@@ -1,498 +1,4 @@
- "tabs": {
- "call": "Call",
- "pose": "Pose",
- "face": "Face",
- "bg": "BG",
- "bg2": "BG2"
- },
- "maidCallWindow": {
- "okButton": "OK",
- "clearButton": "Clear",
- "callButton": "Call"
- },
- "placementDropdown": {
- "normal": "Normal",
- "horizontalRow": "Horizontal Row",
- "diagonal": "Diagonal",
- "circleOut": "Circle (outer)",
- "circleIn": "Circle (Inner)",
- "fan": "Fan",
- "v": "V",
- "^": "^",
- "m": "M",
- "w": "W"
- },
- "maidPoseWindow": {
- "ikToggle": "IK",
- "releaseToggle": "Release",
- "boneToggle": "Bone",
- "flipToggle": "Flip IK",
- "fixSkirtToggle": "Fix Skirt"
- },
- "poseGroupDropdown": {
- "normal": "Normal",
- "standing": "Standing",
- "halfStand": "Half-Standing",
- "kneeling": "Kneeling",
- "sitting": "Sitting",
- "onAllFours": "On All Fours",
- "sittingFloor": "Sitting (Floor)",
- "sittingChair": "Sitting (Chair)",
- "sittingSofa": "Sitting (Sofa)",
- "walking": "Walking",
- "other": "Other",
- "danceDokiDoki": "Doki Doki ☆ Fallin' Love",
- "danceEntranceToYou": "Entrance To You",
- "danceScarletLeap": "Scarlet Leap",
- "danceRhythmix": "Rhythmix to You",
- "dance": "Dance",
- "danceMC": "Dance (MC)",
- "restraint": "Restraint",
- "ero": "Ero",
- "normal2": "Normal 2",
- "ero2": "Ero 2"
- },
- "poseSave": {
- "saveToggle": "Save Pose",
- "saveButton": "Add",
- "deleteButton": "D"
- },
- "freeLook": {
- "freeLookToggle": "F-Look",
- "x": "Look X",
- "y": "Look Y"
- },
- "clothing": {
- "accHat": "Hat",
- "headset": "Headdress",
- "wear": "Top",
- "skirt": "Bottoms",
- "onepiece": "One-Piece",
- "mizugi": "Bathing Suit",
- "glove": "Gloves",
- "shoes": "Shoes",
- "stkg": "Socks",
- "bra": "Bra",
- "panz": "Panties",
- "megane": "Eyewear",
- "accHead": "Eye Mask",
- "accSenaka": "Back",
- "accShippo": "Tail",
- "accKami_1_": "Pin 1",
- "accKami_2_": "Pin 2",
- "accKami_3_": "Pin 3",
- "accKamiSubL": "Ribbon L",
- "accKamiSubR": "Ribbon R",
- "accMiMiL": "Ear L",
- "accMiMiR": "Ear R",
- "accHana": "Nose",
- "accKubiwa": "Choker",
- "accKubi": "Necklace",
- "accNipL": "Nip L",
- "accNipR": "Nip R",
- "accUde": "Arms",
- "accHeso": "Navel",
- "accAshi": "Ankles",
- "accXXX": "Genitals",
- "body": "Body",
- "headwear": "Headwear",
- "curlingFront": "Curl Front",
- "curlingBack": "Curl Rear",
- "shiftPanties": "Shift",
- "detail": "Detailed Clothing"
- },
- "hands": {
- "rightHand": "R Hand",
- "leftHand": "L Hand"
- },
- "copyIK": {
- "copyLabel": "copy",
- "copyButton": "OK"
- },
- "voiceLines": {
- "speak": "Speak",
- "speakEro": "H Lines"
- },
- "maidFaceWindow": {
- "faceLock": "L"
- },
- "faceBlendPresetsDropdown": {
- "通常": "General: Normal",
- "微笑み": "General: Half Smile",
- "笑顔": "General: Big Smile",
- "にっこり": "General: Sweet Smile",
- "優しさ": "General: Gentle",
- "発情": "General: Lust",
- "ジト目": "General: Glare",
- "閉じ目": "General: Eyes Closed",
- "思案伏せ目": "General: Consideration",
- "ドヤ顔": "General: Proud",
- "引きつり笑顔": "General: Awkward Smile",
- "苦笑い": "General: Bitter Smile",
- "困った": "General: Distressed",
- "疑問": "General: Curious",
- "ぷんすか": "General: Upset",
- "むー": "General: Mmmm..",
- "泣き": "General: Cry",
- "拗ね": "General: Sulk",
- "照れ": "General: Bashful",
- "悲しみ2": "General: Sad",
- "きょとん": "General: Confused",
- "びっくり": "General: Surprised",
- "少し怒り": "General: Kinda Angry",
- "怒り": "General: Angry",
- "照れ叫び": "General: Shout",
- "誘惑": "General: Temptation",
- "接吻": "General: Kiss",
- "居眠り安眠": "General: Sleep",
- "まぶたギュ": "General: Eyes Shut",
- "目を見開いて": "General: Eyes Wide Open",
- "痛みで目を見開いて": "General: Eyes Open Pain",
- "恥ずかしい": "General: Embarrassed",
- "ためいき": "General: Sigh",
- "目口閉じ": "General: Eyes and Mouth Closed",
- "ウインク照れ": "General: Shy Wink",
- "ダンス目つむり": "Dance: Eyes and Mouth Closed",
- "ダンスあくび": "Dance: Yawn",
- "ダンスびっくり": "Dance: Surprised",
- "ダンス微笑み": "Dance: Half Smile",
- "ダンス目あけ": "Dance: Eyes Open",
- "ダンス目とじ": "Dance: Eyes Closed",
- "ダンス誘惑": "Dance: Temptation",
- "ダンス困り顔": "Dance: Troubled",
- "ダンスウインク": "Dance: Wink",
- "ダンス真剣": "Dance: Serious",
- "ダンス憂い": "Dance: Sorrow",
- "ダンスジト目": "Dance: Glare",
- "ダンスキス": "Dance: Kiss",
- "エロ通常1": "Ero: General 1",
- "エロ通常2": "Ero: General 2",
- "エロ通常3": "Ero: General 3",
- "エロ興奮0": "Ero: Excitement 1",
- "エロ興奮1": "Ero: Excitement 2",
- "エロ興奮2": "Ero: Excitement 3",
- "エロ興奮3": "Ero: Excitement 4",
- "エロ好感1": "Ero: Favourable 1",
- "エロ好感2": "Ero: Favourable 2",
- "エロ好感3": "Ero: Favourable 3",
- "エロ期待": "Ero: Anticipation",
- "エロ羞恥1": "Ero: Bashful 1",
- "エロ羞恥2": "Ero: Bashful 2",
- "エロ羞恥3": "Ero: Bashful 3",
- "エロ緊張": "Ero: Nervous",
- "エロ我慢1": "Ero: Endurance 1",
- "エロ我慢2": "Ero: Endurance 2",
- "エロ我慢3": "Ero: Endurance 3",
- "エロ嫌悪1": "Ero: Hate",
- "エロ痛み1": "Ero: Pain 1",
- "エロ痛み2": "Ero: Pain 2",
- "エロ痛み3": "Ero: Pain 3",
- "エロ痛み我慢": "Ero: Enduring 1",
- "エロ痛み我慢2": "Ero: Enduring 2",
- "エロ痛み我慢3": "Ero: Enduring 3",
- "エロ怯え": "Ero: Afraid",
- "エロメソ泣き": "Ero: Lewd Cry",
- "あーん": "Ero: Ahhnn",
- "エロ舌責": "Ero: Tongue Out",
- "エロ舌責快楽": "Ero: Tongue Out Pleasure",
- "エロ舌責嫌悪": "Ero: Tongue Out Hate",
- "エロ舐め通常": "Ero: Lick Normal 1",
- "エロ舐め通常2": "Ero: Lick Normal 2",
- "エロ舐め愛情": "Ero: Lick Love 1",
- "エロ舐め愛情2": "Ero: Lick Love 2",
- "エロ舐め快楽": "Ero: Lick Pleasure 1",
- "エロ舐め快楽2": "Ero: Lick Pleasure 2",
- "エロ舐め嫌悪": "Ero: Lick Hate 1",
- "エロ舐め嫌悪2": "Ero: Lick Hate 2",
- "エロフェラ通常": "Ero: Fellatio Normal",
- "エロフェラ愛情": "Ero: Fellatio Love",
- "エロフェラ快楽": "Ero: Fellatio Pleasure",
- "エロフェラ嫌悪": "Ero: Fellatio Hate",
- "閉じ舐め通常": "Ero: Lick Normal 1 (close)",
- "閉じ舐め通常2": "Ero: Lick Normal 2 (close)",
- "閉じ舐め愛情": "Ero: Lick Love 1 (close)",
- "閉じ舐め愛情2": "Ero: Lick Love 2 (close)",
- "閉じ舐め快楽": "Ero: Lick Pleasure 1 (close)",
- "閉じ舐め快楽2": "Ero: Lick Pleasure 2 (close)",
- "閉じ舐め嫌悪": "Ero: Lick Hate 1 (close)",
- "閉じ舐め嫌悪2": "Ero: Lick Hate 2 (close)",
- "閉じフェラ通常": "Ero: Fellatio Normal (close)",
- "閉じフェラ愛情": "Ero: Fellatio Love (close)",
- "閉じフェラ快楽": "Ero: Fellatio Pleasure (close)",
- "閉じフェラ嫌悪": "Ero: Fellatio Hate (close)",
- "通常射精後1": "Ero: After Ejaculation 1",
- "通常射精後2": "Ero: After Ejaculation 2",
- "絶頂射精後1": "Ero: After Ejaculation Orgasm 1",
- "絶頂射精後2": "Ero: After Ejaculation Orgasm 2",
- "興奮射精後1": "Ero: After Ejaculation Aroused 1",
- "興奮射精後2": "Ero: After Ejaculation Aroused 2",
- "余韻弱": "Ero: Afterglow",
- "エロ絶頂": "Ero: Orgasm",
- "エロ放心": "Ero: Absent Minded"
- },
- "faceBlendValues": {
- "eyeclose": "Eye Shut",
- "eyeclose2": "Eye Smile",
- "eyeclose3": "Glare",
- "eyebig": "Eyes Widen",
- "eyeclose6": "Wink Smile",
- "eyeclose5": "Wink Shut",
- "hitomih": "Highlight",
- "hitomis": "Pupil Size",
- "mayuha": "Brows Angle",
- "mayuw": "Brows Sad",
- "mayuup": "Brows Up",
- "mayuv": "Brows Angry 1",
- "mayuvhalf": "Brows Angry 2",
- "moutha": "Mouth Open 1",
- "mouths": "Mouth Open 2",
- "mouthc": "Mouth Narrow",
- "mouthi": "Mouth Widen",
- "mouthup": "Smile",
- "mouthdw": "Frown",
- "mouthhe": "Pout",
- "mouthuphalf": "Grin",
- "tangout": "Tongue Out",
- "tangup": "Tongue Up",
- "tangopen": "Tongue Base",
- "hoho2": "Blush",
- "shock": "Shade",
- "nosefook": "Nose Up",
- "namida": "Tears",
- "yodare": "Drool",
- "toothoff": "Teeth",
- "tear1": "Cry 1",
- "tear2": "Cry 2",
- "tear3": "Cry 3",
- "hohos": "Blush 1",
- "hoho": "Blush 2",
- "hohol": "Blush 3"
- },
- "faceSave": {
- "saveButton": "Add",
- "deleteButton": "D"
- },
- "backgroundWindow": {
- "saveLoadButton": "Save\nLoad",
- "movementCubeLabel": "Movement Cube",
- "lightLabel": "Light",
- "red": "Red",
- "green": "Green",
- "blue": "Blue"
- },
- "bgDropdown": {
- "adultshop": "Adult Shop",
- "aquarium": "Aquarium",
- "aquarium_isu": "Aquarium (No Chairs)",
- "BackStage": "Backstage",
- "Bar": "Bar",
- "BarLounge": "Bar Lounge",
- "Bathroom": "Bathroom",
- "BigSight": "Cosplay Convention",
- "BigSight_Night": "Cosplay Convention (Night)",
- "boutique": "Boutique",
- "Casino": "Casino",
- "CasinoMini": "Mini Casino",
- "cathedral": "Cathedral",
- "ClassRoom": "Classroom",
- "ClassRoom_Play": "Classroom (Yotogi)",
- "classroom_nodesk": "Classroom (No Desks)",
- "com3d2pool": "Pool",
- "com3d2pool_night": "Pool (Night)",
- "DanceRoom": "Training",
- "DressRoom_NoMirror": "Dressing Room",
- "empireclub_elevator": "Empire Club Elevator",
- "EmpireClub_Entrance": "Empire Club Entrance",
- "empireclub_hallway": "Empire Club Hallway",
- "EmpireClub_Rotary": "Empire Club Rotary",
- "EmpireClub_Rotary_Night": "Empire Club Rotary (Night)",
- "fantasyinn": "Fantasy Inn",
- "fantasyinn_night": "Fantasy Inn (Night)",
- "GameShop": "Game Shop",
- "gelaende": "Ski Slope",
- "gelaende_night": "Ski Slope (Night)",
- "HeroineRoom_A": "Innocence Room",
- "HeroineRoom_A_Night": "Innocence Room (Night)",
- "HeroineRoom_A1": "Pure Room",
- "HeroineRoom_A1_Night": "Pure Room (Night)",
- "HeroineRoom_B": "Kuudere Room",
- "HeroineRoom_B_Night": "Kuudere Room (Night)",
- "HeroineRoom_B1": "Serious Room",
- "HeroineRoom_B1_Night": "Serious Room (Night)",
- "HeroineRoom_C": "Tsundere",
- "HeroineRoom_C_Night": "Tsundere (Night)",
- "HeroineRoom_C1": "Rindere Room",
- "HeroineRoom_C1_Night": "Rindere Room (Night)",
- "HeroineRoom_D": "Yandere Room",
- "HeroineRoom_D_Night": "Yandere Room (Night)",
- "HeroineRoom_D1": "Bookworm Room",
- "HeroineRoom_D1_Night": "Bookworm Room (Night)",
- "HeroineRoom_E": "Oneechan Room",
- "HeroineRoom_E_Night": "Oneechan Room (Night)",
- "HeroineRoom_E1": "Koakuma Room",
- "HeroineRoom_E1_Night": "Koakuma Room (Night)",
- "HeroineRoom_F": "Genki Room",
- "HeroineRoom_F_Night": "Genki Room (Night)",
- "HeroineRoom_F1": "Anesan Room",
- "HeroineRoom_F1_Night": "Anesan Room (Night)",
- "HeroineRoom_G": "Sadist Room",
- "HeroineRoom_G_Night": "Sadist Room (Night)",
- "HeroineRoom_G1": "Secretary Room",
- "HeroineRoom_G1_Night": "Secretary Room (Night)",
- "HeroineRoom_H1": "Imouto Room",
- "HeroineRoom_H1_Night": "Imouto Room (Night)",
- "HeroineRoom_J1": "Wary Room",
- "HeroineRoom_J1_Night": "Wary Room (Night)",
- "HeroineRoom_K1": "Ojou Room",
- "HeroineRoom_K1_Night": "Ojou Room (Night)",
- "HeroineRoom_L1": "Osanajimi Room",
- "HeroineRoom_L1_Night": "Osanajimi Room (Night)",
- "homelesstents": "Homeless Tent",
- "HoneymoonRoom": "Honeymoon Room",
- "izakaya": "Japanese Bar",
- "izakaya_play": "Japanese Bar Messy",
- "japanesehouse": "Japanese Style House",
- "japanesehouse_night": "Japanese Style House (Night)",
- "KaraokeRoom": "Karaoke Room",
- "Kitchen": "Kitchen",
- "Kitchen_Night": "Kitchen (Night)",
- "LargeBathRoom": "Large Bathroom",
- "LiveStage": "Live Stage",
- "LiveStage_Side": "Live Stage (On)",
- "LiveStage_use_dance": "Live Stage (Off)",
- "LockerRoom": "Locker Room",
- "luxurytoilet": "Luxury Bathroom",
- "machikado": "Street Corner",
- "machikado_night": "Street Corner (Night)",
- "MaidRoom": "Maid Room",
- "MainKitchen": "Main Kitchen",
- "MainKitchen_LightOff": "Main Kitchen (Lights Off)",
- "MainKitchen_Night": "Kitchen (Night)",
- "MusicShop": "Music Shop",
- "MyBedRoom": "Master's Room",
- "MyBedRoom_Night": "Master's Room (Night)",
- "MyBedRoom_NightOff": "Master's Room (Lights Off)",
- "MyRoom": "Master's Room",
- "MyRoom_Night": "Master's Room Night",
- "Oheya": "Tatami Mat Room",
- "OiranRoom": "Oiran Style Room",
- "OpemCafe": "Open Cafe",
- "opemcafe_aikiss": "Ai Kiss Collab Cafe",
- "opemcafe_aikiss_night": "Ai Kiss Collab Cafe (Night)",
- "opemcafe_cristalia": "CRYSTALiA Collab Cafe",
- "opemcafe_cristalia_night": "CRYSTALiA Collab Cafe (Night)",
- "opemcafe_evenicle2": "Evenicle Ⅱ Collab Cafe",
- "opemcafe_evenicle2_night": "Evenicle Ⅱ Collab Cafe (Night)",
- "opemcafe_inuyome2": "Wanko no Yomeiri Collab Cafe 2",
- "opemcafe_inuyome2_night": "Wanko no Yomeiri Collab Cafe 2 (Night)",
- "opemcafe_korolum": "Korolum Collab Cafe",
- "opemcafe_korolum2": "Korolum Collab Cafe 2",
- "opemcafe_korolum2_night": "Korolum Collab Cafe 2 (Night)",
- "opemcafe_korolum_night": "Korolum Collab Cafe (Night)",
- "opemcafe_laplacian": "Future Radio and Artificial Pigeons Collab Cafe",
- "opemcafe_laplacian_night": "Future Radio and Artificial Pigeons Collab Cafe (Night)",
- "opemcafe_nekow": "Nekopara Collab Cafe",
- "opemcafe_nekow_night": "Nekopara Collab Cafe (Night)",
- "OpemCafe_Night": "Open Cafe (Night)",
- "opemcafe_nitro": "Minikui Mojika no Ko Collab Cafe",
- "opemcafe_nitro_night": "Minikui Mojika no Ko Collab Cafe (Night)",
- "opemcafe_pencil": "Mary-san Collab Cafe",
- "opemcafe_pencil_night": "Mary-san Collab Cafe (Night)",
- "opemcafe_rance10": "RanceX Collab Cafe",
- "opemcafe_rance10_night": "RanceX Collab Cafe (Night)",
- "opemcafe_raspberry": "Raspberry Cube Collab Cafe",
- "opemcafe_raspberry_night": "Raspberry Cube Collab Cafe (Night)",
- "opemcafe_riddlejoker": "Riddle Joker Collab Cafe",
- "opemcafe_riddlejoker_night": "Riddle Joker Collab Cafe (Night)",
- "opemcafe_sagapla": "Kin'iro Loveriche GT Collab Cafe",
- "opemcafe_sagapla_night": "Kin'iro Loveriche GT Collab Cafe (Night)",
- "opemcafe_wanko": "Wanko no Yomeiri Collab Cafe",
- "opemcafe_wanko_night": "Wanko no Yomeiri Collab Cafe (Night)",
- "OutletPark": "Outlet Park",
- "park": "Park (No Food Trucks)",
- "park_car": "Park",
- "park_car_night": "Park (Night)",
- "park_night": "Park (Night No Food Trucks)",
- "Penthouse": "Penthouse",
- "PlayRoom": "Playroom",
- "PlayRoom2": "Playroom 2",
- "poledancestage": "Pole Dance Stage",
- "Pool": "Pool",
- "PrivateRoom": "Private Room",
- "privateroom2": "Private Room 2",
- "privateroom2_night": "Private Room 2 (Night)",
- "privateroom2_nightoff": "Private Room 2 (Lights Off)",
- "PrivateRoom_Night": "Private Room (Night)",
- "Restaurant": "Restaurant",
- "Restaurant_Night": "Restaurant (Night)",
- "Rotenburo": "Open-Air Bath",
- "Rotenburo_Night": "Open-Air Bath (Night)",
- "Salon": "Salon",
- "Salon_Day": "Salon Day",
- "Salon_Entrance": "Salon Entrance",
- "Salon_Garden": "Courtyard",
- "Sea": "Beach",
- "seacafe": "Beach Cafe",
- "seacafe_night": "Beach Cafe (Night)",
- "Sea_Night": "Beach (Night)",
- "Sea_VR": "Beach (VR)",
- "Sea_VR_Night": "Beach (VR Night)",
- "ShinShitsumu": "Office",
- "ShinShitsumu_ChairRot": "Office (Chair)",
- "ShinShitsumu_Night": "Office (Night)",
- "Shitsumu": "Office",
- "Shitsumu_ChairRot": "Office 2 (Chair)",
- "Shitsumu_ChairRot_Night": "Office 2 (Chair Night)",
- "Shitsumu_Night": "Office (Night)",
- "ShoppingMall": "Shopping Mall",
- "ShoppingMall_Night": "Shopping Mall (Night)",
- "shrine": "Shrine",
- "shrine_night": "Shrine (Night)",
- "Shukuhakubeya_BedRoom": "Bedroom",
- "Shukuhakubeya_BedRoom_Night": "Bedroom (Night)",
- "Shukuhakubeya_Living": "Living Room",
- "Shukuhakubeya_Living_Night": "Living Room (Night)",
- "Shukuhakubeya_Other_BedRoom": "Bedroom 2",
- "Shukuhakubeya_Toilet": "Bathroom",
- "Shukuhakubeya_Toilet_Night": "Bathroom (Night)",
- "Shukuhakubeya_WashRoom": "Washroom",
- "Shukuhakubeya_WashRoom_Night": "Washroom (Night)",
- "SMClub": "SM Club",
- "SMRoom": "SM Room",
- "SMRoom2": "Basement",
- "Soap": "Soapland",
- "Spa": "Spa",
- "Spa_Night": "Spa (Night)",
- "springgarden": "Spring Garden (No Stalls)",
- "springgarden_night": "Spring Garden (Night No Stalls)",
- "springgarden_yatai": "Spring Garden",
- "springgarden_yatai_night": "Spring Garden (Night)",
- "Syosai": "Study",
- "Syosai_Night": "Study (Night)",
- "Theater": "Theater",
- "Theater_LightOff": "Theater (Night)",
- "Toilet": "Toilet",
- "Town": "Town",
- "Train": "Train",
- "train_notsurikawa": "Train (No Handles)",
- "Villa": "Villa 1F",
- "Villa_BedRoom": "Villa 2f",
- "Villa_BedRoom_Night": "Villa 2f (Night)",
- "villa_bedroom_door": "Villa 2f (Door)",
- "Villa_Farm": "Garden",
- "Villa_Farm_Night": "Garden (Night)",
- "Villa_Night": "Villa 1F (Night)",
- "Yashiki": "Inn (Night)",
- "Yashiki_Day": "Inn",
- "Yashiki_Pillow": "Inn (Night with Pillow)"
- },
- "props": {
- "props1Label": "Props 1",
- "props2Label": "Props 2",
- "props1AddButton": "Add",
- "props2AddButton": "Add"
- },
"props1Dropdown": {
"props1Dropdown": {
"photo_ver/Odogu_HeroineChair_cooldere_photo_ver": "Kuudere Chair",
"photo_ver/Odogu_HeroineChair_cooldere_photo_ver": "Kuudere Chair",
"photo_ver/Odogu_HeroineChair_junshin_photo_ver": "Junshin Chair",
"photo_ver/Odogu_HeroineChair_junshin_photo_ver": "Junshin Chair",
@@ -1064,113 +570,4 @@
"p_yuge_large_photo_ver": "Steam (Onsen Large)",
"p_yuge_large_photo_ver": "Steam (Onsen Large)",
"p_smoke_dance_photo_ver": "Smoke (Dance)"
"p_smoke_dance_photo_ver": "Smoke (Dance)"
- "movementCube": {
- "label": "Movement Cube",
- "props": "Props",
- "small": "Small",
- "maid": "Maid",
- "bg": "BG"
- },
- "lights": {
- "x": "Light X",
- "y": "Light Y",
- "intensity": "Brightness",
- "range": "Range",
- "spot": "Spot Angle",
- "shadow": "Shadow"
- },
- "lightsPane": {
- "header": "Lights",
- "add": "+",
- "delete": "Del",
- "resetPosition": "R Pos",
- "resetProperties": "R Props",
- "clear": "Clear",
- "colour": "Colour",
- "disable": "On"
- },
- "lightType": {
- "main": "Main",
- "normal": "Normal",
- "spot": "Spot",
- "point": "Point"
- },
- "effectsPane": {
- "onToggle": "On",
- "bloom": "Bloom",
- "dof": "DOF",
- "vignette": "Blur",
- "fog": "Fog",
- "sepia": "Sepia",
- "reset": "Reset Effect"
- },
- "effectBloom": {
- "intensity": "Intensity",
- "blur": "Blur",
- "hdrToggle": "HDR"
- },
- "effectDof": {
- "focalLength": "Focal Length",
- "focalArea": "Focal Area",
- "aperture": "Aperture",
- "blur": "Blur",
- "thicknessToggle": "Thickness"
- },
- "effectVignette": {
- "intensity": "Strength",
- "blur": "Blur",
- "blurSpread": "Spread",
- "aberration": "Aberration"
- },
- "effectFog": {
- "distance": "Distance",
- "density": "Density",
- "strength": "Strength",
- "height": "Height"
- },
- "effectSepia": {
- "toggle": "Sepia",
- "blur": "Blur"
- },
- "background2Window": {
- "envButton": "Environments",
- "itemLabel": "Item",
- "smallBGLabel": "BG (Prop)",
- "propLabel": "Clothes",
- "modsToggle": "Mods"
- },
- "clothingDropdown": {
- "myRoom": "My Room Custom",
- "hat": "Hat",
- "headset": "Headset",
- "top": "Top",
- "bottom": "Bottom",
- "onepiece": "One-Piece",
- "swimsuit": "Swimsuit",
- "bra": "Bra",
- "panties": "Panties",
- "socks": "Socks",
- "shoes": "Shoes",
- "hairAccessory": "Hair Accessory",
- "glasses": "Glasses",
- "eyeMask": "Eye Mask",
- "nose": "Nose",
- "ear": "Ear",
- "gloves": "Gloves",
- "necklace": "Necklace",
- "choker": "Choker",
- "ribbon": "Ribbon",
- "nipple": "Nipple",
- "arms": "Arms",
- "belly": "Belly",
- "ankle": "Ankle",
- "back": "Back",
- "tail": "Tail",
- "genitals": "Genitals"
- },
- "messageWindow": {
- "name": "Name",
- "fontSize": "Font Size",
- "okButton": "OK"
- }