using System; using System.Diagnostics; using UnityEngine; [ExecuteInEditMode] [AddComponentMenu("NGUI/UI/NGUI Widget")] public class UIWidget : UIRect { public UIDrawCall.OnRenderCallback onRender { get { return this.mOnRender; } set { if (this.mOnRender != value) { if (this.drawCall != null && this.drawCall.onRender != null && this.mOnRender != null) { UIDrawCall uidrawCall = this.drawCall; uidrawCall.onRender = (UIDrawCall.OnRenderCallback)Delegate.Remove(uidrawCall.onRender, this.mOnRender); } this.mOnRender = value; if (this.drawCall != null) { UIDrawCall uidrawCall2 = this.drawCall; uidrawCall2.onRender = (UIDrawCall.OnRenderCallback)Delegate.Combine(uidrawCall2.onRender, value); } } } } public Vector4 drawRegion { get { return this.mDrawRegion; } set { if (this.mDrawRegion != value) { this.mDrawRegion = value; if (this.autoResizeBoxCollider) { this.ResizeCollider(); } this.MarkAsChanged(); } } } public Vector2 pivotOffset { get { return NGUIMath.GetPivotOffset(this.pivot); } } public int width { get { return this.mWidth; } set { int minWidth = this.minWidth; if (value < minWidth) { value = minWidth; } if (this.mWidth != value && this.keepAspectRatio != UIWidget.AspectRatioSource.BasedOnHeight) { if (this.isAnchoredHorizontally) { if ( != null && != null) { if (this.mPivot == UIWidget.Pivot.BottomLeft || this.mPivot == UIWidget.Pivot.Left || this.mPivot == UIWidget.Pivot.TopLeft) { NGUIMath.AdjustWidget(this, 0f, 0f, (float)(value - this.mWidth), 0f); } else if (this.mPivot == UIWidget.Pivot.BottomRight || this.mPivot == UIWidget.Pivot.Right || this.mPivot == UIWidget.Pivot.TopRight) { NGUIMath.AdjustWidget(this, (float)(this.mWidth - value), 0f, 0f, 0f); } else { int num = value - this.mWidth; num -= (num & 1); if (num != 0) { NGUIMath.AdjustWidget(this, (float)(-(float)num) * 0.5f, 0f, (float)num * 0.5f, 0f); } } } else if ( != null) { NGUIMath.AdjustWidget(this, 0f, 0f, (float)(value - this.mWidth), 0f); } else { NGUIMath.AdjustWidget(this, (float)(this.mWidth - value), 0f, 0f, 0f); } } else { this.SetDimensions(value, this.mHeight); } } } } public int height { get { return this.mHeight; } set { int minHeight = this.minHeight; if (value < minHeight) { value = minHeight; } if (this.mHeight != value && this.keepAspectRatio != UIWidget.AspectRatioSource.BasedOnWidth) { if (this.isAnchoredVertically) { if ( != null && != null) { if (this.mPivot == UIWidget.Pivot.BottomLeft || this.mPivot == UIWidget.Pivot.Bottom || this.mPivot == UIWidget.Pivot.BottomRight) { NGUIMath.AdjustWidget(this, 0f, 0f, 0f, (float)(value - this.mHeight)); } else if (this.mPivot == UIWidget.Pivot.TopLeft || this.mPivot == UIWidget.Pivot.Top || this.mPivot == UIWidget.Pivot.TopRight) { NGUIMath.AdjustWidget(this, 0f, (float)(this.mHeight - value), 0f, 0f); } else { int num = value - this.mHeight; num -= (num & 1); if (num != 0) { NGUIMath.AdjustWidget(this, 0f, (float)(-(float)num) * 0.5f, 0f, (float)num * 0.5f); } } } else if ( != null) { NGUIMath.AdjustWidget(this, 0f, 0f, 0f, (float)(value - this.mHeight)); } else { NGUIMath.AdjustWidget(this, 0f, (float)(this.mHeight - value), 0f, 0f); } } else { this.SetDimensions(this.mWidth, value); } } } } public Color color { get { return this.mColor; } set { if (this.mColor != value) { bool includeChildren = this.mColor.a != value.a; this.mColor = value; this.Invalidate(includeChildren); } } } public override float alpha { get { return this.mColor.a; } set { if (this.mColor.a != value) { this.mColor.a = value; this.Invalidate(true); } } } public bool isVisible { get { return this.mIsVisibleByPanel && this.mIsVisibleByAlpha && this.mIsInFront && this.finalAlpha > 0.001f && NGUITools.GetActive(this); } } public bool hasVertices { get { return this.geometry != null && this.geometry.hasVertices; } } public UIWidget.Pivot rawPivot { get { return this.mPivot; } set { if (this.mPivot != value) { this.mPivot = value; if (this.autoResizeBoxCollider) { this.ResizeCollider(); } this.MarkAsChanged(); } } } public UIWidget.Pivot pivot { get { return this.mPivot; } set { if (this.mPivot != value) { Vector3 vector = this.worldCorners[0]; this.mPivot = value; this.mChanged = true; Vector3 vector2 = this.worldCorners[0]; Transform cachedTransform = base.cachedTransform; Vector3 vector3 = cachedTransform.position; float z = cachedTransform.localPosition.z; vector3.x += vector.x - vector2.x; vector3.y += vector.y - vector2.y; base.cachedTransform.position = vector3; vector3 = base.cachedTransform.localPosition; vector3.x = Mathf.Round(vector3.x); vector3.y = Mathf.Round(vector3.y); vector3.z = z; base.cachedTransform.localPosition = vector3; } } } public int depth { get { return this.mDepth; } set { if (this.mDepth != value) { if (this.panel != null) { this.panel.RemoveWidget(this); } this.mDepth = value; if (this.panel != null) { this.panel.AddWidget(this); if (!Application.isPlaying) { this.panel.SortWidgets(); this.panel.RebuildAllDrawCalls(); } } } } } public int raycastDepth { get { if (this.panel == null) { this.CreatePanel(); } return (!(this.panel != null)) ? this.mDepth : (this.mDepth + this.panel.depth * 1000); } } public override Vector3[] localCorners { get { Vector2 pivotOffset = this.pivotOffset; float num = -pivotOffset.x * (float)this.mWidth; float num2 = -pivotOffset.y * (float)this.mHeight; float x = num + (float)this.mWidth; float y = num2 + (float)this.mHeight; this.mCorners[0] = new Vector3(num, num2); this.mCorners[1] = new Vector3(num, y); this.mCorners[2] = new Vector3(x, y); this.mCorners[3] = new Vector3(x, num2); return this.mCorners; } } public virtual Vector2 localSize { get { Vector3[] localCorners = this.localCorners; return localCorners[2] - localCorners[0]; } } public Vector3 localCenter { get { Vector3[] localCorners = this.localCorners; return Vector3.Lerp(localCorners[0], localCorners[2], 0.5f); } } public override Vector3[] worldCorners { get { Vector2 pivotOffset = this.pivotOffset; float num = -pivotOffset.x * (float)this.mWidth; float num2 = -pivotOffset.y * (float)this.mHeight; float x = num + (float)this.mWidth; float y = num2 + (float)this.mHeight; Transform cachedTransform = base.cachedTransform; this.mCorners[0] = cachedTransform.TransformPoint(num, num2, 0f); this.mCorners[1] = cachedTransform.TransformPoint(num, y, 0f); this.mCorners[2] = cachedTransform.TransformPoint(x, y, 0f); this.mCorners[3] = cachedTransform.TransformPoint(x, num2, 0f); return this.mCorners; } } public Vector3 worldCenter { get { return base.cachedTransform.TransformPoint(this.localCenter); } } public virtual Vector4 drawingDimensions { get { Vector2 pivotOffset = this.pivotOffset; float num = -pivotOffset.x * (float)this.mWidth; float num2 = -pivotOffset.y * (float)this.mHeight; float num3 = num + (float)this.mWidth; float num4 = num2 + (float)this.mHeight; return new Vector4((this.mDrawRegion.x != 0f) ? Mathf.Lerp(num, num3, this.mDrawRegion.x) : num, (this.mDrawRegion.y != 0f) ? Mathf.Lerp(num2, num4, this.mDrawRegion.y) : num2, (this.mDrawRegion.z != 1f) ? Mathf.Lerp(num, num3, this.mDrawRegion.z) : num3, (this.mDrawRegion.w != 1f) ? Mathf.Lerp(num2, num4, this.mDrawRegion.w) : num4); } } public virtual Material material { get { return null; } set { throw new NotImplementedException(base.GetType() + " has no material setter"); } } public virtual Texture mainTexture { get { Material material = this.material; return (!(material != null)) ? null : material.mainTexture; } set { throw new NotImplementedException(base.GetType() + " has no mainTexture setter"); } } public virtual Shader shader { get { Material material = this.material; return (!(material != null)) ? null : material.shader; } set { throw new NotImplementedException(base.GetType() + " has no shader setter"); } } [Obsolete("There is no relative scale anymore. Widgets now have width and height instead")] public Vector2 relativeSize { get { return; } } public bool hasBoxCollider { get { BoxCollider x = base.GetComponent() as BoxCollider; return x != null || base.GetComponent() != null; } } public void SetDimensions(int w, int h) { if (this.mWidth != w || this.mHeight != h) { this.mWidth = w; this.mHeight = h; if (this.keepAspectRatio == UIWidget.AspectRatioSource.BasedOnWidth) { this.mHeight = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)this.mWidth / this.aspectRatio); } else if (this.keepAspectRatio == UIWidget.AspectRatioSource.BasedOnHeight) { this.mWidth = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)this.mHeight * this.aspectRatio); } else if (this.keepAspectRatio == UIWidget.AspectRatioSource.Free) { this.aspectRatio = (float)this.mWidth / (float)this.mHeight; } this.mMoved = true; if (this.autoResizeBoxCollider) { this.ResizeCollider(); } this.MarkAsChanged(); } } public override Vector3[] GetSides(Transform relativeTo) { Vector2 pivotOffset = this.pivotOffset; float num = -pivotOffset.x * (float)this.mWidth; float num2 = -pivotOffset.y * (float)this.mHeight; float num3 = num + (float)this.mWidth; float num4 = num2 + (float)this.mHeight; float x = (num + num3) * 0.5f; float y = (num2 + num4) * 0.5f; Transform cachedTransform = base.cachedTransform; this.mCorners[0] = cachedTransform.TransformPoint(num, y, 0f); this.mCorners[1] = cachedTransform.TransformPoint(x, num4, 0f); this.mCorners[2] = cachedTransform.TransformPoint(num3, y, 0f); this.mCorners[3] = cachedTransform.TransformPoint(x, num2, 0f); if (relativeTo != null) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { this.mCorners[i] = relativeTo.InverseTransformPoint(this.mCorners[i]); } } return this.mCorners; } public override float CalculateFinalAlpha(int frameID) { if (this.mAlphaFrameID != frameID) { this.mAlphaFrameID = frameID; this.UpdateFinalAlpha(frameID); } return this.finalAlpha; } protected void UpdateFinalAlpha(int frameID) { if (!this.mIsVisibleByAlpha || !this.mIsInFront) { this.finalAlpha = 0f; } else { UIRect parent = base.parent; this.finalAlpha = ((!(base.parent != null)) ? this.mColor.a : (parent.CalculateFinalAlpha(frameID) * this.mColor.a)); } } public override void Invalidate(bool includeChildren) { this.mChanged = true; this.mAlphaFrameID = -1; if (this.panel != null) { bool visibleByPanel = (!this.hideIfOffScreen && !this.panel.hasCumulativeClipping) || this.panel.IsVisible(this); this.UpdateVisibility(this.CalculateCumulativeAlpha(Time.frameCount) > 0.001f, visibleByPanel); this.UpdateFinalAlpha(Time.frameCount); if (includeChildren) { base.Invalidate(true); } } } public float CalculateCumulativeAlpha(int frameID) { UIRect parent = base.parent; return (!(parent != null)) ? this.mColor.a : (parent.CalculateFinalAlpha(frameID) * this.mColor.a); } public override void SetRect(float x, float y, float width, float height) { Vector2 pivotOffset = this.pivotOffset; float num = Mathf.Lerp(x, x + width, pivotOffset.x); float num2 = Mathf.Lerp(y, y + height, pivotOffset.y); int num3 = Mathf.FloorToInt(width + 0.5f); int num4 = Mathf.FloorToInt(height + 0.5f); if (pivotOffset.x == 0.5f) { num3 = num3 >> 1 << 1; } if (pivotOffset.y == 0.5f) { num4 = num4 >> 1 << 1; } Transform transform = base.cachedTransform; Vector3 localPosition = transform.localPosition; localPosition.x = Mathf.Floor(num + 0.5f); localPosition.y = Mathf.Floor(num2 + 0.5f); if (num3 < this.minWidth) { num3 = this.minWidth; } if (num4 < this.minHeight) { num4 = this.minHeight; } transform.localPosition = localPosition; this.width = num3; this.height = num4; if (base.isAnchored) { transform = transform.parent; if ( { this.leftAnchor.SetHorizontal(transform, x); } if ( { this.rightAnchor.SetHorizontal(transform, x + width); } if ( { this.bottomAnchor.SetVertical(transform, y); } if ( { this.topAnchor.SetVertical(transform, y + height); } } } public void ResizeCollider() { if (NGUITools.GetActive(this)) { NGUITools.UpdateWidgetCollider(base.gameObject); } } [DebuggerHidden] [DebuggerStepThrough] public static int FullCompareFunc(UIWidget left, UIWidget right) { int num = UIPanel.CompareFunc(left.panel, right.panel); return (num != 0) ? num : UIWidget.PanelCompareFunc(left, right); } [DebuggerHidden] [DebuggerStepThrough] public static int PanelCompareFunc(UIWidget left, UIWidget right) { if (left.mDepth < right.mDepth) { return -1; } if (left.mDepth > right.mDepth) { return 1; } Material material = left.material; Material material2 = right.material; if (material == material2) { return 0; } if (material != null) { return -1; } if (material2 != null) { return 1; } return (material.GetInstanceID() >= material2.GetInstanceID()) ? 1 : -1; } public Bounds CalculateBounds() { return this.CalculateBounds(null); } public Bounds CalculateBounds(Transform relativeParent) { if (relativeParent == null) { Vector3[] localCorners = this.localCorners; Bounds result = new Bounds(localCorners[0],; for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { result.Encapsulate(localCorners[i]); } return result; } Matrix4x4 worldToLocalMatrix = relativeParent.worldToLocalMatrix; Vector3[] worldCorners = this.worldCorners; Bounds result2 = new Bounds(worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(worldCorners[0]),; for (int j = 1; j < 4; j++) { result2.Encapsulate(worldToLocalMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(worldCorners[j])); } return result2; } public void SetDirty() { if (this.drawCall != null) { this.drawCall.isDirty = true; } else if (this.isVisible && this.hasVertices) { this.CreatePanel(); } } public void RemoveFromPanel() { if (this.panel != null) { this.panel.RemoveWidget(this); this.panel = null; } this.drawCall = null; } public virtual void MarkAsChanged() { if (NGUITools.GetActive(this)) { this.mChanged = true; if (this.panel != null && base.enabled && NGUITools.GetActive(base.gameObject) && !this.mPlayMode) { this.SetDirty(); this.CheckLayer(); } } } public UIPanel CreatePanel() { if (this.mStarted && this.panel == null && base.enabled && NGUITools.GetActive(base.gameObject)) { this.panel = UIPanel.Find(base.cachedTransform, true, base.cachedGameObject.layer); if (this.panel != null) { this.mParentFound = false; this.panel.AddWidget(this); this.CheckLayer(); this.Invalidate(true); } } return this.panel; } public void CheckLayer() { if (this.panel != null && this.panel.gameObject.layer != base.gameObject.layer) { UnityEngine.Debug.LogWarning("You can't place widgets on a layer different than the UIPanel that manages them.\nIf you want to move widgets to a different layer, parent them to a new panel instead.", this); base.gameObject.layer = this.panel.gameObject.layer; } } public override void ParentHasChanged() { base.ParentHasChanged(); if (this.panel != null) { UIPanel y = UIPanel.Find(base.cachedTransform, true, base.cachedGameObject.layer); if (this.panel != y) { this.RemoveFromPanel(); this.CreatePanel(); } } } protected virtual void Awake() { this.mGo = base.gameObject; this.mPlayMode = Application.isPlaying; } protected override void OnInit() { base.OnInit(); this.RemoveFromPanel(); this.mMoved = true; if (this.mWidth == 100 && this.mHeight == 100 && base.cachedTransform.localScale.magnitude > 8f) { this.UpgradeFrom265(); base.cachedTransform.localScale =; } base.Update(); } protected virtual void UpgradeFrom265() { Vector3 localScale = base.cachedTransform.localScale; this.mWidth = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.RoundToInt(localScale.x)); this.mHeight = Mathf.Abs(Mathf.RoundToInt(localScale.y)); NGUITools.UpdateWidgetCollider(base.gameObject, true); } protected override void OnStart() { this.CreatePanel(); } protected override void OnAnchor() { Transform cachedTransform = base.cachedTransform; Transform parent = cachedTransform.parent; Vector3 localPosition = cachedTransform.localPosition; Vector2 pivotOffset = this.pivotOffset; float num; float num2; float num3; float num4; if ( == && == && == { Vector3[] sides = this.leftAnchor.GetSides(parent); if (sides != null) { num = NGUIMath.Lerp(sides[0].x, sides[2].x, this.leftAnchor.relative) + (float)this.leftAnchor.absolute; num2 = NGUIMath.Lerp(sides[0].x, sides[2].x, this.rightAnchor.relative) + (float)this.rightAnchor.absolute; num3 = NGUIMath.Lerp(sides[3].y, sides[1].y, this.bottomAnchor.relative) + (float)this.bottomAnchor.absolute; num4 = NGUIMath.Lerp(sides[3].y, sides[1].y, this.topAnchor.relative) + (float)this.topAnchor.absolute; this.mIsInFront = true; } else { Vector3 localPos = base.GetLocalPos(this.leftAnchor, parent); num = localPos.x + (float)this.leftAnchor.absolute; num3 = localPos.y + (float)this.bottomAnchor.absolute; num2 = localPos.x + (float)this.rightAnchor.absolute; num4 = localPos.y + (float)this.topAnchor.absolute; this.mIsInFront = (!this.hideIfOffScreen || localPos.z >= 0f); } } else { this.mIsInFront = true; if ( { Vector3[] sides2 = this.leftAnchor.GetSides(parent); if (sides2 != null) { num = NGUIMath.Lerp(sides2[0].x, sides2[2].x, this.leftAnchor.relative) + (float)this.leftAnchor.absolute; } else { num = base.GetLocalPos(this.leftAnchor, parent).x + (float)this.leftAnchor.absolute; } } else { num = localPosition.x - pivotOffset.x * (float)this.mWidth; } if ( { Vector3[] sides3 = this.rightAnchor.GetSides(parent); if (sides3 != null) { num2 = NGUIMath.Lerp(sides3[0].x, sides3[2].x, this.rightAnchor.relative) + (float)this.rightAnchor.absolute; } else { num2 = base.GetLocalPos(this.rightAnchor, parent).x + (float)this.rightAnchor.absolute; } } else { num2 = localPosition.x - pivotOffset.x * (float)this.mWidth + (float)this.mWidth; } if ( { Vector3[] sides4 = this.bottomAnchor.GetSides(parent); if (sides4 != null) { num3 = NGUIMath.Lerp(sides4[3].y, sides4[1].y, this.bottomAnchor.relative) + (float)this.bottomAnchor.absolute; } else { num3 = base.GetLocalPos(this.bottomAnchor, parent).y + (float)this.bottomAnchor.absolute; } } else { num3 = localPosition.y - pivotOffset.y * (float)this.mHeight; } if ( { Vector3[] sides5 = this.topAnchor.GetSides(parent); if (sides5 != null) { num4 = NGUIMath.Lerp(sides5[3].y, sides5[1].y, this.topAnchor.relative) + (float)this.topAnchor.absolute; } else { num4 = base.GetLocalPos(this.topAnchor, parent).y + (float)this.topAnchor.absolute; } } else { num4 = localPosition.y - pivotOffset.y * (float)this.mHeight + (float)this.mHeight; } } Vector3 vector = new Vector3(Mathf.Lerp(num, num2, pivotOffset.x), Mathf.Lerp(num3, num4, pivotOffset.y), localPosition.z); int num5 = Mathf.FloorToInt(num2 - num + 0.5f); int num6 = Mathf.FloorToInt(num4 - num3 + 0.5f); if (this.keepAspectRatio != UIWidget.AspectRatioSource.Free && this.aspectRatio != 0f) { if (this.keepAspectRatio == UIWidget.AspectRatioSource.BasedOnHeight) { num5 = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)num6 * this.aspectRatio); } else { num6 = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)num5 / this.aspectRatio); } } if (num5 < this.minWidth) { num5 = this.minWidth; } if (num6 < this.minHeight) { num6 = this.minHeight; } if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(localPosition - vector) > 0.001f) { base.cachedTransform.localPosition = vector; if (this.mIsInFront) { this.mChanged = true; } } if (this.mWidth != num5 || this.mHeight != num6) { this.mWidth = num5; this.mHeight = num6; if (this.mIsInFront) { this.mChanged = true; } if (this.autoResizeBoxCollider) { this.ResizeCollider(); } } } protected override void OnUpdate() { if (this.panel == null) { this.CreatePanel(); } } private void OnApplicationPause(bool paused) { if (!paused) { this.MarkAsChanged(); } } protected override void OnDisable() { this.RemoveFromPanel(); base.OnDisable(); } private void OnDestroy() { this.RemoveFromPanel(); } public bool UpdateVisibility(bool visibleByAlpha, bool visibleByPanel) { if (this.mIsVisibleByAlpha != visibleByAlpha || this.mIsVisibleByPanel != visibleByPanel) { this.mChanged = true; this.mIsVisibleByAlpha = visibleByAlpha; this.mIsVisibleByPanel = visibleByPanel; return true; } return false; } public bool UpdateTransform(int frame) { if (!this.mMoved && !this.panel.widgetsAreStatic && base.cachedTransform.hasChanged) { this.mTrans.hasChanged = false; this.mLocalToPanel = this.panel.worldToLocal * base.cachedTransform.localToWorldMatrix; this.mMatrixFrame = frame; Vector2 pivotOffset = this.pivotOffset; float num = -pivotOffset.x * (float)this.mWidth; float num2 = -pivotOffset.y * (float)this.mHeight; float x = num + (float)this.mWidth; float y = num2 + (float)this.mHeight; Transform cachedTransform = base.cachedTransform; Vector3 vector = cachedTransform.TransformPoint(num, num2, 0f); Vector3 vector2 = cachedTransform.TransformPoint(x, y, 0f); vector = this.panel.worldToLocal.MultiplyPoint3x4(vector); vector2 = this.panel.worldToLocal.MultiplyPoint3x4(vector2); if (Vector3.SqrMagnitude(this.mOldV0 - vector) > 1E-06f || Vector3.SqrMagnitude(this.mOldV1 - vector2) > 1E-06f) { this.mMoved = true; this.mOldV0 = vector; this.mOldV1 = vector2; } } if (this.mMoved && this.onChange != null) { this.onChange(); } return this.mMoved || this.mChanged; } public bool UpdateGeometry(int frame) { float num = this.CalculateFinalAlpha(frame); if (this.mIsVisibleByAlpha && this.mLastAlpha != num) { this.mChanged = true; } this.mLastAlpha = num; if (this.mChanged) { this.mChanged = false; if (this.mIsVisibleByAlpha && num > 0.001f && this.shader != null) { bool hasVertices = this.geometry.hasVertices; if (this.fillGeometry) { this.geometry.Clear(); this.OnFill(this.geometry.verts, this.geometry.uvs, this.geometry.cols); } if (this.geometry.hasVertices) { if (this.mMatrixFrame != frame) { this.mLocalToPanel = this.panel.worldToLocal * base.cachedTransform.localToWorldMatrix; this.mMatrixFrame = frame; } this.geometry.ApplyTransform(this.mLocalToPanel); this.mMoved = false; return true; } return hasVertices; } else if (this.geometry.hasVertices) { if (this.fillGeometry) { this.geometry.Clear(); } this.mMoved = false; return true; } } else if (this.mMoved && this.geometry.hasVertices) { if (this.mMatrixFrame != frame) { this.mLocalToPanel = this.panel.worldToLocal * base.cachedTransform.localToWorldMatrix; this.mMatrixFrame = frame; } this.geometry.ApplyTransform(this.mLocalToPanel); this.mMoved = false; return true; } this.mMoved = false; return false; } public void WriteToBuffers(BetterList v, BetterList u, BetterList c, BetterList n, BetterList t) { this.geometry.WriteToBuffers(v, u, c, n, t); } public virtual void MakePixelPerfect() { Vector3 localPosition = base.cachedTransform.localPosition; localPosition.z = Mathf.Round(localPosition.z); localPosition.x = Mathf.Round(localPosition.x); localPosition.y = Mathf.Round(localPosition.y); base.cachedTransform.localPosition = localPosition; Vector3 localScale = base.cachedTransform.localScale; base.cachedTransform.localScale = new Vector3(Mathf.Sign(localScale.x), Mathf.Sign(localScale.y), 1f); } public virtual int minWidth { get { return 2; } } public virtual int minHeight { get { return 2; } } public virtual Vector4 border { get { return; } set { } } public virtual void OnFill(BetterList verts, BetterList uvs, BetterList cols) { } [HideInInspector] [SerializeField] protected Color mColor = Color.white; [HideInInspector] [SerializeField] protected UIWidget.Pivot mPivot = UIWidget.Pivot.Center; [HideInInspector] [SerializeField] protected int mWidth = 100; [HideInInspector] [SerializeField] protected int mHeight = 100; [HideInInspector] [SerializeField] protected int mDepth; public UIWidget.OnDimensionsChanged onChange; public UIWidget.OnPostFillCallback onPostFill; public UIDrawCall.OnRenderCallback mOnRender; public bool autoResizeBoxCollider; public bool hideIfOffScreen; public UIWidget.AspectRatioSource keepAspectRatio; public float aspectRatio = 1f; public UIWidget.HitCheck hitCheck; [NonSerialized] public UIPanel panel; [NonSerialized] public UIGeometry geometry = new UIGeometry(); [NonSerialized] public bool fillGeometry = true; [NonSerialized] protected bool mPlayMode = true; [NonSerialized] protected Vector4 mDrawRegion = new Vector4(0f, 0f, 1f, 1f); [NonSerialized] private Matrix4x4 mLocalToPanel; [NonSerialized] private bool mIsVisibleByAlpha = true; [NonSerialized] private bool mIsVisibleByPanel = true; [NonSerialized] private bool mIsInFront = true; [NonSerialized] private float mLastAlpha; [NonSerialized] private bool mMoved; [NonSerialized] public UIDrawCall drawCall; [NonSerialized] protected Vector3[] mCorners = new Vector3[4]; [NonSerialized] private int mAlphaFrameID = -1; private int mMatrixFrame = -1; private Vector3 mOldV0; private Vector3 mOldV1; public enum Pivot { TopLeft, Top, TopRight, Left, Center, Right, BottomLeft, Bottom, BottomRight } public delegate void OnDimensionsChanged(); public delegate void OnPostFillCallback(UIWidget widget, int bufferOffset, BetterList verts, BetterList uvs, BetterList cols); public enum AspectRatioSource { Free, BasedOnWidth, BasedOnHeight } public delegate bool HitCheck(Vector3 worldPos); }