using System; using UnityEngine; [RequireComponent(typeof(UIWidget))] [AddComponentMenu("NGUI/Tween/Tween Height")] public class TweenHeight : UITweener { public UIWidget cachedWidget { get { if (this.mWidget == null) { this.mWidget = base.GetComponent(); } return this.mWidget; } } [Obsolete("Use 'value' instead")] public int height { get { return this.value; } set { this.value = value; } } public int value { get { return this.cachedWidget.height; } set { this.cachedWidget.height = value; } } protected override void OnUpdate(float factor, bool isFinished) { this.value = Mathf.RoundToInt((float)this.from * (1f - factor) + (float) * factor); if (this.updateTable) { if (this.mTable == null) { this.mTable = NGUITools.FindInParents(base.gameObject); if (this.mTable == null) { this.updateTable = false; return; } } this.mTable.repositionNow = true; } } public static TweenHeight Begin(UIWidget widget, float duration, int height) { TweenHeight tweenHeight = UITweener.Begin(widget.gameObject, duration); tweenHeight.from = widget.height; = height; if (duration <= 0f) { tweenHeight.Sample(1f, true); tweenHeight.enabled = false; } return tweenHeight; } [ContextMenu("Set 'From' to current value")] public override void SetStartToCurrentValue() { this.from = this.value; } [ContextMenu("Set 'To' to current value")] public override void SetEndToCurrentValue() { = this.value; } [ContextMenu("Assume value of 'From'")] private void SetCurrentValueToStart() { this.value = this.from; } [ContextMenu("Assume value of 'To'")] private void SetCurrentValueToEnd() { this.value =; } public int from = 100; public int to = 100; public bool updateTable; private UIWidget mWidget; private UITable mTable; }