import { isAuthorisedAsync } from "../util"; import { getRepository } from "typeorm"; import { Quote } from "@shared/db/entity/Quote"; import { Command, ICommandData, Plugin } from "src/model/plugin"; const quotePattern = /add quote by "([^"]+)"\s*(.*)/i; @Plugin export class QuoteCommand { minify(str: string, maxLength: number): string { let result = str.replace("\n", ""); if (result.length > maxLength) result = `${result.substring(0, maxLength - 3)}...`; return result; } @Command({ pattern: "add quote", auth: true, documentation: { description: "Adds a quote", example: "add quote by \"\" " } }) async addQuote({ message, contents }: ICommandData): Promise { if (!isAuthorisedAsync(message.member)) return; const result = quotePattern.exec(contents as string); if (result == null) return; const author = result[1].trim(); const msg = result[2].trim(); const repo = getRepository(Quote); const newQuote = await{ author: author, message: msg })); message.reply(`added quote (ID: ${})!`); } @Command({ pattern: "random quote", documentation: { description: "Shows a random quote by someone special...", example: "random quote" } }) async postRandomQuote({ message }: ICommandData): Promise { const repo = getRepository(Quote); const quotes = await repo.query(` select * from quote order by random() limit 1`) as Quote[]; if (quotes.length == 0) { message.reply("I have no quotes!"); return; } const quote = quotes[0];`Quote #${}:\n*"${quote.message}"*\n- ${}`); } @Command({ pattern: "remove quote", auth: true, documentation: { description: "Removes quote. Use \"quotes\" to get the !", example: "remove quote " } }) async removeQuote({ message, contents }: ICommandData): Promise { const quoteNum = (contents as string).substring("remove quote".length).trim(); const val = parseInt(quoteNum); if (isNaN(val)) return; const repo = getRepository(Quote); const res = await repo.delete({ id: val }); if (res.affected == 0) return; message.reply(`removed quote #${val}!`); } @Command({ pattern: "quotes", documentation: { description: "Lists all known quotes.", example: "quotes" }, auth: true }) async listQuotes({ message }: ICommandData): Promise { if (!isAuthorisedAsync(message.member)) { message.reply("to prevent spamming, only bot moderators can view all quotes!"); return; } const repo = getRepository(Quote); const quotes = await repo.find(); if (quotes.length == 0) { message.reply("I have no quotes!"); return; } const quotesListing = quotes.reduce((p, c) => `${p}[${}] "${this.minify(c.message, 10)}" by ${}\n`, "\n"); message.reply(`I know the following quotes:\n\`\`\`${quotesListing}\`\`\``); } }