123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566 |
- // We need some kind of module resolver for @shared/db. We use module-alias.
- require("module-alias/register");
- import "./environment";
- import * as path from "path";
- import { client } from "./client";
- import { createConnection, getConnectionOptions } from "typeorm";
- import { assertOk } from "./util";
- import { DB_ENTITIES } from "@shared/db/entities";
- import { logger } from "./logging";
- import { PluginManager } from "./plugin_manager";
- export const plgMgr: PluginManager = new PluginManager(path.resolve(path.dirname(module.filename), "plugins"));
- client.bot.on("ready", async () => {
- logger.info("Starting up NoctBot");
- await client.botUser.setActivity(`@${client.botUser.username} help`, { type: "PLAYING" });
- await assertOk(plgMgr.start(client.bot));
- logger.info("NoctBot is ready");
- });
- client.bot.on("message", async m => {
- if (m.author.id == client.botUser.id)
- return;
- if (m.channel.type != "text") {
- logger.warn("User %s (%s#%s) tried to execute command in DMs. Message: %s.", m.author.id, m.author.username, m.author.discriminator, m.content);
- await m.reply("DM commands are disabled, sorry!");
- return;
- }
- let content = m.cleanContent.trim();
- if (await plgMgr.trigger("message", m, content))
- return;
- if (m.mentions.users.size > 0 && m.mentions.users.has(client.botUser.id)) {
- const trimmedContent = m.content.trim();
- if (trimmedContent.startsWith(client.nameMention) || trimmedContent.startsWith(client.usernameMention)) {
- content = content.substring(`@${client.botUser.username}`.length).trim();
- const lowerCaseContent = content.toLowerCase();
- if (await plgMgr.runCommand(m, content))
- return;
- if (await plgMgr.trigger("directMention", m, lowerCaseContent))
- return;
- }
- if (await plgMgr.trigger("indirectMention", m))
- return;
- }
- await plgMgr.trigger("postMessage", m);
- });
- async function main() {
- await createConnection({
- ...await getConnectionOptions(),
- entities: DB_ENTITIES
- });
- client.bot.login(process.env.BOT_TOKEN);
- }
- main();