@@ -80,7 +80,10 @@ export class GuideCommands {
pattern: /^make (\w+)\s+name:(.+)\s*keywords:(.+)\s*contents:((.*[\n\r]*)+)$/i,
pattern: /^make (\w+)\s+name:(.+)\s*keywords:(.+)\s*contents:((.*[\n\r]*)+)$/i,
auth: true,
auth: true,
- documentation: "Creates a new guide of the specified type, the specified keywords and content."
+ documentation: {
+ description: "Creates a new guide of the specified type, the specified keywords and content.",
+ example: "make <GUIDE TYPE> <NEWLINE>name: <NAME> <NEWLINE> keywords: <KEYWORDS> <NEWLINE> contents: <CONTENTS>"
+ }
async makeGuide(msg: Message, content: string, match: RegExpMatchArray) {
async makeGuide(msg: Message, content: string, match: RegExpMatchArray) {
if (!await isAuthorisedAsync(msg.member)) return;
if (!await isAuthorisedAsync(msg.member)) return;
@@ -159,7 +162,10 @@ export class GuideCommands {
pattern: /^delete (\w+)\s+(.+)$/i,
pattern: /^delete (\w+)\s+(.+)$/i,
auth: true,
auth: true,
- documentation: "delete <guidetype> <keywords>"
+ documentation: {
+ example: "delete <guidetype> <keywords>",
+ description: "Deletes a guide with the specified keywords"
+ }
async deleteGuide(msg: Message, content: string, match: RegExpMatchArray) {
async deleteGuide(msg: Message, content: string, match: RegExpMatchArray) {
if (!await isAuthorisedAsync(msg.member)) return;
if (!await isAuthorisedAsync(msg.member)) return;
@@ -196,17 +202,17 @@ export class GuideCommands {
await msg.channel.send(`${msg.author.toString()} No such ${type} with keywords \`${keywords.join(" ")}\`! Did you forget to specify all keywords?`);
await msg.channel.send(`${msg.author.toString()} No such ${type} with keywords \`${keywords.join(" ")}\`! Did you forget to specify all keywords?`);
- @Command({ pattern: "guides", documentation: "Lists all guides and keywords that trigger them." })
+ @Command({ pattern: "guides", documentation: { description: "Lists all guides and keywords that trigger them.", example: "guides" } })
async showGuides(msg: Message) {
async showGuides(msg: Message) {
await this.listGuides(msg, "guide", "Here are the guides I have:");
await this.listGuides(msg, "guide", "Here are the guides I have:");
- @Command({ pattern: "memes", documentation: "Lists all memes and keywords that trigger them." })
+ @Command({ pattern: "memes", documentation: {description: "Lists all memes and keywords that trigger them.", example: "memes"} })
async showMemes(msg: Message) {
async showMemes(msg: Message) {
await this.listGuides(msg, "meme", "Here are some random memes I have:")
await this.listGuides(msg, "meme", "Here are some random memes I have:")
- @Command({ pattern: "misc", documentation: "Lists all additional keywords the bot reacts to." })
+ @Command({ pattern: "misc", documentation: {description: "Lists all additional keywords the bot reacts to.", example: "misc"} })
async showMisc(msg: Message) {
async showMisc(msg: Message) {
await this.listGuides(msg, "misc", "These are some misc stuff I can also do:")
await this.listGuides(msg, "misc", "These are some misc stuff I can also do:")