using System; using System.Collections; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.UI; public class OVRLipSyncDebugConsole : MonoBehaviour { public static OVRLipSyncDebugConsole instance { get { if (OVRLipSyncDebugConsole.s_Instance == null) { OVRLipSyncDebugConsole.s_Instance = (UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(OVRLipSyncDebugConsole)) as OVRLipSyncDebugConsole); if (OVRLipSyncDebugConsole.s_Instance == null) { GameObject gameObject = new GameObject(); gameObject.AddComponent(); = "OVRLipSyncDebugConsole"; OVRLipSyncDebugConsole.s_Instance = (UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectOfType(typeof(OVRLipSyncDebugConsole)) as OVRLipSyncDebugConsole); } } return OVRLipSyncDebugConsole.s_Instance; } } private void Awake() { OVRLipSyncDebugConsole.s_Instance = this; this.Init(); } private void Update() { if (this.clearTimeoutOn) { this.clearTimeout -= Time.deltaTime; if (this.clearTimeout < 0f) { OVRLipSyncDebugConsole.Clear(); this.clearTimeout = 0f; this.clearTimeoutOn = false; } } } public void Init() { if (this.textMsg == null) { Debug.LogWarning("DebugConsole Init WARNING::UI text not set. Will not be able to display anything."); } OVRLipSyncDebugConsole.Clear(); } public static void Log(string message) { OVRLipSyncDebugConsole.instance.AddMessage(message, Color.white); } public static void Log(string message, Color color) { OVRLipSyncDebugConsole.instance.AddMessage(message, color); } public static void Clear() { OVRLipSyncDebugConsole.instance.ClearMessages(); } public static void ClearTimeout(float timeToClear) { OVRLipSyncDebugConsole.instance.SetClearTimeout(timeToClear); } public void AddMessage(string message, Color color) { this.messages.Add(message); if (this.textMsg != null) { this.textMsg.color = color; } this.Display(); } public void ClearMessages() { this.messages.Clear(); this.Display(); } public void SetClearTimeout(float timeout) { this.clearTimeout = timeout; this.clearTimeoutOn = true; } private void Prune() { if (this.messages.Count > this.maxMessages) { int count; if (this.messages.Count <= 0) { count = 0; } else { count = this.messages.Count - this.maxMessages; } this.messages.RemoveRange(0, count); } } private void Display() { if (this.messages.Count > this.maxMessages) { this.Prune(); } if (this.textMsg != null) { this.textMsg.text = string.Empty; for (int i = 0; i < this.messages.Count; i++) { Text text = this.textMsg; text.text += (string)this.messages[i]; Text text2 = this.textMsg; text2.text += '\n'; } } } public ArrayList messages = new ArrayList(); public int maxMessages = 15; public Text textMsg; private static OVRLipSyncDebugConsole s_Instance; private bool clearTimeoutOn; private float clearTimeout; }