using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using UnityEngine; namespace Screencap { public static class LegacyRenderer { public static byte[] RenderCamera(int ResolutionX, int ResolutionY, int DownscalingRate, int AntiAliasing) { var go = new GameObject(); Camera renderCam = go.AddComponent(); renderCam.CopyFrom(Camera.main); CopyComponents(Camera.main.gameObject, renderCam.gameObject); renderCam.targetTexture = new RenderTexture(ResolutionX * DownscalingRate, ResolutionY * DownscalingRate, 32); //((int)cam.pixelRect.width, (int)cam.pixelRect.height, 32); renderCam.aspect = renderCam.targetTexture.width / (float)renderCam.targetTexture.height; renderCam.targetTexture.antiAliasing = AntiAliasing; RenderTexture currentRT =; = renderCam.targetTexture; renderCam.clearFlags = CameraClearFlags.Skybox; renderCam.Render(); Texture2D image = new Texture2D(ResolutionX * DownscalingRate, ResolutionY * DownscalingRate); image.ReadPixels(new Rect(0, 0, ResolutionX * DownscalingRate, ResolutionY * DownscalingRate), 0, 0); TextureScale.Bilinear(image, ResolutionX, ResolutionY); image.Apply(); = currentRT; GameObject.Destroy(renderCam.targetTexture); GameObject.Destroy(renderCam); byte[] result = image.EncodeToPNG(); GameObject.Destroy(image); return result; } static void CopyComponents(GameObject original, GameObject target) { foreach (Component component in original.GetComponents()) { var newComponent = CopyComponent(component, target); if (component is MonoBehaviour) { var behavior = (MonoBehaviour)component; (newComponent as MonoBehaviour).enabled = behavior.enabled; } } } // static Component CopyComponent(Component original, GameObject destination) { System.Type type = original.GetType(); Component copy = destination.AddComponent(type); // Copied fields can be restricted with BindingFlags System.Reflection.FieldInfo[] fields = type.GetFields(); foreach (System.Reflection.FieldInfo field in fields) { field.SetValue(copy, field.GetValue(original)); } return copy; } } }