using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using BepInEx.Configuration; using HarmonyLogger = HarmonyLib.Tools.Logger; namespace BepInEx.Logging { internal class HarmonyLogSource : ILogSource { private static readonly ConfigEntry LogChannels = ConfigFile.CoreConfig.Bind( "Harmony.Logger", "LogChannels", HarmonyLogger.LogChannel.Warn | HarmonyLogger.LogChannel.Error, "Specifies which Harmony log channels to listen to.\nNOTE: IL channel dumps the whole patch methods, use only when needed!"); private static readonly Dictionary LevelMap = new Dictionary { [HarmonyLogger.LogChannel.Info] = LogLevel.Info, [HarmonyLogger.LogChannel.Warn] = LogLevel.Warning, [HarmonyLogger.LogChannel.Error] = LogLevel.Error, [HarmonyLogger.LogChannel.IL] = LogLevel.Debug }; public HarmonyLogSource() { HarmonyLogger.ChannelFilter = LogChannels.Value; HarmonyLogger.MessageReceived += HandleHarmonyMessage; } private void HandleHarmonyMessage(object sender, HarmonyLib.Tools.Logger.LogEventArgs e) { if (!LevelMap.TryGetValue(e.LogChannel, out var level)) return; LogEvent?.Invoke(this, new LogEventArgs(e.Message, level, this)); } public void Dispose() { HarmonyLogger.MessageReceived -= HandleHarmonyMessage; } public string SourceName { get; } = "HarmonyX"; public event EventHandler LogEvent; } }