@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+const html = require("node-html-parser");
+const axios = require("axios");
+const db = require("../../db.js");
+const kissDiaryRoot = "https://com3d2.world/r18/notices.php";
+async function aggregate() {
+ let lastDiary = db.get("latestCom3D2WorldDiaryEntry").value();
+ try {
+ let mainPageRes = await axios.get(kissDiaryRoot);
+ if(mainPageRes.status != 200)
+ return [];
+ let rootNode = html.parse(mainPageRes.data, {
+ pre: true,
+ script: false,
+ style: false
+ });
+ let diaryEntries = rootNode.querySelectorAll("div.frame a");
+ if(!diaryEntries) {
+ console.log("[COM3D2 WORLD BLOG] Failed to find listing!");
+ }
+ let result = [];
+ let latestEntry = lastDiary;
+ for(let a of diaryEntries) {
+ if(!a.rawAttributes.id)
+ continue;
+ let id = +a.rawAttributes.id;
+ if(id <= lastDiary)
+ continue;
+ if(id > latestEntry)
+ latestEntry = id;
+ let diaryLink = `${kissDiaryRoot}?no=${id}`;
+ let res = await axios.get(diaryLink);
+ if(res.status != 200)
+ continue;
+ let node = html.parse(res.data, {
+ pre: true,
+ script: false,
+ style: false
+ });
+ let title = node.querySelector("div.frame div.notice_title th");
+ let contents = node.querySelectorAll("div.frame div")[1];
+ result.push({
+ id: `com3d2-world-notices-${id}`,
+ link: diaryLink,
+ title: title.text,
+ author: "com3d2.world",
+ contents: contents.outerHTML,
+ embedColor: 0xa39869
+ });
+ }
+ db.set("latestCom3D2WorldDiaryEntry", latestEntry).write();
+ return result;
+ } catch(err) {
+ return [];
+ }
+module.exports = {
+ aggregate: aggregate