using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Collections.ObjectModel; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using BepInEx.Logging; namespace BepInEx.Configuration { /// /// A helper class to handle persistent data. /// public class ConfigFile { private readonly BepInPlugin _ownerMetadata; internal static ConfigFile CoreConfig { get; } = new ConfigFile(Paths.BepInExConfigPath, true); /// /// All config entries inside /// protected Dictionary Entries { get; } = new Dictionary(); private Dictionary HomelessEntries { get; } = new Dictionary(); /// /// Create a list with all config entries inside of this config file. /// [Obsolete("Use GetConfigEntries instead")] public ReadOnlyCollection ConfigDefinitions { get { lock (_ioLock) return Entries.Keys.ToList().AsReadOnly(); } } /// /// Create an array with all config entries inside of this config file. Should be only used for metadata purposes. /// If you want to access and modify an existing setting then use /// instead with no description. /// public ConfigEntryBase[] GetConfigEntries() { lock (_ioLock) return Entries.Values.ToArray(); } /// /// Full path to the config file. The file might not exist until a setting is added and changed, or is called. /// public string ConfigFilePath { get; } /// /// If enabled, writes the config to disk every time a value is set. /// If disabled, you have to manually use or the changes will be lost! /// public bool SaveOnConfigSet { get; set; } = true; /// /// Create a new config file at the specified config path. /// /// Full path to a file that contains settings. The file will be created as needed. /// If the config file/directory doesn't exist, create it immediately. /// Information about the plugin that owns this setting file. public ConfigFile(string configPath, bool saveOnInit, BepInPlugin ownerMetadata = null) { _ownerMetadata = ownerMetadata; if (configPath == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(configPath)); configPath = Path.GetFullPath(configPath); ConfigFilePath = configPath; if (File.Exists(ConfigFilePath)) { Reload(); } else if (saveOnInit) { Save(); } } #region Save/Load private readonly object _ioLock = new object(); private bool _disableSaving; /// /// Reloads the config from disk. Unsaved changes are lost. /// public void Reload() { lock (_ioLock) { HomelessEntries.Clear(); try { _disableSaving = true; string currentSection = string.Empty; foreach (string rawLine in File.ReadAllLines(ConfigFilePath)) { string line = rawLine.Trim(); if (line.StartsWith("#")) //comment continue; if (line.StartsWith("[") && line.EndsWith("]")) //section { currentSection = line.Substring(1, line.Length - 2); continue; } string[] split = line.Split('='); //actual config line if (split.Length != 2) continue; //empty/invalid line string currentKey = split[0].Trim(); string currentValue = split[1].Trim(); var definition = new ConfigDefinition(currentSection, currentKey); Entries.TryGetValue(definition, out ConfigEntryBase entry); if (entry != null) entry.SetSerializedValue(currentValue); else HomelessEntries[definition] = currentValue; } } finally { _disableSaving = false; } } OnConfigReloaded(); } /// /// Writes the config to disk. /// public void Save() { lock (_ioLock) { if (_disableSaving) return; string directoryName = Path.GetDirectoryName(ConfigFilePath); if (directoryName != null) Directory.CreateDirectory(directoryName); using (var writer = new StreamWriter(File.Create(ConfigFilePath), Encoding.UTF8)) { if (_ownerMetadata != null) { writer.WriteLine($"## Settings file was created by plugin {_ownerMetadata.Name} v{_ownerMetadata.Version}"); writer.WriteLine($"## Plugin GUID: {_ownerMetadata.GUID}"); writer.WriteLine(); } var allConfigEntries = Entries.Select(x => new { x.Key, entry = x.Value, value = x.Value.GetSerializedValue() }) .Concat(HomelessEntries.Select(x => new { x.Key, entry = (ConfigEntryBase)null, value = x.Value })); foreach (var sectionKv in allConfigEntries.GroupBy(x => x.Key.Section).OrderBy(x => x.Key)) { // Section heading writer.WriteLine($"[{sectionKv.Key}]"); foreach (var configEntry in sectionKv) { writer.WriteLine(); configEntry.entry?.WriteDescription(writer); writer.WriteLine($"{configEntry.Key.Key} = {configEntry.value}"); } writer.WriteLine(); } } } } #endregion #region Wraps /// /// Create a new setting or access one of the existing ones. The setting is saved to drive and loaded automatically. /// If you are the creator of the setting, provide a ConfigDescription object to give user information about the setting. /// If you are using a setting created by another plugin/class, do not provide any ConfigDescription. /// /// Type of the value contained in this setting. /// Section and Key of the setting. /// Value of the setting if the setting was not created yet. /// Description of the setting shown to the user. public ConfigWrapper Wrap(ConfigDefinition configDefinition, T defaultValue, ConfigDescription configDescription = null) { try { if (!TomlTypeConverter.CanConvert(typeof(T))) throw new ArgumentException($"Type {typeof(T)} is not supported by the config system. Supported types: {string.Join(", ", TomlTypeConverter.GetSupportedTypes().Select(x => x.Name).ToArray())}"); lock (_ioLock) { _disableSaving = true; Entries.TryGetValue(configDefinition, out var existingEntry); if (existingEntry != null && !(existingEntry is ConfigEntry)) throw new ArgumentException("The defined setting already exists with a different setting type - " + existingEntry.SettingType.Name); var entry = (ConfigEntry)existingEntry; if (entry == null) { entry = new ConfigEntry(this, configDefinition, defaultValue); Entries[configDefinition] = entry; } if (configDescription != null) { if (entry.Description != null) Logger.Log(LogLevel.Warning, $"Tried to add configDescription to setting {configDefinition} when it already had one defined. Only add configDescription once or a random one will be used."); entry.SetDescription(configDescription); } if (HomelessEntries.TryGetValue(configDefinition, out string homelessValue)) { entry.SetSerializedValue(homelessValue); HomelessEntries.Remove(configDefinition); } _disableSaving = false; if (SaveOnConfigSet) Save(); return new ConfigWrapper(entry); } } finally { _disableSaving = false; } } /// /// Create a new setting or access one of the existing ones. The setting is saved to drive and loaded automatically. /// If you are the creator of the setting, provide a ConfigDescription object to give user information about the setting. /// If you are using a setting created by another plugin/class, do not provide any ConfigDescription. /// [Obsolete("Use other Wrap overloads instead")] public ConfigWrapper Wrap(string section, string key, string description = null, T defaultValue = default(T)) => Wrap(new ConfigDefinition(section, key), defaultValue, string.IsNullOrEmpty(description) ? null : new ConfigDescription(description)); /// /// Create a new setting or access one of the existing ones. The setting is saved to drive and loaded automatically. /// If you are the creator of the setting, provide a ConfigDescription object to give user information about the setting. /// If you are using a setting created by another plugin/class, do not provide any ConfigDescription. /// /// Type of the value contained in this setting. /// Section/category/group of the setting. Settings are grouped by this. /// Name of the setting. /// Value of the setting if the setting was not created yet. /// Description of the setting shown to the user. public ConfigWrapper Wrap(string section, string key, T defaultValue, ConfigDescription configDescription = null) => Wrap(new ConfigDefinition(section, key), defaultValue, configDescription); #endregion #region Events /// /// An event that is fired every time the config is reloaded. /// public event EventHandler ConfigReloaded; /// /// Fired when one of the settings is changed. /// public event EventHandler SettingChanged; internal void OnSettingChanged(object sender, ConfigEntryBase changedEntryBase) { if (changedEntryBase == null) throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(changedEntryBase)); if (SaveOnConfigSet) Save(); var settingChanged = SettingChanged; if (settingChanged == null) return; var args = new SettingChangedEventArgs(changedEntryBase); foreach (var callback in settingChanged.GetInvocationList().Cast>()) { try { callback(sender, args); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, e); } } } private void OnConfigReloaded() { var configReloaded = ConfigReloaded; if (configReloaded == null) return; foreach (var callback in configReloaded.GetInvocationList().Cast()) { try { callback(this, EventArgs.Empty); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log(LogLevel.Error, e); } } } #endregion } }