using System; using Leap.Unity.Attributes; using UnityEngine; namespace Leap.Unity { public abstract class AbstractHoldDetector : Detector { protected abstract void ensureUpToDate(); public IHandModel HandModel { get { return this._handModel; } set { this._handModel = value; } } protected virtual void Awake() { if (base.GetComponent() != null && this.ControlsTransform) { Debug.LogWarning("Detector should not be control the IHandModel's transform. Either attach it to its own transform or set ControlsTransform to false."); } if (this._handModel == null) { this._handModel = base.GetComponentInParent(); if (this._handModel == null) { Debug.LogWarning("The HandModel field of Detector was unassigned and the detector has been disabled."); base.enabled = false; } } } protected virtual void Update() { this.ensureUpToDate(); } public virtual bool IsHolding { get { this.ensureUpToDate(); return base.IsActive; } } public virtual bool DidChangeFromLastFrame { get { this.ensureUpToDate(); return this._didChange; } } public virtual bool DidStartHold { get { this.ensureUpToDate(); return this.DidChangeFromLastFrame && this.IsHolding; } } public virtual bool DidRelease { get { this.ensureUpToDate(); return this.DidChangeFromLastFrame && !this.IsHolding; } } public float LastHoldTime { get { this.ensureUpToDate(); return this._lastHoldTime; } } public float LastReleaseTime { get { this.ensureUpToDate(); return this._lastReleaseTime; } } public Vector3 Position { get { this.ensureUpToDate(); return this._position; } } public Vector3 LastActivePosition { get { return this._lastPosition; } } public Quaternion Rotation { get { this.ensureUpToDate(); return this._rotation; } } public Quaternion LastActiveRotation { get { return this._lastRotation; } } public Vector3 Direction { get { return this._direction; } } public Vector3 LastActiveDirection { get { return this._lastDirection; } } public Vector3 Normal { get { return this._normal; } } public Vector3 LastActiveNormal { get { return this._lastNormal; } } public float Distance { get { return this._distance; } } public float LastActiveDistance { get { return this._lastDistance; } } protected virtual void changeState(bool shouldBeActive) { bool isActive = base.IsActive; if (shouldBeActive) { this._lastHoldTime = Time.time; this.Activate(); } else { this._lastReleaseTime = Time.time; this.Deactivate(); } if (isActive != base.IsActive) { this._didChange = true; } } [AutoFind(AutoFindLocations.Parents)] [SerializeField] protected IHandModel _handModel; public bool ControlsTransform = true; protected int _lastUpdateFrame = -1; protected bool _didChange; protected Vector3 _position; protected Quaternion _rotation; protected Vector3 _direction = Vector3.forward; protected Vector3 _normal = Vector3.up; protected float _distance; protected float _lastHoldTime; protected float _lastReleaseTime; protected Vector3 _lastPosition =; protected Quaternion _lastRotation = Quaternion.identity; protected Vector3 _lastDirection = Vector3.forward; protected Vector3 _lastNormal = Vector3.up; protected float _lastDistance = 1f; } }