using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; namespace Leap.Unity { public class LeapHandController : MonoBehaviour { public bool GraphicsEnabled { get { return this.graphicsEnabled; } set { this.graphicsEnabled = value; } } public bool PhysicsEnabled { get { return this.physicsEnabled; } set { this.physicsEnabled = value; } } private void OnDrawGizmos() { Gizmos.matrix = Matrix4x4.Scale(5f *; Gizmos.DrawIcon(base.transform.position, "leap_motion.png"); } protected virtual void OnEnable() { this.provider = this.requireComponent(); this.factory = this.requireComponent(); this.provider.OnUpdateFrame += this.OnUpdateFrame; this.provider.OnFixedFrame += this.OnFixedFrame; } protected virtual void OnDisable() { this.provider.OnUpdateFrame -= this.OnUpdateFrame; this.provider.OnFixedFrame -= this.OnFixedFrame; } protected virtual void OnUpdateFrame(Frame frame) { if (frame != null && this.graphicsEnabled) { this.UpdateHandRepresentations(this.graphicsReps, ModelType.Graphics, frame); } } protected virtual void OnFixedFrame(Frame frame) { if (frame != null && this.physicsEnabled) { this.UpdateHandRepresentations(this.physicsReps, ModelType.Physics, frame); } } protected virtual void UpdateHandRepresentations(Dictionary all_hand_reps, ModelType modelType, Frame frame) { foreach (Hand hand in frame.Hands) { HandRepresentation handRepresentation; if (!all_hand_reps.TryGetValue(hand.Id, out handRepresentation)) { handRepresentation = this.factory.MakeHandRepresentation(hand, modelType); if (handRepresentation != null) { all_hand_reps.Add(hand.Id, handRepresentation); } } if (handRepresentation != null) { handRepresentation.IsMarked = true; handRepresentation.UpdateRepresentation(hand); handRepresentation.LastUpdatedTime = (int)frame.Timestamp; } } HandRepresentation handRepresentation2 = null; foreach (KeyValuePair keyValuePair in all_hand_reps) { if (keyValuePair.Value != null) { if (keyValuePair.Value.IsMarked) { keyValuePair.Value.IsMarked = false; } else { handRepresentation2 = keyValuePair.Value; } } } if (handRepresentation2 != null) { all_hand_reps.Remove(handRepresentation2.HandID); handRepresentation2.Finish(); } } private T requireComponent() where T : Component { T component = base.GetComponent(); if (component == null) { string name = typeof(T).Name; Debug.LogError(string.Concat(new string[] { "LeapHandController could not find a ", name, " and has been disabled. Make sure there is a ", name, " on the same gameObject." })); base.enabled = false; } return component; } protected LeapProvider provider; protected HandFactory factory; protected Dictionary graphicsReps = new Dictionary(); protected Dictionary physicsReps = new Dictionary(); protected const float GIZMO_SCALE = 5f; protected bool graphicsEnabled = true; protected bool physicsEnabled = true; } }