@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-import * as html from "node-html-parser";
import request from "request-promise-native";
import { Response } from "request";
import { INewsItem, IAggregator } from "./aggregator";
import { getRepository } from "typeorm";
import { AggroNewsItem } from "@db/entity/AggroNewsItem";
+import cheerio from "cheerio";
const urlPattern = /diary\.php\?no=(\d+)/i;
const kissDiaryRoot = "http://www.kisskiss.tv/kiss";
@@ -29,26 +29,19 @@ async function aggregate() {
if(mainPageRes.statusCode != 200)
return [];
- let rootNode = html.parse(mainPageRes.body, {
- pre: true,
- script: false,
- style: false
- });
- if(!(rootNode instanceof html.HTMLElement))
- return;
+ let rootNode = cheerio.load(mainPageRes.body);
- let diaryEntries = rootNode.querySelectorAll("div.blog_frame_middle ul.disc li a");
+ let diaryEntries = rootNode("div.blog_frame_middle ul.disc li a");
- if(!diaryEntries) {
+ if(diaryEntries.length == 0) {
console.log("[KISS DIARY] Failed to find listing!");
let result : INewsItem[] = [];
let latestEntry = lastPost.newsId;
- for(let a of diaryEntries) {
- let matches = urlPattern.exec(a.rawAttributes.href);
+ for(let a of diaryEntries.get() as CheerioElement[]) {
+ let matches = urlPattern.exec(a.attribs.href);
@@ -60,36 +53,26 @@ async function aggregate() {
if(id > latestEntry)
latestEntry = id;
- let diaryLink = `${kissDiaryRoot}/${a.rawAttributes.href}`;
+ let diaryLink = `${kissDiaryRoot}/${a.attribs.href}`;
let res = await request(diaryLink, {resolveWithFullResponse: true}) as Response;
if(res.statusCode != 200)
- let node = html.parse(res.body, {
- pre: true,
- script: false,
- style: false
- });
- if(!(node instanceof html.HTMLElement))
- continue;
+ let node = cheerio.load(res.body);
- let title = node.querySelector("table.blog_frame_top tr td a");
- let contents = node.querySelector("div.blog_frame_middle");
- let bottomFrame = contents.querySelector("div.blog_data");
- if(bottomFrame) {
- let child = contents.childNodes[0];
- if(child instanceof html.HTMLElement)
- child.removeChild(bottomFrame);
- }
+ let title = node("table.blog_frame_top tr td a");
+ let contents = node("div.blog_frame_middle");
+ let bottomFrame = contents.find("div.blog_data");
+ bottomFrame.remove();
newsId: id,
feedId: FEED_NAME,
link: diaryLink,
- title: title.text,
+ title: title.text(),
author: "KISS BLOG",
- contents: contents.innerHTML,
+ contents: contents.html(),
embedColor: 0xf4c100,
needsTranslation: true