using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using RenderHeads.Media.AVProVideo; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.Events; using UnityEngine.UI; public class VRExternalFileLoader : MonoBehaviour { private void Update() { if (SceneVRCommunication.Instance == null) { return; } bool isFreeMode = SceneVRCommunication.Instance.IsFreeMode; if (!isFreeMode && this.m_BeforeFreeMode) { VRExternalFileLoader.Event_CloseMovie(); if (SceneVRCommunication.Instance.GetNowTime() == SceneVRCommunication.VR_TIME.NIGHT) { GameMain.Instance.SoundMgr.PlayBGM("BGM_vr0001.ogg", 1f, true); } else { GameMain.Instance.SoundMgr.PlayBGM("BGM007.ogg", 1f, true); } } this.m_BeforeFreeMode = isFreeMode; } public void LoadAllMovieFile(string dataPath, params string[] extensions) { this.m_MediaPlayer.m_VideoPath = dataPath; DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(dataPath); if (!directoryInfo.Exists) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dataPath); } foreach (string searchPattern in extensions) { FileInfo[] files = directoryInfo.GetFiles(searchPattern); foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in files) { this.CreateMediaInfoButton(this.m_UIPrefabMovieButton.gameObject, fileInfo.Name, fileInfo.FullName, 0, MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.FirstFrameReady); VRExternalFileLoader.m_LoadingCount++; } } } public void LoadAllMusicFile(string dataPath, params string[] extensions) { this.m_MediaPlayer.m_VideoPath = dataPath; DirectoryInfo directoryInfo = new DirectoryInfo(dataPath); if (!directoryInfo.Exists) { Directory.CreateDirectory(dataPath); } foreach (string searchPattern in extensions) { FileInfo[] files = directoryInfo.GetFiles(searchPattern); foreach (FileInfo fileInfo in files) { this.CreateMediaInfoButton(this.m_UIPrefabMusicButton.gameObject, fileInfo.Name, fileInfo.FullName, 0, MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.ReadyToPlay); VRExternalFileLoader.m_LoadingCount++; } } } private IEnumerator Coroutine_GetMovieThumbnail(UIButtonElement element, string moviePath, GameObject elementObject) { while (!VRExternalFileLoader.m_IsEndLoad) { yield return null; } VRExternalFileLoader.m_IsEndLoad = false; if (this.m_MovieOutputer) { this.m_MovieOutputer.enabled = false; } if (!File.Exists(moviePath)) { VRExternalFileLoader.m_IsEndLoad = true; VRExternalFileLoader.m_LoadingCount--; this.m_MediaPlayer.CloseVideo(); this.m_MovieOutputer.enabled = true; yield break; } this.m_MediaPlayer.OpenVideoFromFile(MediaPlayer.FileLocation.AbsolutePathOrURL, moviePath, false); int isOpenReady = 1; this.m_MediaPlayer.Events.AddListener(delegate(MediaPlayer mp, MediaPlayerEvent.EventType et, ErrorCode errorCode) { if (et != MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.Error) { if (et == MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.FirstFrameReady) { isOpenReady = 0; } } else { isOpenReady = -1; } }); while (isOpenReady == 1) { yield return null; } if (isOpenReady == -1) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(elementObject); yield return null; VRExternalFileLoader.m_IsEndLoad = true; VRExternalFileLoader.m_LoadingCount--; this.m_MediaPlayer.CloseVideo(); this.m_MovieOutputer.enabled = true; yield break; } IMediaInfo info = this.m_MediaPlayer.Info; Texture2D tex2D = new Texture2D(info.GetVideoWidth(), info.GetVideoHeight(), TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); this.m_MediaPlayer.ExtractFrame(tex2D, 0.5f, false, 50); if (tex2D) { Rect rect = new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)tex2D.width, (float)tex2D.height); element.imageThumbnail.sprite = Sprite.Create(tex2D, rect,, 100f, 0u, SpriteMeshType.FullRect); } yield return null; float tim = info.GetDurationMs(); tim *= 0.001f; string str = "再生時間 " + Mathf.Floor(tim / 60f).ToString("00") + ":" + Mathf.Repeat(tim, 60f).ToString("00"); element.textContentTime.text = str; VRExternalFileLoader.m_IsEndLoad = true; VRExternalFileLoader.m_LoadingCount--; this.m_MediaPlayer.CloseVideo(); this.m_MovieOutputer.enabled = true; yield break; } private IEnumerator Coroutine_GetMovieInfo(string moviePath, MediaPlayerEvent.EventType successType, UnityAction callback) { while (!VRExternalFileLoader.m_IsEndLoad) { yield return null; } VRExternalFileLoader.m_IsEndLoad = false; if (this.m_MovieOutputer) { this.m_MovieOutputer.enabled = false; } if (!File.Exists(moviePath)) { VRExternalFileLoader.m_IsEndLoad = true; VRExternalFileLoader.m_LoadingCount--; this.m_MediaPlayer.CloseVideo(); this.m_MovieOutputer.enabled = true; callback(false, null); yield break; } this.m_MediaPlayer.OpenVideoFromFile(MediaPlayer.FileLocation.AbsolutePathOrURL, moviePath, false); int isOpenReady = 1; this.m_MediaPlayer.Events.AddListener(delegate(MediaPlayer mp, MediaPlayerEvent.EventType et, ErrorCode errorCode) { if (et == MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.Error) { isOpenReady = -1; } else if (et == successType) { isOpenReady = 0; } }); while (isOpenReady == 1) { yield return null; } if (isOpenReady == -1) { VRExternalFileLoader.m_IsEndLoad = true; VRExternalFileLoader.m_LoadingCount--; this.m_MediaPlayer.CloseVideo(); this.m_MovieOutputer.enabled = true; callback(false, null); yield break; } IMediaInfo info = this.m_MediaPlayer.Info; callback(true, info); yield break; } private IEnumerator Coroutine_GetMusicPlaybackTime(UIButtonElement element, string musicPath) { while (!VRExternalFileLoader.m_IsEndLoad) { yield return null; } VRExternalFileLoader.m_IsEndLoad = false; this.m_MediaPlayer.OpenVideoFromFile(MediaPlayer.FileLocation.AbsolutePathOrURL, musicPath, false); bool isOpenReady = false; this.m_MediaPlayer.Events.AddListener(delegate(MediaPlayer mp, MediaPlayerEvent.EventType et, ErrorCode errorCode) { if (et == MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.ReadyToPlay) { isOpenReady = true; } }); while (!isOpenReady) { yield return null; } IMediaInfo info = this.m_MediaPlayer.Info; float tim = info.GetDurationMs(); tim *= 0.001f; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { yield return null; } string str = "再生時間 " + Mathf.Floor(tim / 60f).ToString("00") + ":" + Mathf.Repeat(tim, 60f).ToString("00"); element.textContentTime.text = str; VRExternalFileLoader.m_IsEndLoad = true; VRExternalFileLoader.m_LoadingCount--; this.m_MediaPlayer.CloseVideo(); yield break; } private IEnumerator Coroutine_LoadMovieAsset(string LocalFilePath, string FileName, string AssetBundleURL) { string FullPath = LocalFilePath + FileName; if (File.Exists(FullPath)) { yield break; } WWW www = new WWW(AssetBundleURL); yield return www; AssetBundle assetbundle = www.assetBundle; AssetBundleRequest resultObject = assetbundle.LoadAssetAsync(FileName); yield return new WaitWhile(() => !resultObject.isDone); TextAsset movie = resultObject.asset as TextAsset; byte[] byteData = movie.bytes; File.WriteAllBytes(FullPath, byteData); assetbundle.Unload(false); yield break; } private IEnumerator Coroutine_Refresh() { VRExternalFileLoader.m_LoadingCount = 0; VRExternalFileLoader.m_IsEndLoad = true; this.m_MediaFilePath = Path.GetFullPath(".\\"); if (VRExternalFileLoader.m_PtrMediaPlayerObject == null) { VRExternalFileLoader.m_PtrMediaPlayerObject = (UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("SceneVRCommunication\\Tablet\\Media Outputer (Music And Movie)")) as GameObject); } GameObject[] MediaPlayers = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MediaPlayerObj"); for (int i = 0; i < MediaPlayers.Length; i++) { if (this.m_MediaPlayer != null && this.m_MovieOutputer != null) { break; } if (this.m_MediaPlayer == null) { this.m_MediaPlayer = MediaPlayers[i].GetComponent(); } if (this.m_MovieOutputer == null) { this.m_MovieOutputer = MediaPlayers[i].GetComponent(); } } this.m_MediaPlayer.m_AutoOpen = false; this.m_MediaPlayer.m_AutoStart = false; this.m_MovieOutputer.GetComponent().enabled = false; this.m_UIContent.anchoredPosition =; for (int j = 0; j < this.m_UIContent.childCount; j++) { this.m_UIContent.GetChild(j).gameObject.SetActive(false); } if (this.m_TypeMedia == VRExternalFileLoader.TYPE_MEDIA.Movie) { string fileName = "vrcom_movie.nei"; if (!GameUty.FileSystem.IsExistentFile(fileName)) { NDebug.Assert("表がありません。" + fileName, false); } using (AFileBase file = GameUty.FileSystem.FileOpen(fileName)) { using (CsvParser csv = new CsvParser()) { bool result = csv.Open(file); NDebug.Assert(result, fileName + "\nopen failed."); for (int y = 1; y < csv.max_cell_y; y++) { if (csv.IsCellToExistData(0, y)) { int x = 0; ACsvParser acsvParser = csv; int cell_x; x = (cell_x = x) + 1; int id = acsvParser.GetCellAsInteger(cell_x, y); ACsvParser acsvParser2 = csv; x = (cell_x = x) + 1; string thumbnailPath = acsvParser2.GetCellAsString(cell_x, y); ACsvParser acsvParser3 = csv; x = (cell_x = x) + 1; string movieName = acsvParser3.GetCellAsString(cell_x, y); ACsvParser acsvParser4 = csv; x = (cell_x = x) + 1; string movieTitle = acsvParser4.GetCellAsString(cell_x, y); ACsvParser acsvParser5 = csv; x = (cell_x = x) + 1; string getFlag = acsvParser5.GetCellAsString(cell_x, y); ACsvParser acsvParser6 = csv; x = (cell_x = x) + 1; string defaultFace = acsvParser6.GetCellAsString(cell_x, y); ACsvParser acsvParser7 = csv; x = (cell_x = x) + 1; string faceEvent = acsvParser7.GetCellAsString(cell_x, y); ACsvParser acsvParser8 = csv; x = (cell_x = x) + 1; string faceEvent2 = acsvParser8.GetCellAsString(cell_x, y); ACsvParser acsvParser9 = csv; x = (cell_x = x) + 1; string faceEvent3 = acsvParser9.GetCellAsString(cell_x, y); ACsvParser acsvParser10 = csv; x = (cell_x = x) + 1; string faceEvent4 = acsvParser10.GetCellAsString(cell_x, y); ACsvParser acsvParser11 = csv; x = (cell_x = x) + 1; string endEvent = acsvParser11.GetCellAsString(cell_x, y); int flag = 0; if (GameMain.Instance.CharacterMgr.GetMaid(0) != null) { flag = GameMain.Instance.CharacterMgr.GetMaid(0).status.GetFlag(getFlag); } if (flag == 1) { int faceIndex = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultFace)) { if (defaultFace == "鑑賞_喜び") { faceIndex = 0; } else if (defaultFace == "鑑賞_怒り") { faceIndex = 1; } else if (defaultFace == "鑑賞_哀しみ") { faceIndex = 2; } else if (defaultFace == "鑑賞_楽しい") { faceIndex = 3; } } this.CreateMediaInfoButton3(this.m_UIPrefabMovieButton.gameObject, movieTitle, this.m_MediaFilePath + "GameData/movie_vrcom/" + movieName + ".ine", thumbnailPath, faceIndex, MediaPlayerEvent.EventType.FirstFrameReady); yield return null; } } } } } this.LoadAllMovieFile(this.m_MediaFilePath + "movie_vrcom/", new string[] { "*.mp4", "*.mov", "*.avi" }); } else if (this.m_TypeMedia == VRExternalFileLoader.TYPE_MEDIA.Music) { string fileName2 = "vrcom_music.nei"; if (!GameUty.FileSystem.IsExistentFile(fileName2)) { NDebug.Assert("表がありません。" + fileName2, false); } using (AFileBase file2 = GameUty.FileSystem.FileOpen(fileName2)) { using (CsvParser csv2 = new CsvParser()) { bool result2 = csv2.Open(file2); NDebug.Assert(result2, fileName2 + "\nopen failed."); for (int y2 = 1; y2 < csv2.max_cell_y; y2++) { if (csv2.IsCellToExistData(0, y2)) { int x2 = 0; ACsvParser acsvParser12 = csv2; int cell_x; x2 = (cell_x = x2) + 1; int id2 = acsvParser12.GetCellAsInteger(cell_x, y2); ACsvParser acsvParser13 = csv2; x2 = (cell_x = x2) + 1; string defaultFace2 = acsvParser13.GetCellAsString(cell_x, y2); ACsvParser acsvParser14 = csv2; x2 = (cell_x = x2) + 1; string faceEvent5 = acsvParser14.GetCellAsString(cell_x, y2); ACsvParser acsvParser15 = csv2; x2 = (cell_x = x2) + 1; string faceEvent6 = acsvParser15.GetCellAsString(cell_x, y2); ACsvParser acsvParser16 = csv2; x2 = (cell_x = x2) + 1; string faceEvent7 = acsvParser16.GetCellAsString(cell_x, y2); ACsvParser acsvParser17 = csv2; x2 = (cell_x = x2) + 1; string faceEvent8 = acsvParser17.GetCellAsString(cell_x, y2); ACsvParser acsvParser18 = csv2; x2 = (cell_x = x2) + 1; string endEvent2 = acsvParser18.GetCellAsString(cell_x, y2); string musicTitle = "none"; string musicName = "none.ogg"; this.GetBGMName(id2, ref musicTitle, ref musicName); if (GameUty.FileSystem.IsExistentFile(musicName)) { int faceIndex2 = 0; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(defaultFace2)) { if (defaultFace2 == "鑑賞_喜び") { faceIndex2 = 0; } else if (defaultFace2 == "鑑賞_怒り") { faceIndex2 = 1; } else if (defaultFace2 == "鑑賞_哀しみ") { faceIndex2 = 2; } else if (defaultFace2 == "鑑賞_楽しい") { faceIndex2 = 3; } } UIButtonElement element = this.CreateMediaInfoButton2(this.m_UIPrefabMusicButton.gameObject, musicTitle, musicName, faceIndex2); for (int k = 0; k < element.buttonFaces.Length; k++) { element.buttonFaces[k].GetComponent().raycastTarget = false; if (k != faceIndex2) { element.buttonFaces[k].gameObject.SetActive(false); } } yield return null; } } } } } this.LoadAllMusicFile(this.m_MediaFilePath + "music_vrcom/", new string[] { "*.wav", "*.mp3" }); } Resources.UnloadUnusedAssets(); yield break; } public UIButtonElement CreateMediaInfoButton(GameObject buttonPrefab, string buttonName, string mediaPath, int faceIndex, MediaPlayerEvent.EventType successType) { UIButtonElement data = null; base.StartCoroutine(this.Coroutine_GetMovieInfo(mediaPath, successType, delegate(bool isSuccess, IMediaInfo info) { if (!isSuccess) { return; } Transform transform = null; for (int i = 0; i < this.m_UIContent.childCount; i++) { if (!this.m_UIContent.GetChild(i).gameObject.activeSelf) { transform = this.m_UIContent.GetChild(i); break; } } if (transform == null) { transform = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(buttonPrefab).transform; } transform.gameObject.SetActive(true); UIButtonElement element = transform.GetComponent(); transform.SetParent(this.m_UIContent, false); int num = 0; for (int j = 0; j < this.m_UIContent.childCount; j++) { if (this.m_UIContent.GetChild(j).gameObject.activeSelf) { num++; } } element.textContentNumber.text = num.ToString("000"); Text textContentName = element.textContentName; TextGenerator textGenerator = new TextGenerator(); TextGenerationSettings generationSettings = textContentName.GetGenerationSettings(textContentName.rectTransform.rect.size); generationSettings.resizeTextMinSize = textContentName.resizeTextMinSize; generationSettings.resizeTextMaxSize = textContentName.resizeTextMaxSize; generationSettings.fontSize = textContentName.fontSize; generationSettings.font = textContentName.font; buttonName = buttonName.Replace(' ', '\u00a0'); textGenerator.Populate(buttonName, generationSettings); int characterCountVisible = textGenerator.characterCountVisible; string text = buttonName; if (buttonName.Length > characterCountVisible && characterCountVisible > 3) { Debug.Log(characterCountVisible + "\n" + buttonName.Length); text = buttonName.Substring(0, characterCountVisible - 3); text += "..."; } textContentName.text = text; element.ButtonEvent_ChangeFaceType(faceIndex); for (int k = 0; k < element.buttonFaces.Length; k++) { element.buttonFaces[k].GetComponent().raycastTarget = true; element.buttonFaces[k].gameObject.SetActive(true); } element.buttonStart.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); element.buttonStart.onClick.AddListener(delegate { if (VRExternalFileLoader.m_LoadingCount > 0) { return; } if (!File.Exists(mediaPath)) { return; } if (this.m_MediaPlayer == null) { if (VRExternalFileLoader.m_PtrMediaPlayerObject == null) { VRExternalFileLoader.m_PtrMediaPlayerObject = (UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("SceneVRCommunication\\Tablet\\Media Outputer (Music And Movie)")) as GameObject); } GameObject[] array = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MediaPlayerObj"); for (int l = 0; l < array.Length; l++) { if (this.m_MediaPlayer != null && this.m_MovieOutputer != null) { break; } if (this.m_MediaPlayer == null) { this.m_MediaPlayer = array[l].GetComponent(); } if (this.m_MovieOutputer == null) { this.m_MovieOutputer = array[l].GetComponent(); } } } GameMain.Instance.SoundMgr.StopBGM(0.5f); this.m_MediaPlayer.CloseVideo(); this.m_MediaPlayer.OpenVideoFromFile(MediaPlayer.FileLocation.AbsolutePathOrURL, mediaPath, true); if (element.imageThumbnail) { this.m_MovieOutputer.GetComponent().enabled = true; } string text3 = "*鑑賞_"; if (element.faceIndex == 0) { text3 += "喜び"; } else if (element.faceIndex == 1) { text3 += "怒り"; } else if (element.faceIndex == 2) { text3 += "哀しみ"; } else if (element.faceIndex == 3) { text3 += "楽しい"; } Maid maid = GameMain.Instance.CharacterMgr.GetMaid(0); GameMain.Instance.ScriptMgr.LoadAdvScenarioScript(((!(maid == null)) ? ScriptManager.ReplacePersonal(maid, "?_movieface_main") : "?_movieface_main.ks") + ".ks", text3); GameMain.Instance.ScriptMgr.adv_kag.Exec(); }); if (element.imageThumbnail) { Texture2D texture2D = new Texture2D(info.GetVideoWidth(), info.GetVideoHeight(), TextureFormat.ARGB32, false); this.m_MediaPlayer.ExtractFrame(texture2D, 0.5f, false, 50); if (texture2D) { Rect rect = new Rect(0f, 0f, (float)texture2D.width, (float)texture2D.height); element.imageThumbnail.sprite = Sprite.Create(texture2D, rect,, 100f, 0u, SpriteMeshType.FullRect); } } float num2 = info.GetDurationMs(); num2 *= 0.001f; string text2 = "再生時間 " + Mathf.Floor(num2 / 60f).ToString("00") + ":" + Mathf.Repeat(num2, 60f).ToString("00"); element.textContentTime.text = text2; VRExternalFileLoader.m_IsEndLoad = true; VRExternalFileLoader.m_LoadingCount--; this.m_MediaPlayer.CloseVideo(); this.m_MovieOutputer.enabled = true; data = element; })); return data; } public void CreateMediaInfoButton3(GameObject buttonPrefab, string buttonName, string mediaPath, string thumbnailPath, int faceIndex, MediaPlayerEvent.EventType successType) { base.StartCoroutine(this.Coroutine_GetMovieInfo(mediaPath, successType, delegate(bool isSuccess, IMediaInfo info) { if (!isSuccess) { return; } Transform transform = null; for (int i = 0; i < this.m_UIContent.childCount; i++) { if (!this.m_UIContent.GetChild(i).gameObject.activeSelf) { transform = this.m_UIContent.GetChild(i); break; } } if (transform == null) { transform = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(buttonPrefab).transform; } transform.gameObject.SetActive(true); UIButtonElement element = transform.GetComponent(); transform.SetParent(this.m_UIContent, false); int num = 0; for (int j = 0; j < this.m_UIContent.childCount; j++) { if (this.m_UIContent.GetChild(j).gameObject.activeSelf) { num++; } } element.textContentNumber.text = num.ToString("000"); element.textContentName.text = buttonName; element.ButtonEvent_ChangeFaceType(faceIndex); for (int k = 0; k < element.buttonFaces.Length; k++) { element.buttonFaces[k].GetComponent().raycastTarget = false; if (k != faceIndex) { element.buttonFaces[k].gameObject.SetActive(false); } } element.buttonStart.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); element.buttonStart.onClick.AddListener(delegate { if (VRExternalFileLoader.m_LoadingCount > 0) { return; } if (!File.Exists(mediaPath)) { return; } if (this.m_MediaPlayer == null) { if (VRExternalFileLoader.m_PtrMediaPlayerObject == null) { VRExternalFileLoader.m_PtrMediaPlayerObject = (UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("SceneVRCommunication\\Tablet\\Media Outputer (Music And Movie)")) as GameObject); } GameObject[] array = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MediaPlayerObj"); for (int l = 0; l < array.Length; l++) { if (this.m_MediaPlayer != null && this.m_MovieOutputer != null) { break; } if (this.m_MediaPlayer == null) { this.m_MediaPlayer = array[l].GetComponent(); } if (this.m_MovieOutputer == null) { this.m_MovieOutputer = array[l].GetComponent(); } } } GameMain.Instance.SoundMgr.StopBGM(0.5f); this.m_MediaPlayer.CloseVideo(); this.m_MediaPlayer.OpenVideoFromFile(MediaPlayer.FileLocation.AbsolutePathOrURL, mediaPath, true); if (element.imageThumbnail) { this.m_MovieOutputer.GetComponent().enabled = true; } string text2 = "*鑑賞_"; if (element.faceIndex == 0) { text2 += "喜び"; } else if (element.faceIndex == 1) { text2 += "怒り"; } else if (element.faceIndex == 2) { text2 += "哀しみ"; } else if (element.faceIndex == 3) { text2 += "楽しい"; } Maid maid = GameMain.Instance.CharacterMgr.GetMaid(0); GameMain.Instance.ScriptMgr.LoadAdvScenarioScript(((!(maid == null)) ? ScriptManager.ReplacePersonal(maid, "?_movieface_main") : "?_movieface_main.ks") + ".ks", text2); GameMain.Instance.ScriptMgr.adv_kag.Exec(); }); if (element.imageThumbnail) { this.StartCoroutine(this.Coroutine_Load("SceneVRCommunication/Tablet/Sprite/" + thumbnailPath, delegate(ResourceRequest req) { element.imageThumbnail.sprite = (req.asset as Sprite); })); } float num2 = info.GetDurationMs(); num2 *= 0.001f; string text = "再生時間 " + Mathf.Floor(num2 / 60f).ToString("00") + ":" + Mathf.Repeat(num2, 60f).ToString("00"); element.textContentTime.text = text; VRExternalFileLoader.m_IsEndLoad = true; VRExternalFileLoader.m_LoadingCount--; this.m_MediaPlayer.CloseVideo(); this.m_MovieOutputer.enabled = true; })); } public UIButtonElement CreateMediaInfoButton2(GameObject buttonPrefab, string buttonName, string mediaName, int faceIndex) { Transform transform = null; for (int i = 0; i < this.m_UIContent.childCount; i++) { if (!this.m_UIContent.GetChild(i).gameObject.activeSelf) { transform = this.m_UIContent.GetChild(i); break; } } if (transform == null) { transform = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(buttonPrefab).transform; } transform.gameObject.SetActive(true); UIButtonElement element = transform.GetComponent(); int num = 0; for (int j = 0; j < this.m_UIContent.childCount; j++) { if (this.m_UIContent.GetChild(j).gameObject.activeSelf) { num++; } } element.textContentNumber.text = num.ToString("000"); element.textContentName.text = buttonName; Button buttonStart = element.buttonStart; if (buttonStart) { buttonStart.onClick.RemoveAllListeners(); buttonStart.onClick.AddListener(delegate { if (this.m_MovieOutputer) { this.m_MovieOutputer.GetComponent().enabled = false; } this.m_MediaPlayer.CloseVideo(); GameMain.Instance.SoundMgr.PlayBGM(mediaName, 0f, true); string text = "*鑑賞_"; if (element.faceIndex == 0) { text += "喜び"; } else if (element.faceIndex == 1) { text += "怒り"; } else if (element.faceIndex == 2) { text += "哀しみ"; } else if (element.faceIndex == 3) { text += "楽しい"; } Debug.Log("外部スクリプト名:?_movieface_main.ks\nラベル文字列:" + text); Maid maid = GameMain.Instance.CharacterMgr.GetMaid(0); GameMain.Instance.ScriptMgr.LoadAdvScenarioScript(((!(maid == null)) ? ScriptManager.ReplacePersonal(maid, "?_movieface_main") : "?_movieface_main.ks") + ".ks", text); GameMain.Instance.ScriptMgr.adv_kag.Exec(); }); } element.ButtonEvent_ChangeFaceType(faceIndex); for (int k = 0; k < element.buttonFaces.Length; k++) { element.buttonFaces[k].GetComponent().raycastTarget = true; element.buttonFaces[k].gameObject.SetActive(true); } transform.SetParent(this.m_UIContent, false); return element; } private void GetBGMName(int id, ref string BGMTitle, ref string BGMFileName) { string text = "phot_sound_list.nei"; if (!GameUty.FileSystem.IsExistentFile(text)) { NDebug.Assert("表がありません。" + text, false); } using (AFileBase afileBase = GameUty.FileSystem.FileOpen(text)) { using (CsvParser csvParser = new CsvParser()) { bool condition = csvParser.Open(afileBase); NDebug.Assert(condition, text + "\nopen failed."); for (int i = 1; i < csvParser.max_cell_y; i++) { if (csvParser.IsCellToExistData(0, i)) { if (csvParser.GetCellAsInteger(0, i) == id) { BGMTitle = csvParser.GetCellAsString(1, i); BGMFileName = csvParser.GetCellAsString(2, i); break; } } } } } } private void SaveAndPlay(string MediaName, UnityAction callback) { string mediaFilePath = this.m_MediaFilePath; if (GameUty.FileSystem.IsExistentFile(MediaName)) { using (AFileBase afileBase = GameUty.FileOpen(MediaName, null)) { if (afileBase != null && afileBase.IsValid()) { byte[] bytes = afileBase.ReadAll(); File.WriteAllBytes(mediaFilePath + "\\b.bgm", bytes); callback(); } } } } public static void Event_PlayMovie(string movieName) { if (VRExternalFileLoader.m_PtrMediaPlayerObject == null) { VRExternalFileLoader.m_PtrMediaPlayerObject = (UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(Resources.Load("SceneVRCommunication\\Tablet\\Media Outputer (Music And Movie)")) as GameObject); } GameObject[] array = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MediaPlayerObj"); MediaPlayer mediaPlayer = null; ApplyToMaterial applyToMaterial = null; for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { if (mediaPlayer != null && applyToMaterial != null) { break; } if (mediaPlayer == null) { mediaPlayer = array[i].GetComponent(); } if (applyToMaterial == null) { applyToMaterial = array[i].GetComponent(); } } if (mediaPlayer == null) { Debug.LogError("[VR動画再生]\u3000MediaPlayer を持ったオブジェクトが見つかりません。"); return; } if (applyToMaterial == null) { Debug.LogError("[VR動画再生]\u3000ApplyToMaterial を持ったオブジェクトが見つかりません。"); return; } mediaPlayer.CloseVideo(); applyToMaterial.GetComponent().enabled = true; string path = Path.GetFullPath(".\\") + "GameData/movie_vrcom/" + Path.ChangeExtension(movieName, ".ine"); NDebug.Assert(File.Exists(path), "動画「" + movieName + "」が見つかりません"); mediaPlayer.OpenVideoFromFile(MediaPlayer.FileLocation.AbsolutePathOrURL, path, true); } public static void Event_CloseMovie() { GameObject[] array = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("MediaPlayerObj"); for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) { ApplyToMaterial component = array[i].GetComponent(); if (component) { MeshRenderer component2 = component.GetComponent(); if (component2) { component2.enabled = false; } } MediaPlayer component3 = array[i].GetComponent(); if (component3) { component3.CloseVideo(); } } if (VRExternalFileLoader.m_PtrMediaPlayerObject) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(VRExternalFileLoader.m_PtrMediaPlayerObject); } } public static void Event_OpenSelect() { VRCanvasManager.Instance.ClearCanvasStack(); VRDialogMenu vrdialogMenu = VRDialogMenu.CreateDialog(); List list = new List(); list.Add(new VRDialogMenu.DialogButton(true, "vr_dialog_cd", delegate { VRExternalFileLoader.m_MediaNowType = VRExternalFileLoader.TYPE_MEDIA.Music; VRCanvasManager.Instance.OpenVRCanvas(VRCanvasManager.VRCanvasType.MusicPlayer); }, new Vector3(250f, -270f, 0f), new Vector2(300f, 300f))); list.Add(new VRDialogMenu.DialogButton(true, "vr_dialog_tv", delegate { VRExternalFileLoader.m_MediaNowType = VRExternalFileLoader.TYPE_MEDIA.Movie; VRCanvasManager.Instance.OpenVRCanvas(VRCanvasManager.VRCanvasType.MoviePlayer); }, new Vector3(-250f, -270f, 0f), new Vector2(300f, 300f))); list.Add(new VRDialogMenu.DialogButton(true, "vr_bottom_system_return", delegate { string label_name = "*鑑賞_終了"; Maid maid = GameMain.Instance.CharacterMgr.GetMaid(0); GameMain.Instance.ScriptMgr.LoadAdvScenarioScript(((!(maid == null)) ? ScriptManager.ReplacePersonal(maid, "?_movieface_main") : "?_movieface_main.ks") + ".ks", label_name); GameMain.Instance.ScriptMgr.adv_kag.Exec(); VRCanvasManager.Instance.OpenVRCanvas(VRCanvasManager.VRCanvasType.MainMenu); }, new Vector3(-778f, -365f, 0f), new Vector2(200f, 200f))); vrdialogMenu.OpenDialog("再生機器を選んでください。", list.ToArray()); if (SceneVRCommunication.Instance.GetNowTime() == SceneVRCommunication.VR_TIME.NIGHT) { GameMain.Instance.SoundMgr.PlayBGM("BGM_vr0001.ogg", 1f, true); } else { GameMain.Instance.SoundMgr.PlayBGM("BGM007.ogg", 1f, true); } } public void ScrollEvent_ContentScroll(Vector2 normalizedPos) { this.m_SliderBar.value = normalizedPos.y; } public void ButtonEvent_CloseVideo() { if (this.m_MovieOutputer) { this.m_MovieOutputer.GetComponent().enabled = false; } if (this.m_MediaPlayer) { this.m_MediaPlayer.CloseVideo(); } GameMain.Instance.SoundMgr.StopBGM(0f); } public void ButtonEvent_CloseCanvas() { base.StopAllCoroutines(); UICanvasFade component = base.GetComponent(); if (component) { component.FadeOut(); } if (VRExternalFileLoader.m_PtrMediaPlayerObject) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(VRExternalFileLoader.m_PtrMediaPlayerObject); } VRExternalFileLoader.Event_OpenSelect(); } private void OnEnable() { if (VRExternalFileLoader.m_MediaNowType != this.m_TypeMedia) { return; } base.StartCoroutine(this.Coroutine_Refresh()); } private void OnDisable() { for (int i = 0; i < this.m_UIContent.childCount; i++) { UnityEngine.Object.Destroy(this.m_UIContent.GetChild(i).gameObject); } } private IEnumerator Coroutine_Load(string path, UnityAction callback) where T : UnityEngine.Object { ResourceRequest res = Resources.LoadAsync(path); while (!res.isDone) { yield return null; } callback(res); yield break; } [SerializeField] private RectTransform m_UIContent; [SerializeField] private Slider m_SliderBar; [SerializeField] private RectTransform m_UIPrefabMovieButton; [SerializeField] private RectTransform m_UIPrefabMusicButton; [SerializeField] private MediaPlayer m_MediaPlayer; [SerializeField] private ApplyToMaterial m_MovieOutputer; [SerializeField] [Tooltip("外部ファイルへのパス。「~/Movie/」など、\nファイルが置いてあるパスを指定する。")] private string m_MediaFilePath; [SerializeField] [Space(16f)] private VRExternalFileLoader.TYPE_MEDIA m_TypeMedia; public static GameObject m_PtrMediaPlayerObject; private bool m_BeforeFreeMode; private static bool m_IsEndLoad = true; private static int m_LoadingCount; private static VRExternalFileLoader.TYPE_MEDIA m_MediaNowType = VRExternalFileLoader.TYPE_MEDIA.Movie; private enum TYPE_MEDIA { Music, Movie } }