);
+ rightHand = SerializeFoot(right: true);
+ DeserializeFoot(leftHand, right: true, true);
+ DeserializeFoot(rightHand, right: false, true);
+ }
+ private Quaternion FlipRotation(Vector3 rotation)
+ {
+ return Quaternion.Euler(360f - rotation.x, 360f - (rotation.y + 90f) - 90f, rotation.z);
+ }
+ public byte[] SerializeHand(bool right)
+ {
+ Bone start = right ? Bone.Finger0R : Bone.Finger0L;
+ Bone end = right ? Bone.Finger4R : Bone.Finger4L;
+ return SerializeFinger(start, end);
+ }
+ public void DeserializeHand(byte[] handBinary, bool right, bool mirroring = false)
+ {
+ Bone start = right ? Bone.Finger0R : Bone.Finger0L;
+ Bone end = right ? Bone.Finger4R : Bone.Finger4L;
+ DeserializeFinger(start, end, handBinary, mirroring);
+ }
+ public byte[] SerializeFoot(bool right)
+ {
+ Bone start = right ? Bone.Toe0R : Bone.Toe0L;
+ Bone end = right ? Bone.Toe2R : Bone.Toe2L;
+ return SerializeFinger(start, end);
+ }
+ public void DeserializeFoot(byte[] footBinary, bool right, bool mirroring = false)
+ {
+ Bone start = right ? Bone.Toe0R : Bone.Toe0L;
+ Bone end = right ? Bone.Toe2R : Bone.Toe2L;
+ DeserializeFinger(start, end, footBinary, mirroring);
+ }
+ private byte[] SerializeFinger(Bone start, Bone end)
+ {
+ int joints = BoneTransform[start].name.Split(' ')[2].StartsWith("Finger") ? 4 : 3;
+ byte[] buf;
+ using (MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
+ using (BinaryWriter binaryWriter = new BinaryWriter(memoryStream))
+ {
+ for (Bone bone = start; bone <= end; bone += joints)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < joints - 1; i++)
+ {
+ binaryWriter.WriteQuaternion(BoneTransform[bone + i].localRotation);
+ }
+ }
+ buf = memoryStream.ToArray();
+ }
+ return buf;
+ }
+ private void DeserializeFinger(Bone start, Bone end, byte[] fingerBinary, bool mirroring = false)
+ {
+ int joints = BoneTransform[start].name.Split(' ')[2].StartsWith("Finger") ? 4 : 3;
+ int mirror = mirroring ? -1 : 1;
+ using MemoryStream memoryStream = new MemoryStream(fingerBinary);
+ using BinaryReader binaryReader = new BinaryReader(memoryStream);
+ for (Bone bone = start; bone <= end; bone += joints)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < joints - 1; i++)
+ {
+ BoneTransform[bone + i].localRotation = new Quaternion
+ (
+ binaryReader.ReadSingle() * mirror,
+ binaryReader.ReadSingle() * mirror,
+ binaryReader.ReadSingle(),
+ binaryReader.ReadSingle()
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void Destroy()
+ {
+ foreach (DragPointMeido dragPoint in DragPoints.Values)
+ {
+ if (dragPoint != null)
+ {
+ GameObject.Destroy(dragPoint.gameObject);
+ }
+ }
+ if (dragCube != null) GameObject.Destroy(dragCube.gameObject);
+ if (dragBody != null) GameObject.Destroy(dragBody.gameObject);
+ BoneTransform.Clear();
+ DragPoints.Clear();
+ CubeActiveChange -= OnCubeActive;
+ CubeSmallChange -= OnCubeSmall;
+ initialized = false;
+ }
+ public void Initialize()
+ {
+ if (initialized) return;
+ initialized = true;
+ CubeActiveChange += OnCubeActive;
+ CubeSmallChange += OnCubeSmall;
+ InitializeBones();
+ InitializeDragPoints();
+ SetDragPointScale(meido.Maid.transform.localScale.x);
+ }
+ private void InitializeDragPoints()
+ {
+ dragCube = DragPoint.Make<DragPointBody>(PrimitiveType.Cube, Vector3.one * 0.12f);
+ dragCube.Initialize(() => meido.Maid.transform.position, () => Vector3.zero);
+ dragCube.Set(meido.Maid.transform);
+ dragCube.IsCube = true;
+ dragCube.ConstantScale = true;
+ dragCube.Select += OnSelectBody;
+ dragCube.EndScale += OnSetDragPointScale;
+ dragCube.gameObject.SetActive(CubeActive);
+ dragBody = DragPoint.Make<DragPointBody>(PrimitiveType.Capsule, new Vector3(0.2f, 0.3f, 0.24f));
+ dragBody.Initialize(
+ () => new Vector3(
+ (BoneTransform[Bone.Hip].position.x + BoneTransform[Bone.Spine0a].position.x) / 2f,
+ (BoneTransform[Bone.Spine1].position.y + BoneTransform[Bone.Spine0a].position.y) / 2f,
+ (BoneTransform[Bone.Spine0a].position.z + BoneTransform[Bone.Hip].position.z) / 2f
+ ),
+ () => new Vector3(
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Spine0a].eulerAngles.x,
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Spine0a].eulerAngles.y,
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Spine0a].eulerAngles.z + 90f
+ )
+ );
+ dragBody.Set(meido.Maid.transform);
+ dragBody.Select += OnSelectBody;
+ dragBody.EndScale += OnSetDragPointScale;
+ // Neck Dragpoint
+ DragPointHead dragNeck = DragPoint.Make<DragPointHead>(
+ PrimitiveType.Sphere, new Vector3(0.2f, 0.24f, 0.2f)
+ );
+ dragNeck.Initialize(meido,
+ () => new Vector3(
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Head].position.x,
+ ((BoneTransform[Bone.Head].position.y * 1.2f) + (BoneTransform[Bone.HeadNub].position.y * 0.8f)) / 2f,
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Head].position.z
+ ),
+ () => new Vector3(
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Head].eulerAngles.x,
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Head].eulerAngles.y,
+ BoneTransform[Bone.Head].eulerAngles.z + 90f
+ )
+ );
+ dragNeck.Set(BoneTransform[Bone.Neck]);
+ dragNeck.Select += OnSelectFace;
+ DragPoints[Bone.Head] = dragNeck;
+ // Head Dragpoint
+ DragPointSpine dragHead = DragPoint.Make<DragPointSpine>(PrimitiveType.Sphere, Vector3.one * 0.045f);
+ dragHead.Initialize(meido, () => BoneTransform[Bone.Head].position, () => Vector3.zero);
+ dragHead.Set(BoneTransform[Bone.Head]);
+ dragHead.AddGizmo();
+ DragPoints[Bone.HeadNub] = dragHead;
+ // Torso Dragpoint
+ Transform spineTrans1 = BoneTransform[Bone.Spine1];
+ Transform spineTrans2 = BoneTransform[Bone.Spine1a];
+ DragPointTorso dragTorso = DragPoint.Make<DragPointTorso>(
+ PrimitiveType.Capsule, new Vector3(0.2f, 0.19f, 0.24f)
+ );
+ dragTorso.Initialize(meido,
+ () => new Vector3(
+ spineTrans1.position.x,
+ spineTrans2.position.y,
+ spineTrans1.position.z - 0.05f
+ ),
+ () => new Vector3(
+ spineTrans1.eulerAngles.x,
+ spineTrans1.eulerAngles.y,
+ spineTrans1.eulerAngles.z + 90f
+ )
+ );
+ dragTorso.Set(BoneTransform[Bone.Spine1a]);
+ DragPoints[Bone.Torso] = dragTorso;
+ // Pelvis Dragpoint
+ Transform pelvisTrans = BoneTransform[Bone.Pelvis];
+ Transform spineTrans = BoneTransform[Bone.Spine];
+ DragPointPelvis dragPelvis = DragPoint.Make<DragPointPelvis>(
+ PrimitiveType.Capsule, new Vector3(0.2f, 0.15f, 0.24f)
+ );
+ dragPelvis.Initialize(meido,
+ () => new Vector3(
+ pelvisTrans.position.x,
+ (pelvisTrans.position.y + spineTrans.position.y) / 2f,
+ pelvisTrans.position.z
+ ),
+ () => new Vector3(
+ pelvisTrans.eulerAngles.x + 90f,
+ pelvisTrans.eulerAngles.y + 90f,
+ pelvisTrans.eulerAngles.z
+ )
+ );
+ dragPelvis.Set(BoneTransform[Bone.Pelvis]);
+ DragPoints[Bone.Pelvis] = dragPelvis;
+ InitializeMuneDragPoint(left: true);
+ InitializeMuneDragPoint(left: false);
+ DragPointLimb[] armDragPointL = MakeIKChain(BoneTransform[Bone.HandL]);
+ DragPoints[Bone.UpperArmL] = armDragPointL[0];
+ DragPoints[Bone.ForearmL] = armDragPointL[1];
+ DragPoints[Bone.HandL] = armDragPointL[2];
+ DragPointLimb[] armDragPointR = MakeIKChain(BoneTransform[Bone.HandR]);
+ DragPoints[Bone.UpperArmR] = armDragPointR[0];
+ DragPoints[Bone.ForearmR] = armDragPointR[1];
+ DragPoints[Bone.HandR] = armDragPointR[2];
+ DragPointLimb[] legDragPointL = MakeIKChain(BoneTransform[Bone.FootL]);
+ DragPoints[Bone.CalfL] = legDragPointL[0];
+ DragPoints[Bone.FootL] = legDragPointL[1];
+ DragPointLimb[] legDragPointR = MakeIKChain(BoneTransform[Bone.FootR]);
+ DragPoints[Bone.CalfR] = legDragPointR[0];
+ DragPoints[Bone.FootR] = legDragPointR[1];
+ InitializeSpineDragPoint(SpineBones);
+ InitializeFingerDragPoint(Bone.Finger0L, Bone.Finger4R);
+ InitializeFingerDragPoint(Bone.Toe0L, Bone.Toe2R);
+ }
+ private void InitializeMuneDragPoint(bool left)
+ {
+ Bone mune = left ? Bone.MuneL : Bone.MuneR;
+ Bone sub = left ? Bone.MuneSubL : Bone.MuneSubR;
+ DragPointMune muneDragPoint = DragPoint.Make<DragPointMune>(PrimitiveType.Sphere, Vector3.one * 0.12f);
+ muneDragPoint.Initialize(meido,
+ () => (BoneTransform[mune].position + BoneTransform[sub].position) / 2f,
+ () => Vector3.zero
+ );
+ muneDragPoint.Set(BoneTransform[sub]);
+ DragPoints[mune] = muneDragPoint;
+ }
+ private DragPointLimb[] MakeIKChain(Transform lower)
+ {
+ Vector3 limbDragPointSize = Vector3.one * 0.12f;
+ // Ignore Thigh transform when making a leg IK chain
+ bool isLeg = lower.name.EndsWith("Foot");
+ DragPointLimb[] dragPoints = new DragPointLimb[isLeg ? 2 : 3];
+ for (int i = dragPoints.Length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
+ {
+ Transform joint = lower;
+ dragPoints[i] = DragPoint.Make<DragPointLimb>(PrimitiveType.Sphere, limbDragPointSize);
+ dragPoints[i].Initialize(meido, () => joint.position, () => Vector3.zero);
+ dragPoints[i].Set(joint);
+ dragPoints[i].AddGizmo();
+ lower = lower.parent;
+ }
+ return dragPoints;
+ }
+ private void InitializeFingerDragPoint(Bone start, Bone end)
+ {
+ Vector3 fingerDragPointSize = Vector3.one * 0.01f;
+ int joints = BoneTransform[start].name.Split(' ')[2].StartsWith("Finger") ? 4 : 3;
+ for (Bone bone = start; bone <= end; bone += joints)
+ {
+ for (int i = 1; i < joints; i++)
+ {
+ Transform trans = BoneTransform[bone + i];
+ DragPointFinger chain = DragPoint.Make<DragPointFinger>(PrimitiveType.Sphere, fingerDragPointSize);
+ chain.Initialize(meido, () => trans.position, () => Vector3.zero);
+ chain.Set(trans);
+ DragPoints[bone + i] = chain;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void InitializeSpineDragPoint(params Bone[] bones)
+ {
+ Vector3 spineDragPointSize = DragPointMeido.boneScale;
+ foreach (Bone bone in bones)
+ {
+ Transform spine = BoneTransform[bone];
+ PrimitiveType primitive = bone == Bone.Hip ? PrimitiveType.Cube : PrimitiveType.Sphere;
+ DragPointSpine dragPoint = DragPoint.Make<DragPointSpine>(primitive, spineDragPointSize);
+ dragPoint.Initialize(meido,
+ () => spine.position,
+ () => Vector3.zero
+ );
+ dragPoint.Set(spine);
+ dragPoint.AddGizmo();
+ DragPoints[bone] = dragPoint;
+ DragPoints[bone].gameObject.SetActive(false);
+ }
+ }
+ private void OnCubeActive(object sender, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ dragCube.gameObject.SetActive(CubeActive);
+ }
+ private void OnCubeSmall(object sender, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ dragCube.DragPointScale = CubeSmall ? DragPointGeneral.smallCube : 1f;
+ }
+ private void OnSetDragPointScale(object sender, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ SetDragPointScale(meido.Maid.transform.localScale.x);
+ }
+ private void OnSelectBody(object sender, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ SelectMaid?.Invoke(this, new MeidoUpdateEventArgs(meido.Slot, fromMaid: true, isBody: true));
+ }
+ private void OnSelectFace(object sender, EventArgs args)
+ {
+ SelectMaid?.Invoke(this, new MeidoUpdateEventArgs(meido.Slot, fromMaid: true, isBody: false));
+ }
+ public void SetDragPointScale(float scale)
+ {
+ foreach (DragPointMeido dragPoint in DragPoints.Values) dragPoint.DragPointScale = scale;
+ dragBody.DragPointScale = scale;
+ }
+ private void InitializeBones()
+ {
+ // TODO: Move to external file somehow
+ Transform transform = meido.Body.m_Bones.transform;
+ BoneTransform = new Dictionary<Bone, Transform>()
+ {
+ [Bone.Head] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 Head"),
+ [Bone.Neck] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 Neck"),
+ [Bone.HeadNub] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 HeadNub"),
+ /*[Bone.IKHandL] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "_IK_handL"),
+ [Bone.IKHandR] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "_IK_handR"),*/
+ [Bone.MuneL] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Mune_L"),
+ [Bone.MuneSubL] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Mune_L_sub"),
+ [Bone.MuneR] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Mune_R"),
+ [Bone.MuneSubR] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Mune_R_sub"),
+ [Bone.Pelvis] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 Pelvis"),
+ [Bone.Hip] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01"),
+ [Bone.Spine] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 Spine"),
+ [Bone.Spine0a] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 Spine0a"),
+ [Bone.Spine1] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 Spine1"),
+ [Bone.Spine1a] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 Spine1a"),
+ [Bone.ClavicleL] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Clavicle"),
+ [Bone.ClavicleR] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Clavicle"),
+ [Bone.UpperArmL] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L UpperArm"),
+ [Bone.ForearmL] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Forearm"),
+ [Bone.HandL] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Hand"),
+ [Bone.UpperArmR] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R UpperArm"),
+ [Bone.ForearmR] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Forearm"),
+ [Bone.HandR] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Hand"),
+ [Bone.ThighL] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Thigh"),
+ [Bone.CalfL] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Calf"),
+ [Bone.FootL] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Foot"),
+ [Bone.ThighR] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Thigh"),
+ [Bone.CalfR] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Calf"),
+ [Bone.FootR] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Foot"),
+ // fingers
+ [Bone.Finger0L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger0"),
+ [Bone.Finger01L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger01"),
+ [Bone.Finger02L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger02"),
+ [Bone.Finger0NubL] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger0Nub"),
+ [Bone.Finger1L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger1"),
+ [Bone.Finger11L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger11"),
+ [Bone.Finger12L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger12"),
+ [Bone.Finger1NubL] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger1Nub"),
+ [Bone.Finger2L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger2"),
+ [Bone.Finger21L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger21"),
+ [Bone.Finger22L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger22"),
+ [Bone.Finger2NubL] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger2Nub"),
+ [Bone.Finger3L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger3"),
+ [Bone.Finger31L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger31"),
+ [Bone.Finger32L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger32"),
+ [Bone.Finger3NubL] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger3Nub"),
+ [Bone.Finger4L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger4"),
+ [Bone.Finger41L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger41"),
+ [Bone.Finger42L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger42"),
+ [Bone.Finger4NubL] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Finger4Nub"),
+ [Bone.Finger0R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger0"),
+ [Bone.Finger01R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger01"),
+ [Bone.Finger02R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger02"),
+ [Bone.Finger0NubR] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger0Nub"),
+ [Bone.Finger1R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger1"),
+ [Bone.Finger11R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger11"),
+ [Bone.Finger12R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger12"),
+ [Bone.Finger1NubR] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger1Nub"),
+ [Bone.Finger2R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger2"),
+ [Bone.Finger21R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger21"),
+ [Bone.Finger22R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger22"),
+ [Bone.Finger2NubR] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger2Nub"),
+ [Bone.Finger3R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger3"),
+ [Bone.Finger31R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger31"),
+ [Bone.Finger32R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger32"),
+ [Bone.Finger3NubR] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger3Nub"),
+ [Bone.Finger4R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger4"),
+ [Bone.Finger41R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger41"),
+ [Bone.Finger42R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger42"),
+ [Bone.Finger4NubR] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Finger4Nub"),
+ // Toes
+ [Bone.Toe0L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Toe0"),
+ [Bone.Toe01L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Toe01"),
+ [Bone.Toe0NubL] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Toe0Nub"),
+ [Bone.Toe1L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Toe1"),
+ [Bone.Toe11L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Toe11"),
+ [Bone.Toe1NubL] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Toe1Nub"),
+ [Bone.Toe2L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Toe2"),
+ [Bone.Toe21L] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Toe21"),
+ [Bone.Toe2NubL] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 L Toe2Nub"),
+ [Bone.Toe0R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Toe0"),
+ [Bone.Toe01R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Toe01"),
+ [Bone.Toe0NubR] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Toe0Nub"),
+ [Bone.Toe1R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Toe1"),
+ [Bone.Toe11R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Toe11"),
+ [Bone.Toe1NubR] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Toe1Nub"),
+ [Bone.Toe2R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Toe2"),
+ [Bone.Toe21R] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Toe21"),
+ [Bone.Toe2NubR] = CMT.SearchObjName(transform, "Bip01 R Toe2Nub")
+ };
+ }
+ }
+ public readonly struct AttachPointInfo
+ {
+ private readonly AttachPoint attachPoint;
+ public AttachPoint AttachPoint => attachPoint;
+ public string MaidGuid { get; }
+ private readonly int maidIndex;
+ public int MaidIndex => maidIndex;
+ private static readonly AttachPointInfo empty = new(AttachPoint.None, string.Empty, -1);
+ public static ref readonly AttachPointInfo Empty => ref empty;
+ public AttachPointInfo(AttachPoint attachPoint, Meido meido)
+ {
+ this.attachPoint = attachPoint;
+ MaidGuid = meido.Maid.status.guid;
+ maidIndex = meido.Slot;
+ }
+ public AttachPointInfo(AttachPoint attachPoint, string maidGuid, int maidIndex)
+ {
+ this.attachPoint = attachPoint;
+ MaidGuid = maidGuid;
+ this.maidIndex = maidIndex;
+ }
+ }