123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357 |
- import { Plugin, ICommandData, Command, Event, BotEventData } from "src/model/plugin";
- import { parseArgs, tryDo, parseDuration, UNIT_MEASURES, Option } from "src/util";
- import { GuildMember, Guild, MessageEmbed, Message, TextChannel, PartialGuildMember } from "discord.js";
- import { logger } from "src/logging";
- import { client } from "src/client";
- import humanizeDuration from "humanize-duration";
- import { getRepository, ObjectType, FindConditions, DeepPartial } from "typeorm";
- import { GuildViolationSettings } from "@shared/db/entity/GuildViolationSettings";
- import { Mute, Violation } from "@shared/db/entity/Violation";
- import { scheduleJob, Job, rescheduleJob } from "node-schedule";
- import { QueryDeepPartialEntity } from "typeorm/query-builder/QueryPartialEntity";
- const MENTION_PATTERN = /<@!?(\d+)>/;
- interface ViolationInfo {
- member: GuildMember;
- endDate: Date;
- duration: number;
- guild: Guild;
- reason: string;
- settings: GuildViolationSettings;
- dryRun: boolean;
- noAnnounce: boolean;
- }
- type TimedViolation = Violation & { endsAt: Date };
- type StartViolationFunction = (member: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember, settings: GuildViolationSettings) => Promise<void>;
- type StopViolationFunction = (guild: Guild, userId: string, settings: GuildViolationSettings) => Promise<void>;
- interface TimedViolationStopHandler {
- type: ObjectType<TimedViolation>;
- start: StartViolationFunction;
- stop: StopViolationFunction;
- command: string;
- }
- @Plugin
- export class ViolationPlugin {
- jobs: Record<number, Job> = {};
- timedViolationHandlers: TimedViolationStopHandler[] = [
- {
- command: "mute",
- type: Mute,
- start: async (member: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember, settings: GuildViolationSettings): Promise<void> => {
- const muteRoleResolve = await tryDo(member.guild.roles.fetch(settings.muteRoleId));
- if (!muteRoleResolve.ok || !muteRoleResolve.result) {
- logger.error(
- "mute: Tried to mute user %s#%s (%s) but mute role ID %s is invalid!",
- member.user?.username,
- member.user?.discriminator,
- member.user?.id,
- settings.muteRoleId);
- return;
- }
- await member.roles.add(muteRoleResolve.result);
- },
- stop: async (guild: Guild, userId: string, settings: GuildViolationSettings): Promise<void> => {
- const muteRoleResolve = await tryDo(guild.roles.fetch(settings.muteRoleId));
- if (!muteRoleResolve.ok || !muteRoleResolve.result) {
- logger.warn("mute: couldn't find mute role id %s (removed from server?)", settings.muteRoleId);
- return;
- }
- const muteRole = muteRoleResolve.result;
- const memberResolve = await tryDo(guild.members.fetch(userId));
- if (!memberResolve.ok) {
- logger.warn("mute: user %s is not on the server anymore", userId);
- return;
- }
- await memberResolve.result.roles.remove(muteRole);
- }
- }
- ];
- async start(): Promise<void> {
- for (const handler of this.timedViolationHandlers) {
- const repo = getRepository(handler.type);
- const validViolations = await repo.find({
- where: { valid: true }
- });
- for (const violation of validViolations) {
- const stopJob = this.scheduleRemoveViolation(handler.type, violation.guildId, violation.userId, handler.stop, handler.command);
- if (violation.endsAt <= new Date())
- await stopJob();
- else
- this.jobs[violation.id] = scheduleJob(violation.endsAt, stopJob);
- }
- }
- }
- @Event("guildMemberAdd")
- async onUserJoin(data: BotEventData, member: GuildMember | PartialGuildMember): Promise<void> {
- const settingsRepo = getRepository(GuildViolationSettings);
- const settings = await settingsRepo.findOne(member.guild.id);
- if (!settings)
- return;
- const hasActiveViolations = await getRepository(Violation).findOne({
- where: {
- guildId: member.guild.id,
- userId: member.id,
- valid: true
- }
- });
- if (!hasActiveViolations)
- return;
- for (const handler of this.timedViolationHandlers) {
- const repo = getRepository(handler.type);
- const activeViolations = await repo.find({
- where: {
- guildId: member.guild.id,
- userId: member.id,
- valid: true
- }
- });
- if (activeViolations.length == 0)
- continue;
- for (const violation of activeViolations) {
- if (violation.endsAt < new Date())
- await repo.update({ id: violation.id }, { valid: false });
- else
- await handler.start(member, settings);
- }
- }
- }
- @Command({
- type: "prefix",
- pattern: "mute",
- auth: true
- })
- async muteUser({ message }: ICommandData): Promise<void> {
- const info = await this.parseCommand(message);
- if (!info.ok)
- return;
- const handler = this.getViolationHandler(Mute);
- if (!handler) {
- logger.error("Couldn't find handler for Mute");
- return;
- }
- await this.applyTimedViolation(Mute, info, "mute", handler.start, handler.stop);
- await this.sendViolationMessage(message, info, "User has been muted for server violation");
- }
- private getViolationHandler(type: ObjectType<TimedViolation>): TimedViolationStopHandler {
- for (const handler of this.timedViolationHandlers) {
- if (handler.type == type)
- return handler;
- }
- throw new Error("Couldn't find handler for violation type!");
- }
- private async applyTimedViolation<T extends TimedViolation>(type: ObjectType<T>, info: ViolationInfo, command = "violation", apply: StartViolationFunction, remove: StopViolationFunction) {
- if (info.dryRun)
- return;
- const violationRepo = getRepository(type);
- const existingViolation = await violationRepo.findOne({
- where: {
- userId: info.member.id,
- guildId: info.guild.id,
- valid: true
- }
- });
- if (existingViolation) {
- logger.warn("%s: trying to reapply on user %s#%s (%s)", command, info.member.user.username, info.member.user.discriminator, info.member.id);
- await violationRepo.update({ id: existingViolation.id } as unknown as FindConditions<T>, { endsAt: info.endDate } as unknown as QueryDeepPartialEntity<T>);
- const job = this.jobs[existingViolation.id];
- rescheduleJob(job, info.endDate);
- } else {
- const newViolation = await violationRepo.save({
- guildId: info.guild.id,
- userId: info.member.id,
- reason: info.reason,
- endsAt: info.endDate,
- valid: true,
- } as unknown as DeepPartial<T>);
- this.jobs[newViolation.id] = scheduleJob(info.endDate, this.scheduleRemoveViolation(type, info.guild.id, info.member.id, remove, command));
- }
- await apply(info.member, info.settings);
- }
- private scheduleRemoveViolation<T extends TimedViolation>(type: ObjectType<T>, guildId: string, userId: string, handle: StopViolationFunction, command = "violation") {
- return async () => {
- const settingsRepo = getRepository(GuildViolationSettings);
- const settings = await settingsRepo.findOne(guildId);
- if (!settings) {
- logger.warn("un-%s: no violation settings found for guild %s", command, guildId);
- return;
- }
- const repo = getRepository(type);
- const violation = await repo.findOne({
- where: {
- guildId: guildId,
- userId: userId,
- valid: true
- }
- });
- if (!violation) {
- logger.warn("un-%s: no violation found for user ID %s in guild %s", command, userId, guildId);
- return;
- }
- await repo.update({ id: violation.id } as unknown as FindConditions<T>, { valid: false } as unknown as QueryDeepPartialEntity<T>);
- delete this.jobs[violation.id];
- const guild = client.bot.guilds.resolve(guildId);
- if (!guild) {
- logger.warn("un-%s: couldn't find guild %s", command, guildId);
- return;
- }
- await handle(guild, userId, settings);
- };
- }
- private async resolveUser(guild: Guild, id: string): Promise<GuildMember | undefined> {
- const result = MENTION_PATTERN.exec(id);
- if (result) {
- const userId = result[1];
- const fetchResult = await tryDo(guild.members.fetch(userId));
- if (fetchResult.ok)
- return fetchResult.result;
- }
- const fetchResult = await tryDo(guild.members.fetch(id));
- if (!fetchResult.ok)
- return undefined;
- return fetchResult.result;
- }
- private async parseCommand(message: Message, command = "violation"): Promise<Option<ViolationInfo>> {
- if (!message.guild) {
- await message.reply("cannot do in DMs!");
- return { ok: false };
- }
- const violationSettingsRepo = getRepository(GuildViolationSettings);
- const settings = await violationSettingsRepo.findOne(message.guild.id);
- if (!settings) {
- await message.reply("sorry, this server doesn't have violation settings set up.");
- logger.error(
- "%s was called in guild %s (%s) on user %s which doesn't have config set up!",
- command,
- message.guild.name,
- message.guild.id,
- message.author.id);
- return { ok: false };
- }
- const [directive, userId, duration, ...rest] = parseArgs(message.content);
- const dryRun = directive.endsWith("?");
- const noAnnounce = directive.endsWith("!");
- if (!userId) {
- await message.reply("no user specified!");
- return { ok: false };
- }
- if (userId == message.author.id) {
- await message.reply(`cannot ${command} yourself!`);
- return { ok: false };
- }
- const member = await this.resolveUser(message.guild, userId);
- if (!member) {
- await message.reply("couldn't find the given user!");
- logger.error("Tried to %s user %s but couldn't find them by id!", command, userId);
- return { ok: false };
- }
- let durationMs = parseDuration(duration);
- let reasonArray = rest;
- if (!durationMs) {
- durationMs = UNIT_MEASURES.d as number;
- reasonArray = [duration, ...reasonArray];
- }
- const endDate = new Date(Date.now() + durationMs);
- let reason = reasonArray.join(" ");
- if (!reason)
- reason = "None given";
- return {
- ok: true,
- duration: durationMs,
- endDate: endDate,
- guild: message.guild,
- member: member,
- reason: reason,
- settings: settings,
- dryRun: dryRun,
- noAnnounce: noAnnounce
- };
- }
- private async sendViolationMessage(message: Message, info: ViolationInfo, title: string) {
- let announceChannel: TextChannel | null = null;
- if ((info.noAnnounce || info.dryRun) && message.channel.type == "text") {
- announceChannel = message.channel;
- }
- else if (info.settings.violationInfoChannelId) {
- const ch = info.guild.channels.resolve(info.settings.violationInfoChannelId);
- if (ch && ch.type == "text")
- announceChannel = ch as TextChannel;
- else if (message.channel.type == "text") {
- announceChannel = message.channel;
- }
- }
- await announceChannel?.send(new MessageEmbed({
- title: `${info.dryRun ? "[DRY RUN] " : ""}${title}`,
- color: 4944347,
- timestamp: new Date(),
- footer: {
- text: client.botUser.username
- },
- author: {
- name: client.botUser.username,
- iconURL: client.botUser.avatarURL() ?? undefined
- },
- fields: [
- {
- name: "Username",
- value: info.member.toString()
- },
- {
- name: "Duration",
- value: humanizeDuration(info.duration, { unitMeasures: UNIT_MEASURES })
- },
- {
- name: "Reason",
- value: info.reason
- }
- ]
- }));
- }
- }