# Building BepInEx You can build BepInEx two ways: by using MSBuild-compatible IDE or the CakeBuild script. ## CakeBuild script You can use the included [cakebuild](https://cakebuild.net/) script that allows you to automatically get dependencies, build and package everything. **Make sure you have either [MSBuild (via Visual Studio Installer)](https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/downloads/) or [Mono](https://www.mono-project.com/) installed.** ### Windows (Command Line) Clone this repository via `git clone https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx.git`. After that, run in the repository directory ```bat build.bat -target=Build ``` ### Windows (PowerShell) Clone this repository via `git clone https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx.git`. After that, run in the repository directory ```ps ./build.ps1 -target=Build ``` Make sure you have the execution policy set to enable running scripts. ### Linux (Bash) Clone this repository via `git clone https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx.git`. After that, run in the repository directory ```sh ./build.sh --target=Build ``` ### Additional build targets The build script provides the following build targets (that you can pass via the `target` parameter) | Target | Description | | ------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ | | `Build` | Pulls dependencies and builds BepInEx | | `MakeDist` | Runs `Build` and creates distributable packages into `bin/dist` folder | | `Pack` | Runs `MakeDist` and zips everything into archives into `bin/dist` folder | ## MSBuild Download and IDE (for example Visual Studio), open the solution file and build it.