@@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
-import { db } from "../db";
-import { isAuthorised } from "../util";
+import { isAuthorised, isAuthorisedAsync } from "../util";
import { ICommand } from "./command";
import { ICommand } from "./command";
-import { CollectionChain } from "lodash";
import { Message } from "discord.js";
import { Message } from "discord.js";
-import { ObjectChain } from "lodash";
+import { getRepository, getConnection } from "typeorm";
+import { Guide, GuideType, GuideKeyword } from "../entity/Guide";
const VALID_GUIDE_TYPES = new Set(["meme", "guide", "misc"]);
const VALID_GUIDE_TYPES = new Set(["meme", "guide", "misc"]);
@@ -16,41 +15,55 @@ interface IGuide {
content: string
content: string
-function listGuides(msg: Message, guideType: string, message: string){
- let guidesForType = db.get(guideType) as CollectionChain<IGuide>;
- let guides = guidesForType
- .reduce((p, c) => `${p}\n${c.displayName} -- ${c.name}`, "\n")
- .value();
+async function matchGuide(keywords: string[]) {
+ let a = await getRepository(Guide).query(
+ `select guide.*
+ from guide
+ inner join (select gk.guideId, count(guideKeywordId) as gc
+ from guide_keywords_guide_keyword as gk
+ where
+ gk.guideKeywordId in (select id
+ from guide_keyword
+ where
+ guide_keyword.keyword in (${keywords.map(s => "?").join(",")}))
+ group by gk.guideId
+ order by gc desc) as gks
+ on gks.guideId = guide.id
+ limit 1`,
+ keywords
+ ) as Guide[];
+ if(a.length == 0)
+ return null;
+ return a[0];
+async function listGuides(msg: Message, guideType: string, message: string) {
+ let repo = getRepository(Guide);
+ let allGuides = await repo.createQueryBuilder("guide")
+ .select(["guide.displayName"])
+ .leftJoinAndSelect("guide.keywords", "keyword")
+ .where("guide.type = :type", { type: guideType })
+ .getMany();
+ let guides = allGuides
+ .reduce((p, c) => `${p}\n${c.displayName} -- ${c.keywords.map(c => c.keyword).join(" ")}`, "\n");
msg.channel.send(`${msg.author.toString()} ${message}\n\`\`\`${guides}\`\`\`\n\nTo display the guides, ping me with one or more keywords, like \`@NoctBot sybaris com\``);
msg.channel.send(`${msg.author.toString()} ${message}\n\`\`\`${guides}\`\`\`\n\nTo display the guides, ping me with one or more keywords, like \`@NoctBot sybaris com\``);
export default {
export default {
- onDirectMention: (actionsDone, msg, content) => {
+ onDirectMention: async (actionsDone, msg, content) => {
if (actionsDone)
if (actionsDone)
return false;
return false;
if(msg.attachments.size > 0 || content.length == 0)
if(msg.attachments.size > 0 || content.length == 0)
return false;
return false;
- let parts = content.trim().split(" ");
- let guides = db.get("guides") as CollectionChain<IGuide>;
- let guide = guides
- .clone()
- .concat(db.get("memes").value(), db.get("miscs").value())
- .map(g => Object.assign({
- parts: g.name.toLowerCase().split(" ")
- }, g))
- .sortBy(g => g.parts.length)
- .maxBy(k => db._.intersection(parts, k.parts).length)
- .value();
- let hits =
- guide !== undefined &&
- db._.intersection(guide.name.toLowerCase().split(" "), parts).length > 0;
+ let parts = content.split(" ").map(s => s.trim()).filter(s => s.length != 0);
+ let guide = await matchGuide(parts);
- if (hits) {
+ if (guide) {
return true;
return true;
@@ -59,11 +72,11 @@ export default {
commands: [
commands: [
pattern: makePattern,
pattern: makePattern,
- action: (msg, s, match) => {
- if (!isAuthorised(msg.member)) return;
+ action: async (msg, s, match) => {
+ if (!await isAuthorisedAsync(msg.member)) return;
let type = match[1].toLowerCase();
let type = match[1].toLowerCase();
let name = match[2].trim();
let name = match[2].trim();
- let keywords = match[3].trim().toLowerCase();
+ let keywords = match[3].toLowerCase().split(" ").map(s => s.trim()).filter(s => s.length != 0);
let contents = match[4].trim();
let contents = match[4].trim();
if(contents.length == 0){
if(contents.length == 0){
@@ -73,33 +86,60 @@ export default {
- if(!VALID_GUIDE_TYPES.has(type)){
+ if(!Object.values(GuideType).includes(type)){
`${msg.author.toString()} The type ${type} is not a valid guide type!`
`${msg.author.toString()} The type ${type} is not a valid guide type!`
- let typeDB = `${type}s`;
- let guide = (db.get(typeDB) as ObjectChain<any>).find({
- name: keywords
- }) as ObjectChain<any>;
- if (!guide.isUndefined().value()) {
- guide.assign({
+ let repo = getRepository(GuideKeyword);
+ let guideRepo = getRepository(Guide);
+ let existingKeywords = await repo.find({
+ where: [
+ ...keywords.map(k => ({ keyword: k }))
+ ]
+ });
+ let existingGuide = await matchGuide(keywords);
+ let addGuide = async () => {
+ let newKeywords = new Set<string>();
+ let knownKeywords = new Set(existingKeywords.map(e => e.keyword));
+ for(let word of keywords) {
+ if(!knownKeywords.has(word))
+ newKeywords.add(word);
+ }
+ let addedKeywords = await repo.save([...newKeywords].map(k => repo.create({
+ keyword: k
+ })));
+ await guideRepo.save(guideRepo.create({
+ content: contents,
displayName: name,
displayName: name,
- content: contents
- }).write();
- } else {
- (db.get(typeDB) as CollectionChain<any>)
- .push({
- name: keywords,
+ keywords: [...existingKeywords, ...addedKeywords],
+ type: type as GuideType
+ }));
+ };
+ if(existingGuide) {
+ let guideKeywordsCount = await repo
+ .createQueryBuilder("keywords")
+ .leftJoinAndSelect("keywords.relatedGuides", "guide")
+ .where("guide.id = :id", {id: existingGuide.id })
+ .getCount();
+ if(guideKeywordsCount == existingKeywords.length)
+ await guideRepo.update({id: existingGuide.id}, {
displayName: name,
displayName: name,
content: contents
content: contents
- })
- .write();
- }
+ });
+ else
+ await addGuide();
+ } else
+ await addGuide();
`${msg.author.toString()} Added/updated "${name}" (keywords \`${keywords}\`)!`
`${msg.author.toString()} Added/updated "${name}" (keywords \`${keywords}\`)!`
@@ -108,43 +148,44 @@ export default {
pattern: deletePattern,
pattern: deletePattern,
- action: (msg, s, match) => {
- if (!isAuthorised(msg.member)) return;
+ action: async (msg, s, match) => {
+ if (!await isAuthorisedAsync(msg.member)) return;
let type = match[1];
let type = match[1];
- let keywords = match[2].trim();
+ let keywords = match[2].toLowerCase().split(" ").map(s => s.trim()).filter(s => s.length != 0);
- if(!VALID_GUIDE_TYPES.has(type)){
- msg.channel.send(
+ if(!Object.values(GuideType).includes(type)){
+ await msg.channel.send(
`${msg.author.toString()} The type ${type} is not a valid guide type!`
`${msg.author.toString()} The type ${type} is not a valid guide type!`
- let typeDB = `${type}s`;
- let val = (db.get(typeDB) as ObjectChain<any>).find({
- name: keywords
- });
- if (val.isUndefined().value()) {
- msg.channel.send(`${msg.author.toString()} No ${type} "${keywords}"!`);
- return;
+ let dedupedKeywords = [...new Set(keywords)];
+ let repo = getRepository(GuideKeyword);
+ let guideRepo = getRepository(Guide);
+ let existingGuide = await matchGuide(keywords);
+ if(existingGuide) {
+ let guideKeywordsCount = await repo
+ .createQueryBuilder("keywords")
+ .leftJoinAndSelect("keywords.relatedGuides", "guide")
+ .where("guide.id = :id", {id: existingGuide.id })
+ .getCount();
+ if(guideKeywordsCount == dedupedKeywords.length) {
+ await guideRepo.delete({ id: existingGuide.id });
+ await msg.channel.send(`${msg.author.toString()} Removed ${type} "${keywords}"!`);
+ return;
+ }
- (db.get(typeDB) as CollectionChain<any>)
- .remove({
- name: keywords
- })
- .write();
- msg.channel.send(
- `${msg.author.toString()} Removed ${type} "${keywords}"!`
- );
+ await msg.channel.send(`${msg.author.toString()} No such ${type} with keywords \`${keywords}\`! Did you forget to specify all keywords?`);
- { pattern: "guides", action: msg => listGuides(msg, "guides", "Here are the guides I have:") },
- { pattern: "memes", action: msg => listGuides(msg, "memes", "Here are some random memes I have:") },
- { pattern: "misc", action: msg => listGuides(msg, "misc", "These are some misc stuff I can also do:") },
+ { pattern: "guides", action: async msg => await listGuides(msg, "guide", "Here are the guides I have:") },
+ { pattern: "memes", action: async msg => await listGuides(msg, "meme", "Here are some random memes I have:") },
+ { pattern: "misc", action: async msg => await listGuides(msg, "misc", "These are some misc stuff I can also do:") },
documentation: {
documentation: {
"make <guidetype> <NEWLINE>name: <name> <NEWLINE>keywords: <keywords> <NEWLINE>contents: <content>": {
"make <guidetype> <NEWLINE>name: <name> <NEWLINE>keywords: <keywords> <NEWLINE>contents: <content>": {