using System; using UnityEngine; namespace RenderHeads.Media.AVProVideo { [AddComponentMenu("AVPro Video/Apply To Mesh", 300)] [HelpURL("")] public class ApplyToMesh : MonoBehaviour { public MediaPlayer Player { get { return this._media; } set { if (this._media != value) { this._media = value; this._isDirty = true; } } } public Texture2D DefaultTexture { get { return this._defaultTexture; } set { if (this._defaultTexture != value) { this._defaultTexture = value; this._isDirty = true; } } } public Renderer MeshRenderer { get { return this._mesh; } set { if (this._mesh != value) { this._mesh = value; this._isDirty = true; } } } public string TexturePropertyName { get { return this._texturePropertyName; } set { if (this._texturePropertyName != value) { this._texturePropertyName = value; this._propTexture = Shader.PropertyToID(this._texturePropertyName); this._isDirty = true; } } } public Vector2 Offset { get { return this._offset; } set { if (this._offset != value) { this._offset = value; this._isDirty = true; } } } public Vector2 Scale { get { return this._scale; } set { if (this._scale != value) { this._scale = value; this._isDirty = true; } } } public void ForceUpdate() { this._isDirty = true; this.LateUpdate(); } private void Awake() { if (ApplyToMesh._propStereo == 0 || ApplyToMesh._propAlphaPack == 0) { ApplyToMesh._propStereo = Shader.PropertyToID("Stereo"); ApplyToMesh._propAlphaPack = Shader.PropertyToID("AlphaPack"); ApplyToMesh._propApplyGamma = Shader.PropertyToID("_ApplyGamma"); } if (ApplyToMesh._propChromaTex == 0) { ApplyToMesh._propChromaTex = Shader.PropertyToID("_ChromaTex"); } if (ApplyToMesh._propUseYpCbCr == 0) { ApplyToMesh._propUseYpCbCr = Shader.PropertyToID("_UseYpCbCr"); } } private void LateUpdate() { bool flag = false; if (this._media != null && this._media.TextureProducer != null) { Texture texture = (this._media.FrameResampler != null && this._media.FrameResampler.OutputTexture != null) ? this._media.FrameResampler.OutputTexture[0] : null; Texture texture2 = (!this._media.m_Resample) ? this._media.TextureProducer.GetTexture(0) : texture; if (texture2 != null) { if (texture2 != this._lastTextureApplied) { this._isDirty = true; } if (this._isDirty) { int num = (!this._media.m_Resample) ? this._media.TextureProducer.GetTextureCount() : 1; for (int i = 0; i < num; i++) { Texture texture3 = (this._media.FrameResampler != null && this._media.FrameResampler.OutputTexture != null) ? this._media.FrameResampler.OutputTexture[i] : null; texture2 = ((!this._media.m_Resample) ? this._media.TextureProducer.GetTexture(i) : texture3); if (texture2 != null) { this.ApplyMapping(texture2, this._media.TextureProducer.RequiresVerticalFlip(), i); } } } flag = true; } } if (!flag) { if (this._defaultTexture != this._lastTextureApplied) { this._isDirty = true; } if (this._isDirty) { this.ApplyMapping(this._defaultTexture, false, 0); } } } private void ApplyMapping(Texture texture, bool requiresYFlip, int plane = 0) { if (this._mesh != null) { this._isDirty = false; Material[] materials = this._mesh.materials; if (materials != null) { foreach (Material material in materials) { if (material != null) { if (plane == 0) { material.SetTexture(this._propTexture, texture); this._lastTextureApplied = texture; if (texture != null) { if (requiresYFlip) { material.SetTextureScale(this._propTexture, new Vector2(this._scale.x, -this._scale.y)); material.SetTextureOffset(this._propTexture, Vector2.up + this._offset); } else { material.SetTextureScale(this._propTexture, this._scale); material.SetTextureOffset(this._propTexture, this._offset); } } } else if (plane == 1 && material.HasProperty(ApplyToMesh._propUseYpCbCr) && material.HasProperty(ApplyToMesh._propChromaTex)) { material.EnableKeyword("USE_YPCBCR"); material.SetTexture(ApplyToMesh._propChromaTex, texture); if (requiresYFlip) { material.SetTextureScale(ApplyToMesh._propChromaTex, new Vector2(this._scale.x, -this._scale.y)); material.SetTextureOffset(ApplyToMesh._propChromaTex, Vector2.up + this._offset); } else { material.SetTextureScale(ApplyToMesh._propChromaTex, this._scale); material.SetTextureOffset(ApplyToMesh._propChromaTex, this._offset); } } if (this._media != null) { if (material.HasProperty(ApplyToMesh._propStereo)) { Helper.SetupStereoMaterial(material, this._media.m_StereoPacking, this._media.m_DisplayDebugStereoColorTint); } if (material.HasProperty(ApplyToMesh._propAlphaPack)) { Helper.SetupAlphaPackedMaterial(material, this._media.m_AlphaPacking); } if (material.HasProperty(ApplyToMesh._propApplyGamma) && this._media.Info != null) { Helper.SetupGammaMaterial(material, this._media.Info.PlayerSupportsLinearColorSpace()); } } } } } } } private void OnEnable() { if (this._mesh == null) { this._mesh = base.GetComponent(); if (this._mesh == null) { Debug.LogWarning("[AVProVideo] No mesh renderer set or found in gameobject"); } } this._propTexture = Shader.PropertyToID(this._texturePropertyName); this._isDirty = true; if (this._mesh != null) { this.LateUpdate(); } } private void OnDisable() { this.ApplyMapping(this._defaultTexture, false, 0); } [Header("Media Source")] [SerializeField] private MediaPlayer _media; [Tooltip("Default texture to display when the video texture is preparing")] [SerializeField] private Texture2D _defaultTexture; [Space(8f)] [Header("Renderer Target")] [SerializeField] private Renderer _mesh; [SerializeField] private string _texturePropertyName = "_MainTex"; [SerializeField] private Vector2 _offset =; [SerializeField] private Vector2 _scale =; private bool _isDirty; private Texture _lastTextureApplied; private int _propTexture; private static int _propStereo; private static int _propAlphaPack; private static int _propApplyGamma; private const string PropChromaTexName = "_ChromaTex"; private static int _propChromaTex; private const string PropUseYpCbCrName = "_UseYpCbCr"; private static int _propUseYpCbCr; } }