using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; [ExecuteInEditMode] [AddComponentMenu("NGUI/Internal/Draw Call")] public class UIDrawCall : MonoBehaviour { [Obsolete("Use UIDrawCall.activeList")] public static BetterList list { get { return UIDrawCall.mActiveList; } } public static BetterList activeList { get { return UIDrawCall.mActiveList; } } public static BetterList inactiveList { get { return UIDrawCall.mInactiveList; } } public int renderQueue { get { return this.mRenderQueue; } set { if (this.mRenderQueue != value) { this.mRenderQueue = value; if (this.mDynamicMat != null) { this.mDynamicMat.renderQueue = value; } } } } public int sortingOrder { get { return (!(this.mRenderer != null)) ? 0 : this.mRenderer.sortingOrder; } set { if (this.mRenderer != null && this.mRenderer.sortingOrder != value) { this.mRenderer.sortingOrder = value; } } } public int finalRenderQueue { get { return (!(this.mDynamicMat != null)) ? this.mRenderQueue : this.mDynamicMat.renderQueue; } } public Transform cachedTransform { get { if (this.mTrans == null) { this.mTrans = base.transform; } return this.mTrans; } } public Material baseMaterial { get { return this.mMaterial; } set { if (this.mMaterial != value) { this.mMaterial = value; this.mRebuildMat = true; } } } public Material dynamicMaterial { get { return this.mDynamicMat; } } public Texture mainTexture { get { return this.mTexture; } set { this.mTexture = value; if (this.mDynamicMat != null) { this.mDynamicMat.mainTexture = value; } } } public Shader shader { get { return this.mShader; } set { if (this.mShader != value) { this.mShader = value; this.mRebuildMat = true; } } } public int triangles { get { return (!(this.mMesh != null)) ? 0 : this.mTriangles; } } public bool isClipped { get { return this.mClipCount != 0; } } private void CreateMaterial() { this.mTextureClip = false; this.mLegacyShader = false; this.mClipCount = this.panel.clipCount; string text = (!(this.mShader != null)) ? ((!(this.mMaterial != null)) ? "Unlit/Transparent Colored" : :; text = text.Replace("GUI/Text Shader", "Unlit/Text"); if (text.Length > 2 && text[text.Length - 2] == ' ') { int num = (int)text[text.Length - 1]; if (num > 48 && num <= 57) { text = text.Substring(0, text.Length - 2); } } if (text.StartsWith("Hidden/")) { text = text.Substring(7); } text = text.Replace(" (SoftClip)", string.Empty); text = text.Replace(" (TextureClip)", string.Empty); if (this.panel.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.TextureMask) { this.mTextureClip = true; this.shader = Shader.Find("Hidden/" + text + " (TextureClip)"); } else if (this.mClipCount != 0) { this.shader = Shader.Find(string.Concat(new object[] { "Hidden/", text, " ", this.mClipCount })); if (this.shader == null) { this.shader = Shader.Find(text + " " + this.mClipCount); } if (this.shader == null && this.mClipCount == 1) { this.mLegacyShader = true; this.shader = Shader.Find(text + " (SoftClip)"); } } else { this.shader = Shader.Find(text); } if (this.shader == null) { this.shader = Shader.Find("Unlit/Transparent Colored"); } if (this.mMaterial != null) { this.mDynamicMat = new Material(this.mMaterial); = "[NGUI] " +; this.mDynamicMat.hideFlags = (HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor | HideFlags.NotEditable | HideFlags.DontSaveInBuild | HideFlags.DontUnloadUnusedAsset); this.mDynamicMat.CopyPropertiesFromMaterial(this.mMaterial); string[] shaderKeywords = this.mMaterial.shaderKeywords; for (int i = 0; i < shaderKeywords.Length; i++) { this.mDynamicMat.EnableKeyword(shaderKeywords[i]); } if (this.shader != null) { this.mDynamicMat.shader = this.shader; } else if (this.mClipCount != 0) { Debug.LogError(string.Concat(new object[] { text, " shader doesn't have a clipped shader version for ", this.mClipCount, " clip regions" })); } } else { this.mDynamicMat = new Material(this.shader); = "[NGUI] " +; this.mDynamicMat.hideFlags = (HideFlags.DontSaveInEditor | HideFlags.NotEditable | HideFlags.DontSaveInBuild | HideFlags.DontUnloadUnusedAsset); } } private Material RebuildMaterial() { NGUITools.DestroyImmediate(this.mDynamicMat); this.CreateMaterial(); this.mDynamicMat.renderQueue = this.mRenderQueue; if (this.mTexture != null) { this.mDynamicMat.mainTexture = this.mTexture; } if (this.mRenderer != null) { this.mRenderer.sharedMaterials = new Material[] { this.mDynamicMat }; } return this.mDynamicMat; } private void UpdateMaterials() { if (this.mRebuildMat || this.mDynamicMat == null || this.mClipCount != this.panel.clipCount || this.mTextureClip != (this.panel.clipping == UIDrawCall.Clipping.TextureMask)) { this.RebuildMaterial(); this.mRebuildMat = false; } else if (this.mRenderer.sharedMaterial != this.mDynamicMat) { this.mRenderer.sharedMaterials = new Material[] { this.mDynamicMat }; } } public void UpdateGeometry(int widgetCount) { this.widgetCount = widgetCount; int size = this.verts.size; if (size > 0 && size == this.uvs.size && size == this.cols.size && size % 4 == 0) { if (this.mFilter == null) { this.mFilter = base.gameObject.GetComponent(); } if (this.mFilter == null) { this.mFilter = base.gameObject.AddComponent(); } if (this.verts.size < 65000) { int num = (size >> 1) * 3; bool flag = this.mIndices == null || this.mIndices.Length != num; if (this.mMesh == null) { this.mMesh = new Mesh(); this.mMesh.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; = ((!(this.mMaterial != null)) ? "[NGUI] Mesh" : ("[NGUI] " +; this.mMesh.MarkDynamic(); flag = true; } bool flag2 = this.uvs.buffer.Length != this.verts.buffer.Length || this.cols.buffer.Length != this.verts.buffer.Length || (this.norms.buffer != null && this.norms.buffer.Length != this.verts.buffer.Length) || (this.tans.buffer != null && this.tans.buffer.Length != this.verts.buffer.Length); if (!flag2 && this.panel.renderQueue != UIPanel.RenderQueue.Automatic) { flag2 = (this.mMesh == null || this.mMesh.vertexCount != this.verts.buffer.Length); } if (!flag2 && this.verts.size << 1 < this.verts.buffer.Length) { flag2 = true; } this.mTriangles = this.verts.size >> 1; if (flag2 || this.verts.buffer.Length > 65000) { if (flag2 || this.mMesh.vertexCount != this.verts.size) { this.mMesh.Clear(); flag = true; } this.mMesh.vertices = this.verts.ToArray(); this.mMesh.uv = this.uvs.ToArray(); this.mMesh.colors32 = this.cols.ToArray(); if (this.norms != null) { this.mMesh.normals = this.norms.ToArray(); } if (this.tans != null) { this.mMesh.tangents = this.tans.ToArray(); } } else { if (this.mMesh.vertexCount != this.verts.buffer.Length) { this.mMesh.Clear(); flag = true; } this.mMesh.vertices = this.verts.buffer; this.mMesh.uv = this.uvs.buffer; this.mMesh.colors32 = this.cols.buffer; if (this.norms != null) { this.mMesh.normals = this.norms.buffer; } if (this.tans != null) { this.mMesh.tangents = this.tans.buffer; } } if (flag) { this.mIndices = this.GenerateCachedIndexBuffer(size, num); this.mMesh.triangles = this.mIndices; } if (flag2 || !this.alwaysOnScreen) { this.mMesh.RecalculateBounds(); } this.mFilter.mesh = this.mMesh; } else { this.mTriangles = 0; if (this.mFilter.mesh != null) { this.mFilter.mesh.Clear(); } Debug.LogError("Too many vertices on one panel: " + this.verts.size); } if (this.mRenderer == null) { this.mRenderer = base.gameObject.GetComponent(); } if (this.mRenderer == null) { this.mRenderer = base.gameObject.AddComponent(); } this.UpdateMaterials(); } else { if (this.mFilter.mesh != null) { this.mFilter.mesh.Clear(); } Debug.LogError("UIWidgets must fill the buffer with 4 vertices per quad. Found " + size); } this.verts.Clear(); this.uvs.Clear(); this.cols.Clear(); this.norms.Clear(); this.tans.Clear(); } private int[] GenerateCachedIndexBuffer(int vertexCount, int indexCount) { int i = 0; int count = UIDrawCall.mCache.Count; while (i < count) { int[] array = UIDrawCall.mCache[i]; if (array != null && array.Length == indexCount) { return array; } i++; } int[] array2 = new int[indexCount]; int num = 0; for (int j = 0; j < vertexCount; j += 4) { array2[num++] = j; array2[num++] = j + 1; array2[num++] = j + 2; array2[num++] = j + 2; array2[num++] = j + 3; array2[num++] = j; } if (UIDrawCall.mCache.Count > 10) { UIDrawCall.mCache.RemoveAt(0); } UIDrawCall.mCache.Add(array2); return array2; } private void OnWillRenderObject() { this.UpdateMaterials(); if (this.onRender != null) { this.onRender(this.mDynamicMat ?? this.mMaterial); } if (this.mDynamicMat == null || this.mClipCount == 0) { return; } if (this.mTextureClip) { Vector4 drawCallClipRange = this.panel.drawCallClipRange; Vector2 clipSoftness = this.panel.clipSoftness; Vector2 vector = new Vector2(1000f, 1000f); if (clipSoftness.x > 0f) { vector.x = drawCallClipRange.z / clipSoftness.x; } if (clipSoftness.y > 0f) { vector.y = drawCallClipRange.w / clipSoftness.y; } this.mDynamicMat.SetVector(UIDrawCall.ClipRange[0], new Vector4(-drawCallClipRange.x / drawCallClipRange.z, -drawCallClipRange.y / drawCallClipRange.w, 1f / drawCallClipRange.z, 1f / drawCallClipRange.w)); this.mDynamicMat.SetTexture("_ClipTex", this.clipTexture); } else if (!this.mLegacyShader) { UIPanel parentPanel = this.panel; int num = 0; while (parentPanel != null) { if (parentPanel.hasClipping) { float angle = 0f; Vector4 drawCallClipRange2 = parentPanel.drawCallClipRange; if (parentPanel != this.panel) { Vector3 vector2 = parentPanel.cachedTransform.InverseTransformPoint(this.panel.cachedTransform.position); drawCallClipRange2.x -= vector2.x; drawCallClipRange2.y -= vector2.y; Vector3 eulerAngles = this.panel.cachedTransform.rotation.eulerAngles; Vector3 eulerAngles2 = parentPanel.cachedTransform.rotation.eulerAngles; Vector3 vector3 = eulerAngles2 - eulerAngles; vector3.x = NGUIMath.WrapAngle(vector3.x); vector3.y = NGUIMath.WrapAngle(vector3.y); vector3.z = NGUIMath.WrapAngle(vector3.z); if (Mathf.Abs(vector3.x) > 0.001f || Mathf.Abs(vector3.y) > 0.001f) { Debug.LogWarning("Panel can only be clipped properly if X and Y rotation is left at 0", this.panel); } angle = vector3.z; } this.SetClipping(num++, drawCallClipRange2, parentPanel.clipSoftness, angle); } parentPanel = parentPanel.parentPanel; } } else { Vector2 clipSoftness2 = this.panel.clipSoftness; Vector4 drawCallClipRange3 = this.panel.drawCallClipRange; Vector2 mainTextureOffset = new Vector2(-drawCallClipRange3.x / drawCallClipRange3.z, -drawCallClipRange3.y / drawCallClipRange3.w); Vector2 mainTextureScale = new Vector2(1f / drawCallClipRange3.z, 1f / drawCallClipRange3.w); Vector2 v = new Vector2(1000f, 1000f); if (clipSoftness2.x > 0f) { v.x = drawCallClipRange3.z / clipSoftness2.x; } if (clipSoftness2.y > 0f) { v.y = drawCallClipRange3.w / clipSoftness2.y; } this.mDynamicMat.mainTextureOffset = mainTextureOffset; this.mDynamicMat.mainTextureScale = mainTextureScale; this.mDynamicMat.SetVector("_ClipSharpness", v); } } private void SetClipping(int index, Vector4 cr, Vector2 soft, float angle) { angle *= -0.0174532924f; Vector2 vector = new Vector2(1000f, 1000f); if (soft.x > 0f) { vector.x = cr.z / soft.x; } if (soft.y > 0f) { vector.y = cr.w / soft.y; } if (index < UIDrawCall.ClipRange.Length) { this.mDynamicMat.SetVector(UIDrawCall.ClipRange[index], new Vector4(-cr.x / cr.z, -cr.y / cr.w, 1f / cr.z, 1f / cr.w)); this.mDynamicMat.SetVector(UIDrawCall.ClipArgs[index], new Vector4(vector.x, vector.y, Mathf.Sin(angle), Mathf.Cos(angle))); } } private void Awake() { if (UIDrawCall.ClipRange == null) { UIDrawCall.ClipRange = new int[] { Shader.PropertyToID("_ClipRange0"), Shader.PropertyToID("_ClipRange1"), Shader.PropertyToID("_ClipRange2"), Shader.PropertyToID("_ClipRange4") }; } if (UIDrawCall.ClipArgs == null) { UIDrawCall.ClipArgs = new int[] { Shader.PropertyToID("_ClipArgs0"), Shader.PropertyToID("_ClipArgs1"), Shader.PropertyToID("_ClipArgs2"), Shader.PropertyToID("_ClipArgs3") }; } } private void OnEnable() { this.mRebuildMat = true; } private void OnDisable() { this.depthStart = int.MaxValue; this.depthEnd = int.MinValue; this.panel = null; this.manager = null; this.mMaterial = null; this.mTexture = null; this.clipTexture = null; if (this.mRenderer != null) { this.mRenderer.sharedMaterials = new Material[0]; } NGUITools.DestroyImmediate(this.mDynamicMat); this.mDynamicMat = null; } private void OnDestroy() { NGUITools.DestroyImmediate(this.mMesh); this.mMesh = null; } public static UIDrawCall Create(UIPanel panel, Material mat, Texture tex, Shader shader) { return UIDrawCall.Create(null, panel, mat, tex, shader); } private static UIDrawCall Create(string name, UIPanel pan, Material mat, Texture tex, Shader shader) { UIDrawCall uidrawCall = UIDrawCall.Create(name); uidrawCall.gameObject.layer = pan.cachedGameObject.layer; uidrawCall.baseMaterial = mat; uidrawCall.mainTexture = tex; uidrawCall.shader = shader; uidrawCall.renderQueue = pan.startingRenderQueue; uidrawCall.sortingOrder = pan.sortingOrder; uidrawCall.manager = pan; return uidrawCall; } private static UIDrawCall Create(string name) { if (UIDrawCall.mInactiveList.size > 0) { UIDrawCall uidrawCall = UIDrawCall.mInactiveList.Pop(); if (uidrawCall == null || uidrawCall.gameObject == null) { GameObject gameObject = new GameObject(name); UnityEngine.Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); UIDrawCall uidrawCall2 = gameObject.AddComponent(); uidrawCall = uidrawCall2; } UIDrawCall.mActiveList.Add(uidrawCall); if (name != null) { = name; } NGUITools.SetActive(uidrawCall.gameObject, true); return uidrawCall; } GameObject gameObject2 = new GameObject(name); UnityEngine.Object.DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject2); UIDrawCall uidrawCall3 = gameObject2.AddComponent(); UIDrawCall.mActiveList.Add(uidrawCall3); return uidrawCall3; } public static void ClearAll() { bool isPlaying = Application.isPlaying; int i = UIDrawCall.mActiveList.size; while (i > 0) { UIDrawCall uidrawCall = UIDrawCall.mActiveList[--i]; if (uidrawCall) { if (isPlaying) { NGUITools.SetActive(uidrawCall.gameObject, false); } else { NGUITools.DestroyImmediate(uidrawCall.gameObject); } } } UIDrawCall.mActiveList.Clear(); } public static void ReleaseAll() { UIDrawCall.ClearAll(); UIDrawCall.ReleaseInactive(); } public static void ReleaseInactive() { int i = UIDrawCall.mInactiveList.size; while (i > 0) { UIDrawCall uidrawCall = UIDrawCall.mInactiveList[--i]; if (uidrawCall) { NGUITools.DestroyImmediate(uidrawCall.gameObject); } } UIDrawCall.mInactiveList.Clear(); } public static int Count(UIPanel panel) { int num = 0; for (int i = 0; i < UIDrawCall.mActiveList.size; i++) { if (UIDrawCall.mActiveList[i] != null && UIDrawCall.mActiveList[i].manager == panel) { num++; } } return num; } public static void Destroy(UIDrawCall dc) { if (dc) { dc.onRender = null; if (Application.isPlaying) { if (UIDrawCall.mActiveList.Remove(dc)) { NGUITools.SetActive(dc.gameObject, false); UIDrawCall.mInactiveList.Add(dc); } } else { UIDrawCall.mActiveList.Remove(dc); NGUITools.DestroyImmediate(dc.gameObject); } } } private static BetterList mActiveList = new BetterList(); private static BetterList mInactiveList = new BetterList(); [HideInInspector] [NonSerialized] public int widgetCount; [HideInInspector] [NonSerialized] public int depthStart = int.MaxValue; [HideInInspector] [NonSerialized] public int depthEnd = int.MinValue; [HideInInspector] [NonSerialized] public UIPanel manager; [HideInInspector] [NonSerialized] public UIPanel panel; [HideInInspector] [NonSerialized] public Texture2D clipTexture; [HideInInspector] [NonSerialized] public bool alwaysOnScreen; [HideInInspector] [NonSerialized] public BetterList verts = new BetterList(); [HideInInspector] [NonSerialized] public BetterList norms = new BetterList(); [HideInInspector] [NonSerialized] public BetterList tans = new BetterList(); [HideInInspector] [NonSerialized] public BetterList uvs = new BetterList(); [HideInInspector] [NonSerialized] public BetterList cols = new BetterList(); private Material mMaterial; private Texture mTexture; private Shader mShader; private int mClipCount; private Transform mTrans; private Mesh mMesh; private MeshFilter mFilter; private MeshRenderer mRenderer; private Material mDynamicMat; private int[] mIndices; private bool mRebuildMat = true; private bool mLegacyShader; private int mRenderQueue = 3000; private int mTriangles; [NonSerialized] public bool isDirty; [NonSerialized] private bool mTextureClip; public UIDrawCall.OnRenderCallback onRender; private const int maxIndexBufferCache = 10; private static List mCache = new List(10); private static int[] ClipRange = null; private static int[] ClipArgs = null; public enum Clipping { None, TextureMask, SoftClip = 3, ConstrainButDontClip } public delegate void OnRenderCallback(Material mat); }