@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-import lowdb from "lowdb";
-import FileSync from "lowdb/adapters/FileSync";
-import { CollectionChain } from "lodash";
-const adapter = new FileSync(__dirname + "/db.json");
-export const db = lowdb(adapter);
-export interface IRandomElementMixin extends CollectionChain<any> {
- randomElement() : any;
- randomElement: (array : any[]) => array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]
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- {
- url: "http://custommaid3d2.com/index.php?forums/news.49/index.rss",
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- },
- faceEditConfig: {
- captionProbability: 0.33,
- captionedImageSize: 300
- },
- faceCaptions: {
- pre: [
- "Me when",
- "I think",
- "That face when",
- "That look when",
- "She:",
- "He:",
- "KISS when",
- "Everyone thinks",
- "Today",
- "They look like"
- ],
- post: [
- "my kokoro goes fuwafuwa",
- "Horse Muku is real",
- "he THICC",
- "she THICC",
- "OwO",
- "fuzzy pickles",
- "baka",
- "too many carrots",
- "Elon Musk-chan builds a mecha",
- "gushing granny",
- "too much coke",
- "not baka",
- "want the D",
- "cringe",
- "Harambe",
- "fire",
- "see lewd",
- "drink coffee",
- "horse",
- "run out of RAM",
- "passworded mods",
- "I get pinged",
- "I sleep",
- "he attacc",
- "she protecc",
- "dead inside",
- "why?",
- "what?",
- "how?",
- "my waifu leaves me",
- "I nut"
- ]
- },
- quotes: [],
- latestKissDiaryEntry: 1229,
- latestCom3D2WorldDiaryEntry: 11,
- lastCOMJPVersion: 1320