using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Reflection; using System.Reflection.Emit; namespace Harmony { public class HarmonyMethod { public MethodInfo method; // need to be called 'method' public Type declaringType; public string methodName; public MethodType? methodType; public Type[] argumentTypes; public int prioritiy = -1; public string[] before; public string[] after; public HarmonyMethod() { } void ImportMethod(MethodInfo theMethod) { method = theMethod; if (method != null) { var infos = method.GetHarmonyMethods(); if (infos != null) Merge(infos).CopyTo(this); } } public HarmonyMethod(MethodInfo method) { ImportMethod(method); } public HarmonyMethod(Type type, string name, Type[] parameters = null) { var method = AccessTools.Method(type, name, parameters); ImportMethod(method); } public static List HarmonyFields() { return AccessTools .GetFieldNames(typeof(HarmonyMethod)) .Where(s => s != "method") .ToList(); } public static HarmonyMethod Merge(List attributes) { var result = new HarmonyMethod(); if (attributes == null) return result; var resultTrv = Traverse.Create(result); attributes.ForEach(attribute => { var trv = Traverse.Create(attribute); HarmonyFields().ForEach(f => { var val = trv.Field(f).GetValue(); if (val != null) resultTrv.Field(f).SetValue(val); }); }); return result; } public override string ToString() { var result = "HarmonyMethod["; var trv = Traverse.Create(this); HarmonyFields().ForEach(f => { result += f + '=' + trv.Field(f).GetValue(); }); return result + "]"; } } public static class HarmonyMethodExtensions { public static void CopyTo(this HarmonyMethod from, HarmonyMethod to) { if (to == null) return; var fromTrv = Traverse.Create(from); var toTrv = Traverse.Create(to); HarmonyMethod.HarmonyFields().ForEach(f => { var val = fromTrv.Field(f).GetValue(); if (val != null) toTrv.Field(f).SetValue(val); }); } public static HarmonyMethod Clone(this HarmonyMethod original) { var result = new HarmonyMethod(); original.CopyTo(result); return result; } public static HarmonyMethod Merge(this HarmonyMethod master, HarmonyMethod detail) { if (detail == null) return master; var result = new HarmonyMethod(); var resultTrv = Traverse.Create(result); var masterTrv = Traverse.Create(master); var detailTrv = Traverse.Create(detail); HarmonyMethod.HarmonyFields().ForEach(f => { var baseValue = masterTrv.Field(f).GetValue(); var detailValue = detailTrv.Field(f).GetValue(); resultTrv.Field(f).SetValue(detailValue ?? baseValue); }); return result; } public static List GetHarmonyMethods(this Type type) { return type.GetCustomAttributes(true) .Where(attr => attr is HarmonyAttribute) .Cast() .Select(attr => .ToList(); } public static List GetHarmonyMethods(this MethodBase method) { if (method is DynamicMethod) return new List(); return method.GetCustomAttributes(true) .Where(attr => attr is HarmonyAttribute) .Cast() .Select(attr => .ToList(); } } }