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Updated cake build script
Pinched some code from the master branch to create Unix builds

Bepis 4 lat temu

+ 2 - 2

@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
-    <OutputPath>..\bin\il2cpp\</OutputPath>
+    <OutputPath>..\bin\IL2CPP\</OutputPath>
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
   <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
-    <OutputPath>..\bin\il2cpp\</OutputPath>
+    <OutputPath>..\bin\IL2CPP\</OutputPath>

+ 1 - 1

@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
-    <OutputPath>..\bin\net\</OutputPath>
+    <OutputPath>..\bin\NetLauncher\</OutputPath>

+ 2 - 2

@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
-    <OutputPath>..\bin\</OutputPath>
+    <OutputPath>..\bin\Unity\</OutputPath>
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
   <PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
-    <OutputPath>..\bin\</OutputPath>
+    <OutputPath>..\bin\Unity\</OutputPath>

+ 117 - 29

@@ -72,8 +72,15 @@ Task("Build")
         Configuration = "Release",
         Restore = true
-    buildSettings.Properties["TargetFrameworks"] = new []{ "net35" };
-    MSBuild("./BepInEx.sln", buildSettings);
+    //buildSettings.Properties["TargetFrameworks"] = new []{ "net35" };
+    MSBuild("./BepInEx.Unity/BepInEx.Unity.csproj", buildSettings);
+    //buildSettings.Properties["TargetFrameworks"] = new []{ "net452" };
+    MSBuild("./BepInEx.NetLauncher/BepInEx.NetLauncher.csproj", buildSettings);
+    //buildSettings.Properties["TargetFrameworks"] = new []{ "net472" };
+    MSBuild("./BepInEx.IL2CPP/BepInEx.IL2CPP.csproj", buildSettings);
 .Finally(() => 
@@ -85,9 +92,11 @@ Task("Build")
-const string DOORSTOP_VER = "";
+const string DOORSTOP_VER_WIN = "";
+const string DOORSTOP_VER_UNIX = "";
+const string MONO_VER = "2020.11.08";
 const string DOORSTOP_DLL = "winhttp.dll";
     .Does(() =>
     Information("Downloading Doorstop");
@@ -95,27 +104,51 @@ Task("DownloadDoorstop")
     var doorstopPath = Directory("./bin/doorstop");
     var doorstopX64Path = doorstopPath + File("");
     var doorstopX86Path = doorstopPath + File("");
+    var doorstopLinuxPath = doorstopPath + File("");
+    var doorstopMacPath = doorstopPath + File("");
-    DownloadFile($"{DOORSTOP_VER}/Doorstop_x64_{DOORSTOP_VER}.zip", doorstopX64Path);
-    DownloadFile($"{DOORSTOP_VER}/Doorstop_x86_{DOORSTOP_VER}.zip", doorstopX86Path);
+    DownloadFile($"{DOORSTOP_VER_WIN}/Doorstop_x64_{DOORSTOP_VER_WIN}.zip", doorstopX64Path);
+    DownloadFile($"{DOORSTOP_VER_WIN}/Doorstop_x86_{DOORSTOP_VER_WIN}.zip", doorstopX86Path);
+    DownloadFile($"{DOORSTOP_VER_UNIX}/doorstop_v{DOORSTOP_VER_UNIX}", doorstopLinuxPath);
+    DownloadFile($"{DOORSTOP_VER_UNIX}/doorstop_v{DOORSTOP_VER_UNIX}", doorstopMacPath);
     Information("Extracting Doorstop");
     ZipUncompress(doorstopX86Path, doorstopPath + Directory("x86"));
     ZipUncompress(doorstopX64Path, doorstopPath + Directory("x64"));
+    ZipUncompress(doorstopLinuxPath, doorstopPath + Directory("unix"));
+    ZipUncompress(doorstopMacPath, doorstopPath + Directory("unix"));
+    Information("Downloading Mono");
+    var monoPath = Directory("./bin/doorstop/mono");
+    var monoX64Path = doorstopPath + File("");
+    var monoX86Path = doorstopPath + File("");
+    CreateDirectory(monoPath);
+    DownloadFile($"{MONO_VER}/", monoX64Path);
+    DownloadFile($"{MONO_VER}/", monoX86Path);
+    Information("Extracting Mono");
+    ZipUncompress(monoX64Path, monoPath + Directory("x64"));
+    ZipUncompress(monoX86Path, monoPath + Directory("x86"));
-    .IsDependentOn("DownloadDoorstop")
+    .IsDependentOn("DownloadDependencies")
     .Does(() =>
     var distDir = Directory("./bin/dist");
-    var distPatcherDir = distDir + Directory("patcher");
+    //var distPatcherDir = distDir + Directory("patcher");
     var doorstopPath = Directory("./bin/doorstop");
-    CreateDirectory(distPatcherDir);
+    //CreateDirectory(distPatcherDir);
     var changelog = TransformText("<%commit_count%> commits since <%last_tag%>\r\n\r\nChangelog (excluding merges):\r\n<%commit_log%>")
                         .WithToken("commit_count", RunGit($"rev-list --count {latestTag}..HEAD"))
@@ -123,26 +156,61 @@ Task("MakeDist")
                         .WithToken("commit_log", RunGit($"--no-pager log --no-merges --pretty=\"format:* (%h) [%an] %s\" {latestTag}..HEAD", "\r\n"))
-    void PackageBepin(string arch) 
+    void PackageBepin(string platform, string arch, string originDir, string doorstopConfigFile = null, bool copyMono = false) 
-        var distArchDir = distDir + Directory(arch);
-        var doorstopArchPath = doorstopPath + Directory(arch) + File(DOORSTOP_DLL);
+		string platformName = platform + (arch == null ? "" : "_" + arch);
+		bool isUnix = arch == "unix";
+		Information("Creating distributions for platform \"" + platformName + "\"...");
+		string doorstopArchPath = null;
+		if (arch != null)
+		{
+            doorstopArchPath = doorstopPath + Directory(arch)
+                + File(isUnix ? "*.*" : DOORSTOP_DLL);
+		}
+        var distArchDir = distDir + Directory(platformName);
         var bepinDir = distArchDir + Directory("BepInEx");
+        var doorstopDir = distArchDir;
+        if (isUnix) doorstopDir += Directory("doorstop_libs");
+        CreateDirectory(doorstopDir);
         CreateDirectory(bepinDir + Directory("core"));
         CreateDirectory(bepinDir + Directory("plugins"));
         CreateDirectory(bepinDir + Directory("patchers"));
-        CopyFiles("./doorstop/*.*", distArchDir);
-        CopyFiles("./bin/*.*", bepinDir + Directory("core"));
-        CopyFileToDirectory(doorstopArchPath, distArchDir);
+		if (doorstopArchPath != null)
+		{
+			CopyFile("./doorstop/" + doorstopConfigFile, Directory(distArchDir) + File(isUnix ? "" : "doorstop_config.ini"));
+			CopyFiles(doorstopArchPath, doorstopDir);
+            if (isUnix)
+            {
+                ReplaceTextInFiles($"{distArchDir}/", "\r\n", "\n");
+            }
+            if (copyMono)
+            {
+                CopyDirectory("./bin/doorstop/mono/" + arch + "/mono", Directory(distArchDir) + Directory("mono"));
+            }
+		}
+        CopyFiles("./bin/" + Directory(originDir) + "/*.*", Directory(bepinDir) + Directory("core"));
         FileWriteText(distArchDir + File("changelog.txt"), changelog);
-    PackageBepin("x86");
-    PackageBepin("x64");
-    CopyFileToDirectory(File("./bin/patcher/BepInEx.Patcher.exe"), distPatcherDir);
+    PackageBepin("UnityMono", "x86", "Unity", "doorstop_config_mono.ini");
+    PackageBepin("UnityMono", "x64", "Unity", "doorstop_config_mono.ini");
+    PackageBepin("UnityMono", "unix", "Unity", "");
+    PackageBepin("UnityIL2CPP", "x86", "IL2CPP", "doorstop_config_il2cpp.ini", copyMono: true);
+    PackageBepin("UnityIL2CPP", "x64", "IL2CPP", "doorstop_config_il2cpp.ini", copyMono: true);
+    PackageBepin("NetLauncher", null, "NetLauncher");
+    //CopyFileToDirectory(File("./bin/patcher/BepInEx.Patcher.exe"), distPatcherDir);
@@ -153,11 +221,15 @@ Task("Pack")
     var commitPrefix = isBleedingEdge ? $"_{currentCommitShort}_" : "_";
     Information("Packing BepInEx");
-    ZipCompress(distDir + Directory("x86"), distDir + File($"BepInEx_x86{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip"));
-    ZipCompress(distDir + Directory("x64"), distDir + File($"BepInEx_x64{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip"));
+    ZipCompress(distDir + Directory("UnityMono_x86"), distDir + File($"BepInEx_UnityMono_x86{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip"));
+    ZipCompress(distDir + Directory("UnityMono_x64"), distDir + File($"BepInEx_UnityMono_x64{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip"));
+    ZipCompress(distDir + Directory("UnityMono_unix"), distDir + File($"BepInEx_UnityMono_unix{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip"));
+    ZipCompress(distDir + Directory("UnityIL2CPP_x86"), distDir + File($"BepInEx_UnityIL2CPP_x86{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip"));
+    ZipCompress(distDir + Directory("UnityIL2CPP_x64"), distDir + File($"BepInEx_UnityIL2CPP_x64{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip"));
+    ZipCompress(distDir + Directory("NetLauncher"), distDir + File($"BepInEx_NetLauncher{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip"));
-    Information("Packing BepInEx.Patcher");
-    ZipCompress(distDir + Directory("patcher"), distDir + File($"BepInEx_Patcher{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip"));
+    // Information("Packing BepInEx.Patcher");
+    // ZipCompress(distDir + Directory("patcher"), distDir + File($"BepInEx_Patcher{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip"));
@@ -177,17 +249,33 @@ Task("Pack")
                 ["hash"] = currentCommit,
                 ["artifacts"] = new Dictionary<string, object>[] {
                     new Dictionary<string, object> {
-                        ["file"] = $"BepInEx_x64{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip",
-                        ["description"] = "BepInEx for x64 machines"
+                        ["file"] = $"BepInEx_UnityMono_x64{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip",
+                        ["description"] = "BepInEx Unity Mono for Windows x64 machines"
+                    },
+                    new Dictionary<string, object> {
+                        ["file"] = $"BepInEx_UnityMono_x86{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip",
+                        ["description"] = "BepInEx Unity Mono for Windows x86 machines"
                     new Dictionary<string, object> {
-                        ["file"] = $"BepInEx_x86{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip",
-                        ["description"] = "BepInEx for x86 machines"
+                        ["file"] = $"BepInEx_unix{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip",
+                        ["description"] = "BepInEx Unity Mono for Unix machines with GCC (Linux, MacOS)"
                     new Dictionary<string, object> {
-                        ["file"] = $"BepInEx_Patcher{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip",
-                        ["description"] = "Hardpatcher for BepInEx. IMPORTANT: USE ONLY IF DOORSTOP DOES NOT WORK FOR SOME REASON!"
-                    }
+                        ["file"] = $"BepInEx_UnityIL2CPP_x64{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip",
+                        ["description"] = "BepInEx Unity IL2CPP for Windows x64 machines"
+                    },
+                    new Dictionary<string, object> {
+                        ["file"] = $"BepInEx_UnityIL2CPP_x86{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip",
+                        ["description"] = "BepInEx Unity IL2CPP for Windows x86 machines"
+                    },
+                    new Dictionary<string, object> {
+                        ["file"] = $"BepInEx_NetLauncher{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip",
+                        ["description"] = "BepInEx .NET Launcher for .NET Framework/XNA games"
+                    },
+                    // new Dictionary<string, object> {
+                        // ["file"] = $"BepInEx_Patcher{commitPrefix}{buildVersion}.zip",
+                        // ["description"] = "Hardpatcher for BepInEx. IMPORTANT: USE ONLY IF DOORSTOP DOES NOT WORK FOR SOME REASON!"
+                    // }

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+# Specifies whether assembly executing is enabled
+# Specifies the path (absolute, or relative to the game's exe) to the DLL/EXE that should be executed by Doorstop
+# Specifies whether Unity's output log should be redirected to <current folder>\output_log.txt

+ 1 - 1

@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@
 # Specifies whether assembly executing is enabled
 # Specifies the path (absolute, or relative to the game's exe) to the DLL/EXE that should be executed by Doorstop
 # Specifies whether Unity's output log should be redirected to <current folder>\output_log.txt

+ 100 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+# BepInEx running script
+# This script is used to run a Unity game with BepInEx enabled.
+# Usage: Configure the script below and simply run this script when you want to run your game modded.
+# -------- SETTINGS --------
+# ---- EDIT AS NEEDED ------
+# EDIT THIS: The name of the executable to run
+# LINUX: This is the name of the Unity game executable 
+# MACOS: This is the name of the game app folder, including the .app suffix
+# The rest is automatically handled by BepInEx
+# Whether or not to enable Doorstop. Valid values: TRUE or FALSE
+# What .NET assembly to execute. Valid value is a path to a .NET DLL that mono can execute.
+export DOORSTOP_INVOKE_DLL_PATH="${PWD}/BepInEx/core/BepInEx.Preloader.dll"
+# ----- (unless you know what you're doing) ------
+if [ ! -x "$1" -a ! -x "$executable_name" ]; then
+    echo "Please open in a text editor and configure executable name."
+    exit 1
+os_type=`uname -s`
+case $os_type in
+    Linux*)
+        executable_path="${PWD}/${executable_name}"
+        lib_postfix="so"
+        ;;
+    Darwin*)
+        executable_name=`basename "${executable_name}" .app`
+        real_executable_name=`defaults read "${PWD}/${executable_name}.app/Contents/Info" CFBundleExecutable`
+        executable_path="${PWD}/${executable_name}.app/Contents/MacOS/${real_executable_name}"
+        lib_postfix="dylib"
+        ;;
+    *)
+        echo "Cannot identify OS (got $(uname -s))!"
+        echo "Please create an issue at"
+        exit 1
+        ;;
+# Special case: if there is an arg, use that as executable path
+# Linux: arg is path to the executable
+# MacOS: arg is path to the .app folder which we need to resolve to the exectuable
+if [ -n "$1" ]; then
+    case $os_type in
+        Linux*)
+            executable_path="$1"
+            ;;
+        Darwin*)
+            # Special case: allow to specify path to the executable within .app
+            full_path_part=`echo "$1" | grep "\.app/Contents/MacOS"`
+            if [ -z "$full_path_part" ]; then
+                executable_name=`basename "$1" .app`
+                real_executable_name=`defaults read "$1/Contents/Info" CFBundleExecutable`
+                executable_path="$1/Contents/MacOS/${real_executable_name}"
+            else
+                executable_path="$1"
+            fi
+            ;;
+    esac
+executable_type=`LD_PRELOAD="" file -b "${executable_path}"`;
+case $executable_type in
+    *64-bit*)
+        arch="x64"
+        ;;
+    *32-bit*|*i386*)
+        arch="x86"
+        ;;
+    *)
+        echo "Cannot identify executable type (got ${executable_type})!"
+        echo "Please create an issue at"
+        exit 1
+        ;;
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${doorstop_libs}":${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}
+export LD_PRELOAD=$doorstop_libname:$LD_PRELOAD
+export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="${doorstop_libs}"
+export DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES="${doorstop_libs}/$doorstop_libname"