using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using AnimationOrTween; using UnityEngine; public abstract class UITweener : MonoBehaviour { public float amountPerDelta { get { if (this.mDuration != this.duration) { this.mDuration = this.duration; this.mAmountPerDelta = Mathf.Abs((this.duration <= 0f) ? 1000f : (1f / this.duration)) * Mathf.Sign(this.mAmountPerDelta); } return this.mAmountPerDelta; } } public float tweenFactor { get { return this.mFactor; } set { this.mFactor = Mathf.Clamp01(value); } } public Direction direction { get { return (this.amountPerDelta >= 0f) ? Direction.Forward : Direction.Reverse; } } private void Reset() { if (!this.mStarted) { this.SetStartToCurrentValue(); this.SetEndToCurrentValue(); } } protected virtual void Start() { this.Update(); } private void Update() { float num = (!this.ignoreTimeScale) ? Time.deltaTime : RealTime.deltaTime; float num2 = (!this.ignoreTimeScale) ? Time.time : RealTime.time; if (!this.mStarted) { this.mStarted = true; this.mStartTime = num2 + this.delay; } if (num2 < this.mStartTime) { return; } this.mFactor += this.amountPerDelta * num; if ( == UITweener.Style.Loop) { if (this.mFactor > 1f) { this.mFactor -= Mathf.Floor(this.mFactor); } } else if ( == UITweener.Style.PingPong) { if (this.mFactor > 1f) { this.mFactor = 1f - (this.mFactor - Mathf.Floor(this.mFactor)); this.mAmountPerDelta = -this.mAmountPerDelta; } else if (this.mFactor < 0f) { this.mFactor = -this.mFactor; this.mFactor -= Mathf.Floor(this.mFactor); this.mAmountPerDelta = -this.mAmountPerDelta; } } if ( == UITweener.Style.Once && (this.duration == 0f || this.mFactor > 1f || this.mFactor < 0f)) { this.mFactor = Mathf.Clamp01(this.mFactor); this.Sample(this.mFactor, true); if (this.duration == 0f || (this.mFactor == 1f && this.mAmountPerDelta > 0f) || (this.mFactor == 0f && this.mAmountPerDelta < 0f)) { base.enabled = false; } if (UITweener.current == null) { UITweener.current = this; if (this.onFinished != null) { this.mTemp = this.onFinished; this.onFinished = new List(); EventDelegate.Execute(this.mTemp); for (int i = 0; i < this.mTemp.Count; i++) { EventDelegate eventDelegate = this.mTemp[i]; if (eventDelegate != null && !eventDelegate.oneShot) { EventDelegate.Add(this.onFinished, eventDelegate, eventDelegate.oneShot); } } this.mTemp = null; } if (this.eventReceiver != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.callWhenFinished)) { this.eventReceiver.SendMessage(this.callWhenFinished, this, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); } UITweener.current = null; } } else { this.Sample(this.mFactor, false); } } public void SetOnFinished(EventDelegate.Callback del) { EventDelegate.Set(this.onFinished, del); } public void SetOnFinished(EventDelegate del) { EventDelegate.Set(this.onFinished, del); } public void AddOnFinished(EventDelegate.Callback del) { EventDelegate.Add(this.onFinished, del); } public void AddOnFinished(EventDelegate del) { EventDelegate.Add(this.onFinished, del); } public void RemoveOnFinished(EventDelegate del) { if (this.onFinished != null) { this.onFinished.Remove(del); } if (this.mTemp != null) { this.mTemp.Remove(del); } } private void OnDisable() { this.mStarted = false; } public void Sample(float factor, bool isFinished) { float num = Mathf.Clamp01(factor); if (this.method == UITweener.Method.EaseIn) { num = 1f - Mathf.Sin(1.57079637f * (1f - num)); if (this.steeperCurves) { num *= num; } } else if (this.method == UITweener.Method.EaseOut) { num = Mathf.Sin(1.57079637f * num); if (this.steeperCurves) { num = 1f - num; num = 1f - num * num; } } else if (this.method == UITweener.Method.EaseInOut) { num -= Mathf.Sin(num * 6.28318548f) / 6.28318548f; if (this.steeperCurves) { num = num * 2f - 1f; float num2 = Mathf.Sign(num); num = 1f - Mathf.Abs(num); num = 1f - num * num; num = num2 * num * 0.5f + 0.5f; } } else if (this.method == UITweener.Method.BounceIn) { num = this.BounceLogic(num); } else if (this.method == UITweener.Method.BounceOut) { num = 1f - this.BounceLogic(1f - num); } this.OnUpdate((this.animationCurve == null) ? num : this.animationCurve.Evaluate(num), isFinished); } private float BounceLogic(float val) { if (val < 0.363636f) { val = 7.5685f * val * val; } else if (val < 0.727272f) { val = 7.5625f * (val -= 0.545454f) * val + 0.75f; } else if (val < 0.90909f) { val = 7.5625f * (val -= 0.818181f) * val + 0.9375f; } else { val = 7.5625f * (val -= 0.9545454f) * val + 0.984375f; } return val; } [Obsolete("Use PlayForward() instead")] public void Play() { this.Play(true); } public void PlayForward() { this.Play(true); } public void PlayReverse() { this.Play(false); } public void Play(bool forward) { this.mAmountPerDelta = Mathf.Abs(this.amountPerDelta); if (!forward) { this.mAmountPerDelta = -this.mAmountPerDelta; } base.enabled = true; this.Update(); } public void ResetToBeginning() { this.mStarted = false; this.mFactor = ((this.amountPerDelta >= 0f) ? 0f : 1f); this.Sample(this.mFactor, false); } public void Toggle() { if (this.mFactor > 0f) { this.mAmountPerDelta = -this.amountPerDelta; } else { this.mAmountPerDelta = Mathf.Abs(this.amountPerDelta); } base.enabled = true; } protected abstract void OnUpdate(float factor, bool isFinished); public static T Begin(GameObject go, float duration) where T : UITweener { T t = go.GetComponent(); if (t != null && t.tweenGroup != 0) { t = (T)((object)null); T[] components = go.GetComponents(); int i = 0; int num = components.Length; while (i < num) { t = components[i]; if (t != null && t.tweenGroup == 0) { break; } t = (T)((object)null); i++; } } if (t == null) { t = go.AddComponent(); if (t == null) { Debug.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { "Unable to add ", typeof(T), " to ", NGUITools.GetHierarchy(go) }), go); return (T)((object)null); } } t.mStarted = false; t.duration = duration; t.mFactor = 0f; t.mAmountPerDelta = Mathf.Abs(t.amountPerDelta); = UITweener.Style.Once; t.animationCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe[] { new Keyframe(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f), new Keyframe(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f) }); t.eventReceiver = null; t.callWhenFinished = null; t.enabled = true; return t; } public virtual void SetStartToCurrentValue() { } public virtual void SetEndToCurrentValue() { } public static UITweener current; [HideInInspector] public UITweener.Method method; [HideInInspector] public UITweener.Style style; [HideInInspector] public AnimationCurve animationCurve = new AnimationCurve(new Keyframe[] { new Keyframe(0f, 0f, 0f, 1f), new Keyframe(1f, 1f, 1f, 0f) }); [HideInInspector] public bool ignoreTimeScale = true; [HideInInspector] public float delay; [HideInInspector] public float duration = 1f; [HideInInspector] public bool steeperCurves; [HideInInspector] public int tweenGroup; [HideInInspector] public List onFinished = new List(); [HideInInspector] public GameObject eventReceiver; [HideInInspector] public string callWhenFinished; private bool mStarted; private float mStartTime; private float mDuration; private float mAmountPerDelta = 1000f; private float mFactor; private List mTemp; public enum Method { Linear, EaseIn, EaseOut, EaseInOut, BounceIn, BounceOut } public enum Style { Once, Loop, PingPong } }