using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using BepInEx.Logging;
using Iced.Intel;
using MonoMod.RuntimeDetour;
namespace BepInEx.IL2CPP
public static class DetourGenerator
private static ManualLogSource logger = Logger.CreateLogSource("DetourGen");
public static void Disassemble(ManualLogSource logSource, IntPtr memoryPtr, int size)
byte[] data = new byte[size];
Marshal.Copy(memoryPtr, data, 0, size);
var formatter = new NasmFormatter();
var output = new StringOutput();
var codeReader = new ByteArrayCodeReader(data);
var decoder = Decoder.Create(64, codeReader);
decoder.IP = (ulong)memoryPtr.ToInt64();
while (codeReader.CanReadByte)
decoder.Decode(out var instr);
formatter.Format(instr, output);
logSource.LogDebug($"{instr.IP:X16} {output.ToStringAndReset()}");
if (instr.Code == Code.Jmp_rm64 && instr.Immediate32 == 0) // && instr.IsIPRelativeMemoryOperand && instr.IPRelativeMemoryAddress = 6
byte[] address = new byte[8];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
address[i] = (byte)codeReader.ReadByte();
logSource.LogDebug($"{(instr.IP + (ulong)instr.Length):X16} db 0x{BitConverter.ToUInt64(address, 0):X16}");
decoder.IP += 8;
public static int GetDetourLength(Architecture arch)
=> arch == Architecture.X64 ? 14 : 5;
/// Writes a detour on to redirect to .
/// The pointer to the function to apply the detour to.
/// The pointer to the function to redirect to.
/// The architecture of the current platform.
/// The minimum amount of length that the detour should consume. If the generated redirect is smaller than this, the remaining space is padded with NOPs.
public static void ApplyDetour(IntPtr functionPtr, IntPtr detourPtr, Architecture architecture, int minimumLength = 0)
byte[] jmp = GenerateAbsoluteJump(detourPtr, functionPtr, architecture);
Marshal.Copy(jmp, 0, functionPtr, jmp.Length);
// Fill remaining space with NOP instructions
for (int i = jmp.Length; i < minimumLength; i++)
Marshal.WriteByte(functionPtr + i, 0x90);
public static IntPtr CreateTrampolineFromFunction(IntPtr originalFuncPointer, out int trampolineLength, out int jmpLength)
byte[] instructionBuffer = new byte[32];
Marshal.Copy(originalFuncPointer, instructionBuffer, 0, 32);
var trampolinePtr = DetourHelper.Native.MemAlloc(80);
DetourHelper.Native.MakeWritable(trampolinePtr, 80);
var arch = IntPtr.Size == 8 ? Architecture.X64 : Architecture.X86;
int minimumTrampolineLength = GetDetourLength(arch);
CreateTrampolineFromFunction(instructionBuffer, originalFuncPointer, trampolinePtr, minimumTrampolineLength, arch, out trampolineLength, out jmpLength);
DetourHelper.Native.MakeExecutable(originalFuncPointer, 32);
DetourHelper.Native.MakeExecutable(trampolinePtr, (uint)trampolineLength);
return trampolinePtr;
/// Reads assembly from (at least bytes), and writes it to plus a jmp to continue execution.
/// The buffer to copy assembly from.
/// The pointer to the function to copy assembly from.
/// The pointer to write the trampoline assembly to.
/// The architecture of the current platform.
/// Copies at least this many bytes of assembly from .
/// Returns the total length of the trampoline, in bytes.
/// Returns the length of the jmp at the end of the trampoline, in bytes.
public static void CreateTrampolineFromFunction(byte[] instructionBuffer, IntPtr functionPtr, IntPtr trampolinePtr, int minimumTrampolineLength, Architecture arch, out int trampolineLength, out int jmpLength)
// Decode original function up until we go past the needed bytes to write the jump to patchedFunctionPtr
var codeReader = new ByteArrayCodeReader(instructionBuffer);
var decoder = Decoder.Create(arch == Architecture.X64 ? 64 : 32, codeReader);
decoder.IP = (ulong)functionPtr.ToInt64();
uint totalBytes = 0;
var origInstructions = new InstructionList();
while (codeReader.CanReadByte)
decoder.Decode(out var instr);
if (instr.IsIPRelativeMemoryOperand)
// TODO: AssemlberRegisters not needed, figure out what props to actually change
// TODO: Check if it's better to use InternalOp0Kind (and other similar props) instead of normal ones
// TODO: Probably need to check if the target is within the trampoline boundaries and thus shouldn't be fixed
logger.LogDebug($"Got ptr with relative memory operand: {instr}");
var addr = instr.IPRelativeMemoryAddress;
logger.LogDebug($"Address: {addr:X}");
instr.MemoryBase = Register.None;
var op = AssemblerRegisters.__byte_ptr[addr].ToMemoryOperand(64);
instr.Op0Kind = OpKind.Memory;
instr.MemoryBase = op.Base;
instr.MemoryIndex = op.Index;
instr.MemoryIndexScale = op.Scale;
instr.MemoryDisplSize = op.DisplSize;
instr.MemoryDisplacement = (uint)op.Displacement;
instr.IsBroadcast = op.IsBroadcast;
instr.SegmentPrefix = op.SegmentPrefix;
logger.LogDebug($"After edit: {instr}");
totalBytes += (uint)instr.Length;
if (instr.Code == Code.INVALID)
throw new Exception("Found garbage");
if (totalBytes >= minimumTrampolineLength)
switch (instr.FlowControl)
case FlowControl.Next:
case FlowControl.UnconditionalBranch:
if (instr.Op0Kind == OpKind.NearBranch64)
var target = instr.NearBranchTarget;
//goto default;
case FlowControl.Interrupt:// eg. int n
case FlowControl.IndirectBranch:// eg. jmp reg/mem
case FlowControl.ConditionalBranch:// eg. je, jno, etc
case FlowControl.Return:// eg. ret
case FlowControl.Call:// eg. call method
case FlowControl.IndirectCall:// eg. call reg/mem
case FlowControl.XbeginXabortXend:
case FlowControl.Exception:// eg. ud0
throw new Exception("Not supported by this simple example - " + instr.FlowControl);
if (totalBytes < minimumTrampolineLength)
throw new Exception("Not enough bytes!");
if (origInstructions.Count == 0)
throw new Exception("Not enough instructions!");
ref readonly var lastInstr = ref origInstructions[origInstructions.Count - 1];
if (lastInstr.FlowControl != FlowControl.Return)
Instruction detourInstruction;
if (arch == Architecture.X64)
detourInstruction = Instruction.CreateBranch(Code.Jmp_rel32_64, lastInstr.NextIP);
detourInstruction = Instruction.CreateBranch(Code.Jmp_rel32_32, lastInstr.NextIP);
// Generate trampoline from instruction list
var codeWriter = new CodeWriterImpl();
ulong relocatedBaseAddress = (ulong)trampolinePtr;
var block = new InstructionBlock(codeWriter, origInstructions, relocatedBaseAddress);
bool success = BlockEncoder.TryEncode(decoder.Bitness, block, out var errorMessage, out var result);
if (!success)
throw new Exception(errorMessage);
// Write generated trampoline
var newCode = codeWriter.ToArray();
Marshal.Copy(newCode, 0, trampolinePtr, newCode.Length);
jmpLength = newCode.Length - (int)totalBytes;
trampolineLength = newCode.Length;
public static byte[] GenerateAbsoluteJump(IntPtr targetAddress, IntPtr currentAddress, Architecture arch)
byte[] jmpBytes;
if (arch == Architecture.X64)
jmpBytes = new byte[]
0xFF, 0x25, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, // FF25 00000000: JMP [RIP+6]
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // Absolute destination address
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(targetAddress.ToInt64()), 0, jmpBytes, 6, 8);
jmpBytes = new byte[]
0xE9, // E9: JMP rel destination
0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00 // Relative destination address
Array.Copy(BitConverter.GetBytes(targetAddress.ToInt32() - (currentAddress.ToInt32() + 5)), 0, jmpBytes, 1, 4);
return jmpBytes;
private sealed class CodeWriterImpl : CodeWriter
readonly List allBytes = new List();
public override void WriteByte(byte value) => allBytes.Add(value);
public byte[] ToArray() => allBytes.ToArray();