@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-let init = function(db){
+let init = function(db, config){
// Create the tables we need to store galleries and files
db.schema.createTableIfNotExists('gallery', function (table) {
@@ -19,6 +19,43 @@ let init = function(db){
}).then(() => {})
+ db.schema.createTableIfNotExists('tokens', function (table) {
+ table.string('name')
+ table.string('value')
+ table.timestamps()
+ }).then(() => {
+ // == Generate a 1 time token == //
+ db.table('tokens').then((tokens) => {
+ if(tokens.length === 0){
+ // This is the first launch of the app
+ let clientToken = require('randomstring').generate()
+ let adminToken = require('randomstring').generate()
+ db.table('tokens').insert(
+ [
+ {
+ name: 'client',
+ value: clientToken
+ },
+ {
+ name: 'admin',
+ value: adminToken
+ }
+ ]
+ ).then(() => {
+ console.log('Your client token is: ' + clientToken)
+ console.log('Your admin token is: ' + adminToken)
+ config.clientToken = clientToken
+ config.adminToken = adminToken
+ })
+ }
+ })
+ })
module.exports = init