@@ -1,49 +1,84 @@
-import { db, IRandomElementMixin } from "../db";
import { isAuthorised } from "../util";
import client from "../client";
import { ICommand } from "./command";
-import { ObjectChain, CollectionChain } from "lodash";
+import { getRepository } from "typeorm";
+import { MessageReaction } from "../entity/MessageReaction";
+import { KnownUser } from "../entity/KnownUser";
+import { ReactionType, ReactionEmote } from "../entity/ReactionEmote";
const pattern = /^react to\s+"([^"]+)"\s+with\s+\<:[^:]+:([^\>]+)\>$/i;
+async function getRandomEmotes(allowedTypes: ReactionType[]) {
+ let reactionEmotesRepo = getRepository(ReactionEmote);
+ return await reactionEmotesRepo.query(`
+ select reactionId
+ from ( select type, reactionId
+ from reaction_emote
+ where type in (?)
+ order by type, random() )
+ group by type`, [ allowedTypes ]) as string[];
export default {
commands: [
pattern: "react to",
- action: (msg, s) => {
- if (!isAuthorised(msg.member)) return;
+ action: async (msg, s) => {
+ if (!isAuthorised(msg.member))
+ return;
let contents = pattern.exec(s);
if (contents != null) {
let reactable = contents[1].trim().toLowerCase();
let reactionEmoji = contents[2];
if (!client.emojis.has(reactionEmoji)) {
msg.channel.send(`${msg.author.toString()} I cannot react with this emoji :(`);
- db.get("messageReactions").set(reactable, reactionEmoji);
- db.write();
+ let repo = getRepository(MessageReaction);
+ let message = repo.create({
+ message: reactable,
+ reactionEmoteId: reactionEmoji
+ });
+ await repo.save(message);
msg.channel.send(`${msg.author.toString()} Added reaction!`);
pattern: "remove reaction to",
- action: (msg, s) => {
- if (!isAuthorised(msg.member)) return;
+ action: async (msg, s) => {
+ if (!isAuthorised(msg.member))
+ return;
let content = s.substring("remove reaction to ".length).trim().toLowerCase();
- if (!db.get("messageReactions").has(content).value()) {
+ let repo = getRepository(MessageReaction);
+ let result = await repo.delete({ message: content });
+ if (result.affected == 0) {
msg.channel.send(`${msg.author.toString()} No such reaction available!`);
- db.get("messageReactions").unset(content).write();
msg.channel.send(`${msg.author.toString()} Removed reaction!`);
pattern: "reactions",
- action: msg => {
- let reactions = db.get("messageReactions").keys().value().reduce((p: string, c: string) => `${p}\n${c}`, "");
- msg.channel.send(`I'll react to the following messages:\n\`\`\`${reactions}\`\`\``);
+ action: async msg => {
+ let reactionsRepo = getRepository(MessageReaction);
+ let messages = await reactionsRepo.find({
+ select: [ "message" ]
+ });
+ let reactions = messages.reduce((p, c) => `${p}\n${c.message}`, "");
+ msg.channel.send(`I'll react to the following messages:\n\`\`\`${reactions}\n\`\`\``);
@@ -61,67 +96,79 @@ export default {
description: "Lists all known messages this bot can react to."
- onMessage: (actionsDone, msg, content) => {
+ onMessage: async (actionsDone, msg, content) => {
if (actionsDone)
return false;
let lowerContent = content.toLowerCase();
- if (db.get("messageReactions").has(lowerContent).value()) {
- msg.react(client.emojis.get((db.get("messageReactions") as ObjectChain<any>).get(lowerContent).value()));
+ let reactionRepo = getRepository(MessageReaction);
+ let usersRepo = getRepository(KnownUser);
+ let message = await reactionRepo.findOne({ message: lowerContent });
+ if(message) {
+ msg.react(client.emojis.get(message.reactionEmoteId));
return true;
if (msg.mentions.users.size == 0)
return false;
- if (!(db.get("reactableMentionedUsers") as CollectionChain<any>).intersectionWith(msg.mentions.users.map(u => u.id)).isEmpty().value()) {
- const emoteId = ((db
- .get("emotes") as ObjectChain<any>)
- .get("angery") as IRandomElementMixin)
- .randomElement()
- .value();
- msg.react(client.emojis.find(e => e.id == emoteId));
- return true;
+ let knownUsers = await usersRepo.find({
+ select: [ "mentionReactionType" ],
+ where: [...msg.mentions.users.map(u => ({ userId: u.id }))]
+ });
+ if(knownUsers.length == 0)
+ return false;
+ let reactionEmoteTypes = new Set<ReactionType>();
+ for(let user of knownUsers) {
+ if(user.mentionReactionType == ReactionType.NONE)
+ continue;
+ reactionEmoteTypes.add(user.mentionReactionType);
- return false;
+ let randomEmotes = await getRandomEmotes([...reactionEmoteTypes]);
+ for(let emote in randomEmotes)
+ await msg.react(client.emojis.find(e => e.id == emote));
+ return true;
- onIndirectMention: (actionsDone, msg) => {
+ onIndirectMention: async (actionsDone, msg) => {
if (actionsDone)
return false;
- let emoteType = "angery";
- if ((db.get("specialUsers") as CollectionChain<any>).includes(msg.author.id).value())
- emoteType = "hug";
- else if ((db.get("bigUsers") as CollectionChain<any>).includes(msg.author.id).value())
- emoteType = "big";
- else if ((db.get("dedUsers") as CollectionChain<any>).includes(msg.author.id).value())
- emoteType = "ded";
- let id = ((db
- .get("emotes") as ObjectChain<string>)
- .get(emoteType) as IRandomElementMixin)
- .randomElement()
- .value();
- let emote = client.emojis.find(e => e.id == id);
+ let emoteType = ReactionType.ANGERY;
+ let repo = getRepository(KnownUser);
+ let knownUser = await repo.findOne({
+ select: [ "mentionReactionType" ],
+ where: [{userID: msg.id}]
+ });
+ if(!knownUser || knownUser.mentionReactionType == ReactionType.NONE)
+ return false;
+ emoteType = knownUser.mentionReactionType;
+ let emotes = await getRandomEmotes([ emoteType ]);
+ if(emotes.length != 1)
+ return false;
+ let emote = client.emojis.find(e => e.id == emotes[0]);
if (!emote) {
- console.log(`WARNING: Emote ${id} no longer is valid. Deleting invalid emojis from the list...`);
- ((db.get("emotes") as ObjectChain<any>)
- .get(emoteType) as CollectionChain<any>)
- .remove((id: string) => !client.emojis.has(id))
- .write();
- id = ((db
- .get("emotes") as ObjectChain<any>)
- .get(emoteType) as IRandomElementMixin)
- .randomElement()
- .value();
- emote = client.emojis.find(e => e.id == id);
- }
+ console.log(`WARNING: Emote ${emotes[0]} no longer is valid. Deleting invalid emojis from the list...`);
- if (!emote)
+ let emotesRepo = getRepository(ReactionEmote);
+ emotesRepo.delete({ reactionId: emotes[0] });
return false;
+ }
return true;