import { isValidImage } from "../util"; import Jimp from "jimp"; import { client } from "../client"; import * as cv from "opencv4nodejs"; import * as path from "path"; import request from "request-promise-native"; import { Message, MessageAttachment } from "discord.js"; import { getRepository } from "typeorm"; import { FaceCaptionMessage, FaceCaptionType } from "@shared/db/entity/FaceCaptionMessage"; import { KnownChannel } from "@shared/db/entity/KnownChannel"; import { CommandSet, Action, ActionType, Command } from "src/model/command"; import { logger } from "src/logging"; const EMOTE_GUILD = "505333548694241281"; const animeCascade = new cv.CascadeClassifier(path.resolve(process.cwd(), "animu.xml")); const faceCascade = new cv.CascadeClassifier(cv.HAAR_FRONTALFACE_ALT2); const CAPTION_IMG_SIZE = 300; const CAPTION_PROBABILITY = 0.33; type ImageProcessor = (faces: cv.Rect[], data: Buffer) => Promise; const CAPTION_OFFSET = 5; @CommandSet export class Facemorph { intersects(r1: cv.Rect, r2: cv.Rect): boolean { return ( r1.x <= r2.x + r2.width && r1.x + r1.width >= r2.x && (r1.y <= r2.y + r2.height && r1.y + r1.height >= r2.y) ); } morphFaces = async (faces: cv.Rect[], data: Buffer): Promise => { const padoru = Math.random() <= this.getPadoruChance(); let jimpImage = await; const emoteGuild =; if (!emoteGuild) return jimpImage; const emojiKeys = process.env.FOOLS != "TRUE" ? [ ...emoteGuild .emojis.cache.filter(e => !e.animated &&"PADORU") == padoru) .keys() ]: [ "505335829565276160", "430434087157760003", "456472341874999297", "649677767348060170", "589706788782342183", "665272109227835422" ]; for (const rect of faces) { const dx = rect.x + rect.width / 2; const dy = rect.y + rect.height / 2; const emojiKey = emojiKeys[Math.floor(Math.random() * emojiKeys.length)]; const emoji =; if (!emoji) throw new Error("Failed to resolve emoji!"); let emojiImage = await; let ew = emojiImage.getWidth(); let eh = emojiImage.getHeight(); const CONSTANT_SCALE = 1.1; const scaleFactor = (Math.max(rect.width, rect.height) / Math.min(ew, eh)) * CONSTANT_SCALE; ew *= scaleFactor; eh *= scaleFactor; emojiImage = emojiImage.scale(scaleFactor); jimpImage = jimpImage.composite(emojiImage, dx - ew / 2, dy - eh / 2); } return jimpImage; } async getRandomCaption(type: FaceCaptionType): Promise { const repo = getRepository(FaceCaptionMessage); const caption = await repo.query(`select message from face_caption_message where type = $1 order by random() limit 1`, [type]) as FaceCaptionMessage[]; if (caption.length == 0) return null; return caption[0]; } captionFace = async (faces: cv.Rect[], data: Buffer): Promise => { const padoru = Math.random() <= this.getPadoruChance(); const face = faces[Math.floor(Math.random() * faces.length)]; const squaredFace = await face.toSquareAsync(); const targetSize = CAPTION_IMG_SIZE; const img = await; let tempImg = await Jimp.create(squaredFace.width, squaredFace.height); tempImg = await tempImg.blit( img, 0, 0, squaredFace.x, squaredFace.y, squaredFace.width, squaredFace.height ); tempImg = await tempImg.scale(targetSize / squaredFace.width); const font = await Jimp.loadFont(padoru ? Jimp.FONT_SANS_16_WHITE : Jimp.FONT_SANS_16_BLACK); let text = ""; if(padoru) text = "PADORU PADORU"; else if(process.env.FOOLS == "TRUE") { const titles = ["They are horse", "Neigh!", "Insert carrots into them!", "They will become horse!", "They will serve Geoffrey!", "tfw no carrots"]; text = titles[Math.floor(Math.random() * titles.length)]; } else { const prefixMessage = (await this.getRandomCaption(FaceCaptionType.PREFIX))?.message ?? "Feed them"; const postfixMessage = (await this.getRandomCaption(FaceCaptionType.POSTFIX)) ?? "carrots"; text = `${prefixMessage} ${postfixMessage}`; } const h = Jimp.measureTextHeight(font, text, targetSize - CAPTION_OFFSET * 2); let finalImage = await Jimp.create(targetSize, targetSize + h + CAPTION_OFFSET * 2, padoru ? "#FD2027" : "#FFFFFF"); finalImage = await finalImage.print( font, CAPTION_OFFSET, CAPTION_OFFSET, text, finalImage.getWidth() - CAPTION_OFFSET ); finalImage = await finalImage.composite(tempImg, 0, CAPTION_OFFSET * 2 + h); return finalImage; } getPadoruChance(): number { const now = new Date(); if (now.getUTCMonth() != 11 || now.getUTCDate() > 25) return 0; return 1 / (27.0 - now.getUTCDate()); } async processFaceSwap(message: Message, attachmentUrl: string, processor?: ImageProcessor, failMessage?: string, successMessage?: string): Promise { const data = await request(attachmentUrl, { encoding: null }) as Buffer; const im = await cv.imdecodeAsync(data, cv.IMREAD_COLOR); const gray = await im.cvtColorAsync(cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY); const normGray = await gray.equalizeHistAsync(); const animeFaces = await animeCascade.detectMultiScaleAsync( normGray, 1.1, 5, 0, new cv.Size(24, 24) ); const normalFaces = await faceCascade.detectMultiScaleAsync(gray); if (animeFaces.objects.length == 0 && normalFaces.objects.length == 0) { if (failMessage); return; } const faces = [...normalFaces.objects, ...animeFaces.objects]; let normalCount = normalFaces.objects.length; let animeCount = animeFaces.objects.length; for (let i = 0; i < normalCount; i++) { const rNormal = faces[i]; if (animeCount == 0) break; for (let j = normalCount; j < faces.length; j++) { const rAnime = faces[j]; if (this.intersects(rAnime, rNormal)) { const animeA = rAnime.width * rAnime.height; const faceA = rNormal.width * rNormal.height; if (animeA > faceA) { faces.splice(i, 1); normalCount--; i--; break; } else { faces.splice(j, 1); animeCount--; j--; } } } } let jimpImage: Jimp; if (processor) jimpImage = await processor(faces, data); else { if (Math.random() <= CAPTION_PROBABILITY) jimpImage = await this.captionFace(faces, data); else jimpImage = await this.morphFaces(faces, data); } jimpImage.quality(90); const buffer = await jimpImage.getBufferAsync(Jimp.MIME_JPEG); const messageContents = successMessage || `I noticed a face in the image. I think this looks better ${"505076258753740810")?.toString() ?? ":)"}`;, { files: [buffer] }); } processLastImage(msg: Message, processor: ImageProcessor): void { type AttachedMessage = {msg: Message, att: MessageAttachment}; const lastImagedMessage = => ({msg: m, att: m.attachments.find(v => isValidImage(})) .filter(v => v.att != undefined).last() as AttachedMessage; if (!lastImagedMessage) {`${} Sorry, I couldn't find any recent messages with images.`); return; } const replyEmoji ="505076258753740810"); const emojiText = replyEmoji ? replyEmoji.toString() : "Jiiii~"; this.processFaceSwap( msg, lastImagedMessage.att.url, processor, `${} Nice image! I don't see anything interesting, though.`, `${} ${emojiText}` ).catch(err => logger.error(`Failed to run faceapp on message ${}`, err)); } @Action(ActionType.MESSAGE) async morphRandomImage(actionsDone: boolean, msg: Message): Promise { if (actionsDone) return false; if (msg.mentions.users.size > 0 && msg.mentions.users.first()?.id == return false; const imageAttachment = msg.attachments.find(v => isValidImage(; if (imageAttachment) { const repo = getRepository(KnownChannel); const knownChannel = await repo.findOne({ where: { channelId: }, select: ["faceMorphProbability"] }); if (!knownChannel || Math.random() > knownChannel.faceMorphProbability) return false; this.processFaceSwap(msg, imageAttachment.url).catch(err => logger.error(`Failed to run faceapp on message ${}`, err) ); return true; } return false; } @Action(ActionType.DIRECT_MENTION) async morphProvidedImage(actionsDone: boolean, msg: Message, content: string): Promise { if (actionsDone) return false; const image = msg.attachments.find(v => isValidImage(; if (!image) { if (msg.attachments.size > 0) { `${} Nice, but I can't do anything to it! (Invalid file type)` ); return true; } return false; } let processor; if (content.startsWith("caption this")) processor = this.captionFace; else processor = this.morphFaces; const replyEmoji ="505076258753740810"); const emojiText = replyEmoji ? replyEmoji.toString() : "Jiiii~"; this.processFaceSwap( msg, image.url, processor, `${} Nice image! I don't see anything interesting, though.`, `${} ${emojiText}` ).catch(err => logger.error(`Failed to run faceapp because ${}`, err)); return true; } @Command({ pattern: "caption last image" }) captionLastImage(msg: Message): void { this.processLastImage(msg, this.captionFace); } @Command({ pattern: "look at last image" }) lookLastImage(msg: Message): void { this.processLastImage(msg, this.morphFaces); } }