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Change handling of edit mode ok button

MPS restored the OK button to the original game functionality but this
would mean that other plugin hooks on the OK button would be lost. This
change removes the restoration of the OK button to original
habeebweeb пре 3 година

+ 123 - 78

@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 using System;
 using System.Collections.Generic;
 using System.Linq;
+using HarmonyLib;
 using UnityEngine;
 namespace MeidoPhotoStudio.Plugin
@@ -9,8 +10,9 @@ namespace MeidoPhotoStudio.Plugin
         public const string header = "MEIDO";
         private static readonly CharacterMgr characterMgr = GameMain.Instance.CharacterMgr;
+        private static bool active;
+        private static int EditMaidIndex { get; set; }
         private int undress;
-        private int numberOfMeidos;
         private int tempEditMaidIndex = -1;
         public Meido[] Meidos { get; private set; }
         public HashSet<int> SelectedMeidoSet { get; } = new HashSet<int>();
@@ -28,7 +30,6 @@ namespace MeidoPhotoStudio.Plugin
             get => selectedMeido;
             private set => selectedMeido = Utility.Bound(value, 0, ActiveMeidoList.Count - 1);
-        public int EditMaidIndex { get; private set; }
         public bool Busy => ActiveMeidoList.Any(meido => meido.Busy);
         private bool globalGravity;
         public bool GlobalGravity
@@ -67,36 +68,16 @@ namespace MeidoPhotoStudio.Plugin
             if (!MeidoPhotoStudio.EditMode)
-            numberOfMeidos = characterMgr.GetStockMaidCount();
-            Meidos = new Meido[numberOfMeidos];
+            Meidos = characterMgr.GetStockMaidList()
+                .Select((_, stockNo) => new Meido(stockNo)).ToArray();
             tempEditMaidIndex = -1;
-            for (int stockMaidIndex = 0; stockMaidIndex < numberOfMeidos; stockMaidIndex++)
-            {
-                Meidos[stockMaidIndex] = new Meido(stockMaidIndex);
-            }
-            if (MeidoPhotoStudio.EditMode)
-            {
-                Maid editMaid = GameMain.Instance.CharacterMgr.GetMaid(0);
-                EditMaidIndex = Array.FindIndex(Meidos, meido => meido.Maid.status.guid == editMaid.status.guid);
-                EditMeido.IsEditMaid = true;
-                var editOkCancel = UTY.GetChildObject(GameObject.Find("UI Root"), "OkCancel")
-                    .GetComponent<EditOkCancel>();
-                // Ensure MPS resets editor state before setting maid
-                EditOkCancel.OnClick newEditOnClick = () => SetEditMaid(Meidos[EditMaidIndex]);
-                newEditOnClick += OkCancelDelegate();
-                Utility.SetFieldValue(editOkCancel, "m_dgOnClickOk", newEditOnClick);
-                // Only for setting custom parts placement animation just in case body was changed before activating MPS
-                SetEditMaid(Meidos[EditMaidIndex]);
-            }
+            if (MeidoPhotoStudio.EditMode && EditMaidIndex >= 0)
+                Meidos[EditMaidIndex].IsEditMaid = true;
+            active = true;
         public void Deactivate()
@@ -117,22 +98,10 @@ namespace MeidoPhotoStudio.Plugin
                 meido.Stop = false;
                 meido.EyeToCam = true;
-                SetEditMaid(meido);
-                // Restore original OK button functionality
-                GameObject okButton = UTY.GetChildObjectNoError(GameObject.Find("UI Root"), "OkCancel");
-                if (okButton)
-                {
-                    EditOkCancel editOkCancel = okButton.GetComponent<EditOkCancel>();
-                    Utility.SetFieldValue(editOkCancel, "m_dgOnClickOk", OkCancelDelegate());
-                }
+                SetEditorMaid(meido.Maid);
-        }
-        private EditOkCancel.OnClick OkCancelDelegate()
-        {
-            return (EditOkCancel.OnClick)Delegate
-                .CreateDelegate(typeof(EditOkCancel.OnClick), SceneEdit.Instance, "OnEditOk");
+            active = false;
         public void Update()
@@ -227,46 +196,11 @@ namespace MeidoPhotoStudio.Plugin
             EditMeido.IsEditMaid = false;
-            tempEditMaidIndex = meido.Maid.status.guid == Meidos[EditMaidIndex].Maid.status.guid
-                ? -1
-                : Array.FindIndex(Meidos, maid => maid.Maid.status.guid == meido.Maid.status.guid);
+            tempEditMaidIndex = meido.StockNo == EditMaidIndex ? -1 : meido.StockNo;
             EditMeido.IsEditMaid = true;
-            Maid newEditMaid = EditMeido.Maid;
-            GameObject uiRoot = GameObject.Find("UI Root");
-            var presetCtrl = UTY.GetChildObjectNoError(uiRoot, "PresetPanel")?.GetComponent<PresetCtrl>();
-            var presetButton = UTY.GetChildObjectNoError(uiRoot, "PresetButtonPanel")?.GetComponent<PresetButtonCtrl>();
-            var profileCtrl = UTY.GetChildObjectNoError(uiRoot, "ProfilePanel")?.GetComponent<ProfileCtrl>();
-            var customPartsWindow = UTY.GetChildObjectNoError(uiRoot, "Window/CustomPartsWindow")
-                ?.GetComponent<SceneEditWindow.CustomPartsWindow>();
-            if (!(presetCtrl || presetButton || profileCtrl || customPartsWindow)) return;
-            // Preset application
-            Utility.SetFieldValue(presetCtrl, "m_maid", newEditMaid);
-            // Preset saving
-            Utility.SetFieldValue(presetButton, "m_maid", newEditMaid);
-            // Maid profile (name, description, experience etc)
-            Utility.SetFieldValue(profileCtrl, "m_maidStatus", newEditMaid.status);
-            // Accessory/Parts placement
-            Utility.SetFieldValue(customPartsWindow, "maid", newEditMaid);
-            // Stopping maid animation and head movement when customizing parts placement
-            Utility.SetFieldValue(customPartsWindow, "animation", newEditMaid.GetAnimation());
-            // Clothing/body in general and maybe other things
-            Utility.SetFieldValue(SceneEdit.Instance, "m_maid", newEditMaid);
-            // Body status, parts colours and maybe more
-            Utility.GetFieldValue<CharacterMgr, Maid[]>(
-                GameMain.Instance.CharacterMgr, "m_gcActiveMaid"
-            )[0] = newEditMaid;
+            SetEditorMaid(EditMeido.Maid);
         public Meido GetMeido(string guid)
@@ -326,6 +260,117 @@ namespace MeidoPhotoStudio.Plugin
                 meido.ApplyGravity(args.LocalPosition, args.IsSkirt);
+        private static void SetEditorMaid(Maid maid)
+        {
+            if (maid == null)
+            {
+                Utility.LogWarning("Refusing to change editing maid because the new maid is null!");
+                return;
+            }
+            if (SceneEdit.Instance.maid.status.guid == maid.status.guid)
+            {
+                Utility.LogDebug("Editing maid is the same as new maid");
+                return;
+            }
+            var uiRoot = GameObject.Find("UI Root");
+            if (!TryGetUIControl<PresetCtrl>(uiRoot, "PresetPanel", out var presetCtrl))
+                return;
+            if (!TryGetUIControl<PresetButtonCtrl>(uiRoot, "PresetButtonPanel", out var presetButtonCtrl))
+                return;
+            if (!TryGetUIControl<ProfileCtrl>(uiRoot, "ProfilePanel", out var profileCtrl))
+                return;
+            if (!TryGetUIControl<SceneEditWindow.CustomPartsWindow>(
+                uiRoot, "Window/CustomPartsWindow", out var sceneEditWindow
+            ))
+                return;
+            // Preset application
+            presetCtrl.m_maid = maid;
+            // Preset saving
+            presetButtonCtrl.m_maid = maid;
+            // Maid profile (name, description, experience etc)
+            profileCtrl.m_maidStatus = maid.status;
+            // Accessory/Parts placement
+            sceneEditWindow.maid = maid;
+            // Stopping maid animation and head movement when customizing parts placement
+            sceneEditWindow.animation = maid.GetAnimation();
+            // Clothing/body in general and maybe other things
+            SceneEdit.Instance.m_maid = maid;
+            // Body status, parts colours and maybe more
+            GameMain.Instance.CharacterMgr.m_gcActiveMaid[0] = maid;
+            static bool TryGetUIControl<T>(GameObject root, string hierarchy, out T uiControl) where T : MonoBehaviour
+            {
+                uiControl = null;
+                var uiElement = UTY.GetChildObjectNoError(root, hierarchy);
+                if (!uiElement)
+                    return false;
+                uiControl = uiElement.GetComponent<T>();
+                return uiControl;
+            }
+        }
+        [HarmonyPostfix]
+        [HarmonyPatch(typeof(SceneEdit), nameof(SceneEdit.Start))]
+        private static void SceneEditStartPostfix()
+        {
+            EditMaidIndex = -1;
+            if (SceneEdit.Instance.maid == null)
+                return;
+            var originalEditingMaid = SceneEdit.Instance.maid;
+            EditMaidIndex = GameMain.Instance.CharacterMgr.GetStockMaidList()
+                .FindIndex(maid => maid.status.guid == originalEditingMaid.status.guid);
+            try
+            {
+                var editOkCancelButton = UTY.GetChildObject(GameObject.Find("UI Root"), "OkCancel")
+                    .GetComponent<EditOkCancel>();
+                EditOkCancel.OnClick newEditOkCancelDelegate = RestoreOriginalEditingMaid;
+                newEditOkCancelDelegate += editOkCancelButton.m_dgOnClickOk;
+                editOkCancelButton.m_dgOnClickOk = newEditOkCancelDelegate;
+                void RestoreOriginalEditingMaid()
+                {
+                    // Only restore original editing maid when active.
+                    if (!active)
+                        return;
+                    Utility.LogDebug($"Setting Editing maid back to '{originalEditingMaid.status.fullNameJpStyle}'");
+                    SetEditorMaid(originalEditingMaid);
+                    // Set SceneEdit's maid regardless of UI integration failing
+                    SceneEdit.Instance.m_maid = originalEditingMaid;
+                }
+            }
+            catch (Exception e)
+            {
+                Utility.LogWarning($"Failed to hook onto Edit Mode OK button: {e}");
+            }
+        }
     public class MeidoUpdateEventArgs : EventArgs

+ 3 - 1

@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ namespace MeidoPhotoStudio.Plugin
         public static readonly string pluginString = $"{pluginName} {pluginVersion}";
         public static bool EditMode => currentScene == Constants.Scene.Edit;
         public static event EventHandler<ScreenshotEventArgs> NotifyRawScreenshot;
+        private HarmonyLib.Harmony harmony;
         private WindowManager windowManager;
         private SceneManager sceneManager;
         private MeidoManager meidoManager;
@@ -49,8 +50,9 @@ namespace MeidoPhotoStudio.Plugin
         private void Awake()
-            var harmony = HarmonyLib.Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(typeof(AllProcPropSeqStartPatcher));
+            harmony = HarmonyLib.Harmony.CreateAndPatchAll(typeof(AllProcPropSeqStartPatcher));
+            harmony.PatchAll(typeof(MeidoManager));
             ScreenshotEvent += OnScreenshotEvent;
             UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager.sceneLoaded += OnSceneLoaded;