using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; using Logger = BepInEx.Logging.Logger; namespace BepInEx.Configuration { /// /// Serializer/deserializer used by the config system. /// public static class TomlTypeConverter { // Don't put anything from UnityEngine here or it will break preloader, use LazyTomlConverterLoader instead private static Dictionary TypeConverters { get; } = new Dictionary { [typeof(string)] = new TypeConverter { ConvertToString = (obj, type) => Escape((string)obj), ConvertToObject = (str, type) => { // Check if the string is a file path with unescaped \ path separators (e.g. D:\test and not D:\\test) if (Regex.IsMatch(str, @"^""?\w:\\(?!\\)(?!.+\\\\)")) return str; return Unescape(str); }, }, [typeof(bool)] = new TypeConverter { ConvertToString = (obj, type) => obj.ToString().ToLowerInvariant(), ConvertToObject = (str, type) => bool.Parse(str), }, [typeof(byte)] = new TypeConverter { ConvertToString = (obj, type) => obj.ToString(), ConvertToObject = (str, type) => byte.Parse(str), }, //integral types [typeof(sbyte)] = new TypeConverter { ConvertToString = (obj, type) => obj.ToString(), ConvertToObject = (str, type) => sbyte.Parse(str), }, [typeof(byte)] = new TypeConverter { ConvertToString = (obj, type) => obj.ToString(), ConvertToObject = (str, type) => byte.Parse(str), }, [typeof(short)] = new TypeConverter { ConvertToString = (obj, type) => obj.ToString(), ConvertToObject = (str, type) => short.Parse(str), }, [typeof(ushort)] = new TypeConverter { ConvertToString = (obj, type) => obj.ToString(), ConvertToObject = (str, type) => ushort.Parse(str), }, [typeof(int)] = new TypeConverter { ConvertToString = (obj, type) => obj.ToString(), ConvertToObject = (str, type) => int.Parse(str), }, [typeof(uint)] = new TypeConverter { ConvertToString = (obj, type) => obj.ToString(), ConvertToObject = (str, type) => uint.Parse(str), }, [typeof(long)] = new TypeConverter { ConvertToString = (obj, type) => obj.ToString(), ConvertToObject = (str, type) => long.Parse(str), }, [typeof(ulong)] = new TypeConverter { ConvertToString = (obj, type) => obj.ToString(), ConvertToObject = (str, type) => ulong.Parse(str), }, //floating point types [typeof(float)] = new TypeConverter { ConvertToString = (obj, type) => ((float)obj).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), ConvertToObject = (str, type) => float.Parse(str, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), }, [typeof(double)] = new TypeConverter { ConvertToString = (obj, type) => ((double)obj).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), ConvertToObject = (str, type) => double.Parse(str, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), }, [typeof(decimal)] = new TypeConverter { ConvertToString = (obj, type) => ((decimal)obj).ToString(NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), ConvertToObject = (str, type) => decimal.Parse(str, NumberFormatInfo.InvariantInfo), }, //enums are special [typeof(Enum)] = new TypeConverter { ConvertToString = (obj, type) => obj.ToString(), ConvertToObject = (str, type) => Enum.Parse(type, str, true), }, }; /// /// Convert object of a given type to a string using available converters. /// public static string ConvertToString(object value, Type valueType) { var conv = GetConverter(valueType); if (conv == null) throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot convert from type {valueType}"); return conv.ConvertToString(value, valueType); } /// /// Convert string to an object of a given type using available converters. /// public static T ConvertToValue(string value) { return (T)ConvertToValue(value, typeof(T)); } /// /// Convert string to an object of a given type using available converters. /// public static object ConvertToValue(string value, Type valueType) { var conv = GetConverter(valueType); if (conv == null) throw new InvalidOperationException($"Cannot convert to type {valueType.Name}"); return conv.ConvertToObject(value, valueType); } /// /// Get a converter for a given type if there is any. /// public static TypeConverter GetConverter(Type valueType) { if (valueType == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(valueType)); if (valueType.IsEnum) return TypeConverters[typeof(Enum)]; TypeConverters.TryGetValue(valueType, out var result); return result; } /// /// Add a new type converter for a given type. /// If a different converter is already added, this call is ignored and false is returned. /// public static bool AddConverter(Type type, TypeConverter converter) { if (type == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(type)); if (converter == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(converter)); if (CanConvert(type)) { Logger.LogWarning("Tried to add a TomlConverter when one already exists for type " + type.FullName); return false; } TypeConverters.Add(type, converter); return true; } /// /// Check if a given type can be converted to and from string. /// public static bool CanConvert(Type type) { return GetConverter(type) != null; } /// /// Give a list of types with registered converters. /// public static IEnumerable GetSupportedTypes() { return TypeConverters.Keys; } private static string Escape(this string txt) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt)) return string.Empty; var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(txt.Length + 2); foreach (char c in txt) switch (c) { case '\0': stringBuilder.Append(@"\0"); break; case '\a': stringBuilder.Append(@"\a"); break; case '\b': stringBuilder.Append(@"\b"); break; case '\t': stringBuilder.Append(@"\t"); break; case '\n': stringBuilder.Append(@"\n"); break; case '\v': stringBuilder.Append(@"\v"); break; case '\f': stringBuilder.Append(@"\f"); break; case '\r': stringBuilder.Append(@"\r"); break; case '\'': stringBuilder.Append(@"\'"); break; case '\\': stringBuilder.Append(@"\"); break; case '\"': stringBuilder.Append(@"\"""); break; default: stringBuilder.Append(c); break; } return stringBuilder.ToString(); } private static string Unescape(this string txt) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(txt)) return txt; var stringBuilder = new StringBuilder(txt.Length); for (int i = 0; i < txt.Length;) { int num = txt.IndexOf('\\', i); if (num < 0 || num == txt.Length - 1) num = txt.Length; stringBuilder.Append(txt, i, num - i); if (num >= txt.Length) break; char c = txt[num + 1]; switch (c) { case '0': stringBuilder.Append('\0'); break; case 'a': stringBuilder.Append('\a'); break; case 'b': stringBuilder.Append('\b'); break; case 't': stringBuilder.Append('\t'); break; case 'n': stringBuilder.Append('\n'); break; case 'v': stringBuilder.Append('\v'); break; case 'f': stringBuilder.Append('\f'); break; case 'r': stringBuilder.Append('\r'); break; case '\'': stringBuilder.Append('\''); break; case '\"': stringBuilder.Append('\"'); break; case '\\': stringBuilder.Append('\\'); break; default: stringBuilder.Append('\\').Append(c); break; } i = num + 2; } return stringBuilder.ToString(); } } }